[Top 10] Best MTG Arena Decks That Wreck Hard

13 Jul 2023

Prepare for an explosive journey into the world of Magic: The Gathering Arena, where battles are fought, strategies are devised, and victory awaits those who wield the mightiest decks. In this article, we unveil the top 10 decks that dominate the MTG Arena scene, wreaking havoc and leaving opponents in awe of their devastating power.

Note: As the meta and deck strategies constantly evolve, it's important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of these decks may vary over time. However, these decks have proven their prowess and consistently delivered crushing blows on the MTG Arena battlefield.

So, buckle up as we dive into the realm of formidable strategies, cunning combos, and mind-boggling synergies that make these decks true wrecking machines.Within this article, we'll explore each deck's key components, showcase their devastating combos, and provide insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you prefer unleashing hordes of creatures, casting powerful spells, or disrupting your opponent's plans with cunning precision, we've got you covered. This list includes a diverse range of decks, each with its unique playstyle and a reputation for turning the tide of battle in the blink of an eye.

So, gather your mana, shuffle your deck, and brace yourself for the exhilarating world of MTG Arena's top 10 decks that wreck hard.

Note: Remember that the effectiveness of these decks may vary depending on factors such as skill level, playstyle, and the ever-evolving meta. Adaptation and experimentation are key to staying ahead of the game and conquering the fierce competition that awaits. Win rate percentages are constantly changing, and example decks are given in this article but can be added upon and changed to the user’s liking.

So, without further ado, let's delve into the first deck on our list, where we'll uncover its secrets and unleash the relentless power that lies within. Brace yourself for an epic journey into the realm of MTG Arena dominance.

10. Mono Black Aggro Deck

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Unleashing Darkness: The Power of Mono Black Aggro Deck in MTG Arena

Prepare to descend into the depths of darkness with the Mono Black Aggro deck in MTG Arena. This deck is a relentless force that strikes fear into the hearts of opponents with its swift and aggressive gameplay. In this article, we'll explore why the Mono Black Aggro deck is a formidable choice, capable of toppling even the mightiest foes, and boasts a 55.7% win rate.

The Mono Black Aggro deck is a masterclass in efficiency and ruthlessness. 

Here's why this deck stands above the rest:

1. Blazing Fast Starts: This deck hits the ground running, wasting no time in unleashing a flurry of low-cost creatures that swarm the battlefield. With an army at your command you'll blitzkrieg your opponents with a swarm of humans, leaving them bewildered and wondering if they accidentally stumbled into a crowded human convention instead of a card game.

2. Disruption and Removal: Mono Black Aggro has an arsenal of spells and abilities that disrupt your opponent's plans and remove any obstacles in your path. From targeted removal to discard effects that send opponents' strategies into disarray, this deck brings chaos to the table.

3. Resilient Threats: The creatures in this deck are as resilient as they are menacing. With abilities like deathtouch and lifelink, they can dominate combat, destroy larger foes, and gain you precious life points. Your opponents will think twice before crossing your path.

4. Card Advantage: Despite its aggressive nature, the Mono Black Aggro deck knows the value of a well-timed draw. It employs cards that provide additional card advantage, ensuring you maintain a steady stream of resources to overwhelm opponents and keep them on their toes.

5. Great Against Control Decks: Control players beware! The Mono Black Aggro deck thrives in the face of control strategies. With its ability to deploy threats quickly and disrupt opponents' plans, it can dismantle control decks before they even have a chance to establish their iron grip on the game.

6. Agony for Midrange Decks: Midrange decks may find themselves struggling to keep up with the Mono Black Aggro's relentless assault. By relentlessly applying pressure and removing key threats, this deck forces midrange opponents into a defensive stance, robbing them of their precious tempo.

7. Solid Against Combo Decks: Combo decks rely on assembling specific combinations of cards to achieve victory. The Mono Black Aggro deck's disruptive elements and aggressive clock can disrupt combos, leaving combo players scrambling to find answers or face certain defeat.

The Mono Black Aggro deck is a ferocious predator lurking in the shadows. Its speed, disruptive elements, and resilient threats make it a force to be reckoned with. The deck's ability to apply relentless pressure and dismantle opponents' strategies is a testament to its power and versatility.

Did you know that the Mono Black Aggro deck once defeated an opponent by turning their prized artifact into a harmless, squeaky toy? Talk about striking fear into the hearts of artifact enthusiasts!

The Mono Black Aggro deck is a fearsome adversary that excels in speed, disruption, and aggression. It preys upon control decks, overwhelms midrange opponents, and disrupts combo strategies with a wicked grin on its face. So, embrace the darkness, unleash its power, and watch as your opponents scramble for cover. The Mono Black Aggro deck is magic at its most thrilling and mischievous. Get ready to leave your opponents in awe and wondering if they should call an exorcist.

