![Warframe Dual Swords Main Photo [Top 10] Warframe Best Dual Swords Ranked (And How To Get Them)-01](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-11/top_10_warframe_best_dual_swords_ranked_and_how_to_get_them-01.jpg.webp?itok=yQkFY5vd)
Warframe has an incredibly wide array of melee weapons, each type fighting for dominance over one another. Today we’ll be talking about dual swords.
Dual swords, generally speaking, specialize in quick strikes. A single attack from them might not hurt as much as some heavy-hitting melees, but sometimes they deal multiple hits in a single attack. This, combined with their speed, is used to build up your combo counters quickly, stack up tons of status effects, and/or decimate lifebars with critical hits.
A special effect that all dual swords have is that their ground finishers will cause bleeding, making them really useful against enemies with high health and armor.
Why do dual weapons need to be crafted as a whole? Can’t we just craft two of the individual blades and just… hold them? We may never know. But what we can know is which of these bad boys performs the best. Here they are:
Note: What classifies a weapon as “Dual Swords” in Warframe is its compatibility with dual sword stance mods. So if you’re wondering why some of these are technically a sword and dagger or two knives instead of swords, well, the game considers them as dual swords so this list shall too.
10. Dual Raza
Two hatchets are also better than one
Notice how I said that not all of these are going to be literal swords? The Dual Raza are dual hatchets that are based on the design of Warframe’s Soma rifle. It’s even stated to compliment the Soma in its in-game description.
This crit-focused weapon also has a rare animation where, if you stand idle with it, your Warframe will fold the blades back into themselves.
What the Dual Raza excels at:
- Multiple crits:
The Dual Raza has a decent critical chance of 25%, you can boost that up with some mods and this weapon will be pulling off critical hits constantly.
- Stinging crits:
Aside from pulling off critical hits frequently, wIth a critical multiplier of 3x, each critical hit is going to hurt badly. 3x is the highest base critical multiplier a melee weapon has in the game.
- Cutting through flesh:
Since the Dual Raza deals mostly slash damage, it’s best used against fleshy, lightly armored enemies. Its status chance isn’t all that great, otherwise, it’d be a beast against armored enemies too.
Dual Raza Stats:
- Attack Speed: 0.917
- Critical Chance: 25%
- Critical Multiplier: 3x
- Status Chance: 10%
- Total Base Damage: 110 (60% slash)
How to get the Dual Raza:
You can research and obtain the Dual Raza’s Blueprint in the Tenno Lab of your clan dojo.
9. Dual Ichor
Look at these SICK blades
These dual axes are basically just a step up from the Dual Raza. Sure, the Dual Ichor’s major damage is toxin instead of slash, making this weapon more effective against shielded enemies, but that’s about it.
Every other difference is basically an improvement. It has better attack speed and status chance than the Dual Raza.
What the Dual Ichor excels at:
- Still a lot of crits:
The Dual Ichor shares the same critical chance with the Dual Raza, so it’ll still land critical hits pretty consistently if you mod it right.
- Still some painful crits:
Again, the Dual Ichor has the same critical multiplier as the Dual Raza, the highest base critical multiplier you can hope for in a melee in case you forgot.
- Poisoning shielded baddies:
The innate toxin damage it has makes the Dual Ichor useful against shielded enemies (both the raw damage, and the toxin status effect ignore shields). It’s still pretty effective against those fleshy infested too so feel free to cut them down with this.
Dual Ichor Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1.08
- Critical Chance: 25%
- Critical Multiplier: 3x
- Status Chance: 15%
- Total Base Damage: 122 (38.52% toxin)
How to get the Dual Ichor:
You can research and obtain the Dual Ichor’s Blueprint in the Bio Lab of your clan dojo.
8. Twin Basolk
Two 1000° degree knives vs Grineer Cloned Flesh?
Now we move on from the Dual Ichor’s poisonous axes to the Twin Basolk’s blazing hot axes. There’s more to it than just an elemental change though, unlike the first two entries, the Twin Basolk focuses more on status chance rather than critical hits.
