Three-time Oscar nominee and Golden Globe winner Michelle Pfeiffer will be co-starring in the upcoming 2018 Marvel film Ant-Man and Wasp, the sequel to the 2015 superhero comedy Ant-Man.
This was announced recently at San Diego Comic Con. Pfeiffer will portray Janet Van Dyne, mother of the titular super-heroine Wasp, according to IMDB.
Evangeline Lilly (Lost) will portray Wasp. Her character also goes by the aliases Pixie and Doctor Spectrum, according to the official Marvel website.
Apparently, the character Janet Van Dyne has also been a version of the Wasp character in the comics as well. Janet Van Dyne's daughter would take on the role of the Wasp later, like a passing of the torch sort of thing.
At this point, it's not yet known whether Michelle Pfeiffer will take on her character's version of the Wasp role in next summer's film. It would make for an interesting development in the film's plot, though. We'll have to wait until about a year from now to see for sure.
Marvel Studios will release Ant-Man and the Wasp in theaters next summer, July 8, 2018.