Example Deck::


  • Liliana of the Veil (2)


  • Cult Conscript (3)
  • Evolved Sleeper (4)
  • Misery’s Shadow (4)
  • Tenacious Underdog (4)
  • Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor (2)
  • Graveyard Trespasser (3)
  • Sheoldred, The Apocalypse (4)
  • Phyrexian Fleshgorger (2)


  • Cut Down (4)
  • Go for the Throat (3)
  • Infernal Grasp (1)
  • Land:
  • Swamp (19)
  • Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (1)
  • Mishra’s Foundry (4)

9. Selesnya Toxic

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Unleashing Nature's Wrath: The Selesnya Toxic Deck in MTG Arena

Prepare to witness the awe-inspiring might of the Selesnya Toxic deck in MTG Arena! Get ready to unleash a toxic storm upon your opponents as you assemble an army of resilient creatures and harness the powers of nature itself. Let’s delve into the surprising greatness of the Selesnya Toxic deck that will leave your opponents green with envy (and perhaps a tinge of nausea). This deck boasts a 56.5% win rate!

The Selesnya Toxic deck is more than just a gathering of creatures and spells; it's a recipe for havoc and delight. 

Here's why the Selesnya Toxic deck will have you cackling with glee:

1. Abundant Token Generation: This deck has a knack for breeding creatures like rabbits on a caffeine-fueled escapade. Watch as your board swells with an army of tokens, overwhelming your opponents and making them question if they stumbled into a wildlife sanctuary.

2. Resilient Creatures: These creatures are as tough as oak trees in a hurricane, shrugging off puny attempts at removal and standing tall in the face of adversity. Your opponents will find themselves pondering why they bothered bringing toothpicks to a creature battle.

3. Synergistic Combos: The Selesnya Toxic deck is a masterclass in orchestration. Its cards dance and sing together in perfect harmony, creating explosive combos that will leave your opponents scratching their heads and wondering if they missed the memo on your secret symphony.

4. Efficient Removal: With a cunning collection of enchantments and spells that make your opponent's creatures disappear faster than a rabbit in a magic show, this deck puts the "abra" in "abracadabra" and leaves your foes scratching their heads, wondering where their minions went. It's like having a deck full of mischievous magicians who love nothing more than to pull a disappearing act on your opponents. Get ready to unleash your inner Houdini and leave your opponents spellbound with the Mono-White Humans deck!

5. Lifegain Mechanisms: Life is precious, and this deck knows it. It features cards that offer lifegain, allowing you to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Your opponents may find themselves muttering, "Didn't we just hit them for 20? How are they still standing?!"

6. Wide Range of Interactions: This deck is like a buffet of options, offering a diverse array of cards to feast upon. Whether you're buffing your creatures, removing threats, or protecting your army, you'll have more tricks up your sleeve than a magician pulling rabbits from a hat.

7. Great Against Aggro Decks: Aggressive decks stand no chance against the Selesnya Toxic deck's fortress of resilience and overwhelming creature count. Your opponents will be left gasping for air as their fiery onslaught fizzles against your unyielding defenses.

8. Solid Against Control Decks: Control decks tremble at the sight of the Selesnya Toxic deck. Its ability to generate an army of threats while countering removal spells forces control players to question their life choices and wonder if they should have pursued a more peaceful career, like gardening.

9. Challenging Midrange Matchups: Midrange decks will find themselves caught in the crossfire of your strategic onslaught. As you efficiently remove their key threats and unleash a horde of creatures, they'll realize that nature's fury knows no bounds—and neither does your gleeful laughter.

The Selesnya Toxic deck is a delightful blend of surprise and power. It takes unsuspecting opponents on a wild roller coaster ride, leaving them both amazed and slightly queasy. The deck's versatility and adaptability make it a joy to pilot, ensuring you'll never have a dull moment as you bask in the glory of nature's wrath.

Did you know that the Selesnya Toxic deck once defeated a dragon by overwhelming it with an army of squirrels? True story! That dragon will forever have nightmares about fluffy-tailed rodents.

The Selesnya Toxic deck is a force to be reckoned with in MTG Arena. It combines the unexpected, the powerful, and the hilariously absurd, leaving opponents bewildered and marveling at your unconventional genius. So, grab your deck, embrace the toxic beauty of nature, and let the laughter of victory echo through the realms of MTG Arena.

Warning: Side effects may include opponents losing their minds, uncontrollable laughter, and a sudden urge to wear green.

