Build your Thor to his full potential and unleash thunder and lightning to anyone standing in his way.
In Marvel's Avengers, players can build their characters however they want. Thor is a god with limitless power, so players have created amazing builds that take advantage of Thor's power and abilites. Here are some of the best build.
5. Bring Me Thanos Build
Bring Me Thanos Build video.
Anyone familiar with the MCU would know the iconic “Bring me Thanos!” line, which featured the Stormbreaker wielding Thor decimating the battlefield after arriving on the Bifrost. This changed the tide of the battle in favor of the heroes, which sadly did not win them the war. But hey, it did bring us an iconic line that makes Thor feel like a god. In Marvel’s Avengers, Thor is on the same power level of MCU Thor. Both can channel thunder and lightning with or without Mjolnir and has pretty cool lightning emanating from their body. Unfortunately, Marvel’s Avenger’s Thor does not wield Stormbreaker. However, that doesn’t mean Thor isn’t strong, for this build allows players to feel like Thor in Infinity War when he arrives in Wakanda.
The Bring Me Thanos build requires three exotic gear pieces and one gear that has the Damage Buff perk. Bear in mind that stats and perk percentages are completely random and relies solely on luck, so if you have really bad luck, then you might be grinding for a while. For your Melee slot, the Hivemind Gauntlets contains the Cosmic Amplifier perk, deals Cosmic damage whenever you attack enemies with Light Signature attacks. Cosmic Inscription Perk makes all of Thor’s heavy attack deal Cosmic damage, and the Brazen Jarvis Barrier perk, which grants the player a Jarvis Barrier, the best defense status in game, by a percent chance when hitting enemies with a Melee Critical Attack. Your Range slot should have the Hivemind Grips which focuses on boosting Thor’s thunder and lightning with its perks, Electrified Casing, which deals Shock damage to enemies that are pinned with Mjolnir, Electric Wraps which grants Shock damage to Range Power attacks, and Lightning Potentiator, the best Thor perk ever, to increase Shock damage from any attack. For your Defensive slot, you can have any gear here as long as you have good stats and a damage buff perk. Ideally, you should try getting the Reactive Buff, which is a perk that grants a damage buff when taking damage by a percent chance. That perk is a godsend. Lastly, Heroic slot should have the Cincture of the Asgard’s Scion contains the Lethal Jarvis Barrier perk, which grants a Jarvis Barrier by a percent chance when defeating an enemy, the Ultimate Heroic Charge perk to boost your Ultimate Heroic charge rate by percent chance, and the almighty Odin’s Augur, another perk that should be used by all Thor mains as it increases the maximum capacity of your Overcharge meter by 10%. For the Major Artifact, the Tactigon artifact is a must, as it increases the damage of both the Cosmic and Shock damages from Thor. For the Minor Artifacts, players should try and acquire Yellow ISO-8 artifacts with high Valor stats. You have the option to have one or two, but I recommend using one high Valor artifact and a high Resilience artifact for defense or Resolve artifact for health, just so you avoid getting downed every two minutes in a game.
Thor’s skills are also an important part of the build, as his Support and Ultimate Heroics play a huge part. The Support Heroic requires the Ymir’s Wrath specialization, which grants nearby teammates a 25% damage boost. For the second specialization, Hel’s Anger is a must as it boosts the Critical Attack Damage by 25% and Critical Attack Chance by 10% for nearby teammates. As far as the Assault Heroic is concerned, you need to focus on dealing as much damage as possible with it. The build recommends the Son of the Elder Gods, which deals Cryo damage to enemies and Overcharge Blast, which increases the God Blast damage by 20% while in Overcharged. For the Ultimate Heroic specializations, you’ll want to take advantage of your high Valor with Muspelheim’s Torment, which sends out a wave of flame once Thor lands from the Bifrost, leaving an area of effect that causes Burn damage. But the Bifrost Heroic is also a great way to give yourself time to breathe should you ever find yourself with low health. Asgard’s Light gives the player 50% of Willpower back to the player once the player lands from the Bifrost.
