There are many offhand weapons that players can equip on themselves that are Staples of the MMORPG genre. From the mighty defensive shield to the illuminating torch, they bring out unique aspects of your profession and as long as they can world them. Warhorns can be used for both offensive and defensive, although they tend to focus more on the latter while blasting support skills.
10. Journey’s Call
In Guild Wars 2, players celebrate the fall of the Elder Dragons through the yearly celebration, Dragon's Bash. A lot of fun activities and prizes can only be found during this event, one of them being Journey’s Call. Sound this awesome warhorn skin and celebrate your soon-to-be victories as the mead hall continues to rage on.
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using Journey’s Call, it produces a short bass-ey sound that first rises then lowers similar to a vuvuzela.
- Journey’s Call is one of the more realistically-designed warhorns that resembles the warhorns of old.
- The intricate pattern found on the top part of the warhorn is a neat little design and the chains move and sway ever so slightly as the weapon moves.
See Journey’s Call in action:
How to get Journey’s Call:
- Purchasable from the NPC, Sparking Stone, in Might and Main at Hoelbrak for 20 Jorbreakers and 4 gold.
9. Balthazar’s Warhorn
Balthazar was one of the Six Gods of Humanity that came from the Mists and represented fire, challenge, and war. While he has become an antagonist in the larger part of the story, there can be no denying his raw power and might that still deserves respect and praise. Balthazar’s Warhorn can be a rallying call to your allies and a massive intimidating sound that heralds their defeat.
Why they are awesome
- Balthazar’s Warhorn does not replace the normal sound effect of the warhorn. It is a benefit for those who would rather enjoy the original warhorn sound effect.
- The eyes and mouth of the Balthazar hound head features a fiery red glow similar to Balthazar’s own aura.
- The design of the warhorn is based on Balthazar’s hounds, Tamar and Tegon, and seems to have been forged from steel.
See Balthazar’s Warhorn in action:
How to get Balthazar’s Warhorn:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 11-20 gold.
8. Ley Line Warhorn
Ley lines are powerful channels of magic usually found underground that distribute magic around the vast world of Tyria. The Elder Dragons, according to the lore, tend to make their home near Ley Lines in the hopes of continually feeding on the world's magic. While the Ley Line weapon set don't give energy to the Elder Dragons, they are functional weapons that can take them down as long as they belong in the hands of capable heroes.
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using the Ley Line Warhorn, it does not replace the normal sound effect of the warhorn. It is a benefit for those who would rather enjoy the original warhorn sound effect.
- Upon wielding this warhorn, a special sound effect is played like the activation of a ley line as magic courses through it.
- The design of the warhorn resembles the various ley line structures seen in the game with rings of rubble to form the solid parts of the warhorn and some ley line magic particle effects flowing through the center.
See the Ley Line Warhorn in action:
How to get the Ley Line Warhorn:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Guaranteed Weapon Unlock - random chance
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 18-34 gold.
7. Crimson Lion Warhorn
The lion in modern media has always represented the values of courage, leadership, strength, and many others for good reason. With the Crimson Lion warhorn, feel the raw intensity the king of the jungle provides and bring victory to your allies.
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using the Crimson Lion Warhorn, it produces a short lion’s roar sound effect.
- The Crimson Lion Warhorn depicts a majestic lion that rests upon the warhorn, baring its fangs as if ready to go into battle and let out a mighty roar.
- The warhorn is covered in a deep, crimson red color, and looks awesome when wielded by a ranger with a sand lion pet for obvious reasons.
See the Crimson Lion Warhorn in action:
How to get the Crimson Lion Warhorn:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 7-12 gold.
6. Super Warhorn and variants
The Super Adventure Festival is a fun festival that happens around April and is basically a game within a game. The asura, Moto, created a fun, simulated world where everyone can become immersed in with a rather simple plot involving the timeless tale of saving a princess from the evil villain. The prize for all of your hard work are the Super Weapons and their many, many variants!
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using the Super Warhorn and its other colored variants, it may produce a different sound effect depending on what type of skin you are using. What’s interesting is that they all produce a similar electronic sound effect that makes it video game-y.
