What Are The Best Characters To Unlock First In Disney's Dreamlight Valle
Disney’s Dreamlight Valley is a truly magical place that provides you with so many imaginative, creative, and fun experiences. But the best part of it is the inhabitants of your valley as the name suggests this game allows you to play alongside your favorite or in some cases least favorite Disney characters. It's essentially the game's way of showing that even the most dastardly of villains can have a place in your valley so long as they know how to behave.
That being said all the characters can be added to your game in various ways which brings us to the main point which ones should you unlock first and why here are my suggestions on which ones to unlock to best enjoy the game.
1. Mickey Mouse
That's right, everyone. We can’t get started in this game without having the king himself be the very first character you unlock. Quite literally, one of the first things Merlin asks you to do is go find Mickey to help you with one of the first quests you receive in the game. It’s also with his help you obtain the shovel and the first batch of recipes you’ll need to progress your game.
He also helps you navigate gardening and is, of course, a cornerstone for us in unlocking his sweetheart and queen Minnie. As such, it is one character that should not be overlooked to advance to other parts of the game. One quest needs a room only Mickey will allow you access to when you gain the maximum friendship with him.
2. Scrooge McDuck
As with the king, this entrepreneur is another one who is a tutorial-locked character. After you help Mickey or even during it, you will find him encased in a barrier of night thorns. Once you have removed the night thorns, he will tell you of his woes with his business not doing so great due to the main part of the story. After you agree to help him, he will lead you with his quest that takes you further into your valley. Once his quest is complete and you have obtained enough star coins, you will open up his store. With his store, you have access to a bunch of clothes, furniture, wallpaper, and flooring. He also has a bunch of decorative items for every theme. This includes pieces based on the other Disney stories/characters the game has to offer. As such, he is a very needed character to have unlocked as soon as you can.
The other bonus to this business-savvy duck is you can place orders of up to 25 items from his catalog of furniture and clothes. It is thanks to this system that not only helps another valley resident but also helps you learn how to make use of it for setting up your valley in creative ways. The final perk to Scrooge is he is who you go to not only upgrade his store but also set up all your valley inhabitants' homes and other important buildings in your valley. Guess Scrooge is smarter than the smarties and tougher than the toughies business duck.
3. Goofy
That’s right, just as Mickey is iconic and should be present, so too is his longest of friends Goofy. That being said, the Scrooge quest also pertains to him as well, leading you to your third tutorial and the last of the Royal Tools before you progress further into the game. As with how the game is set up, helping Mickey helps you to obtain the shovel and watering can after some exploring, freeing then helping Scrooge with his shop helps you to unlock the pickaxe and, by extension, the rest of the valley, which was frozen up until that point. However, the very last tool you get and the next part of the tutorial is the fishing rod, and as shown by his movies and cartoon shorts, who better to help with that than Goofy himself? You will find an abandoned fishing rod lying by one of the peaceful meadows ponds and after you go to Goofy, in exchange for this rod, he gives you the Royal Rod.
From there, he shows you how to fish and with it, earn enough beginning star coins to open up his stall and proceed with it to open up Scrooge’s shop. It is what makes the game so much fun if they all support each This is why, by default and tutorial-wise, unlocking Goofy is so important. It also from here you learn the next steps in the game.
4. Remy
To unlock our resident little Chef you need to go through reawakening the Pillar of Friendship in the Peaceful meadow. Once this quest is completed you will learn about the second most important currency in the game: dream shards. Dream Shards are earned by fulfilling various tasks, from clearing night thorns to giving gifts to your inhabitants, and others including earning achievement ranks in your game. Once you have earned enough dream shards Merlin will guide you to the Dreamlight Castle where upon entry will be a large stairway and at its center is a walkway with several doors blocked by night thorns. As Merlin will help you to learn you use dream shards to remove the night thorns blocking these doors just like you would to open up your valley biomes, the first three doors you can unlock will be to three different Disney worlds.
One of those doors leads to Remy’s world, specifically his restaurant's kitchen. Once you help him out in his kitchen he will agree to come back with you after you place his home wherever you want and of course, have room to put it. Remy’s part in your valley is very important as his restaurant, Chez Remy is where you can increase the friendship you have with your valley inhabitants by making and serving them their orders, you will also progressively unlock and have access to ingredients he will sell to you at his restaurant for all your cooking needs. This is what makes him such a core addition to your valley but it's entirely up to you when you wish to add him to your valley.
5. Moana
As stated in the castle, doors lead to various Disney worlds, three of which are the first choices to unlock with enough dream shards. One of the other choices is the world of Moana. As with Remy, you enter her world and help her out and Maui at the same time, mainly by stroking that ego of his. Either way, once you help out both of them, this will allow you to invite her to your valley. Just like with Remy, place her home wherever fits for me since she loves the ocean.
I put her home at Dazzle Beach. Once she is settled, she will start off her chain of quests for you to help her with. In doing so, this allows you to invite our resident DemiGod to the valley as well. The other perk to her being in your valley is one of the quest lines she has you do that leads you to building and setting up a boat that looks exactly like the one she had in her movie. But the best part of it is this is the boat she uses to go and bring fish back to your valley for you. Once you have built the boat, make sure to upgrade it when you can. When it's completely maxed out in upgrades, you will have twenty fish delivered to you each time she goes out fishing with her boat. Now the fish selection is random but will still be helpful to you regardless.
