YouTube allows gamers to expand beyond the Role-Playing Game (RPG) tables in their basements and peer into the circles of other gamers playing games. Or, if you are new to Dungeons & Dragons (5e) and wish to learn how to play and/or create your own world as a Dungeon Master (DM), there are many channels you can choose. That is the issue—there are so many channels!
However, I have conducted research, fell into several D&D rabbit holes—you’ve been warned, and found 10 of the best (in my humble opinion) D&D Streamers. If you want to look further than books, dice, figures, and maps (which are all great), here are the top 10 Streamers for you!10. Blaine Simple
BlaineSimple Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/blaine
9. Critical Role
The PCs and the GM are animated, enthusiastic, and fun! I found myself laughing along with the group and I wanted to play with them. The program has also been nominated and won accolades such as the Streamy, Webby, and Shorty awards.
CriticalRole Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/criticalrole
8. High Rollers DnD
HighRollersDnD Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/highrollersdnd
7. Dimension 20
Dimension20 Twitter: https://twitter.com/dimension20show
6. Dingo Doodles
DingoDoodles https://twitter.com/DingoDoodles
5. Cami-Cat
Camicat Twitter: https://twitter.com/camicattweets
MCDM Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mcdm
3. Stream of Blood
The channel states that Stream of Blood is a “live-streaming tabletop role-playing game with comedians, writers, and actors.” Stream of Blood has a small but mighty following with 5.7K subscribers. The topics covered are fantasy, horror, crime, science fiction, and RPG how-to videos. Jared Logan, a professional DM, started this channel on March 21,2020. There are now over 500,000 views on the channel.
StreamofBlood Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/streamofblood
2. Puffin Forest
Puffin Forest has been around for a while. Launched on June 15, 2014, this channel has 753K subscribers with over 161 million views! Benjamin Scott, the creator of Puffin Forest, also runs high-fantasy styles of RPGs. Puffin Forest, based on animated videos about D&D and Scott’s experiences with gaming, contains lighthearted humor. Check out the episode entitled “5 Terrible RPG and D&D Campaign Pitches.”
Puffin Forest Twitter: https://twitter.com/PuffinForest
1. Runesmith
I really like Runesmith because this channel offers lessons on topics such as D&D, nature, and writing. (I love all those topics!) Known online as Logan, he created Runesmith with both education and entertainment in mind. He started the YouTube page on October 8, 2018. Runesmith has over 64 million views! An interesting video to watch is called “How to Write an Interesting Character in 5 Minutes.” Logan writes and produces videos for both the DM and the PC. The author has over 352K subscribers, and he has created over 184 videos.
RunesmithGaming Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/runesmithgaming