Captain America is a force to be reckoned with, even more when building him right.
Steve Rogers can do this all day with the right build. While most will resort to making Cap a melee fighter, you will be shocked to find out how effective Cap can be with a range build.
5. Omega Level Captain America Build
Omega Level Captain America Build video.
One thing that Captain America fans can look forward to when playing as the Star-Spangled Man with a Plan is throwing his shield. It is every Cap fan’s dream to be able to throw the Vibranium shield and catch it with ease. Well in Marvel’s Avengers, that dream can be realized. While it may not be in real life, it’s still pretty close.
The focus on this build is primarily range. Cap has limited range with the shield, so to make up for it, the shield throw does more damage than Black Widow’s guns or Iron Man’s repulsors. However, with the Omega Level Captain America Build, Cap mains can delete an enemy’s health bar in seconds.
To start of the build guide, we’ll go through gear pieces, perks, artifacts, then skills. At the end of the guide, there will be list of details regarding the build for those who just want to skip straight to the good part.
Keep in mind that gear pieces will sometimes be chosen solely for its perks and stats. This build, and other builds, all rely on perks and stats. There will come a time where a specific gear piece will be named, so we will be sure to specify that gear piece.
Another thing to remember that most perks will have a random percent chance to activate. Exotic gear pieces are the only known gear pieces to have a set percent chance for their perks. With that out of the way, we can get started.
For gear, we’ll start with the melee gear slot. For this slot, you’ll need a gear piece with good Proficiency, Valor, and Precision. Perk wise, you’ll need the Block Boon.
The range slot will be your damage buff. The perks you need will be Targeted Buff, which grants a Damage Buff, Pym-Tipped Edge, which grants Particle status damage, and Expert Protection, which grants a Defense. You’ll also need high Intensity, Precision, and Valor.
For your defensive gear, you’ll want a gear that has high Precision and Resolve. Perk wise, the primary perk you need is Reactive Buff, which grants a Damage.
The heroic gear will have the Helm of the Super Soldier, which is an exotic heroic gear piece. The stats you need will be high Valor and Resolve. The perks on exotics aren’t randomized, so you won’t have to rely on the RNG gods to help you out.
Moving on to artifacts, starting with Minor Artifacts first, you’ll need 2 Blue ISO-8’s. The Blue ISO-8’s increases the range stats, which is what the build is aiming for. For your Major Artifact, you’ll need the Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will.
With gear and artifacts done, we can move on to skills, both in the Specialty and Mastery tree. Your Support Heroic specialty must have Field Commander and Threat Control.
For Assault Heroic specialty, you’ll need the Tide Breaker, and the second skill will be Vanguard Charge.
For the Ultimate Heroic, you’ll need Strong Arm and Unfair Advantage.
Moving on to Mastery, specifically the Combat portion, you’ll need Ranged Damage Mastery, Heroic Boost Combat Mastery, and Heroic Takedown Mastery.
For the Range section, you will need to activate Enhanced Throw, Perfect Catch, and Precision Heroic Dynamo.
For the Efficiency section, the skills needed are Takedown Energy Burst or Energy Regeneration, both are good options but it depends entirely up to you. Then select Energy Boost 2 and Perfect Block Energy.
For the Intrinsic Ability section, we’ll have the Captain’s Defense Mastery, Defense Attack Efficiency 2, and Captain’s Intimidation.
What this build is good for:
- Range attacks
- Increased critical chances
- High Heroic recharge
Build Details
- Melee gear with good Proficiency, Valor, and Precision stats and the Block Boon perk
- Range gear with good Intensity, Precision, and Valor stats and Targeted Buff, Pym-Tipped Edge, and Expert Protection perks
- Defensive gear with good Precision and Resolve stats and the Reactive Buff perk
- Heroic gear should be Helm of the Super Soldier
- 2 Blue ISO-8’s
- Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will
- Field Commander
- Threat Control
- Tide Breaker
- Vanguard Charge
- Strong Arm
- Unfair Advantage
- Range Damage Mastery
- Heroic Combat Boost Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Enhanced Throw
- Perfect Catch
- Precision Heroic Dynamo
- Takedown Energy Burst or Energy Regeneration
- Energy Boost 2
- Perfect Block Energy
- Captain’s Defense Mastery
- Defense Attack Efficiency 2
- Captain’s Intimidation.
4. I Can Do This All Day Build
I Can Do This All Day Build video.
If you’re familiar with the phrase “I can do this all day”, that’s because it’s an iconic line said by Chris Evans when he first portrayed Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avengers. Since then, the line has stuck with the character, and has oftentimes made its way to other forms of media, including Marvel’s Avengers, where the games Steve Rogers says the line when fighting enemies.
Needless to say, Chris Evans’ Captain America left a very good impression on the world. With this build, players can fight enemies with no sweat, so they can indeed do this all day.
