In this game, there are 2 types of XP: Adventure Rank Experience and the experience you use to level up characters. Today we are going to talk about the AR Experience since you can get the other one so easily through ley lines, missions, opening chests…
Leveling up AR is important in this game because it unlocks new Archont missions, new regions, events and so much more.
So here you have a Top 15 Best Quests to get that XP and their guides! Let's start!
15. Lost in the Snow (Dragonspine)
In this Quest, Joel, a kid near Dragonspine’s entrance, asks you to find his father in the mountain. We have to find 3 notes that his father left him and inform Joel once we are done.
As a plus, this quest unlocks an area where we can feed foxes for 3 days and we would complete an achievement.
- 300 XP
- Hero’s Wit x2
- Primogems x40
- Mora x30,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x4
- Adventure’s Pocket Watch
14. And this Treasure goes to… (Liyue)
A scholar is missing and our mission is to find him. We have to travel to Lingju Pass and find a camp full of Treasure Hoarders. Once they are defeated you can open the chest with the key to save the scholar.
This quest is easy to do and it gives us a lot of AR Experience and a few amazing Primogems.
- 300 XP
- Mora x10,000
- Primogems x40
- Hero’s Wit x2
13. The Heart of Watatsumi (Inazuma)
To start this quest you have to talk to Tsuyuki in Mouun Shrine, on Watatsumi Island. She’s going to tell us a kind of riddle and this will unlock 4 quests: Eye of Watatsumi, Fang of Watatsumi, Fin of Watatsumi, and Tail of Watatsumi.
Once we are done with these 4 quests we’ll have a final one: Heart of Watatsumi. We can unlock “The Same Moonlight” Achievement with this quest and a beautiful area perfect for some photos with friends!
- 350 XP
- Primogems x40
- Hero’s Wit x3
- Mora x30,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x6
12. Relics of Seirai (Inazuma)
If we go to Koseki Village in Seirai Island we can find Fujiwara Toshiko in trouble with some enemies. When we defeat them, we have to go to her location and she will tell us a riddle to activate a mechanism in the nearby area.
When we finish with all the mechanisms in this quest, the chest will unlock and Toshiko will open it. How unfair, don’t you think? Well, at least we will gain some primogems at the end.
To finish this quest we have to defeat some more enemies outside the house and there you go! Easy primogems and easy XP!
- 400 XP
- Primogems
- Hero’s Wit x3
- Mora x30,000
11. The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trail (Sumeru)
This quest is part of the Aranyaka Quest Line. It's part of the Dream Nusery: Aranyaka Part II quests!
Talk to Arakavi in Vanarama to complete Encounter in the Woods. Once that's done, The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trail will be added automatically to your World Quest list!
Since it's too complicated and too long these quests lines to explain what you have to do, we recommend you to use a guide!
- Adventure EXP x450
- Primogems x60
- Hero's Wit x3
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x4
- Mora x40,000
- Vasoma Fruit x1
10. Nine Pillars of Peace (Liyue)
Walking around Cuijue Slope you find 9 weird pillars, an Ancient Tablet, and a building that seems similar to a domain but that you can’t unlock, what is all of this? It’s the Nine Pillars of Peace Quest!
Everything around this quest seems so mysterious that we want to complete it fast, but I have some bad news: this quest is kind of difficult to complete. You need to level your Liyue Statue of the Seven to 10 since we need the 9 Stone of Remembrance that it gives you in each level.
I know, I know, it’s so boring and tedious to do. But hey, it will give you a lot of XP and a lot of Mora! And if there’s something that both of us know is that Mora is so easy to spend that you close your eyes and have nothing left.
- 450 XP
- Mora x200,000 (if you sell the treasure to Linglang) or x180,000 and Adeptus Temptation x5 (if you sell it to Bolai)
- 5 ✫ Royal Flora
- Primogems x50
9. The Time and The Wind (Mondstat)
Have you ever been to the Stormbearer Point and seen an island that doesn’t appear on the map? Well, congratulations, it has a quest! And if you never saw it, congratulations, you just discovered it!
You can go to that island flying (we suggest you to fly with Amber since her passive makes her waist less stamina) or freezing the water.
Once you get there the quest starts and you only have to investigate around to discover the puzzle of the place. There’s a Seelie too so we recommend you get it or you’ll have to go again to get 100% of Mondstat.
- 500 XP
- Primogems x60
- Hero’s Wit x4
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x6
- Mora x60,000
8. The Children Of Vimara Village (Sumeru)
The Children of Vimara Village is the starting quest of the Aranyaka Quest Line. Quests start one after another as part of this quest line.
To unlock it, you have to find Rana being mobbed near Ganharva Ville! Help her out and she will offer her help to get you to Sumeru City.
