If there is one thing that Dragonball will be remembered for (other than the constant screaming) is the wide assortment of transformations that the characters of the show go through. There’s always going to be a newer and stronger villain around the corner, which will force our heroes to tap into even more power and transform into something even crazier.
That is one of the biggest things that sets the series apart from other similar anime’s, the sheer wackiness of each form of both the heroes and the villains. So, let’s take a look at the best and most unique forms for the characters in Dragonball!
15. Perfect Cell (Dragonball Z)
Though eclipsed in terms of strength by the following villains, Cell was truly a force to be reckoned with at the stage he showed up in. No one could beat him as he was just so far beyond everyone that Gohan had to tap into something even greater to beat him. Due to Vegeta’s pride, Cell was able to reach this perfected state and almost destroyed the entire planet, truly making him one of the deadliest and most formidable villains in the series.
14. Super Trunks (Dragonball Z)
After seeing his father push Cell into achieving his Perfect form and then periodically getting his face smashed in, Trunks transforms into his massively bulky Super Trunks form, which is just Super Saiyan Grade 3. This massive form sacrifices speed for absolute strength and is the evolved form of what Vegeta was using earlier to beat Cell.
The transformation is awesome for 2 reasons; because the transformation sequence itself shakes the Earth and the character of Trunks is one that was always so kind and quiet and to see him go berserk like this was amazing and something we couldn’t have predicted.
13. Ultimate Gohan (Dragonball Z)
At this stage in the story, Ultimate Gohan was the strongest character that we had ever seen, even eclipsing Goku’s Super Saiyan 3. This is on full display as he proceeds to absolutely pummel and destroy Gotenks absorbed Super Buu in a 1-on-1 fight. The transformation itself shakes Elder Kai’s planet to its core and brings fan favorite character, Gohan, back to the forefront of fighters.
12. Merged Zamasu (Dragonball Super)
Dragonball Super really threw us a curveball by introducing an evil Goku, who then went on to merge with his other half self to fuse into Merged Zamasu, a god with divine powers that was about to completely destroy an entire universe. He was one of the biggest threats that Goku and Vegeta ever faced and one they couldn’t completely kill, causing them to enlist Zeno to help eradicate Zamasu. This led to the eradication of an entire timeline, which was really the only way to finish off Infinite Zamasu.
11. Beast Gohan (Dragonball Super)
Gohan has now, once again, been brought to the forefront of Z-fighters after the latest Dragonball Super movie introduced us to the super cool Beast Gohan transformation. The transformation itself was reminiscent of the original SSJ2 Gohan and the form is just so cool, sporting white hair and blood red eyes along with his iconic purple gi. My only gripe is the verticality of the hair making him look like a mango, but other than that, the form is incredible!
10. Orange Piccolo (Dragonball Super)
The reason why Orange Piccolo is placed higher than Beast Gohan is because Piccolo is a fan favorite character that has been shafted to the side of the story for far too long. For all fans of his, it has always been upsetting to see him always just show up to get his butt kicked so, to see him come back with a massive strength boost to the forefront of fighters in Universe 7 was just so amazing to see. Plus, the design itself is badass with Orange skin, a much taller frame and him being built like a powerlifter!
9. Vegito/Gogeta (Dragonball Z/Dragonball Super)
Gogeta Transformation: I'm the light in the darkness
At the time that we were getting Super Saiyan 3’s and Ultimate Gohan’s it was honestly hard for us as fans to fathom anything stronger than those forms. However, in typical Dragonball fashion, we were proven wrong once again when the concept of fusion was added to the series, birthing 2 of the strongest warriors in history; Vegito and Gogeta.
Though there has been debate for so long about who is stronger, they are effectively the same character and are equally as strong, the only difference they really have is their personality and moveset.
Vegito was born after Goku and Vegeta fused via Potara Earrings to face Ultimate Buuhan, who was far stronger than even Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Upon being born, Vegito completely decimated Buuhan, as well as him dealing out the same punishment to Zamasu in his Blue Form in Dragonball Super.
Gogeta was initially part of the fusion reborn movie, where Super Janemba was completely destroying everything and everyone so something far stronger than SS3 Goku was needed. Goku and Vegeta did the fusion dance and birthed Gogeta, who erased Janemba from existence with only a few hits. Gogeta also completely destroyed LSSJ Broly in his Blue Form in the 2018 DBS: Broly movie.