Example Deck:: 


  • Crawling Chorus (4)
  • Skrelv, Defector Mite (3)
  • Venerated Rot Priest (4)
  • Jawbone Duelist (4)
  • Slaughter Singer (4)
  • Annex Sentry (3)
  • Bloated Contaminator (4)


  • Tamiyo’s Safekeeping (2)
  • Tyvar’s Stand (4)


  • Ossification (2)
  • Skrelv’s Hive (3)


  • Eijanjo, Seat of the Empire (1)
  • Plains (5)
  • Boseiju, Who Endures (1)
  • Forest (5)
  • Brushland (4)
  • Razorverge Thicket (4)
  • The Seedcore (3)

8. Esper Legends

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Embracing Legends: The Power of Esper Legends Deck in MTG Arena

Step into a world of mystique and ancient tales with the Esper Legends deck in MTG Arena. This deck weaves together the stories of legendary creatures, spells, and artifacts to create a formidable force on the battlefield. Let’s explore why the Esper Legends deck is a captivating choice, capable of unleashing the power of legends and leaving opponents in awe, and why it has a 56.3% win rate.

The Esper Legends deck is a tapestry of versatility and strategic brilliance. 

Here's why this deck stands out among the rest:

1. Legendary Synergy: This deck harnesses the power of legendary creatures, creating a symphony of abilities and interactions that can turn the tide of any battle. Each legendary card enhances the others, unlocking hidden synergies and amplifying their individual strengths. It's like assembling a dream team of heroes, but with a lot more magic and a little less spandex.

2. Control and Adaptability: The Esper Legends deck possesses a range of control elements, allowing you to manipulate the battlefield and dictate the flow of the game. From counterspells that thwart opponents' plans to removal spells that banish threats, this deck keeps your opponents on their toes and wondering if they accidentally stumbled into a labyrinth of mirrors.

3. Card Advantage and Resource Management: The deck's design revolves around maximizing card advantage and efficient resource management. With card draw spells, tutoring effects, and mana acceleration, you'll always have the tools you need at your disposal. It's like having a personal library and a Swiss army knife rolled into one.

4. Versatility in Win Conditions: The Esper Legends deck doesn't rely on a single path to victory. It offers a variety of win conditions, from overwhelming opponents with a legendary horde to gradually grinding them down with relentless control. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, except the ending is always "you win."

5. Great Against Aggressive Decks: Aggressive decks may find themselves stymied by the Esper Legends' ability to disrupt their game plan and stabilize the battlefield. With a combination of removal, counterspells, and resilient legendary creatures, this deck can weather the storm and turn the tables on its aggressive foes. It's like outsmarting a charging bull with a well-placed matador cape.

6. Resilience Against Control Strategies: Control players beware! The Esper Legends deck is adept at outmaneuvering and overwhelming control strategies. With its legendary creatures and spells that bypass traditional control tactics, this deck can dance around their attempts to thwart your plans. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands—elusive and frustrating.

The Esper Legends deck is a captivating journey into the realms of imagination and strategy. Its ability to weave together the tales of legends and utilize their unique abilities is a testament to its power and depth. The deck's versatility, control elements, and synergy make it a force to be reckoned with, capable of surprising opponents and leaving them in awe.

The Esper Legends deck offers a mesmerizing gameplay experience, combining legendary creatures, control elements, and strategic depth. It excels in legendary synergy, adapts to various situations, and possesses the versatility to overcome both aggressive and control strategies. Step into the realm of legends, command their powers, and witness the magic unfold on the battlefields of MTG Arena. Remember, it's not just a deck—it's an epic saga waiting to be written.

Example Deck::


  • Skrelv, Defector Mite (4)
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (4)
  • Rona, Herald of Invasion (4)
  • The Raven Man (2)
  • Dennick, Pious Apprentice (4)
  • Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (3)
  • Raffine, Scheming Seer (4)
  • Sheoldred, The Apocalypse (4)
  • Ertai Resurrected (2)


  • Go for the Throat (3)


  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (3)
  • Otawara, Soaring City (3)
  • Swamp (1)
  • Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (1)
  • Deserted Beach (1)
  • Seachrome Coast (4)
  • Caves of Koilos (4)
  • Shattered Sanctum (1)
  • Darkslick Shores (4)
  • Shipwreck Marsh (1)
  • Plaza of Heroes (3)

7. Mono-Red Burn

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Scorching the Competition: The Fiery Fury of Mono-Red Burn Deck in MTG Arena

Prepare to ignite the battlefield with the Mono-Red Burn deck in MTG Arena. This deck harnesses the blistering power of fire and lightning to reduce opponents to cinders. Let’s explore why the Mono-Red Burn deck is an inferno of greatness, capable of singe-ing even the most resilient foes with a 56.6% win rate.

