What's one thing Tony Stark loves more than himself? His Iron Man suits.
Tony Stark love Iron Man more than himself, it's no surprise. The guy builds like a million suits for himself. But one thing players of Marvel's Avengers and Tony Stark have in common is that they love building Iron Man. More specifically for players, Iron Man builds. So here are some pretty cool builds that will make Tony Stark himself jealous.
5. Endless Barrage Build
Iron Man Endless Barrage Build video.
Iron Man has a lot of weapons in his suit, making him a walking arsenal. In Marvel’s Avengers, he is every bit as dangerous like his fellow Avengers. Until he runs out of Intrinsic. The Intrinsic Meter is every Iron Man main’s worst enemy, as running out of that prevents Iron Man from firing his repulsors, lasers, and missiles. Thankfully, the game does offer ways to help keep the Intrinsic meter going, and players in turn have created builds with to help solve the Intrinsic issue for Iron Man.
Bear in mind that this build is heavy on perks, and the percentage of how effective the perks work can vary. Gear can have whatever stats and rarity you want as long as you have the correct perks. Also, don’t worry, no exotics for this build, so you don’t have to worry about grinding for it. Just focus on the perks. In the Melee slot of the build, the perk required for this gear is Armory Boon, which grants the player an increased critical attack chance from all weapons. The Range slot of the build is the important part, as the perk Targeted Empowerment grants a percent chance of triggering an Intrinsic Burst should you hit an enemy with a Ranged Critical Attack. Intrinsic Burst is essentially your whole Intrinsic Meter getting a refill after a successful Ranged Critical Attack, so it’s a key perk for the build. On your Defensive slot, there are two perks that you can switch from one another if you want. One perk would be the Reactive Buff, which triggers a Damage Buff on the percent chance you take damage from enemy attacks. The other perk would be the same thing, except it would grant an Intrinsic Burst. It’s called Reactive Empowerment. Both options are really good, as the Damage Buff perk grants more damage, while the Intrinsic Burst basically gives you an unlimited Intrinsic Burst. It all depends on you if you want more damage or more Intrinsic. On your Heroic slot, you’re looking to get a perk called Lethal Empowerment, which grants an Intrinsic Burst on the percent chance you defeat an enemy. Now for your Minor Artifacts, you can go for three different sets and you can pick and choose your options. Two Blue ISO-8 for Precision, which is your range damage, two Yellow ISO-8 for Valor, which is your Heroic damage, and either a Blue or Yellow ISO-8 mixed with an ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity. The Cosmic Affinity ISO is good for staying alive, as the Reactive Cosmic Surge perk grants a Cosmic Surge buff, which in turn restores health and Heroic energy each time you deal damage. Lastly, the Major Artifact should be the Norn Stone of Lethal Will, as it grants a Damage Buff once activated. We’ve covered the gear, or the perks to be more specific, and the Artifacts needed.
So now let’s focus on the skills, which are a lot easier to do compared to the gear. Your Support Heroic should have the Arc Supercharge specialization, so your Overcharge state can last longer by three seconds when activating Arc Overload, and Arc Jolt for reviving downed teammates. For your Assault Heroic, choose the Precision Refractor specialization as it increases the Unibeam duration by three seconds, and the Energy Condenser so each enemy defeated drops Heroic Orbs. The Ultimate Heroic requires the Magno-Missile Barrage that targets up to eight enemies and Energy Star to reduce Intrinsic energy cost by 25%, allowing you to use the Hulkbuster longer while spamming Missile Barrage like a maniac.