Now that we’re done with the main skills you’ll be using, we’ll move on to the passive ones in the Mastery skill tree starting with melee combat. It’s important to remember that Thor will be using his Heroics a lot, so we will need to activate the Heroic Charge melee specialization, which will charge the Heroic abilities by 1.5% if using light attacks, or 2% if using heavy attacks. The Unarmed Damage specialization is essential as Thor will be throwing Mjolnir around, leaving him unarmed. Best to up the damage of his unarmed combat. Heroic Takedown Mastery is a must for any player that likes to keep their Heroic meters nice and full, since performing takedowns with this specialization on will result in enemies dropping Heroic Orbs once defeated. For the Ranged specializations, Thor’s Impact Explosion specialization makes Mjolnir burst with electricity once Thor throws it on a surface, damaging enemies within its radius. When calling back the hammer, Mjolnir will be able to hit enemies along the way back to its owner, so having Critical Return on is substantial as Critical Attacks can happen more likely by 35% when recalling Mjolnir. Charged Flight is the only third range specialization that you should use as the other two, Speed Burst and Flying Shots, aren’t really helpful in any situation. In the Intrinsic tree, Ionic Bolts are a must have, as defeating enemies while using the Odinforce strikes all nearby enemies to Thor. You will need to have your Intrinsic meter up all the time, so having Maximum Force is a good way to keep your Odinforce lasting longer. The third Intrinsic specialization, Honed Force, is the perfect partner for Maximum Force, as Honed Force reduces the cost of the Odinforce intrinsic by 10%. Lastly will be the Intrinsic Overcharge tree, which is exclusive to Thor’s character. The specializations needed for this tree are Lightning Field, which strikes enemies with thunder when Overcharged. Charged Heroic, which increases Heroic regeneration when Overcharged by 10%. Lastly, Damage Force, which increases all damage by 15% when Overcharged.
What this build is good for
- High Bifrost Heroic damage
- High Heroic damage
- High range damage
Build Details
- Hivemind Gauntlets
- Hivemind Grips
- Cincture of Asgard’s Scion
- Any defensive gear with damage buffs
- Major Artifact: Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow ISO-8 for Valor
- Minor Artifact 2: either high Resistance or high Resolve
- Ymir’s Wrath
- Hel’s Anger
- Son of the Elder Gods
- Overcharge Blast
- Muspelheim’s Torment
- Asgard’s Light
- Heroic Charge
- Unarmed Damage
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Impact Explosion
- Critical Return
- Charged Flight
- Ionic Bolts
- Maximum Force
- Honed Force
- Lightning Field
- Charged Heroic
- Damage Force
4. Stormbreaker Build
Stormbreaker Build video.
In Marvel’s Avengers, Thor’s suit in Endgame is purchasable in the games marketplace. Although the outfit does not have Stormbreaker, and instead features the MCU’s version of Mjolnir, it did not stop players from creating a build that makes Thor feel similar to his MCU version.
Let’s talk gear, which might take a little bit of grinding to obtain. Now it’s not because you need to have 4 exotic gear pieces to achieve this build. Actually, you only need just one exotic gear. The rest can either legendary or epic, as long as it has the right stats and perks. For your Melee slot, try to obtain gear pieces with high Valor, high Precision, and the Odinforce Flare perk, as the perk increases Critical Attack damage from Odinforce Attacks. Mind you that non-exotic gears’ perks tend to be randomized, so the percentage of how effective the gear is can vary. Range slot is as same as the melee gear, needs high Valor and high Precision with a specific perk. This time, that perk is Targeted Buff, which is a damage buff that only triggers when hitting enemies with critical range attacks. You can replace your range gear with something more effective like the Grips of the Storm exotic as long as you have the Targeted Buff perk. For the defensive gear, a focus of either high Resolve or Resistance is needed for defensive purposes, and a high Valor stat as well. If not, you can go for high Precision. Most importantly, you will need a Jarvis Barrier perk, specifically the Reactive Jarvis Barrier, as the perk activates when taking damage. The Heroic gear is the only exotic needed for the build, which is the Girdle of the Thunderer. This gear has amazing perks, such as Asgard’s Dominion, which grants Thor increased damage by 20% when Overcharged, the Lightning Potentiator perk, and Asgard’s Fury, which increases the Overcharge energy gained when attacking enemies by 15%. Your Major Artifact can either be the Tactigon or the Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will, which grants a damage buff. I personally prefer the Norn Stone for the damage buff. For Minor Artifacts, as usual you should get a Yellow ISO-8 with high Valor. The second Minor Artifact can be whatever you want, whether it’s for health, defense, or more Valor. But preferably another Yellow ISO-8. There’s no such thing as too much Valor.
