![[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Wave Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/wave.jpg.webp?itok=kfzc0M5j)
Wave is one of the most versatile cards in Marvel Snap. She’s able to fit in a lot of really strong archetypes and give you the ability to make really creative combos. She’s the bread and butter of a lot of decks because her cost reduction ability, combined with some other cards can get you a lot of value, and even disrupt your opponent along the way.

Her effect sets the cost of all cards in both players hands, and if you use this effect with cards that really like to be played earlier rather than later in the game like Galactus or Agatha, or if you want to stack cost reduction effects and play out powerful cards for really cheap like She-Hulk and Death, you’re gonna quickly realize how powerful this card is.
She’s also a great counter for strategies like Hitmonkey or in some cases Thanos, since when you use her effect, you’ll be bringing out a really powerful card in your hand, while your opponent might’ve wanted to play a few smaller cards from their hand in the next turn instead of having to play only one card.

Decks with Agatha are really unique. The reason why people play her is because she starts in your hand, so she makes your deck smaller by 1 card, but her downside is that she’s going to play your cards for you.
People have tested the best strategies with Agatha and now she’s always being played alongside Wave and Lady Sif which are there to discard her, or lower her cost so that she plays herself next turn. The key thing to remember about Agatha is that she’s always going to play herself if she’s able to, so she has a lot of synergy with Wave. Your only 3-cost cards are the ones that let you take the control away from Agatha, so she’s always going to play them on the 3rd turn as long as they’re in your hand. After that you can play the game how you see fit, and if you draw Ghost Rider, he’ll bring Agatha to the field, if she was discarded by Lady Sif.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Agatha has a really unique playing style that's appealing to a lot of players, she will play the game out for you at least until the 4th turn, which isn’t like the effect of any other card in the game.
- Lady Sif and Wave, which are the only cards that let you take control away from Agatha, both cost 3 energy, so that Agatha will play them as soon as she can
- Quicksilver and Domino are the only cheaper cards, and they serve to make your deck smaller and to always have something to play on turns 1 and 2, without having to worry about Agatha playing those cheaper cards on turn 3 instead of Wave
- America Chavez also serves to slightly increase the chances of you drawing all of your necessary cards by turn 3, since she makes it so that she can’t be drawn early in the game
Card List:
- Quicksilver
- Domno
- Wave
- Lady Sif
- Jubilee
- Ghost Rider
- Crossbones
- Iron Man
- Captain Marvel
- Aero
- America Chavez
- Agatha Harkness
4.Destroyer Nimrod

This is a deck that’s based around the last month’s season pass card - Nimrod. The goal with this deck is to get some value early on with the destroy cards and then destroy Nimrod as many times as possible to swarm the board with 5 power units.
Since it’s hard to get the most out of Nimrod’s effect since he can be played on turn 5 which doesn’t leave enough time to destroy him multiple times, Wave and Electro will help you bring him out earlier and get the most out of his effect. After Nimrod’s on the field you can go ahead and destroy him as many times as possible and hopefully destroy Electro too, so that you can get the most out of playing Death alongside another card on the last turn. Destroy is another really important card in this deck, since you can play him on the last turn of the game, to destroy all Nimrods on the field, which will bring you a lot of value if there are at least two of them.
What This Deck Excels At:
- It’s one of the rare decks that feature Nimrod, and if you’ve bought him during the last season, or have gotten him from a reserve, you might find Nimrod’s playstyle interesting
- Nimrod has synergy with all cards that are able to destroy him, while also benefiting from being paired with Wave and Electro to bring him out earlier
- Wave and Electro let you bring Nimrod out earlier, but they can also let you play Destroyer, to bring Death’s cost down, or to just play him early so that you play cards that you wouldn’t want Destroyer to destroy on turn 6
- Taskmaster is also a great card that you can play after playing Destroyer on turns 4 or 5, this will give you 15 power on two locations and you’ll also probably be able to play Death on turn 6 for additional 12 power
Card List:
- Hood
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Venom
- Electro
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Taskmaster
- Nimrod
- Destroyer
- Death
3.Electro Ramp