The Mastery tree focuses on dealing damage while also saving Intrinsic energy, but not all of the skills wills be used. With that said, these are the Mastery skills featured on the build video should you wish to go by the book. Stun Mastery for a 15% increase of Stun damage, Heroic Takedown Mastery for Heroic Orbs dropping with each takedown, Weapon Efficiency Mastery to reduce Intrinsic energy cost by 15% for all weapons and attacks, Arc Reactor Generator increases the regeneration speed of your Intrinsic by 10%, Overcharge Duration Boost increases the duration of the Overcharged state by two seconds, Overcharge Damage Boost increases damage for all attacks while in Overcharge state by 12.5%, Energy Shield Efficiency reduces activation cost by 15%, Empowering Barrier regenerates Intrinsic energy by 5% if behind the shield, and Air Superiority increases the damage of range attacks by 15% when flying through the air. Now you may notice that we skipped past the Range part of the Mastery tree. That’s because that part of the build is entirely up to you and what weapon you will be choosing. If you’re going for a repulsor heavy build, then you choose all repulsor options. Same goes for laser and missiles.
What this build is good for
- Unlimited Intrinsic energy
- High range damage
- Iron Man mains don’t have to touch the ground during fights
Build Details
- Melee gear should have the Armory Boon perk
- Range gear should have Targeted Empowerment perk
- Defensive gear should have Reactive Buff perk or Reactive Empowerment perk
- Heroic Gear should have Lethal Empowerment perk
- Major Artifact: Norn Stone of Lethal Will
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow or Blue ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: Yellow, Blue, or ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity
- Arc Supercharge
- Arc Jolt
- Precision Refractor
- Energy Condenser
- Magno-Missile Barrage
- Energy Star
- Stun Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Weapon Efficiency Mastery
- Arc Reactor Generator
- Overcharge Duration Boost
- Overcharge Damage Boost
- Energy Shield Efficiency
- Empowering Barrier
- Air Superiority
- Range specializations depends on what weapon you will be using
4. Iron Man Prime Build
Iron Man Prime Build video.
In the comics, Iron Man has a suit called the Model-Prime Armor, which is Tony Stark’s greatest suit as it serves as an all-in-one toolkit. Battling the Hulk? The suit can change into a Hulkbuster no problem. Need to sneak around for a mission? Boom, stealth mode. Want to fight a samurai? The suit transforms into a samurai armor too, which is weird but I would totally do the same thing if I’m capable enough to build an Iron Man suit. Bottomline is, the Model-Prime Armor is considered one of Tony Stark’s most powerful armors, and while Marvel’s Avengers Iron Man doesn’t have a suit like that, players decided to do the next best thing and created a build that matches the power of the Model-Prime Armor.
Like with most Iron Man builds, the primary focus is range damage, so Precision is a key stat for the build, as well as Proficiency for more critical chances. For gear, it’ll be tough to get considering the build requires two exotic gears, one from the raid and one from normal grinding. Better hope your teammates are capable enough to beat the raid, because you’ll be doing this a lot of times depending on your luck to get the exact gear needed. The Melee slot of the build only requires good stats for Valor, Resilience and Precision. The perk on the other hand, doesn’t have to be complicated, as you just need the Armory Boon perk and the Electric Accelerators perk, which deals Shock damage when using Signature attacks. The Range slot is the difficult one, as it needs the Discordant Muon Ray, which is a raid gear. The perks on the gear are Shock Double Leak, which is a great perk to combine with Electric Accelerators, as any enemy affected with the Sonic status effect spreads Shock damage to nearby enemies. The second perk is Focused Scream, which makes all ranged attacks deal Sonic damage while aiming down or flying in the air. The third perk is Pinpoint Vibranium Payload, it triggers on a percent chance when attacking enemies with ranged critical attacks. The Defensive slot on Iron Man is more on stats and perk, so you can either have it as either an Epic gear or Legendary gear as long as you have good stats. The only perk you need on this gear is the Reactive Buff. The last slot, the Heroic gear, requires the Centurion’s Mark XV Quantum Reactor exotic. Stats for the gear need to boost Resolve, Valor, and Precision for the build. The perks however, are the real stars of the show. Breaker Buster grants a percent chance increase damage when using the Hulkbuster, Ultimate Heroic Charge increases the charging rate of your Ultimate Heroic by a percent chance, and the crème de la crème of the gear, Overcharge Support, which increases the Heroic charge rate of all your Heroics by percent chance when Overcharged. The Minor Artifacts needed for the build are the Blue ISO-8 for range damage and the ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity for the Reactive Cosmic Surge. The Major Artifact all boils down to what you prefer. The Norn Stone of Lethal Will provides a damage buff or the Tactigon to increase any status damage you have.