- Upon wielding this warhorn, a very subtle particle mist effect will be shown briefly.
- The design of the Super Warhorn and its brethren resemble a low polygon transparent video game render of a trumpet. The Super Warhorn is blue, King Toad’s is green, Storm Wizard’s is yellow, Kaiser is orange, Crimson Assassin’s is red, and Glitched is similar to Super but is constantly glitching out.
See the Super Warhorn and variants in action:
How to get the Super Warhorn and variants:
- Guaranteed Weapon Unlock - random chance (all variants)
- Super Warhorn - Purchasable from the Super Adventure Box Weaponsmith NPC in either Hooligan’s Route at Lion’s Arch or Creator’s Commons at Rata Sum for 35 Bauble Bubble and 1 gold. Also purchasable in the trading post for roughly 8-12 gold.
- King Toad’s Warhorn - Combine a King Toad Z-1, Z-2, Z-3, and Moto’s Warhorn Design in the Mystic Forge.
- Storm Wizard’s Warhorn - Combine a Storm Wizard Z-1, Z-2, Z-3, and Moto’s Warhorn Design in the Mystic Forge.
- Kaiser Snake Warhorn - Obtained via Kaiser Snake Weapon Box or Super Adventure Weapon Box. Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 84-150 gold.
- Crimson Assassin Warhorn - Purchasable from the Super Adventure Box Weaponsmith NPC in either Hooligan’s Route at Lion’s Arch or Creator’s Commons at Rata Sum for 8 Crimson Assassin Tokens.
- Glitched Adventure Warhorn - Glitched Chest (random chance) and Glitched Weapon Box (choice). Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 5-10 gold.
5. Voice of Metal
You’ve got to hand it to the heavy metal rockers out there that go into the crowd and entertain them with their powerful voices. For those of us who could only dream to one day be up on the big stage and become famous, the Voice of Metal “warhorn” is one of the closest things we’ll ever get. Grab this awesome skin and watch your enemies bow down to your epicness as you scream and roar into the crowd. For the Metal Legion!
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using the Voice of Metal, it makes a sound of your player character screaming or shouting into it.
- As expected, the Voice of Metal resembles that of a microphone and is the same one used by the Metal Legion’s vocalist, Varus Chainrazor.
- The bottom part of the microphone emits small, dark smoke particles.
See the Voice of Metal in action:
How to get the Voice of Metal:
- Has a chance of dropping from enemy drops and chests within the Grothmar Valley map.
- Purchasable from the Rally Provisioner NPC in either the Lower Blood Keep or The Ooze Pit in Grothmar Valley for 250 Hatched Chili and 2,000 Volatile Magic (Account Bound version).
- Purchasable from the Karnn Fallenskull NPC in the Hall of Monuments at the Eye of the North for 250 Hatched Chili and 2,000 Volatile Magic (Account Bound version).
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 70-130 gold.
4. Dreamthistle Warhorn
The Dreamthistle Weapon set has been popular ever since it debuted in October 2013 thanks to just how gorgeous the weapons are and the effects that are tied to said weapons. These awesome skins resemble dark colored thorny plants that have a unique glow to them that many players enjoy. The warhorn in particular is one of the more popular warhorns available in game.
Why they are awesome
- The Dreamthistle Warhorn does not replace the normal sound effect of the warhorn. It is a benefit for those who would rather enjoy the original warhorn sound effect.
- Majority of Sylvari players enjoy using the Dreamthistle weapon set because of the motifs.
- There is a very subtle particle effect that forms around the tip of the horn.
See the Dreamthistle Warhorn in action:
How to get the Dreamthistle Warhorn:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Guaranteed Weapon Unlock - random chance
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 10-20 gold.
3. Zodiac Warhorn
For the majority of players who won’t be going for any legendary items, one of the best and amusing warhorn skins a player can get is clearly the Zodiac Warhorn. From the design alone, you’ll have a clucking good time as you combat your foes. When they start calling for a retreat, be a good sport and try avoiding calling them chicken, Commander.
