Demon Hunters are known for being very nimble and versatile class.
This class has many options on how to be played, as well as what skills and weapons can be played. They have arrows, grenades, turrets, pets, and plenty of gadgets to slay demons.
Demon Hunters are fueled by hatred and discipline. This can make them a challenging play because instead of one large pool of resources to draw from, you are managing two smaller pools. Hatred refills faster, it primarily an attack skill, whereas discipline is needed to make sure the Demon Hunter survives to fight another day.
With hundreds of build options available, the builds listed here are the ones considered the current best of class. These are all builds that can make it to higher level Greater Rifts and can be used for solo or group play. Keep in mind gear stats and player skill does affect results with any build.
Now ready or not, here are the top 3 Demon Hunter builds in Diablo 3.
3. Demon Hunter - Unhallowed Essence Multishot
The feathers are need to help with the Demon Hunter's agility.
The Unhallowed Essence set pairs with multishot for this build. The bonuses on the set make it very desirable with its increase to the hatred and discipline, 60% damage reduction and 600% increase to damage if enemies are not within 10 yards of you and the 350% increase to multishot and vengeance per point of discipline you have. This build pair this set with Focus & Restraint to further maximize the power.
What Unhallowed Essence Multishot excels at:
- The build is classic Demon Hunter in that it is always in motion while dealing damage.
- Encouraging you to keep your distance. The farther away you are the more damage you will do.
- Clearing mobs, elites, and bosses quickly.
Gear Stats: Dexterity, Vitality, Cooldown reduction, and fire damage are important.
Gear: Gems in this set are Diamond in the help. Emeralds for weapons.
- Helm: Accursed Visage
- Shoulders: Unsanctified Shoulder
- Gloves: Fiendish Grips
- Chest: Cage of the Hellborn
- Belt: Captain Crimson’s Silk Girdle
- Pants: Captain Crimson’s Thrust
- Boots: Hell Walkers
- Bracers: Wraps of Clarity
- Amulet: The Flavor of Time or Squirt’s Necklace
- Ring 1: Focus
- Ring 2: Restraint
- Weapon 1: Yang’s Recurve
- Offhand: Dead Man’s Legacy
- Legendary Gems:
- Zei’s Stone of Vengeance
- Bane of the Powerful
- Bane of the Trapped
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- Dawn
- Visage of Gunes
- Ring of Royal Grandeur
Active Skills:
- Multishot - Arsenal
- Vault - Tumbler
- Evasive Fire - Focus
- Preparation - Invigoration
- Companion - Wolf Companion
- Vengeance - Seethe
Passive Skills:
- Awareness
- Ballistics
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Cull the Weak.
Paragon Priority:
- Dexterity
- Vitality
- Movement Speed
- Maximum Resource
- Cooldown Reduction
- Critical Hit Chance
- Critical Hit Damage
- Attack Speed
- Resist All
- Armor
- Life
- Life Regeneration
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Life Per Hit
- Area Damage
- Gold Find
For more information:
Link to Build: https://www.diablofans.com/builds/105781-s19-gr100-fast-solo-ue-fire-multishot
Video about this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YblhZk01cqM&t=85s
2. Demon Hunter - LON Rapid Fire
Decisions, decisions about what gear to use.
The Legacy of Nightmare ring set is the only set on this build. The rest of the gear is ancient legendary or primal ancient legendary. The challenge for this build is actually getting all the gear for it, and the player needs to farm the legendaries' need.
What Legacy of Nightmare Rapid Fire excels at:
- Clearing mobs- we actually want the enemies to get up and personal to get maximum bang for our grenade.
- Slower moment than typical demon hunter builds - The build is designed so that you can sit and channel the abilities to maximize your damage.
- Making use of legendaries - as you go through your game, the better ancient legendary gear you get, the easier it is to swap. Just remember that this build works off of fire damage. It’s about the stats more than the specific gear.
Gear Stats priorities: Dexterity, vitality, fire, rapid fire, and cooldown reductions are what is important for this build. Also keep an eye out for All resist, critical damage, critical hit and life per hit.
Gear: Gems in this set are diamond in the helm. Armor should have Diamond in are to improve toughness or emeralds improve damage. Put an emerald in weapons.