The Mono-Red Burn deck is a blazing inferno of efficiency and destruction. 

Here's why this deck sets opponents ablaze with envy:

1. Lightning-Fast Damage: This deck excels at dealing damage in lightning-quick fashion. With a barrage of direct burn spells, you can swiftly reduce opponents' life totals, leaving them in a panic as they desperately search for a fire extinguisher.

2. Relentless Aggression: Mono-Red Burn embraces an all-out assault strategy, focusing on dealing damage directly to the opponent. By relentlessly bombarding them with fireballs and bolts, you'll keep them on their toes and force hasty decisions that may end up turning them into well-done steaks.

3. Efficient Resource Management: The Mono-Red Burn deck knows how to make every spark count. It utilizes low-cost burn spells and efficient creatures to maximize damage output while maintaining a steady stream of resources. It's like setting up a bonfire without wasting a single matchstick.

4. Punishing Control Decks: Control players beware! The Mono-Red Burn deck is a raging inferno that can incinerate control strategies. Its ability to bypass creatures and directly target opponents makes it a formidable opponent, leaving control players scrambling to counter the fiery onslaught or risk going up in smoke.

5. Agony for Slow-Starting Decks: Slower decks beware the scorching wrath of Mono-Red Burn. With its lightning-fast damage and aggressive playstyle, this deck can leave slow-starting opponents feeling like they've stumbled into a furnace without an exit strategy. It's a lesson in speed that they won't soon forget.

The Mono-Red Burn deck is a blaze of pure destruction. Its relentless assault and direct damage capabilities make it a force to be reckoned with. The deck's ability to quickly deplete opponents' life totals, coupled with its efficient resource management, is a testament to its potency on the fiery battlefield.

Did you know that the Mono-Red Burn deck once defeated an opponent by scorching their entire library, leaving them with nothing but ashes and regret? It turns out, fire can be the ultimate librarian, removing all traces of opponents' strategies in a blaze of glory.

The Mono-Red Burn deck is a scorching inferno of devastation, leaving opponents charred and bewildered. With its lightning-fast damage, relentless aggression, and efficient resource management, it punishes control decks and sends slow-starting opponents running for cover. So, embrace the flames, embrace the laughter, and let the Mono-Red Burn deck light up your victories with a blaze of glory on the fiery battlegrounds of MTG Arena.

Example Deck::


  • Chandra, Dressed to Kill (1)


  • Monastery Swiftspear (4)
  • Phoenix Chick (4)
  • Voldaren Epicure (4)
  • Feldon, Ronom Excavator (2)
  • Squee, Dubious Monarch (1)


  • End the Festivities (4)
  • Reckless Impulse (4)


  • Play with Fire (4)
  • Lightning Strike (4)


  • Kumanu Faces Kakkazan (4)
  • Mechanized Warfare (4)


  • Mountain (20)

6: Selesnya Enchantments

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Enchanted Harmony: Unleashing the Power of Selesnya Enchantments Deck in MTG Arena

Step into a realm of ethereal beauty and enchantment with the Selesnya Enchantments deck in MTG Arena. This deck weaves a tapestry of mystical spells and blessings, creating an enchanting symphony of power on the battlefield. Let’s explore why the Selesnya Enchantments deck is a captivating choice, capable of enchanting and overwhelming opponents with a 56.9% win rate.

The Selesnya Enchantments deck is a spellbinding masterpiece, combining the forces of nature and magic. 

Here's why this deck stands out among the rest:

1. Enchantment Synergy: This deck thrives on the synergy between enchantments and creatures. It seamlessly weaves spells like a skilled magician, enhancing the abilities of your creatures and creating a formidable presence on the battlefield. It's like having a magical symphony conductor directing an army of enchanted musicians.

2. Resilient Defense: Selesnya Enchantments excels in creating a fortress of protection. With a plethora of enchantments that grant hexproof, indestructible, or other defensive abilities, your creatures become nearly untouchable. It's like giving them magical force fields that make opponents' attacks bounce off like rubber chickens.

3. Overwhelming Token Production: This deck has the remarkable ability to generate an army of tokens. With enchantments that create additional creature tokens, you'll quickly outnumber your opponents, leaving them wondering if they've stumbled into a woodland creature convention. It's like hosting a magical zoo where the animals fight for you.

4. Disruptive Aura Magic: Selesnya Enchantments is not just about defense and tokens—it can disrupt opponents' strategies as well. With enchantments that tap down creatures, prevent spells from being cast, or enchant opponents' permanents, you'll leave opponents feeling like they've been caught in a magical vortex of confusion.

