Are you one of those players who went through several campaigns only to try each romance? Or maybe you're one of those who don't even try to get a romance because you don't know which one to choose. One or another, I have the answer for you right here! We don't include Vivienne as a romance option because she is not interested in the Inquisitor but don't feel sad. Here are nine options for you to choose your favorite:
9. Scout Harding
YouTube link:This is probably the most underrated romance ever. Scout Harding is the first dwarven romance in the whole Dragon Age series. Dwarves have not been given a lot of importance in this matter. The only two dwarven companions we got in Origins and DA 2, were Oghren and Varric. They aren't romanceable, hence the lack of options for a dwarven warden/champion/inquisitor. Harding is not a complete romance with cutscenes or marriage endings. But at least we get a little taste of what is like dating a dwarf! It's funny how a Qunari or Tal-Vashoth (whatever you prefer) was considered first as a romantic option than a dwarf. I guess dwarves are the unreachable ones.
Anyways Harding's romance will not unlock any special cut scenes, rewards, or personal quests. You just get to flirt and have her flirting back but not much more. She's still a very cute character and easily lovable. Especially if you're playing with a male dwarf Inquisitor.
How to get this romance: To get Scout Harding's heart you'll have to talk to her every time you get a chance. Try to be funny and gentle. She will respond as soon as you start flirting with her. You don't need anything else but to choose romantic options when chatting.
8. Josephine
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Would you like to get your life in order? Are you dealing with disorganization problems? Then this is your perfect solution. Josephine is a very cute character, smart and cheesy. Her romance is like a Disney story, fun and dramatic with high doses of sweetness. It lacks steamy cutscenes which makes it a little bit boring. But is a beautiful romance for those who prefer tender instead of intense/horny love. Some people find her tedious and others find her to be the best elegant-classy character. If you like her personality then you might love her.
How to get this romance: Josephine is one of the two NPCs who aren't attached to an approval rating to unlock the romance. Meaning the decisions you take throughout the story won't be important to her. She’s actually the easiest romanceable character. Exhaust all her dialogue options and always choose the romantic answers. This will lead you to her quests: “Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune - Heraldry from a Herald - An Unexpected Engagement”. Before completing the third one you should already be in a relationship with her. After this, the romance is official and there is no turning back.
7. Iron Bull
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Now here's when things start to get interesting. A romanceable Qunari. The most enigmatic race in the Dragon Age games. Ever since they were first introduced in Origins, everything about them was a mystery. We've come to this point where one of them will open his heart to you. Out of curiosity, I ended up dating him before anybody else. I have to say the Bull has the best dialogues ever. Romancing him will keep you entertained. I mean it. I would say is sort of a healthy BDSM romance full of respect and romantic feelings. A weird combo and unexpected if we think about the Bull as a Qunari. Plus the cutscenes are so worth it. So if you were thinking about picking him as your romance, go ahead. You will have no regrets.
How to get this romance: Luckily the Iron Bull is bisexual and will accept any race. To gain his approval you’ll have to take him with you to kill any High Dragon or Venatoris in the way. After that meet Bull at the Tavern. Accept his invitation and keep it up with the flirting. This will lead you to unlock his quests: “Demands of the Qun - Tough Love”. After the first quest, if you flirted enough with him, he will show up to you and make a proposal.
To go on a serious level you’ll have to be really committed. This requires you to kill a High Dragon in order to craft a necklace with an obsidian stone and the dragon’s tooth. This necklace will be your commitment gift. Impressive huh?
6. Cassandra
YouTube link:
Oh, this magnificent lady. She's like no other female ever created in the Dragon Age world. Her personality, ideals, and preferences make her unique. She knows what she wants and is very straightforward. A very strong and dominant woman that will drive you horny-mad. The only thing I found as an impediment was her fervent faith in the Maker, Andraste, and the chantry. This romance is very sweet and the cutscenes are beautiful. Cassandra is one of a kind, if she likes you, don't miss the chance.
How to get this romance: She's only interested in males, it can be of any race. To keep her interested in you, you'll have to align with her beliefs. She's a faithful follower of the Divine and therefore a believer of the chantry's ideals. The Inquisitor will have to accept and embrace that they are the Herald of Andraste and support her decisions regarding the chantry. This will lead you to the high approval needed to unlock the romance. Complete her personal quests (Unfinished Business, Promise of destruction, and Guilty Pleasures) to get the relationship started. Once you complete the first three quests, The Ideal Romance mission will be unlocked for you to make her finally yours.
5. Blackwall
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The grey warden, the kind of man every girl wants. He's just the perfect gentleman. The fact that he's a grey warden makes this romance much more interesting. The amount of drama is worthy of a novel. If you don't like dramatic relationships you better keep yourself away from him. He might get you on your nerves. He's like a love-hate type of relationship, maybe this makes him great for an ex. I love him no matter what, he was very intense and got my Inquisitor heart very fast due to his ideals and poetic way of being.
