[Top 5] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks
The most powerful decks out there to help you get through Arena 6!
Congratulations for making it to Arena 6! This arena is tough because you’ll be up against players that have begun to gain an understanding of what decks works best for them and the strategies that work best with newer cards. Luckily, this article is here to help you get out of Arena 6 as quickly as possible by providing the best decks for you to win with!
5. Princess Bait
It may be harder to get your hands on these legendaries but if you do this deck is a quick way to chip away at the enemy!
What is great about this deck:
- It’s cheap (3.3 elixir)
- Princess acts as a bait so that if they use log Goblin Barrel can get through
- Ice Spirit is a good cycle option
How to play this deck:
- Wait until the opponent has gotten rid of the Princess, most likely through a Log or Barbarian Barrel and then you can throw Goblin Barrel.
- Make sure your Goblin Barrel is directly over the tower, so the Goblins split up, that way if they use a card it takes longer to kill all three
- If they have a good solution to your Barrel, try throwing it further into the corner or right at the back to trick opponents
- Inferno Tower and Knight are for defence but Rocket works too if needed
- Cycle with Ice Spirit but if they use a similar deck then be sure to use it against Goblin Barrels if your Log isn’t in cycle
- Goblin Barrel
- Knight
- Rocket
- Ice Spirit
- Goblin Gang
- Inferno Tower
- Log
- Princess
4. Golem Tank
It costs a lot but is certainly worth it if played patiently!
- Elixir collector is a great advantage for getting your Golem out quicker
- Minion Horde can take down ground cards quickly
- Wizard’s splash damage is good against swarm cards
- Place the elixir collector behind the Princess Towers for extra protection
- Golem can be placed at the back to give it time to load up
- When the Golem is closer to the bridge support it with troops behind such as Wizard and use Fireball to get rid of smaller buildings that distract the Golem
- Archers can help take down air from afar but should be backed up by other air cards
- Goblins can distract troops trying to take down your Golem
- Golem
- Archers
- Wizard
- Spear Goblins
- Goblins
- Minion Horde
- Elixir Collector
- Fireball
3. Hog Valk Cycle
You chip away at the enemy with Hog Rider and Valkyrie.- Defence is covered with the Cannon
- Cannon also is a good defence against enemy Hog Riders when they have similar decks to you
- Fire Spirit is a useful cycle choice
- When placing Hog Rider down, putting another card like Skeletons in front of him means enemies will have less time to slow him down
- Log is a really good combat against enemy Skeleton Armies which can also hit the Princess tower for extra damage, use it with Hog Rider
- Valkyrie is a good choice against tanks and Cannon can distract troops and draw them into the middle, getting hit by both Princess towers
- Fireball can help take care of enemy building cards
- Fire Spirit is a good alternative for swarm troops such as Minions as you do not have a lot of cards that can attack air in this deck
- Cannon
- Hog Rider
- Valkyrie
- Musketeer
- Skeletons
- Log
- Fireball
- Fire Spirit
2. Giant Valkyrie
With two trusty tanks it’s a sure-fire attacking deck.

What is great about this deck:
- Zap is good against Inferno Towers and Dragons
- Valkyrie can be pushed faster by Barbarians
- Skeleton Barrel is good combined with Barbarians to cover both air and ground
- Poison can take care of swarms that try to take down the Giant
- Place the Giant at the very back and when he is at the bridge support him with Musketeer or Barbarians
- Zap is good against Infernos that will aim for the tank
- Giant gets distracted by buildings so if the enemy has one use Skeleton Barrel to give the Giant some help
- Baby Dragon’s splash damage is good up against air swarm troops
- Giant
- Valkyrie
- Barbarians
- Skeleton Barrel
- Musketeer
- Baby Dragon
- Poison
- Zap
1. LavaLoon
A classic but with a few more twists to make it work for Arena 6
- Slow and steady is how to win this
- Zap is there to help against Infernos
- Defence is covered too if dealt correctly
How to play this deck:
- With Lava Hound at the back, support it once it reaches the bridge with the Flying Machine or Baby Dragon
- Arrows are good against air swarms like Minion Horde
- Place Tombstones regularly to ensure a steady flow of Skeletons to distract troops
- If the enemy uses a tank, make sure Skeletons are distracting it then bombard the tank with air troops such as Minions and Baby Dragon
- Arrows can work against smaller cards like Skeletons or Barrels
- Lava Hound
- Balloon
- Baby Dragon
- Minions
- Flying Machine
- Tombstone
- Zap
- Arrows