5. Great Against Aggressive Decks: Aggressive decks that rely on swift creature assaults may find themselves entangled in the enchanting web of Selesnya. With its defensive capabilities, token generation, and disruptive aura magic, this deck can frustrate aggressive strategies, turning their fiery onslaught into a peaceful garden stroll.

The Selesnya Enchantments deck is a symphony of beauty and power. Its enchantment synergy, resilient defense, and overwhelming token production make it a formidable force. The deck's ability to disrupt opponents' strategies while creating an unbreakable defense is a testament to its versatility and enchanting gameplay.

The Selesnya Enchantments deck once turned an opponent's fearsome dragon into a peaceful, nature-loving hippogriff. It seems even the most ferocious creatures can't resist the allure of enchantments and a good herbal tea.

The Selesnya Enchantments deck is a captivating fusion of nature, magic, and humor. With its enchantment synergy, resilient defense, and disruptive aura magic, it weaves a tale of enchanting dominance. So, embrace the magic, dance to the enchanting melody, and let the Selesnya Enchantments deck cast its spell of victory on the mystical battlefields of MTG Arena.

Example Deck:


  • Skrelv, Defector Mite (2)
  • Generous Visitor (4)
  • Spirited Companion (4)
  • Kami of Transience (4)
  • Weaver of Harmony (4)
  • Jukai Naturalist (4)
  • Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr (1)
  • Calix, Guided by Fate (4)


  • Commune with Spirits (1)


  • Audacity (4)
  • Michiko’s Reign of Truth (4)
  • Ossification (4)


  • Plains (5)
  • Forest (5)
  • Brushland (4)
  • Overgrown Farmland (2)
  • Razorverge Thicket (4)

5. Mono-Red Aggro

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Blaze of Fury: Unleashing the Power of Mono-Red Aggro Deck in MTG Arena

Prepare to ignite the battlefield with the Mono-Red Aggro deck in MTG Arena. This deck is a blazing inferno, fueled by fiery spells and relentless aggression. Let’s explore why the Mono-Red Aggro deck is a scorching choice, capable of setting opponents ablaze with its swift and explosive gameplay with a 57.4% win rate.

The Mono-Red Aggro deck is a fiery force to be reckoned with, leaving opponents feeling like they've stumbled into a dragon's lair. 

Here's why this deck sets hearts aflame:

1. Lightning-Fast Starts: This deck bursts out of the gates like a fireball, quickly deploying a barrage of low-cost creatures and burn spells. With a blazing start, you'll catch opponents off guard and leave them desperately searching for a fire extinguisher.

2. Relentless Aggression: Mono-Red Aggro thrives on relentless aggression, constantly pressuring opponents and forcing them to react. The deck's creatures and burn spells work in perfect harmony, creating a blistering assault that feels like being trapped in a never-ending fireworks show.

3. Direct Burn Damage: This deck excels at dealing direct damage to opponents and their creatures. With a suite of burn spells that target both players and creatures, you'll singe your opponents' life totals and reduce their defenses to ashes. It's like having a personal flamethrower on the battlefield.

4. Efficiency in Resource Management: Mono-Red Aggro knows how to maximize resources. The deck's low-cost creatures and spells ensure that you can unleash a flurry of threats and burn spells with minimal investment. It's like being a thrifty arsonist who knows how to make the most of every matchstick.

5. Strong Against Control Decks: Control players beware! Mono-Red Aggro is a relentless flame that can scorch control strategies. With its fast starts, direct burn damage, and constant pressure, this deck can overpower control players before they have a chance to gather their counter spells and extinguish the flames.

6. Agony for Midrange Decks: Midrange decks may find themselves sweating under the intense heat of Mono-Red Aggro's assault. By unleashing a barrage of creatures and burn spells, this deck disrupts midrange strategies, leaving opponents scrambling to find their footing amidst the flames.

The Mono-Red Aggro deck is a ferocious inferno on the battlefield. Its lightning-fast starts, relentless aggression, and direct burn damage make it a formidable force. The deck's ability to overpower opponents and apply constant pressure is a testament to its explosive power and strategic play.

Did you know that the Mono-Red Aggro deck once defeated an opponent by turning their prized artifact into a molten pool of metal? It seems even the most precious treasures can't withstand the searing fury of Mono-Red Aggro.

The Mono-Red Aggro deck is a scorching inferno of aggression and humor. With its lightning-fast starts, relentless aggression, and direct burn damage, it engulfs opponents in a fiery onslaught. So, embrace the flames, wield the power of the inferno, and let the Mono-Red Aggro deck light up the battlefield with its explosive might in the scorching world of MTG Arena.