Now most Thor builds do use the same skills when building their Thor, so you will see some familiar skills from the last build. I won’t be going in depth as to what skills do, except for the ones that haven’t been mentioned yet. Now to start, we’ll focus on the skills first. For Thor’s Support Heroic, you will need Ymir’s Wrath and Hel’s Anger. For the Assault Heroic specializations, Son of the Elder Gods and Rolling Thunder is crucial for the build. Now the Rolling Thunder specialization focuses on getting Assault Heroic charged up as much as possible, as it gives you a 5% refund of Heroic energy with each enemy defeated by the God Blast. The Ultimate Heroic specialization will once again be using Mulspelheim’s Torment, but partnered with Odin’s Blessing of the Realm, which automatically puts you in Overcharged state upon exiting the Bifrost.
For the Mastery skill tree, you’ll need Ranged Damage, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Critical Return, Charged Flight, Maximum Force, Lightning Field, Charged Heroic, and Damage Force. Now these are all the specializations you should be familiar of from the Bring Me Thanos build. Now, let’s move on the ones that are new for the Stormbreaker build. Critical Juggler is a specialization that increases Critical Attack damage when enemies are being juggled mid-air. This is insanely helpful, as enemies tend to get blown up into the air when Thor performs his attacks, followed by activating his Odinforce ability which strikes all enemies in the air. Critical Throw is pretty straightforward, as it increases the Critical Attack Damage by 20% after throwing Mjolnir just as the hammer flashes. To this, you just need to aim and hold the throw button and wait till the hammer flashes. Force of Will is an intrinsic ability that heals Thor by 1.2% when dealing damage with Odinforce active, helping you not die while fighting enemies. Surging Force helps keep your Odinforce alive, as the specialization increases the regeneration speed of your Intrinsic meter by 12%.
What the build is good for
- High range damage
- High valor damage
- High intrinsic regeneration
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Valor, Precision, and Odinforce Flare perk
- Range gear with high Valor, Precision, and Targeted Buff perk
- Defensive gear with high Resolve or Resistance, Valor, Precision, and Reactive Jarvis Barrier perk
- Girdle of the Thunderer
- Major Artifact: Norn Stone
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: Whatever you want, but preferably another Yellow ISO-8 for more Valor
- Ymir’s Wrath
- Hel’s Anger
- Son of the Elder Gods
- Rolling Thunder
- Muspelheim’s Torment
- Odin’s Blessing of the Realm
- Ranged Damage
- Critical Juggler
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Critical Throw
- Critical Return
- Charged Flight
- Maximum Force
- Lightning Field
- Charged Heroic
- Damage Force
- Force of Will
- Surging Force
3. Omega Level Thor Build
Omega Level Thor Build video.
In the Marvel universe, the term “Omega Level” is usually associated with beings with unimaginable power. Though the term is mostly used for Mutants, it can also be used for other characters outside of Mutants as well. Thor is an Omega Level being. Some might even say that he is beyond that level. But in Marvel’s Avengers, we can help build Thor to be an Omega Level Threat to his enemies.
Now just like every Thor build, Valor needs to be built up high. Thor’s Valor is higher than the other heroes, so it’s only natural to build that as high as possible for higher DPS. For his gear, we won’t need any exotic pieces for this. It all comes down to perks and stats, so you better hope that your luck won’t run out when collecting gear. His Melee slot should have high Might and Valor, as well as the Lightweight Buff, a damage buff perk that activates when performing Light Combo Finishers by a percent chance, and the Odinforce Breaker perk, a perk that increases the damage while Odinforce is active. Thor’s Range slot should once again have a high Valor stat, but other stats like Resilience, Resolve, or Precision are always a welcome addition. The perks needed are Targeted Buff and Expert Protection. The Expert Protection perk is an excellent defense perk for Thor, as it grants a defense buff every time Thor defeats an enemy with a critical attack. For your Defensive slot, stats are important. If you can find a defensive gear with high Valor, Resilience, and Resolve, then you’re good to go. Of course, if you can find damage buffs and defensive buffs for your defensive gear, they are always welcome as the build does focus on high defense and high DPS. For the Heroic slot, stats should have high Valor, Intensity, and Precision. For the perks, you’ll need Lightning Potentiator, Ultimate Heroic Charge, and Lethal Tachyon Surge, which activates the Tachyon Surge effect after defeating enemies. For your Major Artifact, the Tactigon is chosen for this build as it will focus on increasing the status damage of your attacks. For Minor Artifacts, two Yellow ISO-8’s to boost Thor’s Valor levels to godly heights.
