Winning in the crucible isn’t easy, it takes some skill. But by combining that skill with the right weapons and abilities you can certainly make it look easy. Besides getting better in the crucible you’ll need a good build to complement your play style or help you adopt a new one that helps you win.
With that, we’ve searched and curated a list of the top 10 best crucible class builds in Destiny 2.
Our Top 10
- Momma said Knock You Out (Arc Titan)
- Web of Tempests (Arc Warlock)
- Stick and Move (Arc Hunter)
- Ashen Wake Build (Solar Titan)
- Ain’t Dead Yet (Solar Warlock)
- Monte and Marty (Solar Hunter)
- Infinite Melee and Health (Void Titan)
- Mobility Build (Void Hunter)
- Burning Hunger (Void Warlock)
- Disrupted Traveler (Weapon Build)
How this list works:
We’ll list what mods, armor, and weapons you’ll need to make each build work. We’ll note just the important exotics and weapons that are integral to the build. For the rest, you will have plenty of room to mix and match your other equipment slots and make tweaks as you go.
1. Momma said Knock You Out (Arc Titan)
This build is known by many names but it makes a great match for Titans who love getting cozy in melee range. You’ll be running bottom tree striker for its Reversal melee attack which fills health on melee kills, then pair it with exotics that revolve around quickly recharging you melee.
- Skill Tree: Code of the Juggernaut
- Ability: Your choice for grenade, barrier, and lift
- Armor: Synthoceps, ACD/0 Feedback Fence, or Dunemarchers
- Weapons: Monte Carlo, shotguns, SMGs, sidearms
- Armor Mods to Use: Thunder Coil, Strength Mod, Hands-On, Mobility Mod
Build Strengths:
- Strong melee game
- Good for aggressive playstyles
- Great for melee-focused gauntlets, exotics, and mods
Build by Marcusbgaming:
2. Web of Tempests (Arc Warlock)
This arc build for Warlocks is powered by the Crown of Tempests exotic helmet which charges your grenade and melee abilities but also extends your super ability, making a powerful cycle of lighting on lightning action.
- Skill Tree: Attunement of Conduction
- Ability: Healing Rift, Arcbolt grenade, burst glide
- Armor: Crown of Tempests,
- Weapons: Weapons that have Demolitionist perk, i.e Breachlight, Austringer, Old-Fashioned
- Recommended Armor Mods: Discipline Mod, Strength Mod, Impact Induction, Momentum Transfer, Hands-On, Distribution
Build Strengths:
- Grenade and melee work off each other
- Longer super
- Fast grenades
Build by Dychronic:
3. Stick and Move (Arc Hunter)
This hunter build is heavily focused on maneuvering around the map. You’ll be running bottom tree Arcstrider, focusing on speed and pairing it with the Wormhusk Crown exotic helmet.
- Skill Tree: Way of the Wind
- Ability: Your choice for grenade, dodge, and jump
- Armor: Wormhusk Crown
- Weapons: Crimson, SUROS Regime,
- Recommended Armor Mods: Mobility mod, Recovery mod, Intellect mod, Dynamo, Distribution,
Build Strengths:
- Good for run ‘n gun playstyle
- Evasive
- Good recovery
Build by Marcusbgaming:
4. Ashen Wake Build (Solar Titan)
Moving on to the solar builds we have this build that uses middle tree Sunbreaker. The build is centered around the exotic Ashen Wake guantlets and throwing grenades to get your supercharged. If you play it right you can get your super up a lot more in matches. Get ready for some hate mail from the enemy.
- Skill Tree: Code of the Devastator
- Ability: Fusion grenade, your choice for lift and barrier
- Armor: Ashen Wake
- Weapons: Weapons that roll with Demolitionist perk
- Recommended Armor Mods: Ashes to Assets, Recovery Mod, Intellect Mod, Discipline Mod, Impact Induction
Build Strengths:
- Fast charging grenades
- Charge super quickly
- Multiple supers in a game
Build by CastleIsLive:
5. Ain’t Dead Yet (Solar Warlock)
This build uses top tree Dawnblade and the Karnstein Armlets exotic gauntlets which heal you for melee kills. It works with both your close and ranged melee. Pairing this with exotic hand cannon Crimson will keep your health up as its exotic perk is healing on kills.