Example Deck::


  • Monastery Swiftspear (4)
  • Phoenix Chick (4)
  • Dwarven Forge-Chanter (4)
  • Electrostatic Infantry (4)


  • Ancestral Anger (4)
  • Reckless Impulse (4)


  • Play with Fire (4)
  • Raze the Effigy (2)
  • Abrade (2)
  • Lightning Strike (4)


  • Kumano Face Kakkazan (4)


  • Mountain (20)

4. Naya Humans

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United We Stand: Unleashing the Power of Naya Humans Deck in MTG Arena

Prepare to rally your forces with the Naya Humans deck in MTG Arena. With a 56.7% win rate, this deck is a harmonious symphony of unity and cooperation, where humans from different walks of life come together to create a formidable fighting force. Let’s explore why the Naya Humans deck is a versatile choice, capable of outmaneuvering opponents with its diverse strategies.

The Naya Humans deck is a testament to the strength of unity and cooperation. 

Here's why this deck stands out on the battlefield:

1. Tribal Synergy: This deck thrives on the power of tribal synergy, with humans supporting and empowering one another. By playing multiple humans in a single turn, you'll unlock their abilities and synergistic effects, creating a united front that can overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers and teamwork.

2. Aggressive Starts: Naya Humans excels at quick starts, flooding the battlefield with a horde of relentless attackers. With efficient one-drops and aggressive two-drops, you'll put opponents on the back foot, forcing them to scramble for defenses while you maintain an offensive tempo.

3. Versatile Strategies: The Naya Humans deck offers versatility in its strategies. Whether you choose to go wide with an army of smaller creatures or focus on bolstering your key threats, this deck adapts to the battlefield and the opponent's playstyle, ensuring you always have a plan to outwit and outmaneuver your foes.

4. Resilient Humans: Humans in this deck are more than just mere mortals. With abilities like lifelink, indestructible, and hexproof, they can withstand blows, gain valuable life points, and become challenging targets for opponents. It's like having a team of invincible heroes fighting by your side.

5. Solid Against Control Decks: Control players beware! Naya Humans' aggressive starts and versatile strategies can put control decks on the defensive. By overwhelming opponents with a flurry of threats and leveraging tribal synergies, this deck disrupts control plans and keeps opponents on their toes.

6. Effective Against Midrange Decks: Midrange decks may find themselves struggling to keep up with the speed and efficiency of Naya Humans. By applying constant pressure and presenting a wide range of threats, this deck can force midrange opponents into a reactive stance, denying them the chance to establish a dominant position.

The Naya Humans deck is a remarkable display of unity and adaptability. Its tribal synergy, aggressive starts, and versatile strategies make it a force to be reckoned with. The deck's ability to overwhelm opponents while maintaining resilience is a testament to its cohesive gameplay and strategic prowess.

Did you know that the Naya Humans deck once won a match by convincing the opponent's legendary dragon to join their cause? It seems even the most fearsome creatures can't resist the charm of a united human force.

The Naya Humans deck is a testament to the power of unity and humor on the battlefield. With its tribal synergy, aggressive starts, and versatile strategies, it forges a path of victory through cooperation. So, gather your human allies, ignite the spirit of teamwork, and let the Naya Humans deck march forward to claim victory and laughter in the diverse world of MTG Arena.

Example Deck:: 


  • Hopeful Initiate (3)
  • Skrelv, Defector Mite (3)
  • Coppercoat Vanguard (4)
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (4)
  • Melira, the Living Cure (3)
  • Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (3)
  • Anointed Peacekeeper (3)
  • Brutal Cathar (4)
  • Halana and Alena, Partners (4)
  • Sigarda, Font of Blessings (2)


  • Valorous Stance (2)


  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (2)
  • Plains (1)
  • Boseiju, Who Endures (1)
  • Battlefield Forge (4)
  • Brushland (4)
  • Razorverge Thicket (4)
  • Plaza of Heroes (4)
  • Secluded Courtyard (4)

3. Mono-White Soldiers 

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Marching to Victory: Unleashing the Power of Mono-White Soldiers Deck in MTG Arena

Join the ranks of honor and discipline with the Mono-White Soldiers deck in MTG Arena. This deck embodies the unwavering spirit of soldiers, forming an organized and disciplined force that can overpower opponents through tactical precision. Let’s explore why the Mono-White Soldiers deck is a formidable choice, capable of leading your troops to triumph on the battlefield.

The Mono-White Soldiers deck exemplifies the strength and unity of an organized military force, with a 58.5% win rate. 

Here's why this deck stands out among the rest:

1. Synergistic Cohesion: This deck thrives on the synergy among soldiers, where each card supports and empowers the others. By playing multiple soldiers and triggering their abilities, you'll create an army that functions as a well-oiled machine, overwhelming opponents with efficient and coordinated attacks.