6. Wall-E
The third door you can choose for your options to unlock first when Merlin shows you how to use the dream shards is, of course, everyone’s favorite shy little hard worker Wall-E. I always debate whether I wish to unlock him or Remy as my first choice in the tutorial. Either way, all three doors are getting unlocked, but here is why it's something to consider. As with Remy, and Moana when you get to Wall-E’s world, you help him with his quests, invite him to your valley, and set up his home so he can start living there. Upon his arrival and building up his friendship with you, he eventually unlocks a small garden patch similar to Moana’s fishing boat.
The Garden patch when fully restored will grow random crops just like Moana’s boat’s fish selection is just as random. This in turn lets you decide which ones to harvest and which ones to not harvest. When you finish harvesting which ones you want, those empty plots will be fixed up the next time you play the game for more crops for you to harvest. The other perk to our adorable one is he is a support point for various other quests throughout your valley hence why it's hard to choose who to invite first. The other perk to our adorable one is he unlocked an outfit theme because of the very classic style his movie was famous for even down to the same old school type of music playing when you partner with him for tasks.
One can only imagine whatever else he and even his garden patch will be used in the future and as such, his role is one to pay attention to. Plus, who could ever resist having him in your valley? He is too cute to refuse.
7. Ursula
And now we get to necessary evils. In this case, Ursula is unlocked after you unlock Dazzle Beach and witness a mini cutscene afterward. Once the scene is over and you talk to Merlin, you will be asked to take care of a quest that will help you get to a magically sealed cave. Once there, Ursula will tell you where to find the pillar orb for Dazzle Beach. Upon its restoration, the cave will be unsealed, and Ursula will be freed. As with all inhabitants, once you set up her home, she will be a resident of your valley.
Now, unlike the first three, her part in the game is more quest and at times story-line driven than anything else. Half the time I can almost predict when they will bring her in for said quests by how she is described. All in all, she does play a needed role for quests but other than that and a themed DLC, her part in the valley only comes when needed. And to be fair, it makes sense since you can only reach her when she is either in her home or somewhere in a body of water you can talk to her from.
8. Mother Gothel
Remember what I said about necessary evils? She's another one. As with Dazzle Beach and Ursula’s little Cave, there is a sealed-off tree in the Glade of Trust and guess where she is? If your answer was inside the sealed tree, then you are indeed correct, which is why unless I’m ready for it, I avoid said tree. But when you are ready, approach the tree and the seal will be released and the rest of the valley’s homes will be sealed off. See what I mean about making sure you're ready? Upon which you will need Merlin and Ursula’s help along with one other, hence what I mean about being ready. Doing this quest will restore the Pillar in the Glade’s Biome and luckily for once we don’t need to buy lil Miss Full of herself a home.
Outside of restoring the pillar, she does play her magical-based role in a lot of quests, including one that is needed to help another inhabitant that also leans toward a darker theme. She also helps out with side mini-quests about mini storylines about the valley and the magic it contains, so she does have her uses hence again with the necessary evil part. So again she is another one to not overlook but as I said you need to be ready to unlock when you do.
9. Kristoff
Now this guy is a big help in the game and isn’t one we don’t mind helping in turn and best of all we don’t have to unseal a cave or tree just unlock the Forest of Valor and clear the way to him. We do need his help to get to another valley inhabitant that in typical fashion for said character ran off and is now stuck, as such after you get said resident back with Kristoff’s help we also get the pillar of the forest back up and running. He also plays a part in restoring the Glades pillar even if it kinda sucks but it is the only way and we thankfully set things right in that area.
The other big plus with him is he wants to help out in the valley, no wonder Anna likes this guy and after some trial and error with his quests we find the perfect way for him to help and that's with his stall that sells materials and minerals at times. His stall helps, it makes building up your inventory of materials for crafting a lot easier. He also plays his part with two other inhabitants to the game who we get to when they can gain access to the next row of doors in the castle.
10. Maui
Can't forget about this demigod of the wind and seas, now can we? One, as already stated, one of the quest lines with Moana is getting him to the valley. Two, once you do have him in the valley and have his home set up, he will, as with the others, have a quest line and mini-storyline quest for you Doing it not only furthers your friendship with him, but he also helps to upgrade your pickaxe to break these coral rocks on the beach. This will also help you to free up more of your Dazzle Beach biome as a result. He also helps you with a storyline quest that pertains to the valley's castle and is another reason why he is needed to help further the story of the game.
11. The Choice is yours
That's right, the choice is up to you once you unlock Peaceful Meadow and gain access to your castle. How you unlock the valley inhabitants is entirely up to you, just as how you set up your Valley. As with Maui, it is recommended to keep an eye out for the valley inhabitants who can help you improve your tools, which in turn can help you make your valley even better. However, still, others, outside of their quest lines, may or may not have a whole lot more to do from that point.
But that is not to say you should ignore them, especially if you don't want to. I couldn't wait to invite Jack Skellington into my valley the second I heard he would be joining the game. And I knew so many couldn't wait to have Stitch be added to the game, but what part he played was, as always, left up to how they wanted it to be. Regardless, we were all so happy to see him included. As such, play the game as you want to play it. Yes, every character has a role, no matter how big or small.
Even the ones we aren't the most fond of can't be ignored, so take the game and who you invite to your valley at your own pace. And there you have it. These are the best characters to unlock, in my opinion, whether it's due to the way the game unfurls or because of how I chose to play the game. But, as I just said, it's also how I chose to play my game after the Tutorials gave me the reins. How anyone and everyone chooses to play the game, and that includes when they wish to include characters in the game, is entirely up to them. It's your Valley; run it how you wish to.