In fact, its critical chance is horrible so trust me, status effects are definitely the way to go with these fiery tools.
What the Twin Basolk excels at:
- Ridiculous status dealer:
The Twin Basolk has a status chance of 40%, that’s the third highest status chance out of all melee weapons. You’ll be able to burn enemies easily with these axes.
The heat status effect cuts down enemy armor as well as deals a steady stream of burn damage to them until the effect wears out.
- Abusing Condition Overload:
Condition Overload, one of the most popular melee mods, increases your melee weapon’s damage based on how many status effects an enemy has. As you can imagine, with a status chance of 40%, you’ll be filling up enemies with all sorts of nasty status effects, each one boosting up the Twin Basolk’s power and making them all easier to kill.
Make sure to add lots of damage types to this weapon to maximize this mod if you’re going to go for this build.
- Raw damage:
Out of all dual swords, the Twin Basolk has the 2nd-highest base damage. Very impressive and very deadly.
Twin Basolk Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1
- Critical Chance: 5%
- Critical Multiplier: 2x
- Status Chance: 40%
- Total Base Damage: 210 (40.48% heat)
How to get the Twin Basolk:
You can simply buy the Twin Basolk’s blueprint from the in-game market. You can access the market from the console across the console where you access your quests.
It does require the Dual Zoren (another dual swords weapon) to craft it though. No worries, since the Dual Zoren’s blueprint can also be bought from the in-game market.
7. Dex Dakra
A gift from mom
The Dex Dakra is a fantastic weapon. Not only does it have great stats, but it’s also easily accessible even to new players. As long as you’re active during one of the anniversary events, you’re practically guaranteed to have this in your arsenal.
This is huge since most of the other weapons down this list are going to be special variants or need to be researched from a dojo, which, if you’re a new player, won’t be readily available to you.
What the Dex Dakra excels at:
- Dealing status effects:
The Dex Dakra is best used to inflict multiple status effects onto your enemies quickly. Match up your elements to whatever your enemies’ weaknesses are to take advantage of them.
- Maximizing Condition Overload:
Like the Twin Basolk, the Dex Dakra benefits a lot from Condition Overload since it’s a status effect-focused weapon.
- Tearing through armor:
Since the Dex Dakra is a slash-based weapon with good status chance, you should use the slash status effect against heavily armored targets.
Its critical chance isn’t horrible either so this is also an impressive weapon to use against fleshy enemies like the Infested and certain Grineer and Corpus units.
Dex Dakra Stats:
- Attack Speed: 0.883
- Critical Chance: 16%
- Critical Multiplier: 2x
- Status Chance: 24%
- Total Base Damage: 142 (80% slash)
How to get the Dex Dakra:
You get the Dex Dakra by participating in the yearly anniversary alerts in March. You will get one with a free weapon slot and Orokin Catalyst already installed.
6. Dual Kamas Prime
Rip and tear
Compared to its base counterpart, the Dual Kamas Prime version has better base damage, critical chance, critical multiplier, and status chance.
Whether this or the next entry (the Prisma Dual Cleavers) is better was a really tough call for me to make. They're both incredibly similar with the Dual Kamas Prime being slightly faster and having a longer reach, and well, they look really really cool. But in the end, I decided to rank the Dual Kamas Prime lower.
REALLY cool looking though.
Also, since this weapon is also a dual hatchet, it has that cool animation of your Warframe folding the blades back in when idle like the Dual Raza has.
What the Dual Kamas Prime excels at:
- Inflicting status effects:
The Dual Kamas Prime has an impressive status chance of 25%. Add some other elemental and status chance mods to increase the weapon’s potential for giving your enemies all the deadly diseases they can get.
- Making amazing use of Condition Overload:
As always, any weapon that specializes in inflicting status effects is going to give you a field day if you equip it with Condition Overload.
- Fast cuts:
The Dual Kamas Prime has a pretty good attack speed so you’ll be able to quickly stack up your combos or stack up even more status effects since the more hits you land, the more chances of causing those status effects.
