![[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Destroy Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-05/destroy.jpg.webp?itok=7GJJ83bl)
There are a lot of decks that rely on destroying cards to get the advantage in the game and generate value. The destroy deck archetype exists as early as pool 1, but in pool 3 there is a lot more support for Destroy and those decks can really pop off. In the list we’ve got today, there’s a lot of variety with Destroy, and variety in a card game is always a good thing.

We’re going to take a look at some of the most interesting and viable deck options you can use to climb, while sticking only to the Destroy archetype. Keep in mind that Destroy is by no means a meta archetype as of right now, but some decks on this list are better than others and will make the climb to Infinite slightly easier.

This is a really nicely balanced DeathPool list that makes a slightly inconsistent archetype actually viable and extremely fun to play. It’s also nice to see that Taskmaster is one of the more important cards in a deck, since he hasn’t really been seen in the meta since Shuri got nerfed.
The goal with this deck is to build up Deadpool during the game and make his power as high as possible, while being able to finish the game with Death and Taskmaster, who will both give you a decent amount of power once you play them. Cards that can destroy Deadpool are Carnage, Venom, Killmonger and Deathlok, so if possible, aim to set it up so that you destroy Deadpool and some other card that gives you value when destroyed like Bucky Barnes, Nova and The Hood who you want to remove since he has -2 power. Hulk Buster is a great card to play alongside Deadpool since he will make his power at least 5, which gets doubled when you destroy him, thus giving you insane value.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck usually has a powerful turn 6, whether that’s setting up the previous turn with Wave and a buffed up Deadpool and then playing Taskmaster and Death on the last turn, or just playing Wave and then Death and Taskmaster - you can always put a nice amount of power on the board to finish the game
- Deadpool can be destroyed by a lot of the cards in your deck and if you manage to pair him up with Hulkbuster, that’s insane value
- If you manage to make Deadpool a really powerful card, you can also play him and Taskmaster on the last turn, which your opponent might not expect, especially now since Taskmaster isn’t a common card in a lot of decks
- Wave is a great card to play on turn 5, since it restricts your opponent from playing more than 1 card on the last turn in most cases, while you can play Death and something else as well
Card List:
- The Hood
- Deadpool
- Nova
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Hulkbuster
- Deathlok
- Taskmaster
- Death
4.Nimrod Destroy

Nimrod was a really fun Season Pass card that I particularly liked because it wasn’t as meta defining as some of the other Season Pass cards, but still found its place in a few decks based around him, that are mildly successful, and really fun to pilot.
This deck has a few win conditions, but its most fun and most flashy win condition is playing Nimrod in combination with Arnim Zola - this will swarm the entire board and create 4 new Nimrods, each with 5 power. Alternatively, you can destroy Venom, who will also destroy a few Nimrods, creating more, and even add some of their power to Venom. Coupled with Death who is a great value card in the late game, and Shang-Chi that can take care of your opponent’s bigger threats, this deck is pretty balanced and can help you gain cubes consistently.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck is able to create a lot of powerful combos with Arnim Zola, that can put a lot of power on the board, just beware, since Nimrod is easy to counter, so if you think that your opponent might be running cards like Armor, Cosmo or Professor X, you should proceed carefully
- Venom is an incredibly useful card, since when he destroys cards like Bucky Barnes, Nimrod and Wolverine, he will gain their power and also proc their effects, giving you more value
- Arnim Zola combos extremely nicely with Nimrod and Venom, since this can create a few Nimrods on the board, and since each one is 5 power, this is no small feat
- Death is a great finishing card, but she’s not going to be cheap enough for you to play her every game. Don’t rely on her heavily, and if you manage to destroy enough cards, she can come in clutch on the last turn
Card List:
- The Hood
- Nova
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Deathlok
- Shang-Chi
- Nimrod
- Arnim Zola
- Death
3.Spectrum Destroyer