We’ll be moving on Thor’s Heroic skills, which some are present in previous builds. Thor’s Support Heroic will be using Ygdrasill's Blessing is a specialization that helps any nearby teammate recover 10% of their health when activated, and Hel’s Anger. For the Assault Heroic, Son of the Elder Gods and Rolling Thunder are required for this build, similar to the Stormbreaker build. The Ultimate Heroic, Bifrost, reuses the same skills as the Stormbreaker build, which is the Muspelheim’s Torment and Odin’s Blessing of the Realm. The Mastery skill will be a mix of both the Bring Me Thanos and Stormbreaker build except for two changes. Combo Damage, which is one of the two changes for this build, lets Thor deal out increased damage with Combo Finishers by 25%, and Heroic Takedown Mastery. High Velocity, which is a skill I personally use all the time, allows Thor to quickly throw and call the hammer back faster by 15%. Everything else will be listed down below on what specialization should be used.
What the build is good for
- High DPS
- High Valor damage
- Good balance of defense and damage
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Might, Valor, Damage Buff perk, and Odinforce Breaker perk
- Range gear with high Valor, Targeted Buff perk, and Expert Protection perk
- Defensive gear with high Valor, Resilience, and Resolve (if you have gear with good perks that has the listed stats, then even better)
- Heroic gear with high Valor, Intensity, Precision, Lightning Potentiator perk, Ultimate Heroic Charge perk, Lethal Tachyon Surge perk
- Major Artifact: Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: Yellow ISO-8
- Ygdrasill’s Blessing
- Hel’s Anger
- Son of the Elder Gods
- Rolling Thunder
- Mulpelheim’s Torment
- Odin’s Belssing of the Realm
- Heroic Charge
- Combo Damage
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Critical Throw
- High Velocity
- Charged Flight
- Ionic Bolts
- Maximum Force
- Honed Force
- Lightning Field
- Charged Heroic
- Damage Force
2. Ultimate Thor Build
Ultimate Thor Build video.
The Ultimate Thor build was specifically made for the Discordant Sound raid in mind. The Ultimate Thor build focuses on getting the best of Thor’s range and heroic abilities, which is a lot, considering that Thor’s Valor is already way higher than everyone else’s.
Thor’s gear in this build will be perk and stat based, but there is an exotic required for this build. Majority of this build will be heavy heroic and range based, so all gear needs to have high Valor and Precision stats. For Thor’s Melee slot, you’ll need the Heavyweight Buff, which is a damage buff that activates once you do a Heavy Combo Finisher, and the Odinforce Flare perk. The Range slot requires a high Precision stat, but also the Targeted Buff perk and the Targeted Tachyon Surge perk. The Targeted Tachyon Surge perk grants Thor the Tachyon Surge status effect once you hit an enemy with a Range Critical Attack. For Thor’s Defensive slot, a defense buff will be essential to keep you alive. The perfect perk for that would be the Reactive Protection perk, which gives Thor a Defense Buff when he gets hit, which is pretty useful since you get hit 80% of the game. Now the exotic gear piece that is needed for this build is the Cincture of the Asgard’s Scion gear, which has the Lethal Jarvis Barrier perk, Ultimate Heroic Charge, and Odin’s Augur. Thor’s Major Artifact that he’ll be using will be the Tactigon, and then his Minor Artifacts will be two Yellow ISO-8’s for more Valor. Bear in mind that the Discordant Sound raid will be a lot easier if you have Vibranium or Sonic based gear. If you don’t have Vibranium or Sonic gear that has the stats or perks listed above, that’s fine.
