![[Top 10] Marvel Snap Best Decks For Climbing - Days Of Future Past image](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-03/days_of_future_past.jpg.webp?itok=QoRmz6TY)
Days Of The Future past has recently begun and climbing to Infinite has become a little less tedious with the new update that speeds up the process. If you’re a competitive player, you’re going to at least want to know what kind of decks your opponents are playing and if you want to climb - the decks on this list will make that a little easier.
We’re talking about pool 3+ cards here, so you might not be able to just pick up any of these decks easily, and they might require a little bit of grinding and saving up your tokens. With that said, here are the best decks that you can use to climb to Infinite in Days Of The Future Past.
10.Discard Dracula

The well-known Discard archetype is still going strong with Dracula and Apocalypse. This particular deck also runs Lockjaw to get the most out of Apocalypse, since almost every card in your deck except him discards a card once it’s played.
You’ve got a few cards that can be your win conditions in the form of Morbius and Dracula. If you’ve got Morbius on the field and Swarm and Colleen Wing in your hand, you’ll probably be able to make Morbius grow significantly, especially if you also manage to play MODOK in that game. Your main goal with this deck is to discard apocalypse as many times as possible and have him be the only card in your hand at the end of the game so that Dracula can discard him and get a massive boost in power.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- It’s a fun deck to play even though it’s slightly risky because you can easily discard a card you don’t want to, but that’s always going to be the case with Discard decks
- MODOK is a great card to play on turn 5, if you’ve got either Morbius or Dracula on board
- Making a big Morbius and also having a few free swarms to play at the end of the game is really impactful and fun
- This deck is easy to pick up and kind of hard to master, since there are a lot of micro decisions that you have to make during the game to get the best possible result
Card List:
- Morbius
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Lockjaw
- Moon Knight
- Lady Sif
- Swordmaster
- Dracula
- Hell Cow
- Modok
- Apocalypse
- America Chavez

This is a stereotypical destroy deck that has been in the meta for a while now. It’s very easy to pilot and it has a very explosive turn 6 which can give you a LOT of power on board for way too little energy.
The goal with this deck is to destroy at least 5 cards before turn 6 and hope that you draw Death at that time too. Then you can play Wave on turn 5, and then you can play Death for free, She-Hulk for 2 energy if you’ve got her in your hand as well and another card as well since you’ll have exactly 4 energy left over, while your opponent will only be able to play 1 card. This deck can easily boost you a few tiers if you’re struggling, but in later ranks everyone will expect this combo and will probably retreat if they don’t have an answer for it.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- This deck is pretty easy to play, and it gives you the ability to play a lot of very powerful cards on the last turn
- Destroy decks are usually pretty good in the meta, so you can expect this deck to not fall of quickly, there will always be a strong variation of a destroy deck
- Aero gives you a lot of versatility in this deck, since it lets you completely screw up a single turn for your opponent
- If you’ve played Wave on turn 5, you can play America Chavez, She-Hulk and Death on turn 6 which is obviously a lot of value
- Hood and Bucky Barnes give you a lot of value if destroyed early and they can contest a location by themselves at turn 3
Card List:
- Hood
- Squirrel Girl
- Yondu
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Aero
- America Chavez
- She-Hulk
- Death
8.Zabu Devil Darkhawk

As you can see and deduce from the title, this deck has 2 main win conditions in the form of Devil Dinosaur and Darkhawk. You have Zabu which helps make this deck come together by lowering the cost of your important 4-cost cards like Moon Girl, Rock Slide and Darkhawk.
Depending on what cards you draw you can put all of your early game focus on filling your opponent’s deck up with rocks by using Korg and Rockslide. This will make Darkhawk way stronger and it will also give your opponent the possibility of drawing useless rocks instead of their important combo pieces. If your hand isn’t letting you do that reliably, you can switch up your strategy to playing Devil Dinosaur and the Moon Girl to give you more cards in your hand to make Devil Dinosaur even more powerful. And of course, the icing on top of the cake is Mystique which can copy either Darkhawk or Devil Dinosaur and give you even more power on board.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- You’re not forced into always playing for a single win condition, but depending on your hand you can either focus on Darkhawk or Devil Dinosaur or in rare cases both!
- You’ve got some really good 4-cost cards like Shang-Chi and White Queen which can either completely screw up an opponent’s location or give you information about their most expensive card
- Mystique is a great turn 6 play, as long as you play Darkhawk and Devil Dinosaur before her and she will bring you a lot of value for only 3 energy
- Agent Coulson, Sentinel, White Queen and Moon Girl are great at putting more cards in your hand and powering up Devil Dinosaur
Card List:
- Korg
- Quinjet
- Zabu
- Sentinel
- Mystique
- Agent Coulson
- Darkhawk
- Shang-Chi
- Moon Girl
- Rockslide
- White Queen
- Devil Dinosaur