Starting off with melee gear, you need to have high Might, Proficiency, and Resolve stats. The perk you need for this gear piece is Faultless Invulnerability, which grants an Invulnerability Buff. Another perk you can use, if you have the correct gear stats, is Faultless Spark, which grants a Heroic Charge Burst.
For range gear, primary focus should be good Resolve, Valor, and Proficiency stats. Getting a good perk, like Targeted Buff, is viable to the build, but stats should be your main focus.
For defensive gear, stats aren’t the main focus, though it is good to make sure to have high Might, Resilience, and Resolve. What is important, however, is the Reactive Buff perk.
Lastly for heroic gear, same as defensive gear, go for high Valor, Resolve, and Resilience, and then have the Critical Buff perk.
For artifacts, your Minor Artifacts should be one Red ISO-8 for melee damage, and one Yellow ISO-8 for heroic damage. Your Major Artifact should be Ring of the Nibelung, which grants the player an abundance of random pick-ups, importantly Heroic Orbs.
With gear done, we can move on to skills, which only require a few important skills. Your Support Heroic can have any skill you want. For Assault, select Secret Weapon and Vanguard Charge. For Ultimate, select CQC Specialist and Adrenaline Rush. These are important to the build.
In the Mastery tree, the important skills you’ll need are Heroic Boost Combat Mastery, Precision Heroic Dynamo, Captain’s Defense Mastery, Defense Attack Efficiency 2, and Iron Defense. All other skills can be of your own choosing.
What the build is good for:
- High melee damage
- Great tank build
- Great defense
Build Details:
- Melee gear with good Might, Proficiency, and Resolve stats and Faultless Invulnerability or Faultless Spark. Either is good.
- Range gear with good Resolve, Valor, and Proficiency stats. Perk wise, you can get a Damage Buff perk like Targeted Buff, but it’s not required.
- Defensive gear with good Might, Resilience, and Resolve stats and Reactive Buff perk.
- Heroic gear with good Valor, Resolve, and Resilience stats and Critical Buff perk.
- Red ISO-8
- Yellow ISO-8
- Ring of the Nibelung
These are the only important skills you need to have active. Everything else can be of your own choosing.
- Secret Weapon
- Vanguard Charge
- CQC Specialist
- Adrenaline Rush
- Heroic Combat Boost Mastery
- Precision Heroic Dynamo
- Captain’s Defense Mastery
- Defense Attack Efficiency 2
- Iron Defense
3. Raid Captain America Build
Raid Captain America Build video.
With the introduction of the Discordant Sound raid, players have created build to help them conquer the raid with ease. One such build for Cap mains focuses on range damage, to keep the player safe and away from the fight.
Bear in mind that a majority of these gear pieces are exotics and are only obtainable from the raid itself. The reason for that is because the perks you need are required in the exotic gear pieces.
Starting with melee gear, you will need Discordant Iron Gloves, which is an exotic. Make sure to roll it with high Precision, Resilience, and Valor.
The range gear will have the Discord Amplifier, another exotic. Stats must have high Valor, Precision, and Might. An alternative gear piece can be used if you have the same gear stats, plus the Targeted Buff perk and Expert Buff, which grants a Damage Buff when defeating enemies in their weak point.
For your defensive gear, you will not need an exotic gear piece. However, you must have a gear piece with the Reactive Buff perk, as well as high Resolve, Valor, and Precision.
Lastly for the heroic gear, you’ll want to have the Helm of the Super Soldier. You need high Precision, Valor, and Resolve. Another alternative for this gear is a gear piece with the Lethal Jarvis Barrier perk, which grants the player a Jarvis Barrier when defeating enemies, and Critical Buff and Rampage Buff, which grants a Damage Buff after quickly defeating 3 enemies.
For artifacts, since this is a range build, you’ll need 2 Blue ISO-8’s. Your Major Artifact should be the Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will for extra damage.
For skills in both Specialty and Mastery, you’ll want Field Commander, Hold the Line, Secret Weapon, Vanguard Charge, Strong Arm, Unwavering Defense, Ranged Combat Mastery, Air Juggling Mastery, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Enhanced Throw, Perfect Catch, Precision Heroic Dynamo, Energy Boost 1, Energy Boost 2, Energy Boost 3, Captain’s Defense Mastery, Intrinsic Rejuvenation, and Commander’s Strength.
What this build is good for:
- Good for raid
- High range damage
- High defense
Build Details:
- Discordant Iron Gloves
- Discord Amplifier or any range gear with Targeted Buff and Expert Buff perks
- Defensive gear with good Resolve, Valor, and Precision stats and Reactive Buff perk
- Helm of the Super Soldier or any heroic gear with Lethal Jarvis Barrier, Critical Buff and Ramage Buff perks
- 2 Blue ISO-8’s
- Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will
- Field Commander
- Hold the Line
- Secret Weapon
- Vanguard Charge
- Strong Arm
- Unwavering Defense
- Ranged Combat Mastery
- Air Juggling Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Enhanced Throw
- Perfect Catch
- Precision Heroic Dynamo
- Energy Boost 1
- Energy Boost 2
- Energy Boost 3
- Captain’s Defense Mastery
- Intrinsic Rejuvenation
- Commander’s Strength
2. Endgame Captain America Build
Endgame Captain America Build video.