Why they are awesome
- The Zodiac Warhorn does not replace the normal sound effect of the warhorn. It is a benefit for those who would rather enjoy the original warhorn sound effect.
- The design of the Zodiac Warhorn is rather amusing. It is a pristine silver-chrome rooster with its mouth agape.
- If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Zodiac the weapon represents is none other than the rooster, which represents awakenings, calls to action, hard work, punctuality, and resourcefulness.
See the Zodiac Warhorn in action:
How to get the Zodiac Warhorn:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Guaranteed Weapon Unlock - random chance
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 9-17 gold.
2. Verdarach
Verdarach is an interesting legendary warhorn for the mere fact that it is one of the few items that changes sizes and grants a musical item for the player. Its ties to the human god, Grenth, is shown all over the design of this enormous warhorn and calls the spirits to your cause. Grant doom and gloom over your enemies as you reap their souls for the gods and send shivers down their spines.
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using Verdarach, it produces a rich, deep, low bass tone similar to a fog horn.
- Aside from the fact that it is a legendary weapon with all the abilities they all share with one another, as a skin, Verdarach resembles an oversized curved warhorn with depictions of men in robes holding swords on the head of the horn which represents the wraiths of Grenth, the human God of Death, Ice, and Darkness.
- At first, when Verdarach is stowed, it remains transparent and small. When it is unsheathed, it changes size and becomes opaque, revealing its true colors. In addition, ghostly energy bursts from you as specters rush forward.
- Verdarach emits ghostly mist particles every so often whether the weapon is stowed or not.
- As you are carrying the weapon on your character, you leave behind ghostly mist footfalls as you move around.
- All of the projectiles that come from this weapon are changed from the standard model to a ghost ball.
- You do not just unlock Verdarach as a weapon, but also a musical instrument in the form of the Musical Verdarach novelty item.
See Verdarach in action:
sheriffbullock’s YouTube Video
How to get Verdarach:
Combine the following at a Mystic Forge:
- Call of the Void - precursor weapon
- Mystic Tribute
- Gift of Verdarach
- Gift of Maguuma Mastery
1. Howler
There is no denying that the best warhorn in the game is still the Howler. Known for its awesome design, it simply cannot leave the number one spot to anything because of just how it looks, feels, and sounds. Awaken the beast inside, Commander, and watch your enemies flee in terror as you call for your Pact for support.
Why they are awesome
- Whenever your character uses any of the warhorn skills using Howler, it produces a sound effect that greatly resembles the howling of wolves.
- Aside from the fact that it is a legendary weapon with all the abilities they all share with one another, as a skin, Howler represents the ancient Norn tale that depicts the Great Wolf in an argument with a snake.
- The design of the Howler is that of a wolf as the main body of the warhorn as a light-colored snake wraps around it. The snake forms the upper part of a crescent and a curved claw-like detail below the wolf acts as the bottom part, forming the shape of the moon.
- When the Howler is unsheathed, a storm cloud briefly appears behind your character as rain falls. A mist effect then remains on your character’s body.
- The Howler is one of the few weapons that changes appearance according to whatever time it is currently. At night, you can see the moon sitting in the middle of where the top and bottom of the snake and claw are in front of the warhorn. During daytime, the moon disappears.
- While you have this weapon equipped, you leave behind watery, foggy footfalls as you walk around.
- Everytime you use a warhorn skill, the Howler shows a brief animation of a spectral wolf howling as glowing gold energy erupts.
See Howler in action:
How to get Howler:
Combine the following at a Mystic Forge:
- Howl - precursor weapon
- Gift of Mastery
- Gift of Howler
- Gift of Fortune
- Purchasable from the trading post for roughly 1,660-1,900 gold.
Closing Thoughts
Warhorns make up for not being the most popular offhand weapon by their usefulness when they get time to shine. The skins we have shown prove that there is more room to grow in your collection and adding these won’t hurt at all. If you need to summon the courage to fight on, buff yourself with these trusty warhorn skins and watch as your allies come to your aid and become awestruck with your fashion sense.
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