[Top 3] Marvel Snap Best Spectrum Decks And Why They're Good

Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game
30 Apr 2023

Spectrum is a really fun card that you unlock as soon as you start playing the game. Her effect is simple and she’s actually not that good in pool 1 and 2 since you don’t have enough impactful cards with Ongoing effects to make her worthwhile and you’re better off running Onslaught in a deck based around Ongoing effects.

But recently, Spectrum has been becoming more and more useful, and she found her spot in a few decks, especially in combination with Thanos, which has been at least a tier 2 deck in the current and last season. 

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Spectrum is a fun card that requires your board to be set up carefully to get the most out of her effect. If you manage to play a lot of cards with Ongoing effects, usually your opponent won’t expect the giant power boost that comes with playing Spectrum once you’ve got a good board state. She is most useful when you have another 6-cost card that can give you a lot of power on a single location, so that on turn 6 after carefully examining the situation, you can decide if spreading your power out across all locations with Spectrum, or playing a big beefy card like Thanos, Magneto or Devil Dinosaur could be a better play instead.



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This is a bit of a niche deck that’s fun to play, rather than a viable strategy to climb to infinite. Your main strategy here is obviously playing Wong and then Spectrum for a massive increase in power for all locations, since all of your other cards have ongoing effects. 

At first Quinjet may seem like a weird pick for this list, but it will help you to proc Ant-Man’s effect in a few games and it’s still targeted by Spectrum’s On Reveal. Some of the more useful cards in this deck are - Captain America that slightly buffs a whole lane and also has a lot of synergy with Ant-Man, Armor that can protect a lane if you’re fearful of Killmonger or Shang-Chi and Zabu which is a target for Spectrum, but will also let you play Wong a turn earlier in some games, which gives you a lot more time to set up a good board state, since you won’t have to lose your turn 4 essentially.

What This Deck Excels In:

  • It’s a really fun to play strategy if you aren’t playing the game too competitively and aren’t trying to climb - it’s also an easy to deck to build since it doesn’t have any pool 4/5 cards except Zabu
  • This deck can spread power out across all locations really effectively if you need it to, but it can also probably overpower your opponent if you decide to neglect a single location and play all of your Ongoing cards on two locations to buff them with Spectrum and Wong
  • Red Skull is a great card to fallback on, since he is at least 9 power for 5 energy which is a great statline considering thats Red Skull’s worst case scenario if your opponent has played 4 cards on the location with him, he also gets buffed with Spectrum’s effect so he’ll probably bring you even more value than just 9 power
  • You have a lot of good cheap Ongoing cards that you can swarm the board with and get a lot of value out of them like Ant-Man, Mojo, Armor to protect your cards and Lizard to get you a nice boost in power early on in the game

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • Quinjet
  • Mojo
  • Zabu
  • Armor
  • Colossus
  • Lizard
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Captain America
  • Wong
  • Red Skull
  • Spectrum


2.Destroyer Spectrum

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This deck makes the best of both worlds by combining Spectrum and other Ongoing cards with Destroyer. Incidentally, this is probably the best deck for Attuma since here he can be protected by Professor X and Armor, who can both be buffed by Spectrum at the end of the game to give you even more power if it becomes necessary.

The goal with this deck is to set up the board early on in the game, so that you can finish with Spectrum or Destroyer. Destroyer’s effect is pretty destructive and will ruin your entire board state if it’s not correctly set up beforehand. Professor X and Armor are obviously the best solutions, since they can protect your cards from destruction and Professor X can even lockdown a location and make it so that you need to only win 1 more location, which is Destroyer’s speciality. Your alternate win condition here is playing Spectrum to spread out your power across the entire board. All of your cards except Attuma and Destroyer are Ongoing, so you can expect Spectrum’s effect to heavily change the board state once you drop her on the board.

What This Deck Excels In:

  • It combines the Ongoing archetype with Destroyer, which makes for a very interesting and fun playing experience, since this deck requires you to think quite a bit in advance and carefully position all of your cards
  • Depending on the situation and the match up, you have 2 win conditions in the form of Spectrum and Destroyer. Spectrum is good when you need to spread the power out to all locations (assuming you’ve set up your Ongoing cards like that) and Destroyer can bring you a lot of power on one location, but you need to have either played Armor, Professor X or Cosmo before
  • Attuma is one of the most underused cards in Marvel Snap, but this deck is actually able to utilize him properly. A really strong combo is playing Attuma on turn 4 and the Professor X straight after to lockdown that location and make it difficult for your opponent to overpower you there

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • Armor
  • Colossus
  • Lizard
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Cosmo
  • Warpath
  • Attuma
  • Professor X
  • Klaw
  • Spectrum
  • Destroyer


1.Thanos Ongoing

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This is the most competitive deck that uses Spectrum and you should consider making it if you have the cards and want to climb this season. It consists of mostly Ongoing cards like the previous decks, but it also has Thanos’ Infinity Stones which have great effects that help you get the upper hand on your opponent.

Like all the other Thanos decks, this one’s a little bit more confusing to pilot since you can’t count on drawing all of your important combo pieces, since your deck is 18 cards instead of 12. Still, you have a lot of card draw and with the Stones you can get extra energy when you need it, move cards out of the way of danger and much more. Valkyrie and Devil Dinosaur are great cards that wouldn’t be as useful in other Ongoing decks, since Valkyrie will actually buff your Infinity Stones while ruining your opponent’s powerful cards and Devil Dinosaur benefits greatly from the ability to draw cards that Thanos’ Stones provide. Like in the other decks, Spectrum is used as a finisher after you’ve set up your board and believe that your opponent can’t overpower you after you spread out your power out across all locations.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • Professor X and Cosmo are great cards that can control your opponent’s side of the board enough to stop some of their stronger combos that they try to set up
  • With the Infinity Stones and all of the cheap Ongoing cards that you have in this deck like Ant-Man, Luke Cage, Armor, Lizard and so on, you can quickly swarm the board the get the most out of Spectrum’s effect at the end of the game
  • Instead of playing Spectrum at the end of the game, because you don’t want to spread your power out, but want to strengthen a single location because you think your opponent will try to win it, you can always go ahead and play Valkyrie or Thanos to either screw up their side of the board or try to overpower them
  • Devil Dinosaur is a great card in this deck, since you can often play him and a few Infinity Stones to buff him by drawing cards, Blue Marvel buffs your entire board by a little instead, which can add up nicely if you also play Spectrum to give your cards additional +2 power

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • Luke Cage
  • Armor
  • Lizard
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Cosmo
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Professor X
  • Valkyrie
  • Spectrum
  • Thanos


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