- Skill Tree: Attunement of Sky
- Ability: Your choice of rift, grenade, and lift
- Armor: Karnstein Armlets
- Weapons: Crimson, shotguns, sidearms
- Recommended Armor Mods: Strength Mod, Outreach, Hands-On, Mobility Mod,
Build Strengths:
- Healing from gun kills
- Healing and regen from exotic gauntlets
- Good for close-quarters encounters
Build by Marcusbgaming:
6. Monte and Marty (Solar Hunter)
This build pairs the top tree Gunslinger’s Proximity Explosive Knife attack with the Ophidia Spathe chest armor so you get two knives that explode when enemies walk near it. Making it great for trapping choke points in maps. You’ll keep the knives flowing by using the exotic perk of Monte Carlo, which reduces your melee cooldown.
- Skill Tree: Way of the Outlaw
- Ability: Gambler’s Dodge, Tripwire grenade, and jump
- Armor: Ophidia Spathe
- Weapons: Monte Carlo, Martyr’s Retribution
- Recommended Armor Mods: Solar Plexus, Strength Mod, Solar ability mods, and Ability cooldown mods
Build Strengths:
- Ophidia Spathe exotic grants two knives
- Monte Carlo and gambler’s dodge charges both knives
- Very good at trapping enemies
Build by Aztecross:
7. Infinite Melee and Health (Void Titan)
For this build, you’ll run top tree Sentinel for its Defensive Strike melee which grants you an over shield while also charging your melee when you get final blows while you have said over shield. The top tree’s Rallying Charge perk will heal you and nearby teammates on melee kills. By combining these two with the exotic gauntlets Synthoceps and their boost to melee range you’ll be tough to crack.
- Skill Tree: Code of the Protector
- Ability: Gambler’s Dodge, Tripwire grenade, and jump
- Armor: Ophidia Spathe
- Weapons: Monte Carlo
- Recommended Armor Mods: Strength Mod, Hands-On, Void ability mods
Build Strengths:
- Overshield also extends to nearby teammates
- Faster charging melee
- Good durability
Build by BRAVExHERO:
8. Void Mobility Build (Void Hunter)
This build focuses on getting your mobility stat as high as possible and making the most of it by choosing the right weapons. You’ll be running top tree Way of the Trapper, and use mods that buff auto rifles. It’s also helpful to mix with armor that boosts your recovery stat as well.
- Skill Tree: Way of the Trapper (Top Tree)
- Ability: Gambler’s Dodge, your choice of grenade
- Armor: The Sixth Coyote (Exotic chest piece)
- Weapons: Gnawing Hunger, or your auto rifle of choice
- Recommended Armor Mods: Traction, Distribution, Mobility mods, Auto rifle buffing mods
Build Strengths:
- High mobility
- Long invisibility
- Faster ability charge
Build by PartTimeGuardian:
9. Burning Hunger (Void Warlock)
This build combines the exotic auto rifle Tommy’s Matchbook, which hurts you for a damage bonus, and top tree Voidwalker which has a strong healing game. Seeking out to balance the harm done to you while maximizing the damage boost you get.
- Skill Tree: Attunement of Hunger
- Ability: Healing Rift, Axiom Grenade, Burst Glide
- Armor: Verity’s Brow
- Weapons: Tommy’s Matchbook, Revoker, Hammerhead
- Armor Mods to Use: Auto Rifle Targeting, Auto Rifle Loader, Impact Induction, Recovery, Discipline, Strength, Auto Rifle Dexterity, Distribution,
Build Strengths:
- Strong healing
- High damage
- Good grenade game
Build by Dychronic:
10. Disrupted Traveler (Weapon Build)
Though it would technically be called a loadout, this build combines the Disruption Break perk on the Truthteller grenade launcher (if you’re lucky enough to get one with the perk), which by breaking an enemy’s shield will make them weaker to your kinetic. You’ll then take a couple of shots with the sidearm Traveler’s Chosen, which is already a beast on its own. While most would assume a build using Disruption Break is more PvE focused this one does great in PvP.
- Weapons: Traveler’s Chosen, Truthteller (with Disruption Break)
Build Strengths:
- Good for PvP but also for PvE
- Works for any class (obviously)
- Annoys enemy team
Build by Aztecross:
Liked our list? What builds are best? Let us know in the comments below!
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