What Are The Best Games Like Undertale?
Undertale creator Toby Fox gave us something we’d all been missing. His game filled an emotional void in gamer’s hearts by beautifully, and skillfully, crafting a heart-wrenching story with rich and vibrant characters. Somehow, Undertale caused us to care. By plucking at the heartstrings with emotional friendships and conflicted characters, It filled in little pieces of players’ hearts and endeared itself to a generation of gamers.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been trying to fill that sorrowful gap left in your life ever since. Fret not, readers, for here are 15 games like Undertale that will give you those goosebumps you so fervently desire.
15. OneShot
OneShot Gameplay
OneShot is a story-driven, character-rich, puzzle-dense adventure game backed by a powerful and compelling musical score. Attempt to bring light to a sunless world as Niko, the game’s juvenile, cat-like savior. Solve puzzles and fulfill your destiny as ‘messiah’ by rebuilding and powering this dark world’s robots. Make your choices carefully, as this game’s unique playstyle means you’ll only have one chance to get things right! Ahhh nothing like a quiet picnic.
Meet Niko, the stories protagonist, who is definitely a person and not a cat!
Some are more eager for you to restore the light than others!
14. Always Sometimes Monsters
Always Sometimes Monsters Gameplay
Defeat your existential crises and win back your one true love in this decision-driven role-playing game! Will you help your elderly neighbor with her house chores, or steal her check card and buy groceries? Will you be an honest journalist, or accept bribes to further your goals. Struggle with morality as you muddle through the mundane functions of everyday life. Choose the light, or choose the dark-- In the end, the decision is yours!
You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, your true love in bed with another, ohh-ohh.
Turns out, being an adult means having the freedom to ruin your own life!
13. Finding Paradise
Finding Paradise Gameplay
In this sequel to To the Moon, explore the memories of Colin Reeds, now a bed-ridden old man, in an attempt to manipulate his memories and assuage his final regrets before his death. Take control of Sigmund Corp doctors Neil Watts and Eva Rosaline as you comb through his life’s painful memories in this inception-esque adventure game. Gather clues and alter consciousness to ease a dying old man’s transition into the afterlife. Will you help him find paradise?
A morbid, yet peaceful scene. It’s important to get one’s ducks in a row before diving into the deep sunconscious of another.
A peaceful memory. Gather the clues you’ll need to give an old, dying man some closure.
12. To The Moon
To The Moon Gameplay
To The Moon is the narrative prequel to Finding Paradise, and as such, fans of Paradise will find much to love about this mortality-driven adventure game. Once again, Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosaline find themselves wading through the memories of a dying client, Johnny, as they shuffle and re-design his memories to fulfill his final wishes. Will Johnny unlock the secrets of his childhood love as you help him blast off to the moon?
A star-light night. Two children stand hand-in-hand, watching the stars, what is their fate?
A dying man’s last wishes. Will Watts and Rosaline succeed?
11. Rakuen
Rakuen Gameplay
Dive into a living story, stomping badshrooms and inhaling radshrooms, as you seek to make your wishes come true in Rakuen. Deal with some very adult-themed problems, such as pain and death, in this wonderfully written and beautifully animated tale of childhood adventure. Calm angry spirits and befriend disgruntled mushrooms. Build a working relationship with a grumpy onion. Find and foster relationships while making sense of the world, all with the help of your loving mother. If you look hard enough, you will bring your hopes and dreams to life!
Travel through a rich and beautiful world. Flowers, gardens, and strange creatures dot the landscape.
Take a load off in this cozy looking town. But don’t tarry too long, adventure awaits!
10. The Church In The Darkness
The Church In The Darkness Gameplay
Venture back to the 1970s in this top-down, isometric take on the stealth-infiltration genre. Perform takedowns, gather intel, and avoid capture in procedurally generated “Freedom Town”. Feel dark chills run up your spine from the brainwashing rhetoric and cult-like mania, reminiscent of a modern-day Jonestown. Play as Vic, an ex-cop, and attempt to penetrate the Collective Justice Mission in order to locate your nephew, Alex. Will you reach him before he joins the Church?
Gather round and listen to the good word! This is a close-knit society, infiltration will not be easy.
Well, this doesn’t look promising....remember that stealth is your ally, or you might find yourself in a tight spot!
Headliner Gameplay
YOU decide the news in HEADLINER, the media-bias adventure game where you pick and choose stories that become national news! In HEADLINER, the decisions you make shape the world around you. Will you be an altruist, promoting and fostering peace at all costs? Or will you push the boundaries of journalism, creating rifts in society and, potentially, putting yourself and your loved ones in danger?
Shape the media as you see fit. Control the news and influence minds!
Build a network of info and pick and choose the stories you want to run.
8. Mad Father
Mad Father Gameplay
Mad Father is a survival horror role-playing game with a dark secret. Control Aya, a shy and recluse 11-year-old girl, as you solve puzzles and unlock clues to your father’s dark past. Dodge shambling zombies, slavering undead dogs, and piles of gelatinous, once-human mutations while digging for the truth of your mother’s death and your father’s indiscretions.