Dual Kamas Prime Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1.17
- Critical Chance: 20%
- Critical Multiplier: 2x
- Status Chance: 25%
- Total Base Damage: 160 (75% slash)
How to get the Dual Kamas Prime:
Like most Primed weapons, the Dual Kamas Prime’s blueprints and parts are obtainable by cracking Void Relics or trading them with other players. A list of the Void Relics containing this weapon’s blueprints and parts can be found on the “Dual Kamas Prime Wiki” link above.
5. Prisma Dual Cleavers
Step 1: Chope enemies into fine cubes
Next, we have a pair of meat cleavers. Because why not. Compared to the regular Dual Cleavers, the Prisma Dual Cleavers feature better status chance and attack speed. It has slightly lower base damage, but not enough to make this weapon worse at all.
What makes this better than Dual Kamas Prime is its superior critical chance and critical multiplier. It may be shorter and slightly slower, but those are pretty trivial factors compared to the huge critical stats improvements. Plus, you can easily compensate for its speed and range with a mod or two if it’s really bugging you.
Also, there’s a mod that’s exclusive to the Dual Cleavers and its Prisma version called: Justice Blades. When maxed, this mod will grant the Prisma Dual Cleavers an additional 100% bonus in damage. It will also give the Prisma Dual Cleavers the “Justice” effect which releases a huge AoE explosion when you acquire 1,000 affinity (experience) with it, it will also heal and boost your armor.
What the Prisma Dual Cleavers excels at:
- Both crits and status effects:
The Prisma Dual Cleavers has great critical and status effect potential so you can choose how you want to mod the weapon depending on your playstyle or depending on what mission you’re going to bring it to.
- Tanking:
The Justice effect that comes with the Justice Blades mod is great for shoring up your defense. Something that not a lot of melee weapons can do.
- Cutting through flesh:
The Prisma Dual Cleavers deals mostly slash damage, making it great against fleshy, lightly armored enemies.
Its status chance is also excellent, so it’s amazing against armored enemies as well since the slash status effect ignores armor.
Prisma Dual Cleavers Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1
- Critical Chance: 25%
- Critical Multiplier: 3x
- Status Chance: 25%
- Total Base Damage: 133 (80% slash)
How to get the Prisma Dual Cleavers:
The Prisma Dual Cleavers can be bought from Baro Ki’Teer whenever he shows up in a Tenno Relay. However, Baro Ki’Teer’s inventory changes with every appearance so this weapon might not be for sale the next time you go check on him. He sells it for 200,000 credits and 490 Ducats.
Alternatively, unranked Prisma Dual Cleavers bought from Baro can also be traded between players.
4. Dual Ether
Cauterize wounds as soon as you open them
FINALLY after five entries in a list about dual swords, we get our first actual pair of swords. A shame that it’s a little basic though.
But hey, if you’re a no-nonsense kind of guy, this might be the dual sword weapon for you, not super flashy, no weird gimmicks, and great overall stats. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to obtain, just buy it from the market, craft it, and it’s good to go.
What the Dual Ether excels at:
- Bringing the pain:
The Dual Ether has the 3rd-highest base damage among all dual sword weapons (tied with the Nami Skyla Prime). Like I said, great stats. Cut your enemies down with force, Tenno!
- Causing lotsa status effects:
Even though it has a decent critical chance, the Dual Ether is clearly a status chance weapon with a status effect of 28%. Use this to your advantage and make your enemies suffer from more status effects than they can count (it’s hard to count while you’re on fire, electrified, poisoned, and frozen at the same time).
- Slicing through armor:
Since it’s mainly a slash-focused, status chance weapon, if you choose to just concentrate on its slash damage, you’ll be causing a lot of slash status effects which will damage enemies while ignoring their armor. Really nice for taking down tanky, high-priority bad guys as well as fleshy targets.
Dual Ether Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1
- Critical Chance: 20%
- Critical Multiplier: 2x
- Status Chance: 28%
- Total Base Damage: 180 (70% slash)
How to get the Dual Ether:
You can simply buy the Dual Ether’s blueprint from the in-game market. You can access the market from the console across the console where you access your quests.