This is a really fun deck to play, but it’s not a traditional Destroy deck, since with this deck, your goal is to avoid destroying your cards, and getting the most value out of Destroyer. It’s not a destroy deck in the true sense of the word, but it would be a shame to make a Destroy list without including one of the big bads from the Destroy archetype - Destroyer.
The goal with this deck is to play out a lot of your Ongoing cards and make the most use of their effects, since Ant-Man, Mister Fantastic, Warpath and Klaw can give you a lot of value with their effects. You can finish the game with either Spectrum or Destroyer, but they both have specific situations in which you’ll want to use them. Destroyer can be a detrimental card to you unless you’ve set up the board with Armor and Professor X previously. If you manage to do that, Destroyer’s 15 power will be a great addition to your board state. On the other hand, Spectrum can buff all of your other cards in the deck and bring you a lot of value on turn 6.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck is rather balanced and fun to pilot, you need to think about what you’re playing on which location, since you’re always potentially expecting to finish the game with Destroyer
- Spectrum is a great tool for the late game, since this deck is built of solely Ongoing cards and Destroyer, so whenever you play her on the last turn, you’ll always get a lot of value out of it
- A really cool thing about this deck is that it uses Attuma, who’s not the most popular card. But once you pair him up with Armor and Professor X, you can get his 10 power for only 4 energy, and out-tempo your opponent with him
- Warpath is also an underrated card, since you can make it look like you’re not getting his effect, and then once you play Destroyer, you can free up that location and get a sneaky buff to Warpath
- Professor X is an incredibly useful card that can lockdown a location on turn 5, and let you focus all of your power on turn 6 only on one location and win by overpowering your opponent. Just beware of Jeff!
Card List:
- Ant-Man
- Armor
- Colossus
- Lizard
- Mister Fantastic
- Cosmo
- Warpath
- Attuma
- Professor X
- Klaw
- Spectrum
- Destroyer

Galactus Decks aren’t Destroy per se, but since Galactus destroys locations, and your win condition is often Knull, whose power depends on destroyed cards, we’ve decided to include him. This Galactus deck is the most used and most predictable deck, but it’s also the most consistent. The goal is to play Galactus as early as possible, preferably also destroy a lot of strong cards to power up Knull, and then completely overpower your opponent on the last remaining location.
Cards that let you overpower your opponent are usually Knull, Death and Destroyer and also Shang-Chi can come in clutch if you don’t have reveal priority going into the last turn of the game and you expect your opponent to play something powerful. Knull is usually a really strong card and Galactus decks are especially good and making him big, since all cards that Galactus destroys get added to Knull’s power. If you’ve destroyed a lot of cards, Death is also going to be significantly cheaper, hopefully even free by turn 6, so that you can play her alongside Knull or Destroyer to make sure that your opponent can’t beat you. Just keep in mind that you really need to go into the last turn without priority so that your opponent can’t Shang-Chi your cards and steal a lot of cubes from you.
What This Deck Excels At:
- It features a lot of strong cards that were also prominent in the previous 2 decks that we’ve showcased, but this deck is the most consistent version of Galactus that you can play
- Knull is really hard to overpower in Galactus decks, and can often reach up to 50 power, sometimes even more. But that’s overkill and he’s really valuable as long as he’s giving you around 15 power, especially if you pair him up with Death
- Destroyer is a great card that isn’t as risky in this deck as he is in a lot of other decks that run him, playing him on Galactus’ location gives you 15 power, while only destroying Galactus who has 2 power, which is usually insignificant
- Daredevil gives you necessary information on turn 5, about what your opponent is going to play, and he gives you enough value to know whether you can play Galactus or not, and you can be sure that your opponent can’t easily counter you on turn 5
- Electro and Wave, like in all Galactus decks are really important combo pieces that make it possible for you to play Galactus earlier and get the most out of his effect
Card List:
- Yondu
- Psylocke
- Daredevil
- Electro
- Wave
- Shang-Chi
- Doctor Octopus
- Knull
- Galactus
- America Chavez
- Destroyer
- Death

This is de facto the strongest Destroy deck in the current meta. It’s a perfect balance of Destroy cards and some control cards like Wave and Aero, that can easily win you a lot of games, especially about unsuspecting players that aren’t aware of this deck’s immense turn 6 power spike.
This deck has a good early game that focuses on putting some power on the board with Bucky Barnes and Carnage or Deathlok, while also really profiting from playing Squirrel Girl and Killmonger to significantly reduce the cost of Death significantly. Wave on turn 5 enables you to play out She-Hulk for 0 energy on the next turn, Death, also for 0 energy, if you’ve destroyed at least 4 cards, and still have mana left over for another card, which you’ll want most to be Aero, since she can heavily disrupt your opponent since the odds are, your opponent is going to be able to play only 1 card on the last turn because of Wave. Make sure that you’re keeping track of all locations and opponent’s cards that have cost reduction, since then your opponent might be able to play more than card, and Aero will be slightly less useful.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck has incredible turn 6 potential if you play Wave on turn 5, since because of the stacking cost reduction effects, She-Hulk and Death often end up being free to play
- Aero, when paired with Wave is really powerful, since if your opponent is able to play only one card on the next turn since all cards will cost 4, with Aero you can decide exactly where they’re going to play their card, and you can move it to the location that you already plan on losing and easily secure the other two locations
- Squirrel Girl and Killmonger are great cards that you can play out early on, to make Death significantly cheaper. This doesn’t do much by itself, but when you play Wave, the cost reduction from Death applies after Wave sets her cost to 4, so you’ll end up having a free Death to play
Card List:
- Squirrel Girl
- Iceman
- Yondu
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Shang-Chi
- Aero
- She-Hulk
- Death
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