There are so many different animals in Far Cry 5, here are the top 5 animals that are worth your time to hunt.
Hunting is one of the best ways to earn money in Far Cry 5, though what animals you choose to hunt can make you more money. Some animals are worth far more than others, and not every animal will drop bait. Below are the top five animals to hunt in Far Cry 5.
5. Alpha Wolverine Skin-
This picture is a great example of this little sharp-tooth terror that is known to attack random people.
When it comes to the most valuable Far Cry 5 animal skins, the Alpha Wolverine has the highest value, bringing in $400 per skin. Just like in real life, in Far Cry 5, alpha wolverines have very strong jaws with sharp teeth that can cause some damage. These hostile animals can hurt you if you do not kill them quickly enough.
While wandering around Hope County you are bound to come across a wolverine attack. They will jump on Peggies and the Resistance, and kill them. So, it is best to quickly take these animals out to avoid any damage being done.
While you are bound to run into these quick and deadly animals just roaming around Hope County, there are a few hunting spots for wolverines in each region. One of the best wolverine hunting spots is right outside of the Harris residence.
Why Alpha Wolverines Are Great-
Wolverines will drop skin and bait when the animal is looted.
Alpha wolverine skins sell for a whopping $400, while regular wolverines are $170.
They are very quick and powerful animals, but pretty easy to take down.
The wolverine hunting spot near the Harris residence has a lot of wolverines.
4. Alpha Hare Skin-
Hares are very easy to hunt if you use a specialist like Boomer who will bring the animal back to you.
The Hare is one small and elusive animal to hunt in Far Cry 5. The Alpha Hare skin sells for $350, while the regular hare sells for $300 per skin. Both alpha and regular hares can be found in the Henbane River and Frank’s Cabin in the Whitetail Mountains.
This animal is very good at detecting predators, so you have to be very quiet and sneak up. The Ghost Perk allows you to make less noise, which is perfect for hare hunting. Because hares are very small, they can be hard to track, making Boomer an excellent partner for hare hunting.
Along with being stealthy, the weapon you use while hunting hare is very important. A bow is the best as you get an extra two animal skins and is very quiet.
A small area in the southeast of Hope County is where you can find Hares. The Moonflower Trailer Park is the best location for hare hunting. These animals are very good at detecting predators so you have to be very quiet and sneak up.
Why Alpha Hares Are Great-
Both alpha hare and the regular hare will give you bait when looted.
Alpha hare is the second-highest selling skin in the game.
Hares are not too hard to hunt, they pose no threat while hunting them.
3. Alpha Moose Skin-
This white moose is one of the most elusive animals you can find in Far Cry 5.
Both the Alpha Moose and regular Moose are found in all regions across Hope County. The alpha moose skin will sell for $350 while the moose skin will sell for $200. This big animal will also give you bait when you loot it.
While moose can be found in all regions in Far Cry 5, the best area to hunt moose is the eastern Henbane River region and the lowlands of the Whitetail Mountains.
A great weapon to use for moose hunting is a sniper rifle since moose can be downed with a single headshot. You can also use a bow if you want the extra skins.
Why Alpha Moose Are Great-
They can be downed with a single headshot.
They will drop bait when looted.
Alpha moose skin is $350, which helps your wallet out.
They are pretty easy to hunt and find.
2. Alpha Black Bear Skin-
In this picture, you can see just how dangerous black bears can be if you are not quick enough.
One of the top predators in Far Cry 5 is the Alpha Black Bear and the standard Black Bear. The alpha black bear skin sells for $300 while the standard black bear skin will sell for $185.
The black bear is found in all three Hope County regions but is more commonly found in the Holland Valley to the southwest. It is very easy to find black bears here, as you just need to throw some bait and they will show up.
Since the black bear is a large predator, you may want to use some big guns for hire. Grace Armstrong and Cheeseburger are great for black bear hunting. Also, you may want to use some powerful weapons so you can quickly take down a black bear without getting any damage.
Why Alpha Black Bear Are Great-
They will always give you bait when looted.
Alpha black bears are worth $300 and black bears are worth $185.
They are very fun to hunt.
Black bears are very easily found, when in doubt toss some bait.
1. Alpha Deer Skin-
This in-game picture shows two white-tailed deer that are very common in Hope County.
Deer are one of the most common animals to hunt in Far Cry 5, with Alpha Deer being worth $300 and standard Deer being worth $180. You can find deer in all three regions of Hope County, but the Harris residence is the best place to farm deer.
The best way to hunt deer is to make sure you have the Harvest Master perk; this allows you to collect 2 skins for every kill you make with the bow. You can also use a rifle, but the bow is also quieter and you get more skins.
While hunting for deer you can use Boomer and Jess Black to help you hunt. The best way to hunt with these guns for hire is to let Boomer mark the deer, and order Jess Black to go and kill it.
Why Alpha Deer Are Great-
Alpha deer are worth $300 and standard deer are worth $180.
Deer will not charge you or hurt you.
Deer are a common animal to find in Far Cry 5.
You do not need to be as stealthy as compared to hare hunting.