The Best MMOrpg Games in 2016
It’s time to go on an adventure. In this adventure you will soar through the sky on mythical mounts, fight for your life in an open world, and scavenge the land for epic rewards. Powerful beasts (like dragons/giants) and enemies will attempt to steal your freedom, but you can’t let them.
All of this is at your fingertips. If you’re tired of sharing your glorious accomplishments with only your mom, a MMORPG is the right fit for you. However, we don’t want you to just play any MMORPG. We want you to shine in one of the seventeen most awesome MMORPG games of 2016 (even if your mom doesn’t get it).
*MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game*
** The Order of the following 17 games does not have any significance**
1. World of Warcraft: Legion
An exciting battle awaits you in World of Warcraft: Legion.
World of Warcraft is a staple in the MMORPG world. The MMORPG launched in late 2004, and has gone through five expansions. The sixth expansion, Legion, is set to release August 30th, 2016. But what is Legion bringing to the table?
The world of Azeroth is in dire danger from an evil force called the Burning Legion. They have begun their third invasion on Azeroth with the intention of freeing their Supreme Leader Sargeras. In order to save Azeroth you must travel to an ancient island called the Broken Isles. Here your training will begin…with a legendary weapon to assist you. Your goal? To save Azeroth by defeating the armies the Burning Legion has let loose.
The fuel for the Burning Legion is just as bright as Lord Sargeras himself.
Legion will be giving players a 10 level increase (making a max of 110). But where are we going to level up? Well, they added a new map called the Broken Isles, which has large zones to explore and train in. This was an ancient night elf civilization, filled with mystery and hidden powers. Wait, there’s more! A new class is hitting the spotlight with the release of Legion. This class is called a “Demon Hunter”. If you choose to become a Demon Hunter, you will start at level 98 (because, yes, you are that special). However, don’t be tricked by the word hunter, because you will not be shooting people with that really cool bow you started picking out. Instead, you will be leading the group as a tank, or quickly dishing out damage in melee range. Assassin type much?
So if you’d enjoy interacting with friendly (and non-friendly) NPC’s, questing to save the world, and slaying enemies left and right...then you will surely love, World of Warcraft: Legion.
These Demon Hunter weapons bring death too fast to produce fear in its victims.
2. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward brings a story so riveting, you may mix up reality and fiction.
Final Fantasy is a large force in the video game industry. When you see that Final Fantasy tag you come to expect great things. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is the first expansion on this popular MMORPG (Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn). Although it came out in June of 2015, this game has not lost its touch.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is most well-known for its elaborate and captivating story line. If immersing yourself into a well written story and experience is important to you, then you have to pick up this game. Game Developer, Square Enix, has required that all players must complete the original part of the game (A Realm Reborn) in order to move on and play the expansion (Heavensward). This is because as you level and progress through the story, the character’s personalities change and adapt. The characters you follow through quests, and battles will create an ultimate experience for hours on end.
Players can now traverse a new world amongst great dragons, conquer new sets of dungeons, and even learn how to fly with mounts! You can become one of the several new classes and attempt to defeat the great raid dungeon Alexander, or simply dominate the crafting world with your Company Workshop. As with all Final Fantasy games, you will be sure to come across some of the best looking weapons imaginable. Doesn’t that make it “worth” already?
Ever wonder what poor soul had to tame this mount?
If I had to die, it would have to be to this gorgeous (but deadly) looking greatsword.
3. EVE Online
This is just one update of many. Will you be around to experience the future of EVE Online?
“I’m sick of trees!” Do you ever find yourself looking for a change of scenery? How does space sound? In EVE Online you can travel between roughly 7,500 different star systems (in various types of ships). Whether you steer a large Battleship, or a small Destroyer, you can be sure that destruction will follow.
“Ohh, I call shotgun! Now is that the front seat, or weapon terminal…?”
EVE online has been out since May 2003, but they push out expansions and updates consistently. In fact, some of the things you can expect this year are new ships, class structures stations, super-weapons, and ways to make that sweet money (Interstellar Kredits). If you can pull yourself away from the computer, you can also attend one of EVE’s many real-world gatherings/tournaments starting this fall!
Do we call this a battle, or a massacre?
So while you do have explosive ship encounters, there are also battles in the Eve Online market. With a praised player-driven open economy, many guilds (player corporations) in EVE will fight for market control. With market control comes steep profit and eventually…territorial control. Could you be the next market mastermind?
4. Lost Ark
A little taste for what's to come. Soon we'll be able to order seconds...
Now not all games can be within reach. Sadly, the long awaited MMORPG Lost Ark has still not reached our eager fingertips. The publisher Smilegate has recently hired more staff in hopes of pushing out closed betas in China and Korea by the end of this year. For the West, we can safely bet that our access will follow once the game is successful in Korea. Don’t despair, because the wait will only make the game so much sweeter!
