Wonders: Which to build and which to avoid.
If you play Civ, you know that losing a wonder 1 turn before completion is more annoying than a barbarian absconding with your worker.
You spend a lot of hammers on that wonder, so you should know which ones to invest in!
I sum up the five best and worst wonders, so you can watch the AI finish them one turn before you.
Five Worst Civ 6 Wonders
5. Stonehenge (Mediocre)
Built somewhere between two and three thousand BCE, Stonehenge predates “yo mama” jokes by at least 50 years. For whatever it was worth to people then, its use has diminished just a bit.
Similarly, Stonehenge ages about as well in real life as it does in the game.
Wonder details
- Yields +2 faith
- Provides a free great prophet upon creation.
- Acts as a platform to found a religion.
Why Stonehenge is Mediocre
- Stonehenge yields only 2 faith the same as a shrine, which can be upgraded.
- It’sThe main benefit of granting a great prophet would come around the same time anyway.
- It costs more than three times as much as a holy site, but cannot be enhanced or produce religious units.
4. Angkor Wat (Bad)
This Medieval Temple and burial ground is considered the largest religious monument in the world. Nestled between rivers in the fertile fields of Cambodia, it has led to entire cities built around it.
Oddly, this temple wonder won’t do much for your relgame.
Wonder Details:
- Adds one population in each city of the civ which built it.
- Adds one housing in each city of the civ which built it.
- Yields +2 faith.
Why Angkor Wat is Bad
- Becomes available in the medieval era, where you could be producing better wonders, such as Chichen Itza.
- Its two bonuses, +1 population, and +1 housing are just not that impressive unless you have a ton of cities.
- For a temple that has been home to multiple religions, providing only +2 faith is inexplicable, and for the cost just isn’t worth it.
3. Mont St. Michel (Mostly Bad)
Mont St. Michel, the unconquerable island fortress of France makes this list as a visually stunning dud in Civ 6. While some cases can be made for its construction, its yields are meager.
Its primary function is creating relics which are typically attained by Apostles dying; Mont St. Michel essentially demands human sacrifices to generate faith.
Wonder Details:
- Provides +2 faith and +2 relic slots
- Gives all Apostles the “Martyr” ability, which causes them to create a relic upon death.
Why Mont St. Michel is Mostly Bad:
- The primary function of this wonder requires you lose units, meaning you are automatically losing one charge per apostle to use it.
- In Civ 6, losses in religious battles cost huge amounts of faith, making the Martyr ability somewhat counterintuitive.
- Fore a monastery and a fortification it deserves more than a couple of relic slots- at least a defensive bonus!
2. Taj Mahal (Mediocre)
Built for his late (and favorite) wife, Mughal Emperor Shah Jahān took the term “a labor of love” very seriously. Taking over 20 years and more than $800 million in USD today, the heavy price tag translates over to Civ 6. This wonder’s bonus depends on the availability of Era Points, making it somewhat unreliable.
Wonder details:
- Gains +1 era point for every historic moment that would normally award 2 or more era points.
Why Taj Mahal is Mediocre
- Taj Mahal’s +1 era score only activates if the era point is more than 2, which is less likely.
- Its effects are not retroactive, losing potential for many era scores already passed.
- Despite the Taj Mahal complex containing a mosque, this wonder yields no faith.
1. Statue of Liberty (Worst)
One of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the Statue of Liberty rounds out the list of worst wonders in Civ VI. While helpful toward a diplomatic victory, her remaining uses fall under “just stand there and look pretty.”
With a big price tag at the start of the industrial age, the cost simply doesn’t outweigh the benefits of this gentle giant.
Wonder Details:
- Awards 4 Diplomatic Victory points.
- Grants 2 Settlers.
- Gives all cities within a 6 hex radius 100% loyalty.
Why The Statue of Liberty is the Worst
- There are easier and cheaper ways to score diplomatic victory points.
- The 2 settlers come at a time in the game where it is usually less useful.
- Wonders are often built by primary cities with high loyalty, typically making the loyalty bonus redundant.
Five Best Civ 6 Wonders:
5. Pyramids (Good)
As far as great big piles of rocks go, the pyramids are a pretty impressive pile. Built by tens of thousands of slaves, the Pyramids provide bonus builder charges throughout your empire.
When it comes to rock stacking The Great Pyramids of Giza remain supreme, begging the question: Stonehenge builders, were you even trying?
