What Are The Best Weapons in Far Cry 5?
As a prior military man, I love seeing weapons in game that are more realistic than weapons in other games might be. That’s not to say FC5 doesn’t have some fun non-realistic weapons but most are pretty true to nature.
So let’s get to it, what are, in my opinion, the best 10 weapons in the game.
Number 10: The Slingshot
While some people might think that the Spiked Bat should be in the top 10, and while it’s an entertaining weapon, I’m not really much for melee weapons. I prefer the rapid fire of a silenced killer or the swiftness of a covert bolt, but really, I think number 10 should be the Slingshot.
Ok, ok I know right, I hear you, but stick with me here. While running through the vast forests or the messy swamps, even though I always had my AR-C equipped, which we will get to, I loved the slingshot because it was a genuinely fun weapon to annoy the shit out of my opponents with. Previously in Far Cry 3 or 4 or even Primal, I’d creep up hidden in a bush and through a rock to attract my opponents attention, and while you can still do that in FC5, why would you when you can hit those little fuckers in the head with a rock from a slingshot?
Hahaha, that, for me, was just hilarious, and then of course I’d mow them down with my silenced AR-C or shoot them in the forehead with an arrow. But then, it moved from just being a funny weapon to use to something really ingenious. I quickly found out that you can actually shoot arrows out of the slingshot, now of course it won’t have the same range or damage as the compound bow does but in close quarters it is very effective.
And for me, that’s enough to drop in spot number 10.
Weapon TypeBow
- Accuracy - 6
- Damage - 6
- Range - 6
- Rate of Fire - 6
- Handling - 6
Number 9: The Magnopulser
I once heard that this is “The weirdest weapon in the history of the franchise” and they may be right. Like the slingshot, when I started using this weapon, I thought it was just hilarious to use on people and animals. I don’t know, just being able to repeatedly launch single or even multiple foes into the air was just stupidly fun. And then the more I used it, the more I realized how truly useful it is.
Well known among Far Cry lovers are the animals and predators of the Far Cry universe and how annoyingly lethal they can be. With the Magnopulser you can simply launch them into the air over and over until you either escape or kill them by other means.
I used this often when I was being charged by a bear or wolverine, and if you’re quick or close enough when you launch them in the air, switch to your spiked baseball bat or even better your paddle and then slap them mid air as they fall, which isn’t necessary but still fucking hilarious.
An even cooler feature of the Magnopulser is that if you get close enough to an opponent and fire the Magnopulser, it will disintegrate them into a fine mist of bloody awesomeness. For me, this seated the Magnopulse well in spot number 9.
Weapon Type- Special Weapons
- Accuracy - 5
- Damage - 0
- Range - 4
- Rate of Fire - 5
- Handling - 5
Number 8: The M249
Ok, let it be said, I do not like LMG’s. Not to say it isn’t very useful or effective, but never in real life when I was in the military or in-game have I liked LMG’s. They are bulky, heavy, and completely as un-tactical of a weapon as you can get. But alas, I am not the only gamer out there, nor can I ignore the true awesomeness that is the M249.
LMG stands for Light Machine Gun, which is to say a “crock of shit”. There is nothing “light” about the M249.
It was first introduced in 1984 after being judged the most effective of a number of candidate weapons to address the lack of automatic firepower in small unit. It weighs between 18 and 22 pounds and is 40 inches in length. It is a mean machine gun and in my gaming style, utterly pointless. But if you’re the type to use it, it is very effective, loud, and will produce the effect of mowing everything down in your sight that you so want to use it for.
There are a few different skins for it, the most obnoxious of which I think is the hot rod flames. This fits it squarely in spot number 8 of the best weapons of FC5… sigh.
Weapon TypeMachine Gun
- $7,200
- Accuracy - 5
- Damage - 6
- Range - 7
- Rate of Fire - 8
- Handling - 3
Number 7: The 1911 Handgun
Number 7 is the Colt 1911 Handgun. Honestly, I don’t see what people’s obsessions are over the 1911. Sure, like the AK47, it’s been around a really long time, and it is a relatively reliable weapon. But to me, that doesn’t really make it a good weapon. There are so many sidearms in FC5 that are much better, chiefly the A99 fully-automatic machine pistol, but the 1911 continues to stick around in a lot of games and now in the Far Cry Series too. I think it’s because like the Desert Eagle, it makes you feel like a badass, and takes you back to a bygone era where the best weapons were the ones with the biggest bullets. There are, however, a bunch of attachments for the 1911 that weren’t previously available in prior Far Cry games that now, by some standards, make it a better more usable weapon in FC5. Though I will say, as with most of the weapons in FC5, the skins for this weapon are completely hideous and should be stricken from all gaming platforms.
Weapon TypeSidearms
- Accuracy - 6
- Damage - 5
- Range - 5
- Rate of Fire - 4
- Handling - 7
Number 6: The M133 Shotgun
I have often in my life used shotguns, from double barrelled ones to single breakaways and pump action shotguns. But I think putting a silencer on a shotgun, least of all the 12 gauge M133 Combat Shotgun, is pointless. I mean come on Ubisoft, at least give us a pistol grip option. Although, while I don’t really like the weapon, it is very useful.
If you don’t have access to a larger weapon or the Magnopulser, it is one of the better weapons for taking down larger animals like bears or wiping out a group of unholy Eden’s Gate fuckers. The skin options are better than the 1911 but are still hideous.
But like the 1911, the attachments list has grown since previous versions and does present options to create a behemoth of a weapon, which leads me to agree that it does, in fact, deserve a spot in the Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5.