Whose next for the chopping block!? What purpose could your father possibly have for this?
Haunting and horrifying! Navigate your way through this nightmarish puzzle..will you reach safety in time?
7. Angels of Death
Angels of Death Gameplay
Keep your enemies close, and your peepers closer, during this jump-scare-happy horror adventure game. As the protagonist turns out to be an apathetic, emotionless youngster, you’ll have to let your serial killer companion fight your way through 7 floors of hell...which sounds like a pretty sweet deal! Solve some minor puzzles and murder each floor’s quirky, killer boss, known as an Angel of Death. The ultimate Angel awaits you on the first floor, and its identity will shock you!
Your own private serial killer! His bite is just as bad as his bark!
Protect your peepers from a crazed doctor! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
6. Alicemare
Alicemare Gameplay
Alicemare is a horror adventure game set in an alternate reality where nothing is as it seems. The Cheshire Cat is actually a soul-sucking demon, your orphan friends are actually doorways into other dimensions, and the teacher ‘protecting’ you is actually using you as a guinea pig. Completely combat-free, Alicemare is far more interested in exploration and creepy settings than jump-scares or chase scenes. The storyline is confusing at times, but the quirky characters and punchy musical score bring depth and life to this RPG maker title.
A dark and gritty landscape! This isn’t your typical Alice in Wonderland story.
No friends here, only riddles. The Cheshire Cat has some interesting tastes!
5. West of Loathing
West of Loathing Gameplay
Become a Cow Puncher, a Beanslinger, or a Snake Oiler in this hilarious spinoff of the fan-favorite, Kingdom of Loathing. Most of the game’s knee-slapping story builds off of your decisions in choice-driven dialogues with other characters. Dicker with the Sheriff for Dynamite, talk down a brain-dead horse, and make thoughtful, intelligent conversation with your best bud Gary (I’m kidding, Gary is a moron. A lovable one, but a moron nonetheless). If you enjoy slap-stick-figure comedy and quirky narration, give West of Loathing a try, you won't regret it!
It’s goofy. It’s childish. It’s HILARIOUS! Spend or beat your meat as you see fit.
Time to fight! The combat system is surprisingly interactive and fun!
4. Oxenfree
Oxenfree Gameplay
The first thing you’ll notice about this game is it’s well-voiced dialogue sequences and it’s hi-fi synth soundtrack. The second is that people are disappearing and you keep getting stuck in time warps. Seems you’ve unleashed some paranormal forces on the island, and you and your friends must set things right. Explore the mysterious Edward’s Island in an attempt to discover secrets and seal rifts, all while dodging possession and entrapment by the Island’s ghostly denizens. Will you and your friends escape?
Edward Island, a quiet and dreary place. Keep your friends close...
Make your choice. The decisions you make can come back to haunt you...literally.
3. Welcome to Bummertown
Welcome to Bummertown Gameplay
Welcome to Bummertown is a self-aware adventure/discovery game in which you must find Bedford, a doctor turned farmer, who the town's denizens seem to care very little about. In this game, glitches are there to help you, bugs point the way forward, and the most common way to progress is to speak to NPCs with no valuable information for you (seriously). Birds fly upside down, trees phase in and out of existence, and error dialogue boxes make fun of you for your inadequacies. You can’t help but have a smile on your face during the wild and glitchy ride that is Welcome to Bummertown!
Ahhh..smell that fresh...er...grey..air. Hey, have you seen Bedford?
Being trolled is par for the course in this whacky adventure game!
2. Beholder
Beholder Gameplay
Extort, blackmail, and profile your tenants in the gritty, stealth surveillance title Beholder. As Carl, a government installed landlord working for the Mother Country, you have some pretty serious decisions to make. Tasked with reporting any clandestine activities aimed at the Government, you must choose whether or not to side with your oppressed tenants, or serve them up on a silver platter. Rifle through their things, bug their rooms, and carefully plant your cameras! Make your decisions carefully, as this game has multiple endings which are dependent upon your choices.
Busted! Let the Mother Country deal with this riffraff.
Plan your stealth activities wisely, or you’ll be caught red-handed!
LISA Gameplay
This game is truly something….. special. Journey through the warped and failing mind of Lisa Armstrong as she slays giant penises and dodges her abusive father-turned-spider in search of VHS tapes that hold her memories. Another combat-less title, the player must rely on context clues, trial and error, story elements, and a hefty dose of google.com walkthroughs in order to progress. Only you have the power to help Lisa escape the stranglehold of her nightmarish life. Find the VHS tapes. Slay the penises. ESCAPE, LISA!
This is what nightmares are made of. Yours, AND Lisa’s.
Lisa’s dingy, dusty, dirty room. Help her escape this abusive nightmare if you can!
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