Now that we’re done with the gear that you’ll be needing, we’ll move on to the skills. As usual with most Thor builds, you’ll need Ymir’s Wrath, Hel’s Anger, Son of the Elder Gods, Rolling Thunder, Muspelheim's Torment, and Odin's Blessing of The Realm. For Mastery skills, you’ll need Range Damage, Critical Juggler, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Critical Throw, High Velocity, Speed Burst, which lets Thor fly faster at the cost of intrinsic, but it’s worth it as flying characters are essential in the raid. The other skills you need will be Force of Will, Maximum Force, Honed Force, Power Hazard, which generates small electrical hazards in the area where you perform a Power Attack, which helps against big groups of enemies, Charged Heroic, and Damage Force.
What the build is good for
- Good for players planning to do the raid
- High Valor damage
- High range damage
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Valor, Heavyweight Buff perk, and Odinforce Flare perk
- Range gear with high Valor, Precision, Targeted Buff perk, and Targeted Tachyon Surge perk
- Defensive gear with high Valor, Resilience or Resolve, and Reactive Protection perk
- Cincture of the Asgard’s Scion
- Major Artifact: Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: Yellow ISO-8
- Ymir’s Wrath
- Hel’s Anger
- Son of the Elder Gods
- Rolling Thunder
- Muspehleim’s Torment
- Odin’s Blessing of the Realm
- Range Damage
- Critical Juggler
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Critical Throw
- High Velocity
- Speed Burst
- Force of Will
- Maximum Force
- Honed Force
- Power Hazard
- Charged Heroic
- Damage Force
1. Ride the Lightning Build
Ride the Lightning Build video.
The Ride the Lightning build, probably my favorite name for a Thor build, is a focus of both Precision and, you guessed it, Valor. Named after the hit Metallica song, this build will be used to keep your Intrinsic meter as full as possible in order to have lightning strike your enemies.
Now the build is pretty straightforward, get gear that focuses on dealing as much damage as possible with both high Valor and Precision stats, since those are the main focus. Each gear will have specific perks to it that makes the build work. The only exotic gear you’ll be needing for this build is just one, so don’t worry about grinding too hard for exotics. Starting with the Range slot, you’ll need the Targeted Buff perk and the Expert Empowerment perk. Now, the Expert Empowerment perk is essential since you’ll be using your Intrinsic a lot. The perk basically gives you an Intrinsic Buff when defeating an enemy, refueling your Intrinsic meter to keep your Odinforce up longer. For your Melee slot, the only thing important for this gear is the high Valor and Precision stats, and the Odinforce Flare perk. The Defensive slot should focus on getting a perk that grants a damage buff, so you should try to get a gear with the Reactive Buff perk. For the Heroic slot, the Girdle of the Thunderer exotic is a perfect fit for the build, as it’s perks amplify Thor’s damage. Your Major Artifact this time will be the Norn Stone of Lethal Will, and your Minor Artifacts will have a Yellow ISO-8 and an ISO-8 of Cosmic Afiinity. Now, the ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity is great for any character in general, as the Reactive Cosmic Surge perk grants the player a Willpower burst and Heroic burst when taking damage.
The build requires only a select few skills, so any Heroic and Mastery skills you need can be of your choosing. The skills you need are all under Mastery, which are the Range Damage, Unarmed Damage, Critical Throw, Ionic Bolts, Maximum Force, Honed Force, Lightning Field, Charged Resistance, and Charging Force. Now for those unfamiliar with the Charged Resistance, this lets players increase damage resistance by 50% when Overcharged, making it a great defense specialization.
What the build is good for
- Great Intrinsic regeneration
- High DPS damage
- Few required skills, allowing players to select their own
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Valor, Precision, and Odinforce Flare perk
- Range gear with Targeted Buff and Expert Empowerment perk
- Defensive gear with Reactive Buff perk
- Girdle of the Thunderer
- Whatever you want
- Range Damage
- Unarmed Damage
- Critical Throw
- Ionic Bolts
- Maximum Force
- Honed Force
- Lightning Field
- Charged Resistance
- Charging Force
- The rest can be whatever of your choosing