A one-stop-shop for things that go boom in Bloodborne.
Bloodborne rewards a bold and aggressive playstyle. The only shield in the base game has the following item description: “Shields are nice, but not if they engender passivity”.
To replace the shields and encourage a new playstyle, the devs gave players something much better - firearms!
While most pistols and rifles in-game have pitiful damage, they allow users to parry and riposte their enemies. What’s a better way to encourage aggressiveness than to allow players to impart devastating damage to their enemies if they can time a parry attack with their firearm properly?
This guide will rank the firearm options available to Bloodborne players, how to best utilize them, and where to find them.
9. Piercing Rifle
Unfortunately, not all of Bloodborne's weapons are created the same. The Piercing Rifle is the least compelling firearm on this list. On paper, it promises a longer range, and that the bullets may pierce through one enemy and damage others behind it. In practice the Piercing Rifle is a cumbersome choice, it has very long reloading and cooldown windows, and doesn’t do nearly as much damage with Bloodtinge builds as the Evelyn, Repeating Pistol, or even the Hunters Pistol.
A stylish piece overall, but the cons of using it heavily outweigh its benefits.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 80
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 140
8. Gatling Gun
The Gatling Gun is probably the coolest weapon available to you. Imagine a gothic Victorian-era machine gun used to slay beast and man alike. Pretty awesome huh?
Unfortunately, most of its benefit ends with how cool it looks. The Gatling Gun is one of the novelty pieces added to Bloodborne with the Old Hunters DLC. While it is not useful in PvE scenarios, it does have some advantages in the PvP side of things as it allows users to suppress enemy hunters momentarily.
Within the main game, the only use I’ve found for it is finishing off Laurence during his final phase as he crawls around the cathedral.
The Gatling Gun and Djura.
10/10 in terms of coolness, but the useability leaves a lot to be desired.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 80
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 200
7. Ludwig’s Rifle
A work of art. Literally. Google any image of this weapon, FromSoftware never fails to disappoint with their attention to detail and this weapon is proof of that.
As far as functionality goes, it is similar to the Blunderbuss, with a widespread and limited range. It features improved damage at the same bullet consumption (1 per shot).
If you enjoy the Blunderbuss, consider upgrading to Ludwig’s rifle, it is available relatively early in the game and is 100x more stylish.
See what I mean?
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 20
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 150
6. Cannon
There is nothing subtle about this cannon. It is loud, obnoxious, and chews through Quicksilver Bullets like nothing else (12 per shot!).
But man, there is no feeling more satisfying when you watch a literal cannonball obliterate a pesky boss’ health bar.
As fun as it is to use, the practical application of this weapon is limited due to its bullet consumption. While the damage is ungodly, creating a build centered around this weapon isn’t the best idea.
Another thing to note is the relatively high Strength requirement to wield this weapon and poor Bloodtinge scaling, making it a weapon that's harder to use in early game scenarios and less valuable than the Evelyn.
It's a literal Cannon!
That being said, if you want a gun that goes boom, there’s no better option.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 200
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 200
5. Hunter Blunderbuss
The Blunderbuss is one of two firearms available to players at the start of the game, the other being the Hunter Pistol. This weapon is reliable and is excellent at staggering enemies, but suffers from a slow fire & reload rate.
One of its most underrated benefits, however, is that the Blunderbuss is more forgiving with enemy parry windows, allowing new players to acclimate to the system better.
They’ll still miss the parry window the first few times, but they will get the hang of it a little quicker. Bloodborne doesn't offer its players many freebies, so when one presents itself like this, it is best to make the most of it.
One drawback to note is the spread of the weapon. Since it functions like a shotgun, its effective parrying/staggering range is more limited than the pistol or rifle, meaning players will have to get face to face with their foes to make the most of this weapon.
You know which end to point at your enemies, right?
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 20
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 150
4. Church Cannon
The church cannon is much like the cannon, except for it being a little more modest with its bullet use, and that the rounds only explode when they hit something. Its practical use is still limited by the bullet consumption, although that can be improved by runes and blood tapping - allowing you up to 4 shots instead of 2.
Since it is a weaker version of the regular cannon, many players opt to level up their Bloodtinge ability in addition to Strength. The only drawback of this is that your build becomes more of a glass cannon. While this can make for a fun, aggressive playstyle, the consequences of getting caught without bullets or getting clobbered are usually pretty fatal.
Definitely looks the part.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 160
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 200
3. Hunter Pistol
The Hunter Pistol is the Ol’ Reliable of Bloodborne's weapons. Typically the most commonly used firearm, the Hunter Pistol is like the perfect talk show co-host. Think Andy Richter to Conan. It’s discrete, packs a punch, and does not steal the show from your monster-slaying trick weapon.
Its relatively quick firing rate and excellent range make it a perfect weapon from start to finish, as you stalk the streets of Yharnam.
This ones shiny hasn't been used much yet.
A downside to keeping in mind is that its lack of spread makes it less useful in NPC or PvP encounters, as they may dodge around your shot and attack you directly.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 70
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 100
2. Repeating Pistol
The Repeating Pistol is called the “poor man’s Evelyn”. And for good reason too. It does less damage per bullet than the Evelyn and doesn’t look nearly as cool.
The mechanism upon which the gun operates is as follows. Instead of firing one bullet at a time, the pistol fires two. What it lacks in its naming, the Repeating Pistol more than makes up for with its damage output at higher levels and with proper Bloodtinge scaling.
Its primary drawback is that it fires two bullets at once. While this doesn’t seem like a lot, with the amount of parrying and baiting most Bloodborne players do, using this weapon risks burning through their Quicksilver Bullet supply.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 90
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 80
1. Evelyn
Without a doubt, the Evelyn is the greatest pistol option in the game. If you decide to create a Bloodtinge build, the Evelyn scales so well with the Bloodtinge stat category that it can impart damage that rivals some right-hand attacks - an impressive feat for the dismal damage more commonly experienced with firearms in Bloodborne.
An elegant weapon that packs a deadly punch.
While it is a chore to acquire, it more than makes up for that struggle for Bloodtinge builds. When it is paired with Bone Marrow Ash, it can one-shot many Bloodborne baddies, allowing you to get the most bang-for-your-buck.
Weapon Stats
- Attack: 60
- VS Kin: 100
- VS Beast: 100
- Durability: 100
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