![[Top 3] Marvel Snap Best Apocalypse Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-03/apocalypse.jpg.webp?itok=XO-0lblS)
Apocalypse is a pool 1 card that once unlocked, opens up possibilities for a completely new archetype focused around discarding cards and getting value from that. Apocalypse decks in the early pools are not that good since you don’t have the key cards that make the discard combos really good.
From pool 3 things get interesting and especially with the addition of the last Season Pass card - MODOK. Apocalypse became a card that you can build a deck around, while also being a great supporting card in all discard decks that aren’t built with Hela. If you like the card, you’re in luck - cuz we’re about to go into some of the best decks that use Apocalypse.

This deck combines the Discard archetype with Lockjaw’s awesome ability to pull out cards from your deck. Looking at this deck list, it’s pretty self explanatory how to play it.
Early on, your goal should be to play Morbius and The Collector. After that, you can play Lockjaw and then the fun begins. The best thing that you can do is discard Swarm early on and get 2 copies of him that will cost 0. You can use those copies to get 2 free cards from your deck by playing them on Lockjaw’s location. MODOK is a good late game play that can significantly boost the power of Morbius and The Collector once it’s played and it also brings 8 power on board. You can use Apocalypse, who should be buffed up by turn 6 to finish the game with a lot of power.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- If you play your cards right, you can pull out your stronger cards like America Chavez, Helicarrier or Apocalypse from your deck for very little energy
- Most of the cards give you some sort of benefit if you discard them, but can also be played for just their raw power
- Discarding Helicarrier can give you more options that you can play to switch up your strategy and remain unpredictable, while you can also use MODOK to discard those additional 3 cards and buff Morbius even further
- America Chavez helps you pull out your more important combo pieces early and she also gives you a consistent and stable turn 6 play
Card List:
- Blade
- Morbius
- The Collector
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Lockjaw
- Lady Sif
- Hellcow
- Apocalypse
- America Chavez
- Helicarrier
2.Swarm Discard

This deck, like the title suggests, focuses mainly on using Swarm to generate a lot of value. It’s a fun and good deck, because your opponent can rarely guess correctly how much power Morbius, The Collector and Mystique will have at the end of the game.
The goal with this deck is to play Morbius and/or The Collector early and copy their effect with Mystique. Once you’ve got that set up, you can then go ahead and play Wong and use Colleen Wing and MODOK’s effects to their fullest potential to discard Swarm and increase the previously mentioned cards’ power. If you’ve played MODOK on turn 5, you’ll probably be left with only Apocalypse in your hand, which you can then go ahead and play for a huge swing in power on a single location.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Your main focus is gradually increasing the power of cards that are rather weak at the start of the game, so if that’s a playstyle you like, this is gonna be a fun deck to play
- MODOK destroying your hand multiple times just for it to fill up again, is both satisfying and VERY impactful
- You’re gonna be left with a buffed up Apocalypse in your hand for turn 6 in most cases, and that’s gonna be a huge swing in power for you
- Of course, after discarding a whole lot of Swarm’s you’re going to be left with a lot of 0 cost 3 power cards in your hand that you can use to quite literally ‘swarm’ the board
- Helicarrier is an underrated card that finds its place in this deck, since it’s good for buffing both Morbius and The Collector
Card List:
- Morbius
- The Collector
- Wolverine
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Mystique
- Agent Coulson
- Lady Sif
- Wong
- Apocalypse
- Helicarrier
1.Dracula Discard

This deck has 2 win conditions which you can pursue, or if you’re very lucky with your draws you can fulfill them both in the same game. Your first win condition is setting up Morbius and Mystique and then using Modok to discard a lot of cards, including Swarm which can give you a nice boost for your turn 6. And the second win condition is obviously Dracula that will discard Apocalypse at the end of the game and usually gain a lot of power.
MODOK is a centerpiece of this deck since he is the card that makes it possible to leave only Apocalypse in your hand for turn 6, you will obviously draw America Chavez at the beginning on turn 6, but you can always go ahead and play her and let Dracula discard the only remaining card in your hand - Apocalypse.
What Is So Great About This Deck:
- Morbius and Mystique can win you the game by themselves if you set them up early, and especially if you play MODOK on turn 5
- Dracula can almost certainly discard Apocalypse at the end of the game, and if you suspect that it’s not going to be enough to win that location - you can always leave it and play your buffed Apocalypse on a different location
- The deck is set up so that most of the time Colleen Wing can discard Swarm or Wolverine from your hand and Lady Sif will always discard Apocalypse if he’s in your hand
- America Chavez is there to always give you a good option to play on turn 6 for 9 power on any location, or to let Dracula discard her if you decide to play Apocalypse on a different location
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Morbius
- Wolverine
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Mystique
- Nakia
- Lady Sif
- Dracula
- Apocalypse
- America Chavez