[Top 5] Genshin Impact Best Nigguang Builds
Nigguang, a geo character, introduced as the Tianquan of the Qixing. She’s a powerful DPS, or support, and also MILF. However, if you’re like me, then you’re going to be a bit puzzled on how to get the most out of her. What does the screen do exactly? How do you get her to get more DMG? Here, I’ll be answering all your questions about how to build her to be a geo powerhouse.
Nigguang, the geo powerhouse
Nigguang is a four star character, but when used correctly, she’s a pretty tough opponent. She’s best used for long range, and her screen protects you from long ranged attacks. Then, use her elemental burst for maximum damage. Her geo bonus will also affect any other geo characters that you have on your team, so make sure you make the most out of her.
For Nigguang, I recommend, like most, a two piece Archaic Petra, and a two piece Noblesse Oblige. If you’d like to use the Two piece gladiator instead of Noblesse, then feel free to do so, as it also gives you a powerful damage for your Nigguang.
The Two piece Archaic Petra is going to give you 15% Geo Damage Bonus, which is a must for Nigguang, and the two piece Noblesse Oblige is going to give you an elemental burst damage of +20%. The gladiator, an extremely versatile artifact and easy to farm, is also going to give you an attack +18%
Archaic Petra
Sands - Sundial of Enduring Jade
- +ATK (6 - 46%)
- +DEF (7 - 58%)
- Elemental Mastery (25 -187)
Plume - Feather of Jagged Peaks
- +ATK (42-311)
Noblesse Oblige
Circlet - Royal Masque
- + DEF (7 - 58% )
- +ATK (6 - 46%)
- +Crit Rate ( 4 - 31%)
- +Crit Damage ( 8 - 62%)
- + Healing (4 - 35%)
Goblet - Royal Silver Urn
- +DEF ( 7 - 58%)
- +ATK (6 - 46%)
- +Physical DMG (7 - 58%)
- +Elemental DMG (6 - 46%)
Feather - Variable
Now that we’ve talked about the artifacts we can go on to the best weapons for Nigguang. Of course, all the five star weapons that you have are going to be better than the four star weapons, but there are also some solid choices for those who only have four star weapons, and can’t afford to spend too much on the game.
5) Mappa Mare
Mappa Mare is a Liyue catalyst that can be forged, which means it’s the best weapon for free to play players. It’s got a large base attack for a four star weapon. However, the drawback for Mappa Mare is that its secondary stat is the Elemental Mastery, which I’m sure not many people are too concerned about, since it’s not a very useful stat on Nigguang. However, its passive gives you some elemental DMG, which is not too bad, which all in all I think the high base ATK covers for.
- Base ATK 450 by lvl 70
- Elemental Mastery +90 after lvl 70
- Triggering elemental reaction gives 10% Elemental DMG bonus for 10 s,
- Max 2 stacks
Build details
- Use to build elemental Nigguang, focus on geo damage
- IF preferred, you can use a four piece Archaic Petra which will let all members gain 35% elemental DMG bonus for 10s.
- Can be used for quickswap Nigguang, focusing on other characters.
4) The Widsth
What makes the Widsth stand out among the other four star weapons is that its secondary stat is crit DMG, which is what you want to be looking for with Nigguang. Its base attack is also very high, and combined with the critical damage it creates, it makes your Nigguag that much more powerful. It also has an interesting passive called the Debut, with music notes appearing over the Nigguang’s head while fighting, which increases ATK, Elemental Damage and Elemental Mastery. If you’re not in favor of the Genshin Gods and don’t have cool five star weapons, then definitely use your Widsth.
- Base ATK +400 after lvl 70
- Crit DMG + 45% after lvl 70
- Gain random theme song for 10s, once every 30s
- Reactive theme song - ATK increased by 60%
- Aria theme song - Elemental DMG increased by 48%
- Interlude theme song - Elemental Mastery increased by 240
Build details
- Can be used as DPS Nigguang
- Use artifacts that capitalize on crit DMG such as Mask of Solitude Basalt from the Archaic Petra set. The two piece set will also increase 15% geo damage bonus.
- This build is also great for elemental damage, which means you can use two piece Noblesse Oblige which will increase Elemental DMG by +20
3) Lost Prayer to the Secret Winds
Lost prayer to the Sacred Wings is great for Nigguang. Its secondary stat is the high crit rate, with elemental damage every 4s. The passive ability, Boundless Blessing, include speed and elemental damage bonus. There’s also a lot of stack up damage, which means it's better for her longer you put her in the field. The crit rate advantage that it has is impressive, but then if you’re doing a quickswap playstyle, you won’t be able to do a lot of stack-up damage, which means it’s a little bit lost on her. It’s a superb catalyst and definitely a great choice for Nigguang.
- +450 base attack after level 70
- +crit rite 27% after level 70
- Refinement level 2 increases Movement SPD by 10%
- 10% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4s
- Max 4 stacks
Build Details
- Not good for Quickswap Nigguag. Use as DPS.
- Use with two piece Archaic Petra and two piece Noblesse Oblige which increases +15% Geo DMG and +20% Elemental Damage Bonus
- This build is for when you want to put her on the field longer, and focus on her geo damage
2) Memory of Dust
Memory of Dust, in my opinion, is the second best catalyst for Nigguang, obtained from wish. Its secondary stat is the high attack rate, and it has some super cool passives as well. The advantage this has is the shield strength increase, and the increased Attack while using the shield, meaning she’s going to last for longer in battle.
- +450 base ATK after lvl 70
- +40 ATK after lvl 70
- Shield strength increased by 20%
- Getting hits on enemies increases ATK by 4% for 8s
- Max 5 stacks.
- When protected by shield, ATK increase effect increased by 100%
Build Details
- The passive for this weapon means that its great for DPS Nigguag. The shield is boosted and you lose less HP and don’t have to rely too much on healers
- Use with two piece Archaic Petra which increases +15% Geo Damage Bonus and Two piece Gladiator’s Finale ATK +18% and maybe throw in a Noblesse oblige in there as well
- Can also be used as sub DPS or support NIgguang because it can shield other characters
1) Skyward Atlas
Skyward Atlas is THE 5 star weapon for Nigguang so if you happen to pull it, then by all means use it. It has a great base attack, and its secondary stat is the increased Attack. The Passive ability is Wandering Clouds, which increases elemental DMG. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to earn favor of the clouds, which you can use to attack nearby enemies for 15s. It’s best for quickswap play style, because it lets you accumulate stacks, unlike the other weapons. Skyward Atlas is the best for Nigguang, without having to rely on other types of boosts for her, especially with the Noblesse Oblige, and the Archaic Petra, which is going pretty much focused on +ATK.
- Base ATK above 500 after lvl 70
- +ATK increased by 27% after lvl 70
- Wandering Clouds increase Elemental DMG bonus by 12-14%
- Normal Attack hits during this effect have 50% chance to seek out opponents to attack for 15s. This deals 160% ATK DMG
- This occurs once every 30s
Build Details
- Can be used for DPS Nigguang, sub DPS or quickswap Nigguang.
- Use artifacts that capitalize on ATK from the Archaic Petra set such as the Goblet of Chiseled Crag and the Mask fo Solitude Basalt. Use the two piece Glatiator’s FInale for ATK +18, and finally a Royal Pocket watch from Noblesse Oblige.
Many consider Nigguang to be the most powerful four star character, and it isn’t hard to see why. Having a great build on Nigguang is going to let you make her your DPS with massive damage to opponents, and her geo resonance when paired with other characters is also a massive plus. She drops shields for your other characters in your team and she’s definitely my favorite Geo Character, hands down.