We all know a player who just prefers to play Neverwinter by themselves.
Myself included.
While it’s a great place to be social, form groups, join guilds, make friends, etc, sometimes, you just want to go your own way and do your own thing.
Nothing wrong with that! But do you have a good class character to get you through?
Here are the top 3 best Neverwinter solo classes to for a great solo experience!
1. Guardian Fighter
A force to be reckoned with, the GF is a great all-around class to play. And my personal favorite to solo as well since I can get anti-social at times.
This is a great solo class due to having great DPS, buffs, and tank style set up. One of the best skills you get with the GF would be the dungeoneering skill. This is great as your making dungeon runs often, making it come in very handy.
Here is a link for a few builds to get an idea for what you personally would prefer to do as you begin to build your GWF. https://nw.mmominds.com/tag/guardian-fighter/
2. Control Wizard
Able to deal massive AOE damage. And a variety of control and ranged powers. The CW is a good choice for solo play as well. The CW is a great to play due to it’s ranged playstyle and numerous powers put it as a good solo play.
My absolute favorite follow guide for building the CW would be from FNHUSA57 for a good guide. https://nw.mmominds.com/2018/08/17/fnhusa57-control-wizard-guide-mod-13-and-14/
3. Oathbound Paladin
A great pick for solo play would be the Oathbound Paladin. Being considered immortal from the binding, buffs, and health makes it easier to solo along with the ability to switch play styles at campfires make for a good play strategy.
I especially prefer Scorp’s build for the OP
Another great guide would be there however it’s exclusively for Xbox but you can still get great information from it.