The wizard is a ranged class that uses magic to crowd control demon hordes in Diablo 3.
Fueled by Arcane and Wizards mix between fire, cold, lighting, and Arcane magic abilities to allow lots of creativity with combos. It's a flashy class, with the abilities to summon meteors, hydras, and black holes to slay enemies.
With this class resource management and the lack of toughness must be managed. Wizards have no abilities that boost their health. The builds below to take this into account for this, however, it's critical to be aware of this while playing.
Remember, player skill will affect results, as will specific equipment traits. Now let’s grab your wands and focus on the Top 3 Diablo 3 Wizard Build.
3. Tal Rasha Explosive Blast
This Wizard decided that instead of a wand, The Furnance would best send his message.
This build needs to have the Ring of Royal Grandeur in Kani’s Cube, as you are going to be taking parts of different sets, Tal Rasha, Aughild’s Authority, and Captain Crimson’s Trimmings. The Ring of Royal Grandeur’s ability is that you need one less set-piece to gain full set benefits. Skill wise, you are using one skill of lighting, fire, cold and arcane skill to keep the Tas Rasha set fully stacked.
What Tal Rasha Explosive Blast Excels In:
- Fast - this build is able to move around quickly
- Strong - it is tanky for a wizard build.
- Damage - it does a ton of damage to burn through mobs, elites as well as bosses.
Gear Stats: Fire, Cooldown reduction, and area damage. Explosive damage is good if you can get it.
Gear: Gems in this set are Diamond in the helm, Emerald in the weapon, and Topaz in the rest.
- Helm: Tal Rasha's Guise of Wisdom
- Shoulders: Aughild’s Power
- Gloves: Tal Rasha's Grasp
- Chest: Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit
- Belt: Captain Crimson’s Silk Girdle
- Pants: Tal Rasha's Stride
- Boots: Captain Crimson’s Waders
- Bracers: Aughild’s Search
- Amulet: Tal Rasha's Allegiance
- Ring 1: Focus
- Ring 2: Restraint
- Weapon 1: In-geom
- Offhand: Orb of Infinite Depth
- Legendary Gems:
- Bane of the Powerful
- Bane of the Trapped
- Wreath of Lightning or Boon of The Hoarder - both of these improve speed.
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- Wand of Woh
- Nemesis Bracers
- Ring of Royal Grandeur
Active Skills:
- Shock Pulse - Piercing Orb
- Frost Nova - Frozen Mist
- Explosive Blast - Chain Reaction
- Diamond Skin - Prism
- Teleport - Calamity
- Magic Weapon - Force Weapon
Passive Skills:
- Illusionist
- Evocation
- Unstable Anomaly
- Audacity
Paragon Priority:
- Intelligence
- Vitality
- Movement Speed
- Maximum Arcane Power
- Cooldown Reduction
- Critical Hit Damage
- Critical Hit Chance
- Attack Speed
- Life
- Armor
- Resist All
- Life Regeneration
- Area Damage
- Life Per Hit
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Gold Find
Links for more information:
Build Link: https://www.d3planner.com/756567561
Video about this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9Fq1wvT-yA
2. Tal Rasha Meteor
This build makes use of the fire meteors to cause damage, but also other elements to getthe best use of Tal Rasha set. It is also has a very forgiving play style. This is a channeling build by design, so less movement is required.
What Tal Rasha Meteor Excels In:
- Elemental Damage - it uses all of the different types of elements to keep the set at maximum damage resist, and damage dealing.
- Mastery of Combos - it’s a balancing act to make sure that you keep the set bonus abilities going.
- Massive amounts of damage.
Gear Stats: Intelligence, Fire, Vitality. Ideally, you want to have three sources of life percent, then go with the Armor to increase your durability.
Gear: Gems in this set are Topaz to add to intelligence in all armor, Emerald in the weapon. Amethis for more life in the helm, or Topaz for resource cost reduction.