Weapon Type- Shotguns
- Accuracy - 3
- Damage - 7
- Range - 4
- Rate of Fire - 2
- Handling - 5
Alright, now that we got the worst ones out of the way, I can focus on the best of the best, my personal favorites, and the ones I use the most. Starting with Number 5...
Number 5: SA-50
While it was first introduced as the final weapon in FC4, I recommend you get the SA-50 as soon as you can in FC5. The SA-50 is a reimagination of the real AS50 British Sniper Rifle first introduced in 2007. It features a gas operated semi-automatic action and muzzle brake, allowing for lower recoil than the AR-CL or the 308 Carbine, and has faster target acquisition.
It sports a 50mm round and can reach effective ranges of up to 1800 meters, although that might be a bit tough to manage in FC5. Like most other weapons in the game, it comes with lots of attachment options which I highly recommend adding as they will improve the effectiveness of the weapon.
This takes a seat in my top 5 because it is a powerful addition to the tactical players repertoire and isn’t something that should be passed over. Unfortunately, I think its original paint scheme is really the only good one. I wish Ubisoft would give us more options like Tom Clancy’s Wildlands when being able to paint the weapons in FC5 but alas, that is not the case, so we must do with the drab black and gray scheme.
The SA-50 for me is nestled firmly in seat 5 of the Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5.
Weapon TypeSniper Rifles
- Accuracy - 7
- Damage - 9
- Range - 8
- Rate of Fire - 5
- Handling - 3
Number 4: The Compound Bow
Since Far Cry 3, this has been an absolute must in my list of best weapons in the FC series. While it wasn’t released until FC5, I will always add a bow to my kit.
Just the sheer availability and usability of a bow and arrow allows for so many different applications. Whether you use it for tactical reasons, or to blow something up, the compound bow is light, silent, and requires little effort to do a massive amount of damage.
Often, I would run around with nothing more than the compound bow and a Vector 45 for backup. It is one of the most useful weapons in any FPS game especially in FC5. The attachments, although limited, are still great, and the paint schemes aren’t too obnoxious, unless you go for the Hunter version of course. I just think it would be amiss to not use this weapon to its greatest ability.
This places it firmly in spot number 4 of Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5
Weapon TypeBow
- Accuracy - 7
- Damage - 7
- Range - 6
- Rate of Fire - 5
- Handling - 5
Number 3: AR-C
Number 3 is the AR-C. This is a highly adaptable and useful assault rifle that sports an Automatic, Semi Automatic and 3 Round Burst mode, making it a highly useful and deadly addition to my Must Have kit.
It comes with 9 attachments and is one of the very first weapons you receive in the game. Although there are different version of the AR-C, I think the original is the best. Its range and accuracy are both 6/10 and akin to the Vector 45, its rate of fire is 9/10, making it one of the best weapons in the game.
The skins, while still obnoxious, are tolerable and the attachments list is undoubtedly on the better side of things. It is great for close or medium to long range and for tight spots. It is just a fantastic weapon.
This, for me, places it staunchly in spot number 3 of Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5.
Weapon TypeRifles
- Accuracy - 6
- Damage - 4
- Range - 6
- Rate of Fire - 9
- Handling - 5
Number 2: The Vector .45 ACp “Classic”
Now before you lose your shit and call me stupid for not placing this in spot number 1, hear me out.
The Vector, or Shredder, has been in the FC Series since FC3 and is, in the opinions of many, the absolute best weapon in any of the FC’s. That being said, I put it in spot 2 because Ubisoft, in their “Grand Wisdom”, removed it from FC5 shortly after its release to grant it as a special reward in the 2nd live event. So unless you’re still running version 1, you can’t get it. Not to say it won’t be available later, but not yet.
Out of the box, the Vector ACP is awesome, it’s stats are high, and the paint schemes aren’t really that terrible. The attachments list, like that of the AR-C, is vast, which only further illustrates my point that it is the best unattainable weapon in the game.
Sadly, you can’t play with it unless you’re playing on PC, and even then, it’s still hard to get.
So, with my head hung, I will usher it to seat number 2 of the Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5 Vector .45.
Weapon TypeSMG
- Accuracy - 6
- Damage - 4
- Range - 5
- Rate of Fire - 9
- Handling - 6
And finally, the weapon I think that is the absolute best, that is obtainable of course, in Far Cry 5 is: The M16
This is what FC5 calls “A classic assault rifle perfect for jungle warfare” and they couldn’t be more accurate.
First introduced in Vietnam, the M16 has had 7 adaptations of the original design. This, for me, was the first assault rifle I ever used in real life, and quickly became the workhorse of my military career in the M16A3 Carbine edition of the rifle. It comes with 9 attachments and boasts a decent accuracy, damage and rate of fire rating.
I was really happy to see this weapon added to the list in FC5 considering it wasn’t present in either FC3 or 4. It is a well rounded assault rifle and aside from the Compound Bow or Vector .45, I don’t think you really need any other weapon. It is small enough to get into tight spaces and powerful enough to reach mid to long range targets.
Even though I have a special fondness for the M16, objectively it is one of the best, if not the best, weapon in FC5 placing it firmly in seat number 1 of the Top 10 Best Weapons of Far Cry 5.
Weapon TypeRifles
- Accuracy - 6
- Damage - 4
- Range - 6
- Rate of Fire - 8
- Handling - 4
I hope you enjoyed my breakdown of these weapons, and I hope you get an opportunity to go to Montana soon and have some fun with them all, only in Far Cry 5 of course.
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