8. Super Saiyan Vegeta (Dragonball Z)
At this stage in the story, the only Super Saiyan we had seen was Goku back in his fight against Frieza in the Namek Saga, so all we knew was that a Saiyan had to be strong and pure of heart to achieve this transformation. However, we were all shocked when Vegeta achieved this form, completely shattering this notion of pure-heartedness in a completely one-sided fight against Android 19 where he delivered one of the coldest and most ruthless lines ever put to a screen.
“Tell me, does a machine like you experience fear?”
6. Super Saiyan Blue Evolved Vegeta (Tournament of Power Arc)
For his entire life on Earth, Vegeta had been on the tail of Goku and was always trying to surpass him but always coming up short. However, in the Tournament of Power, Vegeta had had enough of Jiren’s nonchalant attitude towards them and charged at him by awakening further power from within himself, unlocking a new power and transformation completely unique to him.
This entire scene was perfect, with Vegeta’s speech about shattering his limits and Goku standing with him in his SSB Kaioken state, with the both of them walking towards Jiren at their strongest states.
7. Black Frieza (Granolah Arc)
Black Frieza was a form we saw in some of the closing panels of the Granolah arc, so we just simply don’t know much about it. However, what we do know is that it is some of the best we’ve ever seen from Dragonball, in that it is purposefully shrouded in mystery and the only knowledge that we have is of Frieza now being way above Goku and Vegeta in terms of power, even when they are in their Ultimate Forms.
5. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Perfect Cell Arc)
This scene remains one of the scenes that still send the most tingles down my spine whenever I see it. Gohan was fighting at his absolute maximum but still couldn’t find it within him to finally beat Cell. But upon seeing his father and then Android 16 die ruthlessly, Gohan knew that he now had to give it his all. With a massive roar, he awakened a raw power that no one had seen before.
4. Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Buu Arc)
This is my favorite canon Super Saiyan form in the whole series, mainly because of how unique and incredible the design is. Though this is my favorite SS form overall, it is not my overall favorite form as some later ones go away from the SS aspect into more unique territory. But, what makes this form so special is the scene where Goku transforms into it, with the scene being one that shakes the very foundations of the Universe.
Sean Schemmel absolutely earns his laurels here and was said to have yelled so much for this scene that he passed out. And it really shows in this brilliant scene which introduces the best Super Saiyan stage.
3. Ultra Instinct Goku/Ultra Ego Vegeta (TOP Arc/Granolah Arc)
Vegeta’s Transformation: (manga only)
After so long, the series has finally understood the strengths and weaknesses of the 2 main characters and is no longer focused on Vegeta chasing Goku, instead opting to find his own path to power that suits him better. This culminates in the both of them achieving their ultimate forms and being completely on par with one another in terms of strength and capabilities.
These forms are perfect reflections of their personalities as well, with Goku opting for the technique which emphasizes skill and defense whereas Vegeta’s form emphasizes being a complete brawler and offensive output. These are the pinnacle forms for both characters and they perfectly complement who they are.
2. Super Saiyan Goku (Namek Arc)
This form is the very reason we are even making this list. The first time Goku went Super Saiyan is an event every single kid remembers and is the reason why so many different forms of media even have power ups and transformations. This was the first time that every single child watching this episode would often start yelling in order to make their hair longer or blond.
Super Saiyan Goku is the very definition of iconic and it has inspired millions of people all over the planet about how to never give up and always keep pushing yourself to take yourself to newer and better heights.
1. Super Saiyan 4
Goku’s Transformation: SO
Vegeta’s Transformation: DAMN
Gogeta Transformation: COOL
I know that I may get a ton of hate for this by many readers, but to me, the greatest form in the history of the entire franchise is the Super Saiyan 4. Although it isn’t canon, the SS4 is the best designed form that they have ever made. This is because at this stage in Dragonball, each and every single new transformation was just getting longer or blonder hair.
So, what they did was they took the more primal look of a SS3 and made it look more like a Great Ape, but refined to fit a normal frame. This led to the most unique and amazing design in the entire franchise, one that will always stick out to you no matter what you do. Whether the SS4 in question is Goku, Vegeta or Gogeta, the form itself is an absolute masterpiece of design.