Ok, ok, hear me out. Ramsay is easily one of the most despicable and hated characters in the history of the whole show, that much is widely accepted. However, regardless of how much you may hate him, you have to admit that he is also one of the most compelling characters in the show, especially in the last few seasons.
Each time he is on the screen, the viewer gets anxious as there is no telling what this calculated and unhinged psychopath is going to do next. This leads him to stealing almost every single scene that he is in. Though all of his ‘best’ scenes are usually his most horrific, let’s take a look at all of them anyway!
10. Roasting Myranda (Season 5, Episode 5)
Myranda was introduced into the show as Ramsay’s potential lover. At some points during the story, it was insinuated that Ramsay may have even cared for her. However, upon his marriage to Sansa, Myranda gets very jealous and threatens to run away and get married to someone herself, to which Ramsay replies by threatening to kill her, even mocking her by saying that the only person she will be fit to marry is a stable boy.
Even after Myranda is killed while trying to stop Theon and Sansa from escaping, Ramsay mourns her death by chopping up her body and feeding it to his dogs. Maybe he never really did care for her…
9. Betraying the Ironborn (Season 4, Episode 8)
After the Ironborn seize Winterfell but struggle to keep it, the Boltons offer terms that state that they will treat the Ironborn with peace and mercy if they surrender willingly, which Theon begrudgingly agrees to. However, after doing this, Ramsay still captures them and skins them alive.
He then tells Theon that if the Ironborn at Moat Cailin surrender peacefully, they will be free to go home. He lies once more and skins those Ironborn alive as well, scarring Theon even more in the process.
8. Murdering Osha (Season 6, Episode 4)
Osha was the Wildling that was taken prisoner in the early seasons but turned out to be a true underrated hero of the show as she helped Bran and Rickon escape Winterfell after the Ironborn took it. However, Rickon and Osha get captured by Ramsay and when she tries to kill him by first seducing him, he catches on and kills her first instead. She was truly a great character that was gone far too soon.
7. Burning Winterfell (Season 2, Episode 10)
After the Ironborn seize Winterfell, they are unfortunately unable to hold it for too long because the castle is then beset by the Bolton forces. The Boltons then take the Castle by force and burn every bit of it to the ground completely, presumably with many of the residents still trapped inside. Bran sees this on his travels and this depresses him greatly, as it depresses us as well.
6. Killing his own men (Season 3, Episode 3)
The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vhIWC2Boik
No one is safe from Ramsay, not even the people that are on his side and fighting for him. The lengths that Ramsay would go to torture Theon both physically and psychologically are just incredible, as he would allow Theon to think that he is finally free of everyone and can run to salvation.
This is where Theon’s found by Ramsay’s men who then beat him. Just when things are getting even worse, Ramsay runs up on them and kills his own men just to let Theon know that he is never going to be able to escape him. No matter where he goes or whatever he does, Ramsay will always get him back.
5. Killed Rickon (Season 6, Episode 9)
The Battle of the Bastards is one of the most intense and legendary episodes ever made, and from the very beginning it is just an absolute emotional thrill ride. After taunting and insulting Sansa and Jon about what was happening to Rickon, he proceeds to start the battle by making Rickon run to his brother while shooting arrows at him.
It doesn’t help that Rickon is an idiot who couldn’t run in zig-zag patterns to throw off his attacker. However, the moment is extremely powerful when Jon and Rickon are just about to be reunited and their hands are just about to touch when Ramsay shoots an arrow into Rickon’s back and kills him on the spot.
4. Speaking to Jon (Season 6, Episode 9)
This entire sequence of the 2 leaders of the opposing armies having a conversation with one another before the start of their battle is one of the best scenes in the entire season. These 2 are both effectively living legends and this is the very first time they are meeting and are discussing the nature of the battle that is about to take place.
This scene is very dialogue heavy, with Jon offering for both armies to be spared if he and Ramsay fight a 1 on 1 duel. Ramsay, being the clever and ruthless leader and tactician that he is, insists that he has a bigger and better army than Jon so his victory is assured in a battle in that sense so he won’t be taking the chance. Stellar writing here!
3. Abusing Sansa (Season 5, Episode 6)
Sansa is one character in the show who really doesn’t have it easy in any regard. After being married to the monster Joffrey and tortured by him, she then is taken by Littlefinger and made to be a pawn in any and all of his scheming, to eventually being married off to the psycho Ramsay.
Under her marriage to Ramsay, she is abused both physically and emotionally even more. It truly is really hard to watch and makes us sympathize with Sansa and her journey way more. It is made even worse that during the worst moment for Sansa, Ramsay makes Theon watch.
2. Killing his own family (Season 6, Episode 2)
Ramsay is insane, we’ve established that right? Well, in case you’re still confused for some reason, how about the fact that he killed his own family? Despite being legitimized by his father and no longer a bastard, Ramsay ends up killing his father, Roose, after he has a new son with his wife Walda. This puts the fear in him of being thrown away, despite him still being the promised heir.
So, Ramsay ends up stabbing his father and killing him there. What he does to Walda and her son, however, is far worse. After luring them outside under false and safe pretenses, he ends up locking the both of them in a cage where he keeps his starving dogs and lets them loose. He leaves his infant brother and step-mother to be eaten alive by his dogs. Crazy.
1. Torturing Theon (Almost all their scenes together)
What Ramsay did to Theon was more than just torturing him. Ramsay physically and psychologically broke Theon, to the point where Theon was no longer himself. Under Ramsay’s conditions, Theon was now Reek, a completely broken servant who could never say no to Ramsay under any circumstances. At one stage, Theon gives Ramsay a shave all alone where he could easily slit his throat, but after being tortured to such an extreme extent, that thought doesn’t even cross his mind.
Theon doesn’t exist anymore, only Reek. And, only Ramsay is to blame for this.
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