Captain America in Endgame was a sight to behold. From his scaled suit, his shield now returned to him after being separated from it after the events in Civil War, and of course, how can we forget? Captain America being worthy of lifting Mjolnir. Theaters all over the world explode in applause as they see Steve Rogers battle Thanos while using Mjolnir and his trusty shield.
Unfortunately, Marvel’s Avengers’ Captain America is not worthy enough to lift Mjolnir, but only nudge it a little, similar to his MCU counterpart in Age of Ultron, hinting that maybe one day, Steve Rogers will be able to lift Mjolnir in-game. But until that day comes, players have created the Endgame Captain America build to imitate the skill and power Steve Rogers showed when fighting enemies in the fight to save the universe.
Starting off with melee gear, you’ll need high Proficiency, Resilience, and Might. Perk wise, you will only need Faultless Buff, which is a Damage Buff.
For range gear, you’ll need to grind until you can find the exotic gear piece called Resonator of the Storm. This gear is needed for its perks. Stat wise, you need high Valor and Might.
For defensive gear, you’ll need high Resilience, Resolve, and Valor stats. For perks, all you need is the Reactive Protection perk to help with defense.
For heroic gear, stats don’t really matter. You can have either good or high stats, but what’s important is having the Critical Buff perk.
Moving on to artifacts, since this is a melee damage build, we’ll have 2 Red ISO-8’s. Your Major Artifact should be the Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will for maximum damage.
Skill wise, there’s no specific skills needed. The build is versatile that way, allowing you to use whatever you want.
What this build is good for:
- High melee damage
- Versatile, allowing the player to choose whatever skills they want
Build Details:
- Melee gear with good Proficiency, Resilience, and Might stats with Faultless Buff perk
- Resonator of the Storm exotic
- Defensive gear with good high Resilience, Resolve, and Valor stats with Reactive Protection perk
- Heroic gear with Critical Buff perk
- 2 Red ISO-8’s
- Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will
1. Infinite Damage Buff Build
Infinite Damage Buff Build video.
The one thing all Marvel’s Avengers players can say for certain about the game is that the Damage Buff is a godsend. The buff has helped players clutch bosses that would have for sure defeated the player, resulting in resetting to the last checkpoint. It’s so good, in fact that players have created builds that solely rely on damage buffs being constantly on.
This gear will be perk heavy, as the main focus will be having as much Damage Buff perks on as you can. Stats come second in this build, so you don’t have to worry about bad stats.
For melee gear, you’ll need the Faultless Buff perk, which grants a Damage Buff when hitting enemies with a critical attack. Stats can be whatever you want, but for the sake of the build, just follow the video’s guide, which is Resilience, Proficiency, and Might.
For range gear, you’ll need the Targeted Buff and Expert Buff, both Damage Buffs that activate when attacking and defeating enemies. Stats should have Valor and Might, but Resolve also works too.
The defensive gear will be important, as the Reactive Buff perk is the crown jewel of the build. You will be getting attacked a lot because this is a melee build, so having the Reactive Buff perk active will have your Damage Buff on constantly should you ever get attacked.
The heroic gear is the only gear that’s an exotic gear piece, which is the Helm of the Super Soldier.
With artifacts, as this is a melee build, we’ll have 2 Red ISO-8’s active. Major Artifact should be Ring of the Nibelung, as you need Heroic Orbs to charge up your Brooklyn Brawler, which is important for the build.
For skills, you’ll need Field Commander, Threat Control, Secret Weapon, Vanguard Charge, CQC Specialist, Adrenaline Rush, Stun Mastery, Heroic Boost Combat Mastery, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Enhanced Throw, Precision Heroic Dynamo, and Takedown Energy Burst.
Bear in mind that these are the only skills you need active. The rest can be whatever you want.
What this build is good for:
- High melee damage
- Infinite damage buffs
- Infinite Brooklyn Brawler
Build Details:
- Melee gear with Faultless Buff perk
- Range gear with Targeted Buff and Expert Buff perk
- Defensive gear with Reactive Buff perk
- Helm of the Super Soldier
- 2 Red ISO-8’s
- Ring of the Nibelung
- Field Commander
- Threat Control
- Secret Weapon
- Vanguard Charge
- CQC Specialist
- Adrenaline Rush
- Stun Mastery
- Heroic Boost Combat Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Enhanced Throw
- Precision Heroic Dynamo
- Takedown Energy Burst