Once you have the quest, clear the Withering Zone that you will come across, go to Vimara Village, continue following Rana through the village, talk to Alphonso, follow the Children to Rana's House, talk to the 3 Children and leave Vimara Village and get to the marked location.
- Adventure EXP x250
- Primogems x30
- Hero's Wit x3
- Mora x25,000
7. The Great Mountain Survey I & II (Dragonspine)
This is a quest with 2 parts so that’s why we put it together in the Top 2. To unlock this quest you have to talk to Esther in the North of Wyrmrest Valley, near the teleport.
In the first part, she’s going to ask you to find 4 beacons and, once you report to her, to place them in 4 locations.
In the second part, you have to place one last beacon (you have to clear “In the Mountains” first, the quest that Iris gives you near the entrance of Dragonspine) and report it to Esther and Cyrus, the man that is always in front of the Adventurers’ Guild in Mondstat.
Yes, it’s a tedious quest because Dragonspine is no one’s favorite place, but it gives you a lot of XP at the end so…
Rewards Survey I:
- 300 XP
- Hero’s Wit x2
- Primogems x40
- Mora x20,000
Rewards Survey II:
- 300 XP
- Hero’s Wit x2
- Primogems x40
- Mora x30,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x3
6. Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual (Inazuma)
This quest is one of the longest ones by far, but it’s worth it for all the things that it gives you.
To start this quest, once you have escaped from Ritou, follow the path and talk with the girl that stands in the Shrine. Say hi and be nice because you are going to have a long trip with her.
At this point, you are going to have 4 quests: A Strange Story in Konda, Sacrificial Offering, Cleansing Defilement, and Yougou Cleansing. You have to complete all of them to complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual Quest.
All of the quests have puzzles and some enemies to defeat, but it’s nothing too difficult to do. Even if it’s a long quest it’s so funny to do and it shows you really pretty and amazing places in Inazuma.
- 1850 XP
- Primogems x220
- Mora x130,000
- Hero’s Wit x16
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x14
- Mask of Memories x1
5. Mycological Investigation (The Chasm)
To trigger this world quest, you must first pick up at least 2 Starshrooms.
After picking 2 Starshrooms, talk to Khedive and he should have a new dialogue.
There are a lot of Starshrooms in the underground of the Chasm. Pick up 8 or more and submit them to Khedive to finish the quest!
Also, after finishing 3 Khedive quests, he will give you a quest item named Academia Recommendation Letter.
- Adventure EXP x150
- Primogems x20
- Mora x40,000
4. Paleontological Investigation (The Chasm)
There are 5 Strange rocks all over The Chasm. You need to take a photo of one of them to be able to unlock the quest.
After taking a photo, talk to the researcher Khedive and choose the option that talks about strange rocks.
Be careful! If you didn't take a photo of one strange rock, this option won't appear!
Take a photo of all 5 strange rocks and submit them to Khedive to complete the quest.
- Adventure EXP x200
- Primogems x30
- Mora x50,000
3. Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? (The Chasm)
At the end of Perils In The Dark World Quest, you will meet two Abyss Heralds at Nameless Ruins. Defeat them and pick up their drop to unlock this quest.
You have to level up your Lumenstone Adjuvant to level 6 to complete this quest successfully.
Then, talk to Zhiqiong, go to the quest location, purify the large crystal, fight the Ruin Serpent and return to the camp to talk to Zhiqiong and Muning.
- Adventure EXP x350
- Primogems x40
- Hero's Wit x3
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x6
- Mora x30,000
2. Stolen, By The Rightful Owner (The Chasm)
It will be unlocked after completing the world quest Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest. Then talk to the NPC named Talisein.
Once you've unlocked the quest, go to the Glaze Peak, go to the Treasure Hoarder's campsite and read the Weasel Thief Training Manual, go to the high rock at 00:00 and hit the Golden Weasel in order to obtain the ring!
- Adventure EXP x200
- Primogems x30
- Mora x20,000
- Hero's Wit x2
1. Memory Of Stone (Sumeru)
Memory Of Stone is part of the Varuna Gatha quest series and will be unlocked upon completing the Varuna Gatha world quest.
The quest must be accomplished in order to complete the Aranyaka quest series.
It starts at the Yasna Monument in Sumeru region and since it's very complicated to explain what you have to do, we recommend you follow a guide!
- Adventure EXP x300
- Primogems x40
- Hero's Wit x3
- Mora x30,000
These are just 15 quests to get XP, but you have to keep in mind that you can get it through weekly bosses, Archon quests, Legendary quests, domains, daily missions, etc.
And as we said before, you should get all the XP possible because it helps you to level up and it unlocks new places around Teyvat.
To be a good adventurer you need Adventure Range!