“I’m on fire, put it out! Wait…nevermind, that’s supposed to happen.”
Lost Ark offers the qualities you love from MMORPG’s, as well as its own hack and slash RPG system. While massively killing enemies is a blast, Lost Ark also offers an open world system. Now you decide where to go, what to kill, and what to explore! Plus, when you finally get to that character creation screen, you won’t have a measly eight choices. No, Lost Ark intends to launch with 18 playable classes! Although only seven have been announced for now, we can surely expect more before it hits the West. So keep your fingers crossed that we hear more this year, and are able to play in 2017!
Did he fall down or crawl up? Either way, let’s kill him.
5. Black Desert Online
You'll feel every kill with Black Desert's action combat system.
When you think of an action based MMORPG you normally think of TERA Online. Well it’s time to turn your attention to one of the most anticipated games for the past few years: Black Desert Online. This game has swept the MMORPG community away with its combat system, graphics, and detailed character creation. With Black Desert you get to prove your skill in battle, which is more difficult with older tab targeting system MMORPGs. More and more online gamers are turning to action based experiences, so come see what all the hype is about!
Black Desert Online has two different guild wars, open world pvp, mounted combat, and a real world feeling with the intricate weather system. You can now explore a deadly desert map full of hundreds of new quests. With no mini-map vision allowed, it will become easier to get lost and die from dehydration or heat illnesses. Grab a tent for protection, a canteen of water, and a camel for transportation before daring to traverse the great desert.
While you’re doing that please enjoy the beautiful character creation. Be prepared to spend hours on your character if you are a perfectionist like myself. The amount of options in the modification of your avatar are immense. Everything is customizable. Besides creating characters you can also create a home! Now your housing system is instanced, so when you do visit your house you will have to say bye to your friends. NO VISITORS ALLOWED (haha!). Now, any of the buildings in Black Desert can be bought for use. You can use it as a home, a warehouse (more bank storage), or a refinery for processing materials! Grab your handy décor catalogue because living in style is the way to go.
I can see my house from up here.
All I have to do is aim....
6. Elder Scrolls Online
When you play Elder Scrolls Online, you don't just enter a new world...you join a unique universe.
The day that Bethesda created an MMORPG for the Elder Scrolls world was a remarkable moment in gaming history. The game is full of diverse creatures, captivating lore, and beautiful maps worth combing over completely. You can choose from three different alliances (Ebonheart Pact, Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant). As you level up you can join reputation guilds that offer new skill lines and abilities. Don’t forget to check behind every rock and tree because hidden treasures are scattered throughout Tamriel.
I see you hiding, I smell your fear, and I long for your flesh.
If you need a break from questing, why not enter a campaign in Cyrodiil? Cyrodiil is a massive map where all three alliances battle for control of strongholds and keeps. There are siege weapons to take control of, elder scrolls to capture, oil to throw down on your enemies, and bridges to push people off of! If you can capture the six inner keeps and be the number one player on your campaign…you will now be crowned Emperor. Elder Scrolls Online is a world you wish you could live in- and why wouldn’t you if you were Emperor?
So we have to destroy the stronghold we want to take over? Property value must suck.
7. Neverwinter
Explore all the memorable locations you learned in Dungeons and Dragons (with your friends).
If you ever liked Dungeons and Dragons, you’ll see that Neverwinter is right up your alley. The great city of Neverwinter has lost its lord and now the city has fallen apart. Two factions have begun vying for control as an undead army storms the gates.
Neverwinter is a free to play MMORPG with an action combat system. Because it is set in the Dungeons and Dragons world, it brings a sense of nostalgia when coming across memorable locations. One of the most unique aspects of Neverwinter is the ability to create your own adventures, and play them through. You even get rewarded for doing so! Neverwinter has a place for pvp as well. You can either travel to one of the two world pvp maps or que up for a few dungeons. Let your sword reign down on your enemies, as you experience an evolving story.
I don’t see death in your future…but in your present.
If we run, we die. If we fight, we have a chance. Shall we fight?
The city of Neverwinter: A broken image of its past glory.
8. Tree of Savior
Tree of Savior: An addicting grind.
Tree of Savior is not a complicated game to understand, but it still gives you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. You can start out at one of four different classes, and once your character excels you can even choose a sub-class to master!
Cute and deadly. Is a better combination possible?
In order to level, gear up, and earn money you will have to work hard and grind through the process. Since the max level is 270 for now, there are plenty of hours of gameplay available. A lot of times a grind MMORPG is frowned upon but the appealing graphics definitely make up for it. Each class brings a different type of gameplay to Tree of Savior, making the experience different per class. Tree of Savior is a very new MMORPG, and hopefully we hear good things about it during its first year of release.