- Helm: Visage of Gunes
- Shoulders: Mantle of Channeling
- Gloves: Magefist
- Chest: Cindercoat
- Belt: Hellcat Waistguard
- Pants: Swamp Land Waders
- Boots: Any well-rolled boots will work for this build since vault is not being used.
- Bracers: Strongarm Bracers, Ancient Parthan Defenders, or Nemesis Bracers
- Amulet: The Ess of Johan, Hellfire Amulet, or the Flavor of Time
- Ring 1: Litany of the Undaunted
- Ring 2: The Wailing Host
- Weapon 1: Dawn
- Offhand: Sin Seeker
- Legendary Gems:
- Bane of the Trapped
- Bane of the Stricken
- Legacy of Dreams
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- Wojahnni Assaulter
- Aquila Cuirass
- Elusive Ring (for more toughness) or Convention of Elements (for more damage)
Active Skills:
- Rapid Fire - Bombardment
- Smoke Screen - Vanishing Powder
- Caltrops - Bait the Trap
- Shadow Power - Gloom
- Vengeance - Side Cannons
- Companion - Wolf Companion
Passive Skills:
- Cull the Weak
- Tactical Advantage
- Grenadier
- Numbing Traps
Paragon Priority:
- Movement Speed
- Dexterity
- Maximum Resource
- Vitality
- Cooldown Reduction
- Critical Hit Chance*
- Critical Hit Damage*
- Attack Speed
Note: Try to maintain a 1 to 10 ratio between Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage.
- Life
- Resist All
- Armor
- Life Regeneration
- Area Damage
- Life Per Hit
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Gold Find
For more information:
Link to this build: https://www.d3planner.com/653346027
Video about this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugXkTmI92EM&t=111s
1. Demon Hunter - Natalya Rapid Fire
A horned helmet, and high heeled boots - perfect to slay demons.
Natalya Rapid Fire uses Rapid Fire and Rain of Vengeance. Natalya’s affects the duration, damage amount, as well as the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Unlike most Demon Hunter, builds this requires the character to remain still for maximum effect. It is designed to be able to take additional damage from the lack of motion.
What Natalya Rapid Fire excels at:
- Staying still - instead of being a blur of motion, you can stand still to the channel to get to max damage, similar to the Legacy of Nightmare.
- Tons of damage from Rapid Fire/Rain of Vengeance. The entire build is designed to support these two skills.
- Toughness - The build is able to take some damage due to the gear selected to complement the set.
Gear Stats priorities: Dexterity, vitality, area damage, rapid fire, and cooldown reductions are the main areas of attention as you select your gear. All resist and life per hit, as well as fire damage, are also skills to look for.
Gear: Gems in this set are diamond in the helm. Diamond in armor are to improve toughness, Emeralds improve damage. Emerald in weapons.
- Helm: Natalya's Sight
- Shoulders: Mantle of Channeling
- Gloves: Natalya's Touch
- Chest: Natalya's Embrace
- Belt: Hellcat Waistguard
- Pants: Natalya's Leggings
- Boots: Natalya's Bloody Footprints
- Bracers: Nemesis Bracers
- Amulet: The Traveler's Pledge
- Ring 1: The Compass Rose
- Ring 2: Natalya's Reflection
- Weapon 1: Dawn
- Offhand: Sin Seekers
- Legendary Gems:
- Bane of the Trapped
- Bane of the Powerful, if it staking a long time to make kills then swap to Bane of the Stricken.
- Taeguk, then at higher levels swap to Pain Enhancer
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- Wojahnni Assaulter
- Aquila Cuirass
- Elusive Ring
Active Skills:
- Rapid Fire - Bombardment
- Rain of Vengeance - Flying strike
- Caltrop - Bait the Trap
- Smoke Screen - Vanishing Power
- Vault - Tumble
- Vengeance - Dark Heart
Passive Skills:
- Cull the Weak
- Ambush
- Grenadier
- Leech
Paragon Priority:
- Movement Speed
- Dexterity
- Maximum Resource
- Vitality
- Cooldown Reduction
- Critical Hit Chance*
- Critical Hit Damage*
- Attack Speed
Note: Try to maintain a 1 to 10 ratio between Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage.
- Resist All
- Life
- Armor
- Life Regeneration
- Life Per Hit
- Area Damage
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Gold Find
For more information:
Link to Build: https://www.d3planner.com/466059836
Video of Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5DuKOQNkos
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