I must warn you that Blackwall is someone you can't have. He is a grey warden, that should be enough information for you to understand what I mean.
How to get this romance: He's only interested in females of any race. To get his approval you'll have to be righteous and merciful. Help out people in need and help him complete his personal quests: Memories of the Grey; Explanations; Revelations. Through the quests, the romance will take place but the end is unavoidable. There’s not a lot of dialogue but every time you get a chance, talk to him and always be kind. He doesn’t like a rude girl.
4. Sera
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Sera is the queen of entertainment. If you need someone to take away your boredom this one is for you. Trust me she's the craziest character ever. Now exactly because of this is why you should be cautious. If you're not ready to handle her lunatic head then don't even consider it. She's impulsive, somehow selfish, and determined to do as she pleases.
She's a wild creature and you should only romance her if you feel like dealing with her difficult personality.
How to get this romance: Sera is interested in females only, she doesn't care about the Inquisitor's race. But she cares about the decisions you take regarding justice against your enemies. She prefers a deathly Inquisitor. To understand her, you might want to check her journal and her codex. I find it a little bit cringe but Sera is a funny person thus, to gain her approval you'll have to talk to her in the same tone. Of course, you'll have to favor the elven people. Complete her three personal quests: A friend of Red Jenny, The Verchiel March, and A Woman Who Wants for Nothing. During the first one, you should already have flirted with her. At Mythal you can end the romance with Sera if you regret the decision to date her.
3. Dorian
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He's one of the favorite characters among Dragon Age players. He has the most vital personality—a sarcastic Tevinter mage who is cringed by his own people. Teviterans don’t accept him and judge him for his sexual orientation which is not easy for him. This gives the relationship with Dorian a more realistic approach. I have to say that regardless of who you prefer, Dorian is always the best option for a male Inquisitor. His personality is great, there are great conversations with him. Romancing him is the best bet you can take, he has everything the Inquisitor needs. He’s funny, charismatic, smart, interesting, and romantic.
How to get this romance: Dorian is only interested in males of any race. Even though you can still flirt with him as a female. After gaining his approval by answering in a funny way to his chatting, and supporting him; You’ll need to complete his first quest: Last Resort of Good Men. The romance should begin at the end of the quest when he apologizes to the Inquisitor and the dialogue line of starting a relationship comes up. His final quest, The Magister’s Birthright can end your relationship with Dorian. Do not kill Ponchard if you don’t want to lose Dorian.
2. Solas
YouTube link:
I think this is the most interesting romance in the whole Dragon Age series. Solas is such a mysterious creature. He sometimes speaks in symbols, you’ll either feel hungry to know what’s going on inside his head or you’ll be exhausted before you get to know him deeply. His romance is just… if you don’t want to be heartbroken don’t choose the mage. We’ve already seen what happens with mages in the past games. They always end up doing some weird stuff and breaking your heart to leave you all alone, cold, and sad. Yes, Solas will make the Inquisitor suffer. A lot. But romancing him is worth every single tear.
How to get this romance: Solas is the most exclusive romance, he will date only female elves. You’ll also need to gain his approval by supporting mages and being righteous. Try to be like him when answering, he won’t be very happy with an angry or comic Inquisitor. He likes gentle smart people, he likes it when you show interest in his knowledge. The romance options will be more intense at Skyhold, try to use them whenever you get one. The first kissing option will be triggered in a conversation about the Fade. The hard part has begun. You must increase his approval through his quests: All New; Faded for Her; What Lies Dormant. You must always choose to be benevolent with everything that can cast a spell, no matter what shape it is. Otherwise, he will not approve of your actions and may even break up with you. The final scene is unavoidable. There’s no way to change his choices. You can support him and watch him leave but with your love untouched, or you can just walk away with your dignity and tell him he’s just wrong for doing dirty to you.
1. Cullen
YouTube link:
The legendary templar, Cullen. The one who stole our hearts ever since we first met him in Origins. This is the best romance in the game under no discussion. He has the best cutscenes, he’s full of love and tenderness. He’s respectful, and an adorable gentleman. The man is just perfect. You might like his personality or not but the romance story is superior to the rest in every single way. If you want to go through the happy path, choose Cullen. Besides he's going through a stage where the Inquisitor can be the key to his story. This adds an immersive feeling that no other romance does.
How to get this romance: Luckily his not a subject of the approval rating. The decisions you take will not be important to him. The only requirement is for you to be a female elf/human You can start flirting with him in your first conversations. Don’t start romantic dialogues with the rest of your companions if you want to keep him interested. He dislikes lyrium and pretty much rejects everything related to it. Don’t press him in this matter. You can start doing his quest “Perseverance” once you accept to play chess and after completing the main story quest “Here lies the abyss/Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts”. During this quest, you have to support him, understand and take care of him. After this, he’s all yours and you’re ready to live the best romance ever.
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