Galactus has been a powerful card for as long as it’s been released. It’s still strong in the meta and if you’ve got the necessary cards, it’s a great deck that’s able to win you a lot of cubes.
Your strategy with this deck is rather simple, you use Electro and Wave to cheat out Galactus early and play him on an empty location. At that point, a lot of cards will be destroyed and Death should be at 0-cost already. You’ve got a lot of powerful cards at your disposal like Hobgoblin which can almost completely screw up your opponent’s chances of winning if played at the correct time and a deadly Doctor Octopus that can fill your opponent’s side of the only remaining location with subpar cards.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Galactus is a very fun card to play and it has a very different playstyle from most other decks
- Electro and Wave are great cards that can help you get Galactus out earlier and set up your board a little better
- Doctor Octopus can flood your opponent’s side of the location which can give you a clear representation of if you’re able to win the game or not
- Death will almost always be a free card that you can use to finish the game off
- Hobgoblin is a sneaky way of taking up valuable space on your opponent’s side of the location while also lowering their power substantially
Card List:
- Wolverine
- Zabu
- Electro
- Wave
- Shuri
- Wong
- Shang-Chi
- Hobgoblin
- Doctor Octopus
- Galactus
- America Chavez
- Death
6.Lockjaw Thor

Lockjaw Thor is a little bit of a casino deck, in which you can get a lot of good pulls and easily lock down a location, or you can be very unlucky and pull out Wasp or Nightcrawler from your deck.
The main stars of the deck are obviously Thanos and Lockjaw. Having Thor’s ability to create a 0-cost Mjolnir that can be pulled from the deck with Jane Foster’s effect can give you a lot of value once it’s played on a location with Lockjaw. Not only will it buff Thor, it will also go back into the deck and swap with one of your stronger cards.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- You’ve got a very explosive turn 6 if you’ve saved your cheaper cards for it
- Lockjaw decks are good at getting cubes, since if you get a good pull from your deck you can snap, and if you get bad pulls you can just retreat and lose 1 or 2 cubes
- This deck is very good at getting out a lot of strong cards quickly because of Jubilee and Lockjaw
- Jane Foster is great at generating a lot of value on turn 5, especially if Wasp and Mjolnir are in your deck
- Magneto is good at disrupting your opponent’s board state and The Infinaut is a very satisfying card that you can pull out for potentially 0 energy
Card List:
- Wasp
- Sunspot
- Nightcrawler
- Lockjaw
- Thor
- Dracula
- Jubilee
- Jane Foster
- America Chavez
- She-Hulk
- Magneto
- Infinaut
5.Electro Sandman Ramp

This deck obviously focuses around quickly ramping up with Electro and playing powerful cards, while also being able to play Sandman and restrict your opponent if they’re playing combo heavy decks.
With your early game cards like Sunspot and Ebony Maw you can contest a location with very little energy, and then play Electro on turn 3, and play all of your powerful cards depending on what you need at that moment. This deck is highly versatile since you’ve got a few really good combos that you can play. Black Panther into Arnim Zola gets you 16 power on 2 locations, and Doctor Doom into Odin will make an unexpected difference in power on all locations at the same time.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- With Electro and Sandman you can completely shut off all of your opponent’s combo plays by turn 4, which is in most cases an easy win for you
- Wave is a great card that can help you out a lot if you haven’t drawn Electro since she also helps you bring out your powerful cards earlier
- You’ve got great combos with Black Panther and Arnim Zola and also Doctor Doom and Odin while Leech is always a great play by himself unless you suspect your opponent might be running Infinaut
- America Chavez makes it so that you have a consistent turn 6 play, and it lets you draw your combo pieces a little earlier by not being able to draw her before the 6th turn
- Sunspot and Ebony Maw are a killer combo on a single location for a very low Cost, and they can easily make your opponent commit more than they should to that location
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Iceman
- Ebony Maw
- Electro
- Wave
- Leech
- Black Panther
- Sandman
- Arnim Zola
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
- America Chavez
4.Thanos Ongoing Zoo

