[Top 5] Bloodborne Best Bloodtinge Weapons (And How To Get Them)

28 Dec 2022


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Like all good things, it's nice and pointy.

Base Stats

  • PHYS DMG-90
  • BLD DMG- 90
  • STR- D
  • BLD- B
  • ARC- D

The Bloodletter might not be the most elegant way to do the job, but it is one of the bloodier. A one-handed mace in the base form, when it transforms it will take 20% health from the player but comes with a huge boost in blood scaling as well as attack. For a small amount, it can pay off big time in damage dealt.


  • The primary form is decent for close or midrange combat, but the transformation is what makes the weapon shine.
  • The damage received from transforming can be gained back with the rally mechanic if done quickly enough or during a combo.
  • Can easily knock back whole crowds of enemies in the secondary form, making it a great choice for crowded areas.

Where To Find It

Obtained by killing Brador in the Old Hunters DLC.


Simon's Bowblade

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A bow AND a blade? It's a buy one get one free deal on violence.

Base Stats

  • PHYS: 80
  • BLD: 80
  • SKL- C
  • BLD- C
  • ARC- D 

It’s a sword that turns into a bow and arrow when transformed, it really doesn’t get cooler than that. Except it does because this baby can take down some of the nastiest enemies without stepping a foot near them. The weapon utilizes Bloodtinge scaling for both forms, allowing it to be just as versatile at close range as it is long.


  • Powerful short and long range weapon.
  • Goes to S scaling in both Strength and Bloodtinge, making it an absolute menace in PvE and PvP
  • Combined with the Monocular, it can be used to snipe and bait enemies from a distance.

Where To Find It

Obtained after either killing Simon or completing his questline in The Old Hunters DLC.



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Pretty. Pretty deadly, that is.

Base Stats

  • BLD-60
  • BLD- B

Evelyn is the Bloodtinge build go-to. One of the two highest scaling guns for Bloodtinge, Evelyn has the advantage due to using less ammo than the other competition. Able to stagger while also dealing more damage than the typical gun, Evelyn is one of the best reasons to play with Bloodtinge focused builds. 


  • One of the most powerful guns in the game, with S rank in Bloodtinge Scaling.
  • Only rivaled in attack power by the Repeating Pistol, but costs half the amount of bullets to fire.
  • Massive stopping power on most enemy types. Will often stagger other enemies.
  • Can be combined with Chikage for a deadly Bloodtinge loadout.
Where To Find It

Can be found in Cainhurst Castle, or bought after becoming part of the Cainhurst Vilebloods.



Body Image

Just because you can't pronounce it doesn't mean it's not effective.

Base Stats

  • PHYS DMG: 75
  • BLD DMG: 75
  • STR- E
  • SKL- C
  • BLD- E
  • ARC- D
The name is a mouthful, but the weapon is able to speak for itself. A combination of a rapier and pistol that’s able to stab as well as it can shoot. The primary form works well with Bloodborne’s quicker combat, dealing swift damage as the enemy is poked to death. The transformation allows for quick parries that can turn into immediate combo openings. 


  • Has good reach since it’s a thrusting sword, and can be useful to sidestep then stab enemies.
  • The pistol component scales with Bloodtinge, allowing it to complement the Skill scaling blade nicely for faster builds.
  • Can lead to interesting pairings since it moves the gun to the right hand. This can be useful when combined with something like the Flamesprayer or the Gatling Gun.

Where To Find It

Can be found in a chest just inside the entrance of Cainhurst Castle.



Body Image

Really puts the "blood" in Bloodtinge.

Base Stats

  • PHYS DMG- 92
  • BLD DMG- 92
  • STR- E
  • SKL- D
  • BLD- C
  • ARC- D

Not only is Chikage one of the best weapons for Bloodtinge, but it’s one of the best weapons in the game overall. It sounds bad at first- the transformation and secondary form come with an active HP drain- but it’s a great tradeoff for the amount of speed, strength, and pure badassery it gives.


  • The first form scales with both STR and SKL, making it great for any builds focusing on those in addition to the pure BLD scaling it gets in secondary form.
  • The secondary form deals poison buildup to the enemy with every strike in addition to the BLD damage.
  • The second form can knock back most of the peskier small mobs like dogs.
  • Mastering this weapon can make you a PvP god due to the stats and scaling against human enemies.

Where To Find It

Can be bought from the Messengers after joining the Cainhurst Vilebloods.

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