Some of you may hate me after this list...
This top will be oriented towards the damage range of each weapon. For this purpose, I have used a table that our dear uncle JGOD uploaded some time ago to his Youtube channel. After this clarification, we can talk about how much snipers have changed in Warzone. I hope this list will help you to know which ones to take advantage of and which ones to forget. Good luck on the battlefield, soldiers.
I don't like to start by being pessimistic... but the Dragunov deserves it. It's a very slow sniper rifle with almost no damage and well, you might as well leave it put away. Sure, it might be funny to use it to troll a bit, but you'll probably end up very pissed off.
Weapon Review:
- Low Damage
- Slow ADS Speed
- Unfriendly and inconsistent
Dragunov details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Dragunov
Ahh... it's even funny how no one uses this weapon. Seriously, I don't think I've ever killed someone carrying this weapon. It has very slow mobility, a reload time that feels like forever and almost no damage. Just very bad.
Weapon Review:
- Slow ADS Time
- Very uncomfortable mobility
- Forgettable and almost unuseful
Rytec details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Rytec_AMR
13. M82
Well, this is not the worst sniper. There are several gameplays out there that show it to be somewhat viable for Resurgence. The only problem is the damage at long distances since you have to be very accurate to kill someone with a headshot. However, it has decent damage and mobility, and aims pretty fast.
Weapon Review:
- Decent Damage
- Fast ADS Speed
- Useful at mid-range engagements
M82 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Barrett_.50cal
12. SP-R 208
Maybe I placed this sniper rifle above the M82 because I have some affection for it... just kidding. The SP-R is in this position because of how little damage from a distance it has, but you must admit it makes up for it with its good mobility and the ADS time it has. If you are one of those who like quick scoping, you may enjoy this sniper.
Weapon Review:
- Low Damage
- Deadly and snappy (at the proper distance)
- Smooth mobility
SP-R 208 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/SP-R_208
11. SWISS K31
This is where some may hate me, but Swiss is not so bad. Sure, it's almost impossible for you to one-shot someone with this sniper rifle at far distances but you'll certainly be very fast with it. That's what puts it a little higher than other options. Neither recommended nor hated... I leave it up to you.
Weapon Review:
- Decent Damage
- Great Mobility
- Very Fast ADS Speed
- Accurate
Swiss K31 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Swiss_K31
Absurdly slow and not the most comfortable to use. It has good damage and a decent bullet velocity. I wouldn't recommend it, because there are certainly better options, but it's not horrible either.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Deadly
- Slow ADS Time
- Very uncomfortable
- Good Bullet Velocity
Gorenko details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/PTRS-41
9. KAR98k (Vanguard)
Now things are starting to change. This Kar is fast and consistent. The only problem is the much "loved" nerf to the damage range. At the close and medium distances, it's deadly and you'll probably fall in love with it because you can down enemies with a single shot, but... beware of wanting to hit someone who is far away.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Deadly and snappy
- Very consistent
- Insanely Fast ADS Speed
Kar98k (VG) details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Kar98k
We could say that the Tundra is like the SP-R's big brother. It has good mobility, aims pretty fast, and allows you to make nice plays at any distance, although they also nerfed the damage at very far distances. As long as you hit the enemy in the head, you'll be fine and you'll be able to take him down like nothing else.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Deadly and snappy
- Consistent
Tundra details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/L96A1
7. KAR98k (MW)
Everybody's sweetheart... yes, I love it and it's my favorite sniper rifle. To me, it may be the best, but statistically, it is not. Don't get me wrong, it's quite powerful, fast, and lethal, but like the previous ones, it suffers from little damage at long ranges.
Weapon Review:
- Snappy and fast
- Very consistent
- Friendly and comfortable
Kar 98k (MW) details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Kar98k
6. TYPE 99
This sniper feels good. You move well and fast when you carry it, it aims relatively fast, reloads fast, and has a good damage range. No, it doesn't beat some heavy sniper rifles in terms of damage but without a doubt, the Type 99 is an excellent choice.
Weapon Review:
- Good Damage
- Accurate
- Smooth mobility
- Decent ADS Time
Type 99 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Arisaka
Some call it the "new Kar" because you aim fast and you have the damage that the Kar 98k had before the nerf. Truth be told, it may be somewhat correct, as the bullet speed is excellent and due to the changes in the weapons, the Pelington can be very useful at any distance. Definitely worth the try.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Consistent and accurate
- A bit slow
Pelington details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/R700
4. AX-50
If you hadn't hated me by this point, maybe you will now for putting the AX-50 in 4th place in this top. Remember, we are basing this list on the damage range of each sniper. Nonetheless, the AX-50 feels oddly good. Maybe the only downside is that it aims very slowly, so it's better to only use it at medium to far ranges.
Weapon Review:
- Great for long-range kills
- A bit inconsistent
- Headshots are required
AX-50 details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/AX-50
The 3-line rifle is a good choice among heavy sniper rifles... it's as simple as that. It's not the best but it's relatively fast, fairly accurate, and has a good damage range. On the other hand, it has a pretty ugly ADS Time and of course, you won't move as smoothly as with others.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage Range
- Great for long-range encounters
- Very consistent
3-Line Rifle details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Mosin-Nagant
2. ZRG 20mm
This one is considered the meta of sniper rifles and, well... it depends on taste. However, it is objectively awesome. For a heavy sniper, it moves well and aims super fast. Of course, that's not to mention the excellent damage range it has and how hard it hits at any distance.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Snappy
- Lethal at any range
ZRG details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/ZRG_20mm
1. HDR
The friend of those who have been playing Warzone since its early days. Many will say that the ZRG is better and maybe that's true, but what keeps HDR on top right now is the comfort and habit we have when using it. It aims relatively fast, has a very good bullet velocity, reloads a bit fast, and takes down enemies with a head shot at any distance. Maybe it's time to dust it off.
Weapon Review:
- High Damage
- Lethal at any range
- Comfortable
- Great Bullet Velocity
HDR details: https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/HDR