So this is what a normal Friday night feels like….?
9. Riders of Icarus
A game where your mount is just as important as yourself.
When you think of fantasy what comes to mind? Dragons, magic, great weapons, mythical beasts, and grand cities are just a few things on list. Well in the upcoming MMORPG Riders of Icarus you get that and more! Instead of fighting on your own as you embark on a hero’s journey, you fight alongside fantastic mounts. But you aren’t just given these companions, you have to tame them.
You will fight great bosses with your faithful steed. Each possible mount you come across has different unique abilities and skills. Some may be more helpful on certain fights, so choosing your partner will be very important. Open Beta for Riders of Icarus begins this July 6th, 2016. Will you step up to the challenge that the gods have given? Your mount is waiting for you.
He’s not giving you a high five….
Spread your wings and soak up the beautiful view.
10. Life is Feudal
Survive among the tough, and you'll become one yourself.
Living in medieval times always seems like such an exciting prospect. In all reality, they were tough times with many real dangers to one’s life. You need to be tough, resilient, and smart to make it alive for more than a few days. Many games will claim to be “medieval” themed, and all they do is throw some swords and old armor at their characters. If you really want to experience the medieval culture, Life is Feudal has the answer.
To survive in Life is Feudal, you need to collect resources and then craft them into usable objects. This means you need to kill animals for food and clothing, collect branches for making tools, and chop down trees for your home. However, you aren’t only fighting nature to stay alive. There are groups of enemy players who will raid your home, attack you in the middle of nowhere, and steal your possessions. You may need to fortify your home into a small town, a city, or a fortified keep. You can dig tunnels and trenches to help keep your land safe.
While the crafting system is intricate, you also have a unique skill system. You do not level in Life is Feudal, but carefully organize your limited skill points in the best way that suits your playstyle. Oh, and if you die…you lose skill points. When you kill other players, the greater your skill point loss will be once you are finally killed. Do you accept the challenge of a feudal life?
Well, for the price I had to buy it. Though, a beachfront view would have been better…
Real men use both hands when handling wood…
11. Kingdom Under Fire 2
Will you conquer everything...or watch it all slip away?
Kingdom Under Fire 2 is your typical high fantasy themed game. There are three factions in a constant struggle to gain the upper hand against the others. The reason why we can’t just bunch in Kingdom Under Fire 2 with all the other high fantasy MMORPG’s, is because this game has aspects of real-time strategy. There are times where you can fight by yourself in a campaign with a mighty army, or join forces with another player.
You are the leader of an army, and you must guide them to victory as you storm castles. You will need to break apart walls, rush up ladders, and tactically decide where to send your men! If you join a guild you can them amass an even larger army. You can invade enemy’s lands, and a moment later have to defend your own from complete destruction. Form alliances, because you can’t (always) fight this battle alone.
This is our battle! This is our life! We fight for what is ours, and what will be. We fight for freedom!
One more step, and I swear I will tear you apart.
12. Star Citizen
Star Citizen is more than a simple MMORPG....it's an immersive once in a lifetime experience.
Star Citizen is probably one of the most hyped games in the mmo genre. To be honest, it’s not really fair to label this as an MMORPG. Star Citizen has elements of first-person shooters and a space combat system. Star Citizen will also implement virtual reality through the Oculus Rift. The great graphics in this sci-fi world will create a whole new level of immersion that will have you glued to your seat.
Since immersion is key, the developers of Star Citizen are setting up the game to allow the players to decide. Explore space with your friends, or see who can build the better ship. Will more guns help you in the ensuing battles, or will they weigh you down? If you make one small mistake it can result in your death and destruction of your ship. Don’t worry, you don’t have to fight alone. You can control a ship with other players each having a key role in your victory. You can be the Captain of a whole fleet of ships. Will your alliance conquer all others? So if you want to live in a sci-fi experienced world with beautiful virtual reality Star Citizen is right around the corner.
With Star Citizen you are always in the front seat.
A ship from the heavens made for the skies.
13. Lineage Eternal : Twilight Resistance
Hack and Slash your way to victory in Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance
Lineage Eternal is a hack and slash MMORPG focused on waging war. If you are still looking for that perfect RPG action game, Lineage Eternal offers it all. You will wipe out large groups of enemies while you fight for your life and honor. With the Twilight Resistance the player is thrown into the onslaught of a rebellion. No longer are the people going to follow the armies of the darkness, but rise up and fight for the good.
Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance is played from an upward angle, allowing some amazing views of the hundreds of enemies circling down on you. It is also known for its advanced combat system, and unique obstacles. Although Twilight Resistance hasn’t announced a final release date, many fans of the Lineage storyline are waiting eagerly for its release. Continue watching for updates and more information for Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance.
