Giants in Game of Thrones are an aspect of the show that are more or less shrouded in mystery. They hang around and ally themselves with the Freefolk but their true origins are unknown, as well as their connection to the Freefolk and humans in general.
Though the scenes with the giants are very few and far between, most of them are pretty memorable. Though the show focuses mainly on one giant (Wun Wun), it should be noted that not all the scenes included here are just of him. And so, let’s take a look at the best giant scenes in Game of Thrones!
10. Jon sees a giant for the first time (Season 3, Episode 1)
Jon Snow had the exact same reaction as the rest of us to seeing a giant. After living his entire life in comfort and safety at Winterfell, he had only heard stories about the creatures beyond the Wall, making him believe that the giants were nothing more than a myth. However, when Jon sees one for the first time, he is in utter shock and can’t believe his eyes so Ygritte has to tell him about the giants.
This is actually a big moment for Jon as it shows that everything that he once knew is different here. The world beyond the Wall works by its own rules and there are things here that he had only heard about in tales. This very much changes Jon’s perspective on many things.
9. Rally of the Giants (Season 4, Episode 9)
This scene takes place as the starting of the legendary battle between the Nights’ Watch and the Freefolk in one of the best episodes of the entire show. Naturally, we are with Jon Snow and the Watch as they are more or less the good guys, but the first time the Wildling army comes to the screen is actually pretty scary to see.
This is because the Wildlings not only have overwhelming numbers, but also because they have the giants on their side, riding even more massive mammoths into battle. With their rallying screams and intimidating stature, the Watch is in for one of the toughest battles in their history.
8. Giants Arrow (Season 4, Episode 9)
The perfect scene to show the world how formidable and terrifying the giants truly are as foes. The scene itself shows Jon commanding the archers of the Watch to shoot down all the Wildlings that are climbing up the Wall, which then cuts to a Wildling trying to shoot them back but his arrow falls very short. This is until a giant comes with a gigantic bow and shoots a massive arrow that is like a torpedo which destroys ramparts and sends people flying.
7. Mag the Mighty (Season 4, Episode 9)
Mag the Mighty was the king of the giants and he was truly a force to be reckoned with. In arguably the best scene in the entire episode, Mag breaks through the Wall door and charges towards the gate with some ofthe brothers of the Watch waiting for him. Knowing that they face certain death and scared out of their minds, Grenn starts to recite the oath of the Watch, causing everyone else to start doing the same as well. They stand their ground and kill the giant breaching the Wall at the cost of their own lives.
6. Hardhome (Season 5, Episode 8)
The first time that we see Wun Wun, the last of the giants, is during one of the most tense episodes in the entire show. When Jon and Tormund race to Hardhome to recruit the rest of the Wildlings to fight against the White Walkers, they end up getting swarmed by the Walkers and their Wights. Wun Wun is a great asset for our heroes in this fight as he takes on multiple wights all on his own and saves Jon and Tormund from a couple of hairy situations.
Though, overall, the entire endeavor proved to be a little bit of a failure as the Night King was able to kill and turn all the Wildlings into wights, Jon and Tormund were able to escape with quite a few allies, including Wun Wun.
5. Protecting Jon’s body (Season 6, Episode 2)
Jon’s death was one of the most heartbreaking and shocking moments of the show's entire run, especially due to the fact that he was betrayed by those that he called brothers. He gave his life in order to reconcile the Wildlings with the Night's Watch in order to defeat the common foe that they both had but he was betrayed and killed for it.
However, the Wildlings saw Jon as a true leader and a man of honor who was always trying to do the right thing, so when the traitors of the Watch came to steal Jon’s body and burn it, it was the Wildlings who protected it, with Wun Wun even brutally killing a Watch member in order to do it.
4. Battle of the Bastards (Season 6, Episode 9)
Wun Wun was an essential part of Jon’s army during the Battle of the Bastards. He was the unequivocal muscle for the army and he was a great asset, destroying much of Ramsay’s army through sheer muscle and power, as well as striking a great deal of fear within the opposing army as they had never even seen a giant before.
Even after Jon’s army is saved by the knights of the Vale, Jon and Tormund make a final rush towards Winterfell to finally stop Ramsay, and Wun Wun is there at their side, rushing with them.
3. Wun Wun’s death (Season 6, Episode 9)
Wun Wun’s death is a very sad moment in the show. After Jon and Tormund’s successful rush to Winterfell, Wun Wun is there with them the whole time and is the one who ends up breaking down the door to let them in. However, he sustains many injuries during this act as the archers from above shoot him with arrows and coupled with his injuries from before, he eventually succumbs to them.
This leads to all the energy leaving him and him having a somber moment with Jon as he is on his knees. This is when the heartless Ramsay Bolton puts 1 final arrow through his eye, killing him for good.
2. Resurrected (Season 8, Episode 3)
Giants are a big problem. But undead giants? Yeah, they’re much worse. Take all the raw muscle and strength of a giant, now make them mindless and take away their ability to feel any pain and you’ve got a huge problem. Many small scenes in the show gave us a glimpse of the Night King’s undead army, but whenever we saw the undead giant we knew that our heroes were in for a beating.
This is especially true in the much hated “Long Night” episode, where we see the undead giant take on hundreds of members of the Winterfell army and absolutely destroy them without even slowing down.
1. Lyanna Mormont’s death (Season 8, Episode 3)
Lyanna Mormont was a character who was quite well loved when she first showed up, as a tenacious and stern little girl who, despite her age, knew better than all the other lords of the North about what was right. However, she really did overstay her welcome as she just devolved into someone whose entire character was just knowing more than people older than her for no other reason than the writers being incompetent.
Despite this, however, she does get a somewhat satisfying ending, even though that makes absolutely no sense. She is picked up by a dead giant who for some reason doesn’t crush her, which leads to her eventually stabbing him in the eye and killing him.
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