- Helm: Tal Rasha's Guise of Wisdom
- Shoulders: Mantle of Channeling
- Gloves: Tal Rasha's Grasp
- Chest: Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit
- Belt: Tal Rasha's Brace
- Pants: Tal Rasha's Stride
- Boots: Nilfur’s Boast
- Bracers: Ashnagarr’s Blood Bracers
- Amulet: Tal Rasha's Allegiance
- Ring 1: Convention of Elements
- Ring 2: Halo of Karini
- Weapon 1: Deathwish
- Offhand: Tal Rasha's Unwavering Glare (Until Ring of Royal Grandeur is in Kanai’s cube, then swap to Etched Sigil)
- Legendary Gems:
- Bane of the Trapped
- Taeguk
- Bane of the Stricken
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- The Grand Vizier
- Aquila Cuirass
- Ring of Royal Grandeur
Active Skills:
- Storm Armor - Power of the Storm
- Magic Weapon - Deflection
- Meteor - Meteor Shower
- Ray of Frost - Cold Blood
- Teleport - Calamity
- Arcane Torrent - Static Discharge
Passive Skills:
- Dominance (give more toughness) or Unstable Anomaly (erases one death per 60 seconds)
- Illusionist
- Audacity
- Galvanizing Ward
Paragon Priority:
- Movement Speed
- Intelligence
- Maximum Arcane Power
- Vitality
- Critical Hit Chance*
- Critical Hit Damage*
- Cooldown Reduction
- Attack Speed
*You want to keep this at a one to ten ratios until Hit Chance is full, then focus on the rest.
- Life
- Armor
- Resist All
- Life Regeneration
- Life Per Hit
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Area Damage
- Gold Find
Links for more information:
Link to Build: https://www.d3planner.com/574462884
Video about this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6H2eezdyZA
1. Vyr Chantodo Archon
Wizard apparently do not need to see what they are doing...
This build uses Vyr’s Amazing Arcana in conjunction with Cantodo’s Resolve to create one of the newest top tier builds. Both of the sets had received buffs to them, which made this combination more powerful. This build is a cold/arcane base build, making it different from the fire builds featured so far.
What Vyr Chantodo Archon Excels In:
- It’s another fast build - it moves quickly and damages as it goes.
- You like to play with Archon skills. This build uses all of them and stacks them.
- The use of timing and combos - you need to balance the stacks and the timing of attacks for massive power increases.
Gear Stats: Intelligence, Vitality, Cold Damage are what should be sought.
Gear: Gems in this set are Diamonds in your helm, Topaz in the armor for cooldown reduction, however, if toughness is an issue swap for Emeralds or Rubies. Emeralds in the weapons.
- Helm: Vyr’s Sightless Skull
- Shoulders: Vyr’s Proud Pauldrons
- Gloves: Vyr’s Grasping Gauntlets
- Chest: Vyr’s Astonishing Aura
- Belt: Fazula’s Improbable Chain
- Pants: Vyr’s Fantastic Finery
- Boots: Vyr’s Swaggering Stance
- Bracers: Strongarm Bracers
- Amulet: Squirt’s Necklace
- Ring 1: Convention of Elements
- Ring 2: Halo of Karini
- Weapon 1: Chantodo’s Will
- Offhand: Chantodo’s Force
- Legendary Gems:
- Bane of the Trapped
- Bane of the Powerful - Can be swapped to Bane of the Stricken at higher Tier/Rift levels
- Gogok of Swiftness
Gear in Kanai’s Cube:
- The Furnace
- The Swami
- Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
Active Skills:
- Arcane Torrent - Static Discharge
- Black Hole - Absolute Zero
- Archon - Slow Time
- Magic Weapon - Deflection
- Slow Time - Time Warp
- Storm Armor - Power of the Storm
Passive Skills:
- Elemental Exposure
- Evocation
- Audacity
- Unstable Anomaly
Paragon Priority:
- Movement Speed
- Intelligence
- Maximum Arcane Power
- Vitality
- Critical Hit Chance*
- Critical Hit Damage*
- Attack Speed
- Cooldown Reduction
*You want to keep this at a one to ten ratios until Hit Chance is full, then focus on the rest.
- Resist All
- Armor
- Life
- Life Regeneration
- Resource Cost Reduction
- Area Damage
- Life Per Hit
- Gold Find
Links for more information:
Link to this build: https://www.d3planner.com/190352262
Video regarding this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QENeYODBqo&t=178s
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