If I could just pass by real quick…
In order to prevail, we must never give up. Never surrender.
14. Albion Online
Will you help Albion fight for its country, or let it fall into the hands of careless invaders?
Albion Online is a medieval fantasy MMORPG with a history of great wars. Now the land of Albion is unsafe once more as an outside force attempts to take the land for themselves. The inhabitants of Albion will have to step up to the plate and assist each other in the fight of their lives. Can they save Albion again?
There are many ways to contribute to your faction goal in Albion Online. Players can build military bases alongside their residential home, or raise crops to feed the armies. One of the great traits of Albion Online is that there are no classes. What do you mean there are no classes? I mean, you can choose any path you want to pursue with no restrictions to hold you back. If you want to be a mage in full plate armor, then do it! You’ll have to fight bravely because although you battle against invaders, there are far deadlier creatures who roam the quiet lands of Albion. But, what is it they want? Your blood.
You don’t only fight for your life…but for your home.
Nothing is more relaxing than a day shoveling manure.
15. Blade and Soul
Become a martial artist in Blade and Soul, so you don't have to in real life.
Blade and Soul is a martial art MMORPG with a great tale of bitter revenge. You begin your journey as a student in training when an evil force, with plans to conquer the world, slaughters your Master and classmates. You can no longer stay in training, because the world needs you, and you need revenge.
Blade and Soul offers its players an action combat system, breathtaking graphics, and a unique set of special classes. In most MMORPG’s when you hear word of “factions” you usually think enemies. In Blade and Soul’s case this is untrue. You will have to choose between two elite martial art factions but they share the same goals. They may not be extremely friendly, but they aren’t enemies either.
You will challenge yourself in group dungeons in order to obtain some of the best loot. The real shining star of Blade and Soul is the arena pvp. In Korea the arena pvp is extremely successful and something of an esport. Blade and Soul is really focusing on the competitive pvp areas of the game in hopes of bringing the same reaction Korea got to the West. With all the large patches Blade and Soul has been releasing, great things must be on the way! The only question is, will you be a part of it?
You can be adorable and horrifying at the same time.
Enter with nothing, but leave with it all.
16. Gloria Victis
Prepare for difficult battles, pure freedom, and intensive crafting when you play Gloria Victis.
Gloria Victis is an intense medieval themed MMORPG. In order to build weapons and defenses to protect your alliances army, you need to create them. This means everything will be crafted, because that’s how it was in medieval times. To keep the game as realistic as possible, they implemented a “no-class” system. If you want to wear light armor, but use a shield and sword, you can! Gloria Victis wants the player to choose what (and how) to play, where to travel, and when to build a home or settlement. It’s all about you and your desires.
You have free reign to explore the open world and settle wherever you feel is comfy. You can also plunder villages and claim land for yourself (as long as you have the skill). Speaking of skill, the combat system will not allow any spacebar heroes (keyboard/combo smashers). So while you battle it out in a campaign or realm war you will have to aim all of your attacks. Don’t forget to take a break in between the killing, because just like real men….you get tired. Exhausted men die. Do you think you would?
Will this be the last sunset I watch?
I pity the souls who brave the brewing storm.
17. Bless Online
Become a beautiful member of this open world adventure called Bless Online.
Bless Online is one game I have been hyped about for over three years. I will admit that my heart sunk a bit when I found out Aeria Games bought the rights for Bless in the West. Although Aeria Games has a history for creating pay2win games, I still have a lot of hope for this game (and so should you).
While the character creation doesn’t reach the extremes of Black Desert, it still offers so much more customization than your regular MMORPG. One of my favorite aspects of this game, are the brilliant graphics. They don’t follow the “realistic” style, but I never want to tear my eyes away. Bless Online also gives you the option to play with “tab-targeting” or an “action” combat system. No longer are you forced to play in a method you don’t prefer. Bless online has an open world system, meaning no invisible walls when your climbing up that mountain! Hardcore parkour!
Although Bless online won’t be released for probably another year or two in the West, this game is definitely worth the wait time. Prepare for taming pets, exploring the grand open world system, battling bosses, and pvping your heart out in this medieval fantasy world.
Now…where’s the bathroom….? I knew we should have stopped at the previous flight point.
I leave for one weekend and this is what happens.
17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016
Playing an MMORPG isn’t about just videogaming. As nerdy as this will sound, it’s like a second life. This is your chance to visit unique worlds that only ever existed in your imagination. This is your opportunity to let loose and be yourself around like-minded people. You can meet some of your closest friends (or lovers) in an MMORPG. When I say playing an MMO can change your life, I speak from experience. Are you ready for a change?
If you couldn’t find what you wanted in this post, go ahead and check out these articles for more options!