So, with gear being pretty much done, we’ll focus on the skills you need to achieve the build. Starting with the Heroic skills, you’ll need the Arc Supercharge and Arc Jolt for your Support. Your Assault should have Precision Refractor and Energy Condenser. Lastly, your Ultimate should have Disruption Pulse, which sends out a pulse that stuns all enemies near you, and the Hyper Coils to keep the Hulkbuster active for an additional ten seconds.
For the Mastery tree, specifically the Combat section, you’ll need the Combo Finish Mastery, which grants an increased damage boost for Combo Finishers, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Ranged Combat Mastery, which increases all ranged damage by 15%. The Range section of the Mastery tree requires the Rocket Mastery, which increases all rocket damage by 12%, Rocket Specialization, which adds a target guidance system to your basic aimed rocket attacks, and Rocket Efficiency, which decreases the Intrinsic cost of the rocket attack by 10%. For the Intrinsic Ability section, the perks Arc Reactor Generator, Overcharge Boost Duration, and Overcharge Boost Damage are selected for the build. Lastly for the Utility section, Energy Shield Efficiency, Empowering Barrier, and Air Superiority are needed. The Energy Shield Efficiency reduces the cost of the Energy Shield by 15%, which you’ll be using a lot, so it’s useful to have this active for the build.
What this build is good for
- High critical chances
- High status damage
- Stun enemies faster for takedowns when on the ground
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Valor, Resilience, Precision, Armory Boon perk, and Electric Accelerators perk
- Discordant Muon Ray
- Defensive gear with high Valor, Resilience, Proficiency, and Reactive Buff perk
- Centurion’s Mark XV Quantum Reactor
- Major Artifact: Norn Stone of Lethal Will or Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Blue ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity
- Arc Supercharge
- Arc Jolt
- Precision Refractor
- Energy Condenser
- Disruption Pulse
- Hyper Coils
- Combo Finish Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Ranged Combat Mastery
- Rocket Mastery
- Rocket Specialization
- Rocket Efficiency
- Arc Reactor Generator
- Overcharge Boost Duration
- Overcharge Boost Damage
- Energy Shield Efficiency
- Empowering Barrier
- Air Superiority
3. Project Jericho Build
Project Jericho Build video.
Does the name sound familiar? It should, as it is the name of the missiles Tony Stark created in the MCU. The same missile that terrorists wanted so bad, they kidnapped Tony Stark, starting his rise to Iron Man, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the movie, the Jericho missile was only featured in one scene, but that one scene was enough to show the audience at how much of a technological genius Tony is in the MCU. A single missile can level an entire battlefield and all of its enemies. In Marvel’s Avengers, players can create a build that replicates the power of the Jericho missile. Dubbed Project Jericho, players can acquire that same level of power with this handy guide.
