3. Talon Bow
- LVL 1: Increased stun from Melee Attacks and bow shots/ Regular arrows are fired normally
- LVL 2: Greatly increased Stun from Melee Attacks and bow shots/ Regular arrows are fired normally
- LVL 3: Significantly increased Stun from Melee Attacks and bow shots./ Regular Arrows are fired normally.
The Talon bow returns from the GoW 4 game with a drastically changed appearance. At the lowest level it looks like a short bow made from bone colored yew, but when upgraded it regains its curvy, ornate appearance. The main difference is that Atreus loses the Light and Electric elements of the bow due to Fimbulwinter. Instead he uses Sigil and Sonic in their place now.
Atreus also improves his mastery over the bow as he can not only bash his enemies with the bow in close combat or shoot his arrows normally, but now he’s gained a charge shot. The charge shot deals high damage and he also has new bow abilities which are almost like Runic Attacks. The bow has passive ability which is Hunter’s Insight, it increases stun from melee attacks and non-runic shots.
What the Talon Bow excels in:
- If facing a boss you know you cannot land a lot of attacks in as you’re controlling Kratos. You can order Atreus to shoot his Talon bow and he’ll hit all his Talon bow shots steadily but surely increasing the bosses stun bar giving you the chance to do a R3 finisher
- If you know you will be fighting nightmares this bow is also very useful as you can fill their stun bar very fast and finish them off quick before they deal any damage to you
- If you use Sonic arrows with the Talon bow, it’ll almost be as if your opponents are moving in slow-mo as the Sonic will slow them down and dealing stun, and every shot from the bow deals even more stun
2. Jotnar Bow
- LVL 1: Increased status damage from Runic Arrows/ Regular Arrows are fire in a spread
- LVL 2: Greatly increased status damage from Runic Arrows/ Regular Arrows are fired in a spread
- LVL 3: Significantly increased status damage from Runic Arrows/ Regular Arrows are fired in a spread
Just like the Talon bow, the Jotnar bow can be equipped with Sigil or Sonic arrows. This bow has the Warrior’s Instinct perk which increases status damage from Runic Arrows. Regular Arrows fired from this bow spread when fired.
What the Jotnar Bow excels in:
- For players who love using the Blades of Chaos or Leviathan Axe, this bow is a must as it greatly increases elemental damage because of the Runic damage
- When fighting groups of enemies this bow will also shine as one tap of the button can hit multiple opponents
How to get the Jotnar Bow:
When visiting Jotunheim, Atreus can craft this bow in Angrboda’s locker.
1. Aesir Bow
- LVL 1: Bow Abilities and Runic Summons have reduced cooldowns/ Regular Arrows are fired in a burst.
- LVL 2: Bow Abilities and Runic Summons have greatly reduced cooldowns/ Regular Arrows are fired in a burst.
- LVL 3: Bow Abilities and Runic Summons have significantly reduced cooldowns/ Regular Arrows are fired in a burst.
This bow also comes with the Sigil and Sonic arrows. Its passive ability is Ranger’s Resolve which reduces Atreus’ ability and Runic summons cooldown. It also fires arrows in a burst
What the Aesir Bow excels in:
- This bow excels in damage output as you can release your highest damage attacks more frequently due to reduced cooldowns
- When fighting bosses with high health this bow is good as you can run around and avoid their attacks as you unleash your abilities and summons on them to finish them off safely
- It’s also great for bosses as one shot does the damage of three as the Aesir bow shoots arrows in a burst this could possibly deplete the bosses health almost 3x as fast.
How to get the Aesir Bow:
This bow can be crafted by Atreus in his locker when you first arrive to Asgard