Mods are add-ons for the game made by players rather than the company. They can be simple items like furniture or, sometimes, new coding that changes gameplay elements. This mod list is about adding new experiences for long-term players who need a refresh of this beloved game.
1. The Foundation
After installing the necessary Java, Forge or Fabric should be installed next, as this adds the foundational coding needed for these mods to be understood by the game. Today, we’re using Fabric.
- Fabric has an easily accessible modding community.
- Sodium, Lithium, and Iris Shaders on the front page should follow this main mod for the starting base.
- Important bug fixes with Fabric include Memory Leak Fix, Dynamic FPS, LazyDFU, and BetterF3, all listed on the community page.
2. Iris Shaders
As I’ve mentioned, Iris Shaders is one of the ultimate foundations, allowing the game to have unique graphics for each player experience.
- A popular shader pack is SEUS, which includes ray tracing, new lighting, new water graphics, and an overall gorgeous experience.
- For texture packs, my favorite is Mizuno’s 16-bit because it resembles traditional Minecraft but with a modern update.
- Optimum Realism is a more realistic texture pack that I enjoy as the pack still looks like Minecraft but has smoother blocks with more precise details than the usual blurred pixels.
Xaero's minimap is a necessary addition to the game, adding a tiny map on your top right with detailed location coordinates and customizable graphics.
- This mod displays all surrounding entities, such as players, mobs, and items, as dots with a custom color or icon.
- The player can create waypoints to help find previously visited locations or reach specific coordinates with optional teleportation.
- The creator, Xaero, also has a remake of the regular map, which shows more detail of the world the player has explored.
4. Mod Menu
This menu improves on the standard Minecraft with a simple interface that displays every modification in your game.
- This menu is a simple way of organizing all the collections that the player has installed, complete with a search bar and a sort-by tool.
This simple mod improves the sound effects in-game.
- Vanilla sound effects often do not register sound effects properly, and instead, this mod provides realistic sound details, reverb, and absorption through blocks.
6. Farmer's Delight
Farmer's Delight mod expansion adds new cooking and farming abilities, professions, and recipes.
- Heartier recipes for your character’s adventures, such as Cultural, Festive, and Vegan Delights, expand upon fruit and veggie recipes, making farming more immersive and fulfilling.
- The Butcher’s and Ocean’s Delight expansions add brand-new meat and fish recipes, making survival a new experience with creative meals.
- Chef's Delight expansion creates a new profession as a chef and spawns simple villager restaurants.
Get all the Delightful mods here
7. Tree Falling
There is no sense that when the player breaks down a piece of wood, the rest of the tree floats in the air rather than falling like it would in real life. While this may be a simple mod, your character will survive better by gathering more wood at once.
- This mod allows the player to break down the whole tree simultaneously.
- Gather more wood at once for building and crafting.
- No more strange floating leaves in the air.
This mod adds functional backpacks to the game.
- Add more slots to the player’s inventory.
- Adds customizable designs representing various creatures and items. The player can upgrade their backpack using the smiting table.
- Within the mod, adventurers can also use the crafting companion and a sleeping bag that won't remove the player’s original spawn point.
9. Multiplayer Collection
Suppose you’re like me and enjoy playing Minecraft with your friends and family. Then you’ll need these multiplayer fixes and immersive features,
- Controlify or MidnightControls adds enhanced controller usage to Java Minecraft so that you can use all your Java mods with multiplayer and still use a controller.
- Simple Voice Mod and Plasmo Voice adjust the voices in the game to allow voice control and proximity sound so that if you have more than a few players, you won't be able to hear them all at once at different distances or when playing PVP.
- And There Was Only One Bed is a mod that only requires one bed rather than multiple for the players to sleep in to avoid having to gather so much wool.
10. Streamer Collection
Like the multiplayer collection, the streamer collection adds new mods that enhance the multiplayer experience for an entire community rather than a few friends.
- Content Creator Integration Mod offers integrating streaming services into the game, such as Streamlabs, DonationAlerts, Twitch Chat, and Youtube Chat.
- Crowd Control and Chat Control are great if you have many players and want to avoid harassers who ruin all the fun.
- Stream Emotes put fun emotes from Twitch into the Minecraft chat.
11. Angling
Angling is an important aspect of Minecraft that allows the player to survive off of fish, but there aren’t a lot of species in the vanilla game, causing fishing to feel uninteresting.
- Offers new fish to spice up gameplay, including clams and oysters in your fish tanks to eat up any algae automatically.