As most Iron Man range builds, the focus of stats will primarily be with Precision and Proficiency. If you want to hit your enemies hard, you’re going to need a lot of those two. But you should always balance it out with Resolve and Resilience. Nothings more embarrassing than having your health instantly be emptied without getting a single shot in. Best part about this build? No exotics, so this build can be easily replicated without them. However, you do need specific perks, which are all randomized on random gear with random percent chances to work and with random stats. Now that I said it, I think exotics are a lot easier to get. At least most of them have set perks. Starting with gear, specifically the Melee slot, you’ll once again need Armory Boon. Now, remember to get gear with high stats for Precision or Proficiency to maximize the potential of this build. Next up, the Range slot, we’re going to need a gear with the Targeted Buff perk, which grants the player a damage buff when hitting an enemy with a ranged critical attack. Next perk would be the Plasma Bomb, which gives the player’s weapons a Plasma status effect, more importantly your missiles. For your Defensive slot, we’ll need the Reactive Empowerment perk, as this will serve as a way for your Intrinsic meter to never be fully depleted. You’ll be using a lot of missiles with this build, so it’s best to have an Intrinsic Burst perk on your gear. An alternative perk for players who want to focus a little bit on defense, is Aerial Guard. This perk gives a percent chance of damage reduction while airborne. Lastly in the gear section, your Heroic slot should have the Lethal Empowerment perk. Let’s move on to the Artifacts you’ll be using, starting with the Major Artifact. The Tactigon is ideal for the build, as it grants a 13% increased damage for all status damage, which you’ll be doing a lot with the build you’re using. For Minor Artifacts, you’re going to want to secure a Blue ISO-8 for more Precision and an ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity for the Reactive Cosmic Surge perk.
Now that the gear is done, we’ll be moving on to the skills section of the build. The build doesn’t need a lot of specific skills and specializations active, which is a big surprise. This build is very versatile to each player as long as these specializations are on, so you can make your own variation of the build. You’ll need Ranged Combat Mastery, Arc Reactor Generator, Overcharge Duration Boost, Overcharge Damage Boost, Energy Shield Efficiency, Tactical Barrier, which grants nearby players a 15% Critical Attack Chance increase, and Air Superiority. All other skills and specializations are whatever to your liking as long as these specializations are active.
What this build is good for
- Unlimited Intrinsic
- High missile damage
- Skills and specializations requirements are minimal, allowing players to create their own variations of the build
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Proficiency, high Precision, and the Armory Boon perk
- Range gear with high Precision, high Proficiency, Targeted Buff perk, and Plasma Bomb perk
- Defensive gear with high Resilience or Resolve, high Precision, high Proficiency, and the Reactive Empowerment perk or Aerial Guard perk
- Heroic gear with high Valor, high Precision, high Proficiency, and the Lethal Empowerment perk
- Major Artifact: Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Blue ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity
- No specific skills needed. You can choose whichever ones you feel comfortable with.
- Ranged Combat Mastery
- Arc Reactor Generator
- Overcharge Duration Boost
- Overcharge Damage Boost
- Energy Shield Efficiency
- Tactical Barrier
- Air Superiority
- All other specializations can be of your own choosing.
2. Mark III Iron Man Build
Mark III Iron Man Build video.
The one thing all Iron Man players can agree on is that playing Iron Man can be a hassle. Iron Man is a range character whose biggest weakness is the Intrinsic meter, which he uses in order to use his weapons. Now, we already have a solution for that predicament, which is the Intrinsic Burst effect. But what about the Heroics? Unibeaming enemies for five seconds and then having to wait for a minute or two is just boring. Thankfully, the Mark III Iron Man build allows players to have both unlimited Intrinsic and Heroics.
The build will draw a heavy focus to Precision, as usual, and Valor. Both your range and Heroics are the stars of the build, so skills and specializations will also be specified to bring out the maximum advantage of the build. Your gear will focus heavily on perks and stats, no exotics. Better pray to RNGesus that you’ll get the best of both worlds. Starting with Melee slot, the perk you’re looking for is Cosmic Amplifiers, which grants all Light Signature attacks Cosmic damage. Roll it with high Valor and Precision and you’re already one step closer to completing the build. Next up is the Range slot, which requires the Targeted Buff perk and the Laser Scream perk, which envelops all laser attacks with the Sonic status effect, which is important for the build and will be later explained why. The Defensive slot should have a gear with high Valor, Precision, and Resolve. The ideal perk for this slot should be either the Reactive Buff or Reactive Empowerment. It’s up to you if you want more damage or to ensure you have unlimited Intrinsic. Last gear slot should have the same high stats as your Defensive gear, as well as the Lethal Jarvis Barrier, which will be your primary defense perk as the Jarvis Barrier protects you from majority of attacks. For your Major Artifact, you have the choice between the Norn Stone of Lethal Will or Tactigon. Minor Artifacts should be a Yellow ISO-8 for Valor stats and ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity for the Reactive Cosmic Surge buff.
