Which repeater is the best one for you?
Quick drawing a revolver and fanning the hammer can be a lot of fun, but it is not always your best option for combat in RDO. Perhaps the most flexible and used weapon in the game is the repeater. Repeaters are lever-action rifles that are distinctive in weapon category and ammunition from rifles. They offer longer range than shotguns, pistols, and revolvers and better rate of fire and capacity than rifles. In most combat scenarios, except extreme close and long-range, the repeater is a viable option.
The “best” repeater is really up to the player. In fact more than any other comparison this is likely to be the most subjective. Nevertheless, if you look at which stats the repeaters excel in when compared to other weapon classes, we can find one that really shines in its role.
Repeaters, like all other guns, can either be purchased from a gun store in several towns or from your catalog and then picked up either from camp or from a post office.
4. Carbine Repeater (Great early game gun)
Weapon in the picture is owned so the stats are skewed by the potential ammo options
A repeater is a necessity for your armory from the very beginning and this gun will likely be your first purchase. The Carbine Repeater is not the best repeater, but you will become quite acquainted with it until you can unlock and afford another option. It has high damage for a repeater and it is accurate, but as you progress those will be stats that you look for in a rifle while other stats, like capacity and rate of fire, will make a good repeater.
What the Carbine Repeater excels in
- Damage
- Accuracy
- Early availability
- Cheap
Carbine Repeater’s details
- Capacity: 7
- Damage: Just under 2.5/4
- Rate of Fire: Just over 2/4
- Accuracy: Just under 3/4
- Range: Just over 2.5/4
- Reload: Just under 3/4
- Unlocks at Rank 1
- Costs $90 or 4 Gold Bars
3. Litchfield Repeater (Solid multi-purpose gun, PvE)
Weapon in the picture is owned so the stats are skewed by the potential ammo options
The Litchfield Repeater is available fairly early and unlocks a couple of ranks after the Lancaster. You will probably want to choose between both. They are similar though the Litchfield offers higher damage, accuracy, and capacity than the Lancaster. This gun still has enough rate of fire to outperform the Bolt-Action Rifle in intermediate-range fighting. However, its strengths really are what you look for in a rifle, so it is a little redundant. Nevertheless, if you're looking for a powerful repeater with great ammo capacity this is a fine option.
What the Litchfield Repeater excels in
- Damage
- Accuracy
- Capacity
Litchfield Repeater’s details
- Capacity: 16
- Damage: Just over 2.5/4
- Rate of Fire: 2/4
- Accuracy: Just under 3/4
- Range: Just over 2.5/4
- Reload: Just over 2.5/4
- Unlocks at Rank 18
- Costs $348 or 14 Gold Bars
2. Lancaster Repeater (PvP)
Unowned weapon, these are base statistics without upgrades or special ammo
The Lancaster is an exceptional repeater and performs its job very well. Damage and accuracy may seem like the stats you need from this type of weapon, but that is really the domain of rifles. Rate of fire and capacity are the important stats, and the Lancaster has them in spades. It still retains respectable accuracy and damage as well. It is probably the best-balanced repeater in the game, and it is a popular option in PvP.
What the Lancaster Repeater excels in
- Rate of Fire
- Accuracy
- Well balanced
Lancaster Repeater’s details
- Capacity: 14
- Damage: Just over 2/4
- Rate of Fire: Just under 2.5/4
- Accuracy: just over 3/4
- Range: Just over 2.5/4
- Reload: Just under 3/4
- Unlocks at Rank 12
- Costs $243 or 10 Gold Bars
1. Evans Repeater (PvP)
Unowned weapon, these are base statistics without upgrades or special ammo
The Evans Repeater shines in the stats that are most relevant to the repeater. It has the fastest rate of fire of the repeaters and its capacity exceeds the closest competition (the Litchfield) by 10 bullets. It has low damage, but that doesn’t matter. In the right hands, and with the help of aim assist and perhaps some dead eye, this gun can be used to riddle an opponent with bullets or snap off lethal headshots quickly. This gun excels in the areas that you want a repeater to excel in.
What the Evans Repeater excels in
- Rate of Fire (highest among repeaters)
- Capacity (highest)
Evans Repeater’s details
- Capacity: 26
- Damage: 2/4
- Rate of Fire: Just under 2.5/4
- Accuracy: Just under 3/4
- Range: Just over 2.5/4
- Reload: Just under 2.5/4
- Unlocks at Rank 1
- Costs $300 or 12 Gold Bars
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