As you can see this deck is easy to make as long as you’ve got Thanos, it doesn’t require many pool 3 cards, and Valkyrie can be switched out for something else if you don’t have her and don’t want to spend 3000 Tokens on her.
This Deck obviously revolves around Thanos’ Infinity Stones and a bunch of Ongoing cards that you can buff at the end of the game with Spectrum. There are 2 stones which have Ongoing effects, so you should keep that in mind as you’re placing them down, since only the Soul Stone and Power Stone will get Spectrum’s buff if you play her. This deck is rather fun, and it combines the KaZoo playstyle with lots of Ongoing cards which can become rather problematic for your opponent.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- You’ve got multiple options to buff your cards with Kazar, Blue Marvel and Spectrum
- Valkyrie is great at lowering the power of your opponent’s stronger cards and not a lot of opponent’s will expect her, if you’ve played a few Infinity stones on a location before playing her, she will easily win you the location
- Thanos is a great turn 6 play now that he’s buffed, and if you’ve played all of the Infinity Stones he gets as big as 21 power!
- Since playing Infinity Stones gives you a lot of draw power, Devil Dino is sure to be big once you play him, and he can heavily contest a location once he’s down
- Spectrum is a great combo with Thanos’ Stones since she will buff all of your other cards, including cards that buff the Infinity Stones as well like Blue Marvel and Kazar
Card List:
- Ant-Man
- Quinjet
- Goose
- Armor
- Lizard
- Cosmo
- Kazar
- Blue Marvel
- Devil Dinosaur
- Valkyrie
- Spectrum
- Thanos
3.Zabu Sera Control

If you’ve bought the Savage Lands season pass and have Zabu, this deck is currently the best that he can do after being nerfed. Zabu has stopped being an overpowered card that can be put in any deck, and has instead become a very useful support card for decks built around Darkhawk.
This deck focuses on playing cards like Korg and Rockslide to fill your opponent’s deck and then playing Darkhawk for a huge swing in power. Also, having your opponent draw rocks is a very good effect, since they’ll get a dead draw while your Darkhawk benefits. On the 6th turn if you’ve played both Zabu and Sera you can have a very powerful last turn where you can play a lot more cards than your opponent, just beware since this deck is heavily countered by Sandman.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Both Zabu and Sera will lower the cost of your cards, letting you play a lot more cards than you usually could
- Korg and Rockslide will fill your opponent’s deck after which you can play Darkhawk and get a massive boost in power on a single location
- You’ve got good 4-cost cards like Shang-Chi and Enchantress which can interrupt your opponent’s plays, while you only grow stronger
- This deck requires only Zabu and a single pool 4 card to work, so if you’re somewhere in the middle of pool 3, you’re probably going to be able to make it if you buy Darkhawk from the store
2.Shuri Zero

Shuri has recently been very problematic for everyone who’s trying to climb without having her. In combination with Red Skull and Taskmaster, Shuri can reliably help you get 30 power on two locations, which is often enough to win you the game.
As mentioned above, your main combo with this deck is playing Shuri into Red Skull or She-Hulk and then copying their power with Taskmaster. For a lot of decks, it’s hard to keep up with the sheer power that these 3 cards together bring to the board, and you’ve also got a great disruption with Aero.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- This deck focuses on getting as much power on board with a few cards played in the late game, which is great since you’ll have more time to draw your combo pieces
- Red Skull is great at disrupting Cerebro players
- Your low cost cards also have nice synergy if you play Zero into Titania and for 2 energy you can easily get 8 power on a location early on in the game
- Cosmo and Aero are good at disrupting your opponent’s plays if you know what they’re going to be trying to do
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Zero
- Titania
- Armor
- Lizard
- Cosmo
- Polaris
- Shuri
- Taskmaster
- Aero
- Red Skull
- She-Hulk
1.Lockjaw Thanos

This deck is currently the strongest deck that you can use to climb. After Thanos got buffed, he and Lockjaw have been holding down the meta with their synergy.
Obviously your strategy with this deck is to play Lockjaw and play the Infinity Stones on his location to swap them with the stronger cards that are in your deck like Magneto, Thanos, America Chavez and so forth. A key part of this deck is the Leech, since if he hits your opponent’s important combo piece, you can go ahead to win the game rather easily.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Quinjet will make all of your stones cost 0 so that you can reliably shuffle them with Lockjaw while still being able to play on the curve
- Aero is a very powerful card that can heavily disrupt your opponent’s plays if they’re not expecting her to be played
- America Chavez is a good turn 6 play, and she also slightly increases your chances of drawing your more important cards early on in the game
- Leech can single handedly win you the game if you pull him out of your deck with Lockjaw early
- Thanos after his buff is a good play on turn 6 even if you haven’t played all of your stones to buff him, even though this deck can reliably manage to play all of the stones
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Quinjet
- Lockjaw
- Wave
- Shang-Chi
- Blue Marvel
- Aero
- Leech
- Amercia Chavez
- She-Hulk
- Thanos
- Magento