Try something new, rookie!
Not every good class needs an AR, you know? In case you forgot, LMGs are an excellent choice for literally tearing your enemies apart. Maybe you hold back because you think they're too slow… Dude, what you're missing out on if you don't take a chance on them. But don’t worry, we’re friends and I got your back. Take a look.
5. Type 11
Probably the worst LMG right now… This gun is not terrible though. This light machine gun sacrifices some firepower for some ADS and movement speed. However, it’s a bit uncomfortable to use, because it feels like you’re firing legos, and sprint to fire time isn’t that great. Not a bad choice, but not the best one.
What makes Type 11 great:
- ADS Speed
- Movement Speed
- Consistent Fire Rate
How to Get the Type 11: get to experience level 37
Type 11 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Type_11
4. Bren
The Bren slaps in Warzone and even if it’s been through a lot of nerfs and weapon balances, it’s still up there. Sadly, the Bren is a bit different in Vanguard. It has a slow fire rate, but absurdly high damage. What is this gun’s downgrade then? Well, it has A LOT of recoil during sustained fire… I know, some of y’all might control it very easily, but it’s still annoying. In summary, crazy firepower, but hard to control recoil.
What makes the Bren great:
- High Damage
- Pretty Accurate, but hard to control
- Great for long-range encounters
How to Get the Bren: get to experience level 53
Bren details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Bren#Call_of_Duty:_Vanguard
3. MG-42
The MG-42… it’s disgusting… This LMG hits like a truck has very little recoil (depending on your attachments), and has a pretty fast ADS speed. I, personally, got it gold in no time, cause it’s just simply that good. There’s one thing you should keep in mind though: reload time is slow as heck. But, honestly, leaving that one downside apart, the MG-42 is a sweetheart.
What makes the MG-42 great:
- High Damage
- Almost No Recoil
- Great Firepower
- Large Mags
How to Get MG-42: unlocked at the beginning of the game
MG-42 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/MG42#Call_of_Duty:_Vanguard
2. DP-27
Even if I love the MG-42, this LMG is simply overpowered. I’m honestly not sure if this baby should be below the Whitley because it has no major problem. ADS speed is fine, reload time is a bit slow too, but it can be fixed with the Sleight of Hand proficiency, the damage is nasty, recoil is almost non-existent or very controllable and mobility is great for an LMG. If I should point something out, it would be its large round mag on top of the gun, which is kind of annoying sometimes. But besides that… oh my God.
What makes the DP-27 great:
- Versatile
- Super High Damage
- Very little recoil
- Comfortable and Smooth
How to Get the DP-27: unlocked at experience level 18
DP-27 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/DP-28#Call_of_Duty:_Vanguard
Umm…what can I say?... Maybe: broken. This LMG is almost perfect. It combines every great aspect of every other LMG and makes it even better (damage, recoil control, mobility, accuracy, etc.). I do have to say ADS speed and fire rate are a bit slow, so you can push enemy respawns, but you gotta be careful with being too greedy. I’ve been using this gun and trying to get it gold and it’s just too easy… go try it out now.
What makes Whitley great:
- Lethal at all ranges
- Slow Fire Rate
- Controllable Recoil
- High Damage
How to Get the Whitley: get to battle pass level 31 (it’s free)
Whitley details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Whitley