Dark Souls 3 is the culmination of the best fashion taken from the entire Souls’ series. What do you get when you take the best armor and fashion from the previous 2 installments in a series and put them into the third game? You get the armor in Dark Souls 3!
DS3 has the most viable and best looking armor of DS1 and DS2, as well as having a ton of options of its own, giving an insane amount of player choice and freedom with different stats and looks that can fit any build. However, there are quite a few armor options that are just better than others.
So, this list will focus on the best armor options available in DS3!
15. Dragonscale Set

The crown with the flowy hair is a very common pick amongst many players, even those that like to mix and match armor pieces. Why? Just because it looks so cool. Walking around like an ancient storm god with ashen hair definitely gets many stylistic points.
How to get it: This armor can be purchased at the old woman in Firelink Shrine after defeating the Nameless King.
14. Havel’s Armor
This armor is one that is extremely powerful and useful to have in the whole game. This is because of its ability to withstand most physical damage without staggering, as well as the insane amount of poise it gives you. It is made out of rock so you really feel like an actual tank when you have this on!
How to get it: It is found on a corpse where you fight the Stray Demon on the bridge above the Old Farron Watchdog. This corpse only appears once you have defeated the Havel Knight in Archdragon Peak.
13. Lorian’s Armor
Lorian’s Armor is fantastic. It is a mix between regal and dangerous, as the flowy robes underneath definitely give a look of royalty, whereas the thorny crown helmet gives the overall armor a very dangerous and scary look.
How to get it: Can be purchased from the Shrine Maiden in Firelink Shrine after defeating Lothric and Lorian.
12. Firelink Armor
Though at first glance it seems only like an above average knight set, what it represents is incredible. This was the armor worn by the perfect send off to the fans of the series, and even has embers on the clothes that are slowly burning them away, signifying that this boss really is the manifestation of the flame and those who linked it.
How to get it: From the Shrine Handmaiden in Firelink Shrine after defeating Soul of Cinder.
11. Eastern Armor
How to get it: Can be bought from Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine after finding the Eastern Ashes before Anor Londo.
10. Undead Legion Armor
The set consists of leather armor with a cape. This cape has pitch black tendrils creeping up it, which signifies the eternal battle that the watchers did with the Abyss, to the point where it latched itself onto them as well. Oh, and there is also a really snazzy helmet.
How to get it: Can be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine after defeating the Abyss Watchers.
9. Morne’s Armor
This cool set consists of a heavy armor that seems to be made with crude black iron. The armor itself is fairly simple and not very ornate, save for the terrifying helmet which looks like some random beast which may or not be Morne himself. Very useful for striking fear in the hearts of your opponents.
How to get it: Can be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine if you kill Eygon of Carim in the Undead Settlement.
8. Silver Knight Armor
The armor is a very cool, fully metal set which is a combination of both ringmail and plate armor. The helmet of this set is really unique as well, with these horns that give them a very ominous yet kind of angelic look, which definitely fits their role as staunch guardians of their city.
How to get it: Random drop from Silver Knights.
7. Gundyr’s Armor
This heavy plate set is incredibly strong and gives a ton of resilience and poise if you wear the full set. It is also incredibly ornate and beautiful, making the wearer an absolute menace in every fight.
How to get it: Can be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine after defeating Champion Gundyr
6. Fallen Knight Armor
This armor looks super edgy, but also really cool as it consists of very tough black armor with ornate gold patterns on it, all covered by torn and tattered robes that give a very rogue look. This set also offersgreat fire resistance.
How to get it: Found on a corpse on the Road of Sacrifices behind one of the giant crab enemies.
5. Black Knight Armor
This is very similar in looks to the Silver Knight set, but is completely black and has spikier finishes. It is said that the Black Knights that roam the lands are basically ash and fight Demons to this day. Contrary to the angelic, guardian-like look of the Silver Knight set, this armor set has been burned and twisted, essentially flipping the roles to those of demons or devils that hunt down their enemies.
How to get it: Dropped by Black Knights in the Demon Ruins.
4. Iron Dragonslayer Armor
This whole set is made from very tough iron and offers very good physical damage reduction and poise. It has these seemingly chainmail robes but the real hero of the set is the red plume on the helmet which does give a very Spartan look to it.
How to get it: Can be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine after defeating Dragonslayer Armor.
3. Artorias Armor
Artorias is remembered to this day as a legend and a hero, one that was willing to give his life to stop the spread of the Abyss. The armor itself is really cool, slender and absolutely badass, really showing how cool and powerful he truly was.
How to get it: Can be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden at Firelink Shrine after defeating Champion Gundyr
2. Drakeblood Knight Armor
The lore speaks of this armor belonging to the Drakeblood Knights, a sect of knights that used to worship the blood of dragons. And so, this is why they are found in Archdragon Peak, protecting and worshiping their scaly gods. Their red cloth hanging from the armor signifies their yearning for dragon’s blood.
How to get it: Sometimes, the bell ringing enemies in Archdragon Peak will summon these knights. When they do, kill them and then warp to the Oceiros bonfire and make your way to the place where you picked up the ‘Meditate’ emote. The set is located on the same corpse.
1. Faraam Armor
This armor is just the perfect blend of beautiful and cool, with intricate metal work, combined with instances of leather and gambeson as well, all covered by the fur draped over the shoulders. More than most armors in the game, it seems like one that can actually exist in the real world that we live in, as well as being the perfect fantasy armor. All these things come together and make this the best looking armor in the entire game.
How to get it: Defeat the NPC enemies right outside of the Grand Archives. One of them will be wearing this set.