[Top 15] MTG Most Expensive Black Cards

Magic the Gathering
08 Aug 2021

The color black in magic has some absolutely iconic cards. The original library tutors, board wipes, and big scary demons have all helped to make old black cards quite valuable and in this article, i'll be showing you the 15 most expensive black cards

15. Imperial Seal

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What’s Great About Imperial Seal:

  • This is one of the best types of cards in Magic, a tutor, and not only that but it's incredibly  inexpensive to cast  as well
  Value: 660$

14. Sengir Vampire

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What’s Great About Sengir Vampire:

  • This card isn’t that great by today’s standards, but it is from the original Magic set Alpha. A lot of cards there are very valuable just by virtue of being some of the first Magic cards ever
Value: 750$

13. Liliana of the Dark Realms (Promotional)

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What’s Great About Liliana of the Dark Realms:

  • This promotional reprint of the original Liliana planeswalker, complete with new art, has become a very coveted collector's piece

Value: 900$

12. Word of Command

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What’s Great About Word of Command:

  • This is an amazing card, being able to use any card from your opponent's hand and only needing to spend two mana to do it makes it a broken effect that we haven't seen on a card since
Value: 1000$

11. Guardian Beasts

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What’s Great About Guardian Beasts:

  • This isn’t too great of a card, its good in certain modern-day decks, but it is from Arabian Knights which received an extremely limited printing which led to the extreme rarity of all its cards
Value: 1050$

10. Nether Void

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What’s Great About Nether Void:

  • This is a fantastic hate piece for any stax deck, its effect makes it really difficult for your opponents to play anything at all
Value: 1100$

9. Yawgmoth’s Will (Promotional)

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What’s Great About Yawgmoth’s Will:

  • This has always been a coveted finisher for  graveyard based decks, and this promotional foil is especially coveted 
Value: 1150$

8. Chains of Mephistopheles

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What’s Great About Chains of Mephistopheles:

  • This is a super desired card for a lot of competitive decks, being able to easily removes the additional card draw that’s in many of those decks is a very powerful effect
Value: 1200$

7. The Abyss

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What’s Great About The Abyss:

  • This is another fantastic hate-piece, stripping a creature from your opponents on each of their turns is a very powerful effect
Value: 1250$

6. Zombie Master

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What’s Great About Zombie Master:

  • This is one of the best possible cards to play in a zombie tribal deck, the protection it provides is insane
Value: 2000$

5. Bad Moon

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What’s Great About Bad Moon:

  • This card isn’t that great by today’s standards, but it is from the original Magic set Alpha. A lot of cards there are very valuable just by virtue of being some of the first Magic cards ever
Value: 2100$

4. Will-O-The-Wisp

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What’s Great About Will-O-The-Wisp:

  • This card isn’t that great by today’s standards, but it is from the original Magic set Alpha. A lot of cards there are very valuable just by virtue of being some of the first Magic cards ever
Value: 2400$

3. Juzam Djinn

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What’s Great About Juzam Djinn:

  • This isn’t too great of a card but it is from Arabian Knights which received an extremely limited printing which led to the extreme rarity of all its cards


2. Contract from Below

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What’s Great About Contract From Below:

  • This card isn’t that great by today’s standards, but it is from the original Magic set Alpha. A lot of cards there are very valuable just by virtue of being some of the first Magic cards ever
Value: 2700$

1. Demonic Tutor

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What’s Great About Demonic Tutor:

  • This is possible one of the most iconic cards in all of magic, it’s one of the best tutors ever and is all around just absolutely amazing

Value: 2800$

Black has definitely accumulated a lot of valuable tutors, hate pieces, and other pricy cards over the years and I hope this article informed you of the most expensive ones

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