What are the best classes in Neverwinter?
Keep in mind; this is my personal opinion from playing the game for the last 4 years. This is all rated by the characters I got most bored of and those I enjoyed the most. All in all, it depends what type of gameplay you enjoy.
In Last and Eighth: The Devoted Cleric
The character we need but don’t want to be
In every game, we have a character like this; the healer of the group. When it comes to quests and PVPs, we all want this character nearby to heal us when it gets a bit much but who wants to play this character? No one.
This character can attack enemies, yes, but the attacks are weak compared to others while their main point is just to stand there and heal other characters when it comes to events. I found it extremely difficult to make this character strong and I think the only way you can match other character’s strength with this one is to put real money in the game – which is something not everyone may afford to do.
Seventh: Hunter Ranger
With a bow and arrow, how does this character do?
As much as my husband enjoys playing this character, he agrees that it doesn’t compare to the others. I am not a bow and arrow type of person so I did not enjoy this character from the beginning. This was quite disappointing as we waited for a new class to be released for a long time.
This character’s abilities are not as powerful, maybe I was just choosing the wrong ones. Nonetheless, I think this choice is more personal as I think some people will truly enjoy this character.
Sixth: Guardian Fighter
The more simple character
This character is a great class to play with although it is on the more simple side of characters. The powers are great but still pretty low on the list compared to others. I find that the people choosing these characters and making them great, also usually put real money into the game.
With hard work and determination, if you love the character you can make this character great. With good armor and weapons you will easily be able to defeat every enemy in your path.
Fifth: Great Weapon Fighter
The speed and gigantic weapon makes this character a lot of fun
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this character and I will definitely play it again one day. The speed of this class is great and can give you a lot of edge over enemies as well as other characters. As you can see in the picture above, the weapon is absolutely gigantic and its strength is overpowering.
This class is strong and obviously a melee character so again, it all depends on the person playing the game. With great weapon choices and great armor choices, this character can be a lot of fun although different powers are often difficult to come by.
Fourth: Control Wizard
Amazing powers make this character great for PVPs
As a huge fan of PVPs, I love this character. The powers are absolutely amazing and if you team up with another character you can take the enemy down in around 5 seconds.
For those who are a fan of melee characters, this class will not be for you. You never go up close to the enemy, you stay back and attack from afar while your teammates go in and take on the beast first hand.
Third: Scourge Warlock
Using dark magic, take down your enemies swiftly
While this character isn’t chosen as much as it should be, it is still a relatively new class release. This class uses dark magic and charisma to take down their enemies. Many players are confused between this class and the Control Wizard.
The Control Wizard is great for PVP and going along with other characters, teaming up against enemies; Scourge Warlock is perfectly good on its own. Each to their own, though. Try each one and see which class works for you.
Second: Oathbound Paladin
Oathbound Paladin reigning in at second place for me
This character was a lot of fun to play with and the powers are many to choose from. The class is part of the Elemental Evil section of characters and it is relatively new.
There are many options and ways to defeat your enemies, and with powers coming from the Gods, it’s quite difficult not to defeat enemies.
First: Trickster Rogue
Two knives and endless enemies
This has and always will be my favourite class. It was part of the original choice of classes and I chose it first. I’ll admit, I lean more towards the melee characters so that may be the reasoning behind my choice.
With two knives and the ability to go invisible as well as make a fake double of yourself, this character has loads of ways to defeat your enemies, in-game or in PVPs. The class is built on confusing those around you and it works like a charm.
However, as I said in the beginning, this is all just my opinion from playing the game myself. If you really want to know which class is the best, I’d suggest you take a run at the game yourself and try them out one by one. Follow this link – it’s free to play - http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter
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