Pyramids Details:
- Yields a flat +2 Culture.
- Grants a free builder.
- Gives all builders a bonus +1 charge.
Why the Pyramids are Awesome:
- The +2 Culture yield, while not game-changing, is pretty good for the ancient era.
- Builders are essential early in the game, and getting a free one is extremely helpful.
- A bonus charge to all builders starting in the ancient era really adds up over time and is why the Pyramids make the list.
4. Forbidden City (Superior)
Earning its name from being off-limits to commoners, this royal palace shows why it can't be overlooked. One of the best wonders in the game, the Forbidden City provides a decent culture boost and an additional wildcard policy slot.
Becoming available at the same time as its, the only thing you’re forbidden from is skipping this wonder.
Forbidden City Details:
- Yields a flat +5 Culture.
- Gives a free wildcard policy slot in any government.
Why Forbidden City is Superior:
- Granting +5 Culture is always helpful, and is a decent yield as far as wonders go.
- An extra wildcard slot is a solid bonus and can be used to enhance anything in your empire.
- Civs such as Poland, Greece, and America will benefit the most by maximizing their wildcard policies.
3. Big Ben (Excellent)
Clocking in at number 3 is the famous bell tower, Big Ben.
Named after the bell inside the tower, Big Ben is an internationally recognized symbol of London and as a wonder, a symbol of prosperity.
Big Ben bequeaths a bevy of bonuses to your economy, making it bad business to skip this wealthy wonder.
Big Ben Details:
- Yields a flat +6 gold as well as a one-time 50% increase to gold stockpile.
- Provides +3 Great Merchant points per turn.
- Grants a bonus Economic Policy slot.
Why Big Ben is Excellent
- A +6 gold yield is good, but increasing your current treasury by 50% is potentially huge.
- Great merchants provide bonuses like unique amenities, making them invaluable.
- Economic policy slots are always useful, and having an extra one is great in any game.
2. Ruhr Valley (Game-Changing)
Worldwide, industrialization has proven integral to civilization, and this wonder is pure industry.
The Ruhr Valley, an industrial zone spanning a large swathe of Western Germany, makes it to my number 2 pick for best wonders.
Providing massive production bonuses to its mother city grants that city near God-like status.
Ruhr Valley Details:
- Grants +20% Production to the city in which it was built.
- Gives all mines and quarries worked by the city a +1 to production.
Why the Ruhr Valley is Game-Changing:
- Production is the beating heart of a city, and the Ruhr Valley provides a bonus of +20%.
- Cities with many mines and quarries can easily double or triple up production yield.
- High production makes a city a military, scientific, and economic triple threat to other civs.
Honorable Mention: Kilwa Kisiwani (Potentially Game-Changing)
Kilwa Kisiwani, a major trading hub and center of commerce, shows us it’s good to have friends.
Built at the start of the Medieval Era, Kilwa increases yields from city-states you are suzerain of.
These boosts can be enhanced by up to 30% per city-state, which adds up to potentially game-changing yields.
Kilwa Kisiwani Details:
- Automatically grants +3 envoys upon its completion.
- Suzerainty over city-states grant a +15% bonus to the yields they provide.
- When you are suzerain to 2 or more city-states of the same type, the bonus doubles to 30%.
Why Kilwa Kisiwani is Potentially Game-Changing
- Getting +3 Envoys is good, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg for this titanic wonder.
- Bonus +15% to city-states yields is good but 30% is even better.
- For civs like Hungary and Pericles’ Greece, this wonder is ridiculous.
1. The Colosseum (God-Like)
The Colosseum: the name alone conjures images of gladiatorial bloodbaths, Roman Legions, and Russel Crowe.
The “Flavian Amphitheatre” is the largest in the world, and drew in spectators from all corners of antiquity. With colossal amenity and culture yields, the Colosseum brings with it all the glory of Rome. Are you not entertained?
Wonder details:
- Gives +2 culture to all cities in a 6 hex radius.
- Gives +2 loyalty to all cities in a 6 hex radius.
- Gives +2 amenities to all cities in a 6 hex radius.
Why The Colosseum is God-Like:
- The Colosseum potentially yields +12 culture by the Classical Era, which is huge.
- +2 amenities to every city in a 6 hex radius is also a huge bonus especially to civs like Scotland.
- Considered by many to be overpowered, the Colosseum is sometimes banned in online play, showing why it deserves the number one spot in the Five Best Civ 6 Wonders.
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