Electro Ramp is another deck type that focuses on playing out big cards early and then combining their effects to get a lot of value. The best example for that is playing Doctor Doom on turn 5, and then Odin on the same location on the 6th turn to add a lot of DoomBots to the board and overpower your opponent.
Sandman is a key card in this deck, since he’s able to heavily restrict a lot of decks that are currently popular like Hitmonkey or Thanos decks that rely on playing more than one card each turn. This deck is really good at crippling your opponent’s strategies because not a lot of decks can only play one card per turn and still be successful. Doctor Doom and Odin are great when combined together and, like in the previous deck, Wave and Electro are the cards that make these strong combos possible.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Sandman is great at controlling your opponents and limiting what they can play each turn
- Playing Doctor Doom and Odin can bring a lot of value on all locations and not a lot of decks can compete against it, especially if they’re playing one card per turn
- Aero also has a lot of synergy with Sandman, because she will move the one card that your opponent is able to play per turn, to whatever location you need her to, this is almost a surefire way to win on turn 6 if you’re already winning two locations, since you can move their card to the location that you’re already losing
- Electro and Wave are the two cards that make this deck with a lot of expensive cards come together and achieve the best results, their respective abilities, to increase your energy, and lower the cost of cards in your hand is able to create some really cool combos
Card List:
- Scorpion
- Electro
- Wave
- Jubilee
- Klaw
- Sandman
- Captain Marvel
- Gamora
- Aero
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
- Magneto

Galactus is one of the three “Big Bad” cards that are permanently in pool 5 because all three of them have very unique effects that completely alter the way the game is played. Galactus completely changes the game when he’s played because he will destroy all other locations and make the game about who can get more power on the only remaining location.
Psylocke, Electro and Wave are really important cards that make Galactus as good as he is, because he’s really hard to use as a win condition on turn 6, and you need to get him out on the field as early as possible. This deck has a lot of fun combos that will be hard for your opponent to counter unless he’s an experienced player who can accurately predict your plays. Playing Doctor Octopus on a random location can pull out all of the strongest cards from your opponent's hand and make sure that they can’t overpower you on the location that you want to win after playing Galactus. Knull is a great card that usually has a lot of power, because he gets the combined power of all cards that were destroyed after Galactus’ effect was resolved.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This entire deck is built around changing the way the game works, from having to win two out of three locations, to having to win only one after you play Galactus
- Shang-Chi is a great late game option after you destroy other locations. Shang-Chi lets you destroy the opponent’s strongest cards that they’re probably going to play on the last turn to overpower you, just be mindful of reveal priority
- Wave, Electro and Psylocke are great cards to play to get enough mana to play Galactus as early in the game as possible. If you play him earlier, you will have higher chances of setting up your other powerful cards and overpowering your opponent
- Knull is a really powerful card that usually has a LOT of power, not a lot of cards can overpower him, but he’s still vulnerable to Rogue, Enchantress and Shang-Chi, so you should be careful if you think your opponent is running one of those cards
- Death is also a really important card that you often get to play for free, or at least for really cheap, since Galactus often destroys a lot of cards when he destroys two locations
Card List:
- Yondu
- Psylocke
- Daredevil
- Electro
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Shang-Chi
- Doctor Octopus
- Knull
- Galactus
- America Chavez
- Death

DeathWave is the best deck for climbing that has Wave in it, and it’s also the one that most relies on wave for the turn 6 combo to be successful. The goal with this deck is to lower the cost of Death with your cards that have destroy effects like Carnage, Yondu, Killmonger and Deathlok, and then play her and She-Hulk and another card on the last turn, with the help of Wave’s cost reduction.
Playing Wave on turn 5 will set the cost of all cards in both players’ hands to 4. Your opponent is going to be able to play only one card, unless they’re playing Sera or there are locations in play like Elysium. You will instead be able to play She-Hulk and Death and still have mana leftover to play any other card from your hand, preferably Aero since she can heavily disrupt your opponent on the last turn, because your opponent is probably playing only one card, and win you the game. Another good option for the late game is Shang-Chi which can take care of some of your opponents strongest cards as long as they don’t have Cosmo or Armor on the field.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Playing Wave on the 5th turn gives you an incredible amount of value since you can play both Death and She-Hulk from your hand if you have them, and have leftover mana for another card, to make sure you get the victory
- Shang-Chi is a great card that’s able to counter a lot of decks that rely on playing cards that have more than 8 power, since they can’t have Cosmo and Armor played every game
- Deathlok, Yondu, Killmonger and Carnage are cards that can give you nice value early on in the game, but they will also lower the cost of Death, so that you can finish the game off with your most powerful cards
- Aero is able to completely screw over your opponent if you play her on the 6th turn after Wave, since your opponent will likely be able to play only 1 card that you can then move to wherever you want with Aero
Card List:
- Squirrel Girl
- Iceman
- Yondu
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Shang-Chi
- Aero
- She-Hulk
- Death
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