2. Efficient Combat Tricks: Mono-White Soldiers excel in combat tricks and protective measures. With cards that grant bonuses like first strike, vigilance, and indestructibility, your soldiers become formidable warriors, easily outmaneuvering opponents and surviving even the direst of battles.

3. Token Generation: The Mono-White Soldiers deck has an arsenal of cards that generate soldier tokens. These tokens can quickly amass on the battlefield, bolstering your forces and overwhelming opponents through sheer numbers. It's like having a never-ending supply of fresh recruits ready to fight at your command.

4. Resilience and Lifegain: Soldiers in this deck are not only skilled combatants but also possess the ability to gain you valuable life points. With lifelink and other lifegain effects, your army can weather enemy assaults, replenishing your life total while whittling down opponents.

5. Solid Against Aggro Decks: Mono-White Soldiers have the advantage against aggressive decks. With their defensive capabilities, combat tricks, and the ability to go wide with soldier tokens, they can effectively stave off early aggression and turn the tide in their favor.

6. Effective Against Midrange Decks: The disciplined nature of Mono-White Soldiers makes them formidable against midrange strategies. By applying relentless pressure and utilizing combat tricks, this deck can disrupt midrange opponents' plans and maintain a steady tempo, never letting them gain a foothold in the game.

The Mono-White Soldiers deck is praised for its synergy and tactical prowess. Its ability to create a cohesive and powerful army, combined with combat tricks and resilient soldiers, makes it a force to be reckoned with. The deck's disciplined strategy and ability to adapt to different matchups showcase its strength and versatility.

Did you know that the Mono-White Soldiers deck once won a match by organizing an impromptu parade on the battlefield, distracting the opponent with synchronized marching and leaving them in awe? Sometimes victory requires a touch of showmanship!

The Mono-White Soldiers deck exemplifies the strength of camaraderie and the power of humor on the battlefield. With its synergistic cohesion, efficient combat tricks, and resilience, it leads an unstoppable army to victory. So, don your soldier's uniform, march in perfect formation, and let the Mono-White Soldiers deck pave the way to triumph and laughter.

Example Deck::


  • Archangel Elspeth (1)


  • Recruitment Officer (4)
  • Yotian Frontliner (4)
  • Dusk Legion Duelist (4)
  • Guardian of New Benalia (1)
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (3)
  • Valiant Veteran (4)
  • Brutal Cathar (4)
  • Siege Veteran (4)
  • Myrel, Shield of Argive (3)


  • Lay Down Arms (4)


  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (1)
  • Plains (19)
  • Mishra’s Foundry (4)

2. Azorius Soldiers

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Law and Order Unleashed: The Might of Azorius Soldiers Deck in MTG Arena

Enlist in the Azorius Soldiers deck and uphold justice on the battlefield of MTG Arena. This deck combines the disciplined might of soldiers with the unwavering resolve of the Azorius guild. Let’s explore why the Azorius Soldiers deck is a formidable force, capable of enforcing the law and achieving victory through order.

The Azorius Soldiers deck embodies the perfect balance between strength and control, with a 59.0% win rate.

Here's why this deck stands out among the rest:

1. Synergistic Unity: The Azorius Soldiers deck excels in creating a harmonious synergy among its cards. Each soldier complements the others, boosting their abilities and creating a well-coordinated force. By working together, your soldiers form an organized army capable of executing precise maneuvers.

2. Control and Disruption: The Azorius Soldiers deck combines the soldier's might with the Azorius guild's mastery of control and disruption. With counterspells, bounce effects, and detain mechanics, you can halt opponents' strategies in their tracks, ensuring your soldiers face minimal resistance on the battlefield.

3. Versatile Tactics: This deck offers a wide range of tactical options. It can adapt to various situations by shifting between offensive and defensive stances, allowing you to dictate the pace of the game. Whether you need to hold the line or launch a decisive assault, the Azorius Soldiers deck has the tools to accomplish your goals.

4. Resilience and Protection: Azorius Soldiers boast a variety of protective measures. Cards with indestructible, hexproof, and protection abilities grant your soldiers durability and ensure they remain on the battlefield, frustrating opponents' attempts to remove them. Your army will endure and stand strong against all odds.

5. Effective Against Aggro Decks: The control elements and resilient soldiers of the Azorius Soldiers deck make it a formidable opponent for aggro decks. By disrupting their aggressive strategies and deploying resilient blockers, you can withstand their onslaught and eventually outpace them with superior control and card advantage.

6. Strong Against Combo Decks: Combo decks heavily rely on specific card interactions to achieve victory. The Azorius Soldiers deck's ability to disrupt opponents' plans and control the board can effectively dismantle combo strategies, leaving combo players scrambling for answers or facing certain defeat.