Now you may be wondering why you need the Laser Scream perk. The launch of War of Wakanda brought additions to the game. One of those additions is the Sonic status effect. The effect, when used against enemies, turns them into a Battery. The Battery effect is a godsend for Iron Man players, as the effect recharges both Heroic and Intrinsic energy when near the affected enemy. Using the Laser Scream perk, combined with all laser attacks, makes any enemy become a Battery for you and your teammates.
Moving on to the Heroic skills first, your Support Heroic should have the Arc Field, which generates a force field that allows you and your teammates to shoot from inside the field. Defensive Field deflects enemy projectiles back at them, giving them a taste of their own medicine. For your Assault, you’ll need Precision Refractor and Energy Condenser. The Ultimate Heroic should have the Magno-Missile Barrage and Energy Star.
In your Mastery tree, you’ll need Combo Finisher Mastery, Heroic Takedown Mastery, Critical Expertise, which increases Critical Attack damage by 15% for all range attacks, or you can use the Ranged Combat Mastery. It’s entirely up to you and how you want to play the build. For the Ranged section of the tree, you’ll want to select all of the laser options. Laser Mastery increases your stun damage by 15%, Laser Specialization reduces the Intrinsic cost of using the laser range attack by 10%, and Laser Efficiency, which decreases Intrinsic energy cost by 10%. The Intrinsic Ability section should have the Arc Reactor Capacity, which increases the amount of intrinsic Supercharge energy by 10%, Overcharge Duration Boost, and Overcharge Damage Boost. Lastly in the Utility section, Energy Shield Efficiency, Tactical Barrier, and Air Superiority need to be active.
What this build is good for
- High laser damage
- Infinite Intrinsic and Heroic
- High stun damage for easier takedowns
Build Details
- Melee gear should have high Valor, high Precision, and Cosmic Amplifiers perk
- Range gear should have high Valor, high Precision, Targeted Buff perk, and Laser Scream perk
- Defensive gear should have high Valor, high Precision, high Resolve, and Reactive Buff or Reactive Empowerment perk
- Heroic gear should have high Valor, high Precision, high Resolve, and Lethal Jarvis Barrier perk
- Major Artifact: Norn Stone of Sacred Will or Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Yellow ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity
- Arc Field
- Defensive Field
- Precision Refract
- Energy Condenser
- Magno-Missile Barrage
- Energy Star
- Combo Finisher Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Critical Expertise or Ranged Combat Mastery
- Laser Mastery
- Laser Specialization
- Laser Efficiency
- Arc Reactor Capacity
- Overcharge Duration Boost
- Overcharge Damage Boost
- Energy Shield Efficiency
- Tactical Barrier
- Air Superiority
1. Omega Level Iron Man Build
Omega Level Iron Man Build video.
The term “Omega Level” refers to beings whose abilities are unable to be measured. There are lots of beings in the Marvel Universe that are Omega Level. Unfortunately, Iron Man is not classified as such. Tony Stark is simply a human with a high IQ that can develop weapons out of anything (see Avengers Assemble Episode 17, Season 1. Tony Stark literally creates a suit out of stone). Marvel’s Avengers however, has a difficult mission called Omega Level Threat: Family Reunion, in which players play through the Family Reunion mission in the hardest difficulty the game allows, besides the raid. The mission is extremely difficult if you don’t have the right build, as enemies can take more damage than usual, essentially making them damage sponges. With the Omega Level Iron Man build, players will be able to blast through the OLT, and even use the build for other missions.