- The player can now dig worms from the dirt and feed them to fish to get roe.
- Use a fish bucket during the day to find the pesky pelican trader.
12. Yung’s Remastered Structures
Yung is a talented modder who aims to update Minecraft into a modern, detailed game with remastered structures.
- Witch’s Huts, Mineshafts, Strongholds, Desert Temples, and Better Ocean Monuments are all created by
- Bridges adds.. well, bridges! Custom bridge structures are added throughout the map for an elegant, functional experience.
- Extras expand on small features, such as ruins, pillars, and rare easter egg structures.
13. Cobblemon
Cobblemon adds Pokemon characters and elements to your game.
- Capture Pokemon to expand your team, battle for experience, level up, and evolve.
- There are over 500 Pokemon to catch while building, mining, or fighting mobs.
- This mod allows trading in multiplayer and new crops to create healing potions.
14. Furnish
Mods like Furnish allow your player to decorate their base with proper furniture.
- Aesthetic touches to your house improve the experience. Sometimes, we need pretty things when life is the toughest.
This first-person mod enables a 3D perspective of your character.
- This mod lets the player see the Minecraft character and view any installed custom skins.
- The 3D Skin Layers mod spices up your character's appearance with more realistic 3D layered textures.
- Another add-on is the next on this list, Not Enough Animations.
This mod restores many missing first-person animations and modifies existing ones to represent better in the first-person view.
- This mod expands the First-Person Mod but works independently.
- The player can now see their character eating, crawling, holding maps, rowing a boat, and more.
- This mod allows effective two-handed animations, such as bow weapons.
17. Animal Collection
The cozy, creative, but lonely world of Minecraft could use more adorable animals to experience a more lively game.
- Both mods, Goodall and Naturalist, aim to add various animals and wildlife, such as rhinos, lions, and seagulls.
- The mod Wildlife adds new birds, forest critters, and insects to the game.
- The add-ons Skunks and Snakes create adorable, nonviolent pets.
18. Let's Do: Mods
Let’s Do: Mods Collection creates the ultimate additional Minecraft experience with custom recipes and professions.
- Let's Do: Bakery adds new bakery items with more food value and increased saturation, along with two new crafting stations.
- Let's Do: Vinery adds a new crafting system for making wine with positive effects and new plants, decorations, resources, and a profession with a wine trader.
- Let's Do: Beachparty overhauls the beach biome with palm trees, summer recipes, and new decorative blocks, providing a much more essential beach.
19. Simple Visual Changes
- Visual Workbench lets the player see the workbench in a 3D perspective view.
- AppleSkin changes food-related HUDs and adds food value information visuals to tooltips.
- Boat Item View adds seeing the crafted map or compass while rowing a boat.
20. Craftify
Craftify is a mod for Minecraft that allows you to connect to music services, such as Spotify and YouTube, and display and control them in-game.
- This simple music mod offers customizable styles, such as Pixelated Theme by Mo2men, seamlessly fitting with the Minecraft aesthetic.
- Displays song notifications and a full control panel.
21. FancyMenu
FancyMenu allows the player to personalize the Minecraft menus in a user-friendly way.
- Change the style of the in-game menus with a user-friendly editor.
- Integrate advanced features such as animated or dynamic elements.
- Supports animated image formats like GIF and APNG for a custom experience.
21. AmbientSounds
Adds a rich, detailed ambiance to Minecraft.
- Hear birds and animals in the distance.
- Each biome has an appropriate ambiance.
- Hear leaves blowing and flowing waves.
22. Effective
The mod adds water, entity, and illuminated effects to the game. Every effect is customizable and can be toggled in the configuration.
- Water effects such as splashes and ripples. Underwater chests emit bubble effects.
- Illumination effects such as fireflies in forest biomes, with strength depending on humidity.
- Extra visuals such as screen shake effects.
23. Better Combat
This mod remakes the weapon animations and creates new skills to fight mobs.
- Natural weapon attacks by accurate weapon collision detection.
- Better weapon animations with a smoother swing.
- Plenty of add-on content such as better archery and better wizards that even come with new villager structures and enhanced loot.
24. Cherished Worlds
This mod adds the ability to pin a star on specific player worlds. Bookmarking worlds will remove the ability to delete the Minecraft world until unmarked and will always show at the top of the world selection list.
- The player can bookmark unlimited worlds.
- Prevents accidental deletion.
- Includes favoriting multiplayer server worlds.