Players laud the Azorius Soldiers deck for its ability to balance control and aggression. The deck's cohesive synergy, disruptive elements, and versatile tactics grant it a unique edge on the battlefield. It excels in dictating the flow of the game and disrupting opponents' strategies, allowing the Azorius Soldiers to enforce their own brand of justice.

Did you know that the Azorius Soldiers deck once won a match by filing a formal complaint against the opponent for "disturbing the peace" with their chaotic deck? The judge ruled in favor of the Azorius Soldiers deck's claim, granting them the victory!

The Azorius Soldiers deck upholds the law with precision, control, and a touch of humor. With its synergistic unity, disruptive control elements, and versatility, it commands a formidable force on the battlefield. So, take up the Azorius banner, enforce order, and let the Azorius Soldiers deck bring justice and laughter to the world of MTG Arena.

Example Deck:: 


  • Recruitment Officer (4)
  • Yotian Frontliner (4)
  • Resolute Reinforcements (4)
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (4)
  • Valiant Veteran (4)
  • Harbin, Vanguard Aviator (3)
  • Brutal Cathar (4)
  • Siege Veteran (4)
  • Skystrike Officer (3)
  • Myrel, Shield of Argive (3)


  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (1)
  • Plains (6)
  • Island (3)
  • Otawara, Soaring City (1)
  • Adarkar Wastes (3)
  • Fortified Beachhead (4)
  • Plaza of Heroes (1)
  • Secluded Courtyard (4)

1. Mono-White Humans

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Unleash the Human Horde: The Might of Mono-White Humans Deck in MTG Arena

Join the ranks of the Mono-White Humans deck and witness the power of humanity united on the battlefield of MTG Arena. This deck showcases the strength of the humble human race, standing together to overcome any challenge. In this article, we'll delve into why the Mono-White Humans deck is a formidable force, spreading camaraderie and laughter as it achieves victory.

The Mono-White Humans deck embodies the unity and resilience of humanity. 

Here's why this deck shines:

1. Overwhelming Numbers: The Mono-White Humans deck excels in swarming the battlefield with an army of human soldiers, knights, and clerics. By leveraging the power of numerous creatures, you can quickly outnumber and overwhelm your opponents, turning their defenses into a human-shaped obstacle course.

2. Synergistic Combos: This deck is built on the foundation of synergistic combos between human creatures. Each human supports the others, enhancing their abilities and creating a cohesive force. From granting bonuses to attacking creatures to triggering powerful effects when humans enter the battlefield, the Mono-White Humans deck showcases the strength of unity.

3. Efficient Aggression: Mono-White Humans excel at aggressive gameplay, launching swift attacks that catch opponents off guard. With a low mana curve and an abundance of one- and two-drops, you can establish a threatening presence on the board from the early turns, leaving opponents feeling like they're dealing with a human stampede.

4. Resilient and Protected: Humans in this deck often possess abilities that protect and bolster themselves and their comrades. Whether it's granting indestructibility or protection from specific colors or types, your humans will survive dire situations, making opponents scratch their heads and wonder if humans have secretly unlocked the secrets of immortality.

5. Strong Against Control Decks: Control decks that rely on countering and removing threats will find themselves struggling against the Mono-White Humans' relentless onslaught. With an abundance of low-cost creatures, you can outpace control players, forcing them to continuously respond to your human wave, making them feel like they're juggling swords while riding a unicycle.

Players commend the Mono-White Humans deck for its ability to create a formidable force through human unity. The deck's synergistic combos, efficient aggression, and resilience make it a versatile contender in any match. It combines the power of numbers with well-timed abilities to seize victory on the battlefield.

Did you know that the Mono-White Humans deck once won a match by organizing a spontaneous flash mob dance-off, distracting the opponent and leaving them mesmerized while the humans conquered the battlefield? Talk about using the power of rhythm to achieve victory!

The Mono-White Humans deck is a testament to the strength and unity of humanity. With overwhelming numbers, synergistic combos, and efficient aggression, it stands as a force to be reckoned with. So, gather your human comrades, charge into battle, and let the Mono-White Humans deck spread joy, camaraderie, and a few unexpected dance moves across the world of MTG Arena.

Example Deck:


  • Hopeful Initiate (4)
  • Recruitment Officer (4)
  • Skrelv, Defector Mite (3)
  • Coppercoat Vanguard (4)
  • Guardian of New Benalia (1)
  • Intrepid Adversary (4)
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (4)
  • Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (4)
  • Brutal Cathar (4)
  • Knight-Errant of Eos (4)


  • Ossification (2)


  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (1)
  • Plains (21)

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