Now bear in mind, the build focuses primarily on Precision, which you’ll need a lot of. You can put a little bit of focus in other stats like Valor, Proficiency, Resolve, or Resilience, but always make sure your Precision stat is high. The build also requires some exotics, so it might take a while to grind for those gear, especially with the right stats. For your first slot, the Melee gear, you’ll need gear with high Precision as well as other stats mentioned above, and either the Armory boon perk or the Armory Breaker perk. This perk grants an increased damage by a random percentage for all weapons. Your Range slot will have the Repulsors of the Storm exotic. The perks include the Adept Buff, but ideally the perk here should be Targeted Buff, as it is easier to hit enemies with ranged critical attacks, but the Adept Buff is just as good, since all you have to do is hit enemies in their weak points to get a Damage Buff. The second perk is Cosmic Munition, which gives your missile attacks the Cosmic status damage. The last perk is the key perk, which is the Targeted Tachyon Surge. The Tachyon Surge increases all status damage by 50% when active, but you need to hit an enemy with a Ranged Critical Attack with a percent chance to do so. For your Defensive slot, the primary focus is stats. So you’ll need high Valor, Precision, and Resolve. The Heroic slot will be the Hivemind Reactor exotic, which is a great piece for your Assault and Support Heroics. Heroic Assault increases the charge rate of your Assault, while the Heroic Assistance does the same for your Support. The third perk will be the Lethal Jarvis Barrier, primarily for defense. Your Major Artifact should be the Tactigon, but you can change it for the Norn Stone of Lethal Will if you prefer to have the regular damage boost. For your Minor Artifacts, two Blue ISO-8’s is required solely for the Precision stats.
With your gear done, all that’s left is to choose which skills and specializations you’ll be using. For the Support Heroics, you’ll need Arch Supercharge and Arc Jolt. You can swap out the Arch Supercharge for the Arc Field for more defense, but that’s up to your preferences. For your Assault, we’ll be going with the classic Precision Refractor and Energy Condenser combo. Lastly for your Ultimate, the Magno-Missile Barrage combined with Energy Star allows players to spam the Missile Barrage attack longer for more damage.
In the Mastery skill tree, specifically the Combat section, you’ll need the Combo Finisher Mastery, Heroic Takedown Mastery, and Ranged Combat Mastery. The first two specializations can be whatever you choose as long as you always have the Ranged Combat Mastery active. Your Ranged build should have a focus on all missile attacks, so you’ll need Rocket Mastery, Rocket Specialization, and Rocket Efficiency. In the Intrinsic Ability section, the Arc Reactor Capacity, Overcharge Duration Boost, and Overcharge Damage Boost needs to be active. Lastly in the Utility section, the Energy Pulse specialization needs to be selected, as it adds Shock damage whenever the Energy Pulse skill is used, Empowering Barrier, and Air Superiority.
What this build is good for
- High missile damage
- Good for OLT’s and other missions
- High Precision stat
Build Details
- Melee gear with high Precision and either the Armory boon perk or the Armory Breaker perk
- Repulsors of the Storm exotic
- Defensive gear with high Valor, Precision, and Resolve
- Hivemind Reactor Exotic
- Major Artifact: Tactigon
- Minor Artifact 1: Blue ISO-8
- Minor Artifact 2: Blue ISO-8
- Arc Supercharge or Arc Field
- Arc Jolt
- Precision Refractor
- Energy Condenser
- Magno-Missile Barrage
- Energy Star
- Combo Finisher Mastery
- Heroic Takedown Mastery
- Ranged Combat Mastery
- Rocket Mastery
- Rocket Specialization
- Rocket Efficiency
- Arc Reactor Capacity
- Overcharge Duration Boost
- Overcharge Damage Boost
- Energy Pulse
- Empowering Barrier
- Air Superiority