15. Dave Bautista – Drax
Drax the destroyer.
When WWE wrestler Dave Bautista scored the role of Drax in Guardian’s of the Galaxy, fans had a doubtful pause, considering the hit-or-miss nature of wrestler to actor transitions. However, fans were and casual viewers alike were thoroughly pleased with Bautista’s portrayal. With his literal interpretation of speech and blunt manner of speaking, not only was his portrayal hilarious (delivering some excellent deadpan comedy) but Drax became a relatable superhero for autistic children too. Surprising viewers and fans alike, Bautista excelled in bringing Drax the Destroyer to life.
14. Kelsey Grammer – Beast
Kesley Grammar as the grisly blue beast.
With his distinctive baritone voice, refined intellect and imposing physique, Kelsey Grammer certainly cuts a striking presence on the stage and big screen. When Marvel began the first series of X-Men movies, many fans began to voice their choices for actors to play certain characters. One actor many universally agreed one was Dr Hank McCoy could only be played by Kelsey Grammer. In fact, all Grammer needed was the blue hair and skin, because to so many fans he truly embodied the character and spirit of Beast.
13. Benedict Cumberbatch – Dr.Strange
Smart Cumberbatch plays praised Dr. Strange.
After announcing that Marvel will begin making a Dr.Strange movie, there was a lot of speculation as to who would play the character. Director Scott Derrickson knew that it was a challenging role, requiring an actor who could successfully portray the fall and rise of the doctor to neurosurgeon, making his personal and emotional growth realistic. Cumberbatch brought the internal turmoil and growth of the doctor to life, donning his costume with pride and making Dr.Strange his own.
12. Chris Hemsworth – Thor
Powerful Thor, son of God Asgard.
Having portrayed the Asgardian god in seven different Marvel movies, the relatively little-known Chris Hemsworth has gone above and beyond in bringing this lesser known character to life. Now it’s hard to imagine any other actor wielding Thor’s hammer, or if anyone else who could have brought him to life. With the more recent revelation that Hemsworth has been dissatisfied with Thor’s recent movies, there is the possibility that the Aussie heartthrob may hang up the red cloak. We can only hope that Marvel does Thor some justice and gives the character the presence he deserves.
11. Paul Rudd – Ant-Man
Inerntful Antmen.
When it was announced that Marvel were making an Ant-Man movie, a lot of casual movie goers and fans thoughts ‘Who?’. When it was announced that Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright would be working on the script, people were excited at the geeky wisdom and wit they would bring to the story. But people still weren’t really sure who Ant-Man was. When Paul Rudd was announced to bring the character to life, he went above and beyond expectations. His preparation for the role not only brought a little-known character to life but leaping to the top of the popularity tables.
10. Tobey Maguire – Spiderman
Maguire amazed by his new powers.
As the first actor to bring the famous teenage webslinger to life on the big screen, Tobey Maguire did an admirable job as your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. Glossing over the emo cheesiness of Spiderman 3, Maguire has consistently performed this role with charm, bringing the reserved Peter Parker to life and winning over audiences with his high-flying, web-slinging antics. Compared to Garfield’s and Holland’s later incarnations, Maguire brings a level of depth and humanity to the role yet to be achieved by his successors.
9. Ryan Reynolds – Deadpool
Deadpool is when fun meets gore.
Perhaps one of the luckiest actors in the superhero business, no other actor has been blessed with second chances quite like Reynolds has. Portraying both the Green Lantern and Marvel’s first incarnation of Deadpool in X-Men Origins, neither characters receiving a warm reception by fans or casual moviegoers, Reynolds was handed a second shot at Deadpool in his own R rated, standalone movie. And boy did he deliver. Without a doubt, Reynolds has truly made Wade Wilson his own, and let’s be honest, no one else could don the red spandex like he can.
8. Gal Gadot – Wonder Woman
Gal brings feminine power to the big screen.
