What Are The Best Foods For Energy In Disney's Dreamlight Valley
As with real life, you can’t get very far without the energy to do things, and like in real life the best way to restore your energy is to eat something here in Dreamlight Valley they offer a bunch of recipes to help out with that. But here are the Top five ways to not only restore energy but also increase the energy you already have to allow you to work better as you accomplish your tasks in the garden, the mines, or planting more plots for your garden.
5. Smoked Peanuts and Anglerfish
It may not look like much but from gathering and making this dish its results speak for itself
This Dish is a two-star dish because of the two ingredients needed to make it. However, making said dish is where the fun gets started. For starters, the peanuts to get this ingredient you need to help out our Little Chef with two other dishes he needs your help making which also need this ingredient.
So take a quick trip into his home world and you can find the ingredients there, upon your return and the completion of said quest this item will be available to purchase at his restaurant just like the Milk, Eggs, Butter, and Cheese is. Now after that, we get to the Anglerfish and grab a fishing partner with a higher rank in fishing to help you out like good old buddies Goofy or Donald, or if you want to be a little different ask Eric.
Either way, when you and your partner make your way to the Forgotten Lands you will find two ponds in this biome. While at those ponds find or use the fishing rods potion to make a gold-ringed ripple and start fishing with the help of your high-level fishing partner you can gather up as much anglerfish as you need to complete this dish. You can even use the grill spot they have available to you in the Forgotten Lands near the second pond you can fish from that's next to that biome’s pillar.
Once you’ve made enough you're good to go. The energy said dish provides is 3.960 per dish so you can as I said make plenty of this meal and you’ll have all the energy source you need with this easy to make two ingredient dish.
4. Pan Fried Anglerfish
I think this game enjoys emphasizing the spooky nature of the Forgotten Lands even down to the food that comes from said biome
Despite its interesting coloring, the Pan-fried Angler fish is another great energy dish that also comes with the bonus of being a four-star ranked dish. The ingredients needed to make this dish are the angler fish you can catch in the Forgotten Lands with the help of a fishing partner, Tomatoes, Zucchini, and Potatoes. The vegetable seeds are kind of scattered but with the help of the wells in each biome you can fast travel to each one to get them for tomatoes their seeds can be bought over at Goofy’s stall in Dazzle Beach,
For the Zucchini their seeds are found over in the Sunlit Plateau, and finally, for the Potatoes their seeds can be found in the Forgotten lands my advice would be to get the other two ingredients first then get the last two since their in the same spot together save time that way. Once you’ve gotten all your ingredients and made this four-star dish the energy restoration it provides is very worthwhile.
At 4,194 it's right up there with one other dish that produces an equally high amount of energy to restore your energy bar or increase the energy in your bar to max level. So again despite how interesting it looks it's a very worthwhile dish to make for having with you while you complete tasks in your valley and with easy access to a grill at the Forgotten Lands or the Sunlit Plateau, you can make as much of the dish as you like
3. Lancetfish Paella
Five-star dish for five-star energy
This dish is a bit of a challenge as with the Anglerfish you can obtain it in the forgotten lands however this time you need the tier below gold and instead need the blue-ringed ripple to catch this one. This is where the potion sadly can turn into a problem as it will also turn your blue-ringed ones into a gold one and override the ring you need this also applies to the Dish’s second ingredient The second ingredient is Shrimp. This also needs a blue ring and can only be caught in Dazzle Beach again.
With the help of a fishing partner, you can fish up enough of both to complete this dish. The third ingredient requires some foraging and digging to help you run around Dazzle Beach and you will find clams and oyster shells all over the sand like the garlic and ginger of the other biomes this ingredient also respawns rather quickly so if you need to take a break and wait for the ingredients to respawn again.
The last two ingredients are Tomatoes and Wheat the Tomato seeds as already stated can be purchased at Dazzle Beach and the Wheat seeds can be purchased at the Peaceful Meadow. Plant and grow enough of these to make the Paella. When the dish is completed you will have a five-star ranked entree that restores and fills up your energy bar with 4,550 energy so again despite the means needed to make this dish it's very worthwhile to make it.
2. Lobster Roll
A simple dish that packs quite a lot of energy
The Lobster Roll like the Paella is a five-star dish that needs five ingredients to make. The lobster itself can be fished up in the Glade of Trust in the signature gold ring and is aided by having a high-level fishing partner help you that on occasion as with the mining and gardening and foraging you may run into the orange shower that sends lobsters all over gather up as much as you can to help you get enough lobsters to make your dish. The Wheat as already stated can be found in the Peaceful Meadow by either purchasing the seeds from Goofy or clearing away night thorns and with how quickly it grows it's super easy to get plenty of Wheat for this meal.
The Butter and Garlic can be obtained in our Little Chef’s Restaurant and the Forest of Valor in that exact order. As with the fishing partner, have a high-level foraging partner to help you get as much garlic as you need for your recipe. When you have all the ingredients and a spot to cook them with you’ll have all the lobster rolls you need which produce 4.928 energy worth it in the long run for sure.
1. Poached Basil Buttered Sturgeon
I guess fish Dishes pack a lot of energy who knew
That’s right, another fish-related dish but hey with all the fishing partners to help you and increase the friendship every time you fish together it's a win-win. The other bonus is this time the fish is in a new biome the White Sturgeon fish you need can be found in Frosted Heights Elsa’s area as with the Angler Fish save with one pond and several fishing spots along the river use the golden ringed ripples or make one using the fishing rod potion. If you wanted to you can even have Else help you if you decided to make her your fishing partner up to you of course.
The next two ingredients are Butter and Lemon. The Butter can be purchased with the help of our favorite little Chef and the Lemons are over in the Glade of Trust. With the help of moving items all over the place to design the valley how you want to you can move your Lemon trees into a nice even row to harvest the fruit every time. And finally, the last ingredient Basil can be foraged over at the Peaceful Meadow so grab your best foraging partner or the tag along you like to get petty revenge on and gather up as much of this herb as you need or want to make this meal.
This dish despite the high energy restoration it provides is a four-star ranked dish but as stated the energy it gives is worthwhile the energy is 4.961. I’m pretty sure even with how long the energy bar gets, just one of these dishes will see your energy restored in no time and of course, completely maxed out if it is full.
So there you have every one of the Top 5 Best Dishes to have on hand to keep your energy at max or to help restore it after you’ve warned yourself out running around mining foraging and gardening like I said even in this magical world tending to all these tasks can get exhausting. But with the help of your favorite partners to help you get the ingredients you need and the help of Remy’s Restaurant or your kitchen set up you can have all the meals you need to get your character back up and running again.