When Gal Gadot first appeared in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, she brought that feminine strength that the DCEU was in desperate need of. Her subsequent solo movie as Wonder Woman cemented her place as the perfect person to play the Amazonian warrior. Gadot has gone on to become a figure for feminist strength, moving away from the somewhat cheesy Lynda Carter incarnation of the 1970s, and we desperately hope she continues to bring that strength to a beloved superheroine.
7. Chadwick Boseman – Black Panther
King of Wakanda.
Finally bringing diversity to the MCU, Black Panther brought the story of T’Challa, king of Wakanda to life. First portrayed by Chadwick Boseman in Captain America: Civil War, then reprising the role in his solo Black Panther movie, Boseman has truly brought the African hero to life. With a character and story so steeped in an African culture, the role of the Black Panther has broken barriers both on and off screen, and we can’t wait to see more of Boseman as the titular hero.
6. Patrick Stewart – Professor X
Founder of the first mutant school.
He’s bald, he’s British, he carries himself with the poise, dignity and intelligence required of the founder of the first mutant school; who else but Patrick Stewart could possibly portray Charles Xavier. Already iconic for his portrayal of Jean-Luc Picard, the Yorkshireman feared becoming recognised for only one role again. However, we can all count ourselves lucky that he agreed to play the powerful mutant psychic, because really it could only have been him.
5. Christian Bale – Batman
Bale incarnates a dark Batman.
As one in a long list of actors to don the caped crusader’s costume, Christian Bale came along after a significant break from any Batman movies being released. After the tarnishing of Bruce Wayne’s reputation in the Joel Schumacher movie, Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan breathed a new and gritty life into Batman. Portraying both the playboy Bruce Wayne and the dark and brooding Batman, superbly, Christian Bale is certainly one of the best actors to revive the Dark Knight.
4. Ron Perlman – Hellboy
Hellboy created by Mike Mignola and Del Toro.
When Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and director Guillermo Del Toro met to discuss Hellboy, both had the same actor in mind to play the titular character, it could be none other than Ron Perlman. Enduring four hours of make-up and prosthetic applications to become Big Red, Ron Perlman brought an ingenuousness to the role that no other actor could have. A demon originally summoned to earth to destroy all mankind; Perlman took the demon and made him human. Now that takes some beating.
3. Hugh Jackman – Wolverine
Shredded Jackman is ready to kick ass.
For a brief moment, we could have had a Wolverine played by Bob Hoskins or Russell Crowe, thank goodness they went with the relatively unknown Hugh Jackman. Dedicating himself to creating the physique required for the role, Jackman brought Logan to life with such consistent dedication and passion that it would be impossible for any other actor to fill those shoes. Having played Logan for a span of 17 years, we can respect Jackman’s decision to retire from the role. A character beautifully portrayed and allowed to bow out with dignity.
2. Robert Downey Jr. – Iron Man
Witty Iron Man played by R. Downey Jr.
Playing the role of both Iron Man and Tony Stark is not an easy one. It requires an actor who can not only pull off the charismatic but arrogant Stark, but also the intelligent and bold Iron Man. When Robert Downey Jr was announced to fill the role, many were still remembering his darker, shadier past with alcohol and drug issues. But like a phoenix from the ashes, Downey became both Tony Stark and Iron Man, playing both roles with such ease and naturality that we truly cannot imagine anyone else playing the role.
1. Christopher Reeve – Superman
Legendary Cristopher Reeve as superman.
Who else but Christopher Reeve could possibly top this list? Not only is Superman the benchmark by which all superheroes are measured against, but without a doubt Reeve is the benchmark that all Supermans, (past, present and those to come) are and will be measured against. His stunning portrayal perfectly captures both the dorky, quiet and naïve Clark Kent, but also the imposing, powerful and all-round-good-guy, Superman. When you hear the Superman theme tune, the only Superman that you envision is Christopher Reeve, and you truly believe a man can fly.
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