3. Twin Krohkur
The Grineer aren’t really elegant. This is just the exception to the rule.
I’d say that the Twin Krohkur is almost a straight upgrade over the Dual Ether. It’s slower by 0.083 attack speed, has 1% less critical chance, and 0.3x less critical multiplier. These negatives are easily negligible.
On the other hand, it has way better base damage (38.9% better) and status chance (17.9% better).
The positives easily outweigh the negatives here, making the Twin Krohkur definitively better in my opinion.
What the Twin Krohkur excels at:
- Leaving a mark:
The Twin Krohkur has the highest base damage out of all dual swords, each slice is going to hurt more than anything else on this list (not counting critical hits and status effects of course).
- Leaving more than a mark:
With a status chance of 33%, it’s only going to take a little bit of modding to practically guarantee status effects every time you swing these blades. This is the 3rd highest status chance of all dual swords.
- Shredding armor:
As I said, just a better version of the Dual Ether. With the increased damage and status chance, you’ll be able to deal even more slash status effects and each one of them is just going to hurt that much more.
Twin Krohkur Stats:
- Attack Speed: 0.917
- Critical Chance: 19%
- Critical Multiplier: 1.7x
- Status Chance: 33%
- Total Base Damage: 250 (70% slash)
How to get the Twin Krohkur:
You can research and obtain the Twin Krohkur Blueprint in the Chem Lab of your clan dojo.
2. Dual Keres Prime
Never piss off the cat lady
The Primed version of Khora’s blades offers additional base damage, critical chance, and status chance when compared to the base Dual Keres.
The Dual Keres Prime is a critical dealing beast. If you prefer playing with critical hits, then there’s no other dual sword that can compete. Its status chance isn’t bad either. Even if you don’t build for status, you’ll still regularly proc status effects.
As a bonus, since this weapon belongs to Khora lore-wise, when wielded by a Khora or Khora Prime Warframe, the Dual Keres Prime will have an additional 20% Heavy Attack Efficiency. What that means is that when performing a Heavy Attack, your combo counter won’t go down as much.
What the Dual Keres Prime excels at:
- Blazing fast speed:
The Dual Keres Prime has the 2nd highest attack speed among all dual swords. All your enemies will see is a blur of sharp, pointy edges before they're cut down.
- Delivering the most crits:
The Dual Keres Prime has the highest critical chance out of all dual swords. So this weapon will give you more of those yellow, orange, and red damage numbers than any other weapon on this list.
- Hard, painful critical hits:
As for each critical hit’s damage, the Dual Keres Prime has the 2nd highest critical multiplier among dual swords. So, not only will you land critical hits the most, each one is going to take off huge chunks of your foes’ lives.
Dual Keres Prime Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1.25
- Critical Chance: 32%
- Critical Multiplier: 2.6x
- Status Chance: 24%
- Total Base Damage: 180 (58% slash)
How to get the Dual Keres Prime:
Like most Primed weapons, the Dual Keres Prime’s blueprints and parts are obtainable by cracking Void Relics or trading them with other players. A list of the Void Relics containing this weapon’s blueprints and parts can be found on the “Dual Keres Prime Wiki” link above.
1. Nami Skyla Prime
Best swords of the seven seas
The king of dual swords, Nami Skyla. This thing is a monster that can tear through most of the game’s content even with just a decent build. It has amazing raw damage, high status effect potential, and incredible attack speed.
Use these sword and dagger combo’s unrelenting speed and damage to blitz whatever stands in your path.
What the Nami Skyla Prime excels at:
- Inflicting status effects:
With a status chance of 34%, the Nami Skyla Prime is a status chance beast. Make sure to add tons of elemental mods and Condition Overload to fully maximize its potential.
- Rapid strikes:
The Nami Skyla Prime has the highest attack speed of all dual swords and is the 4th fastest melee weapon in the entire game. Your foes won’t even notice that their heads aren’t attached to their bodies anymore.
- Causing a lot of damage:
The Nami Skyla Prime ties with the Dual Ether for having the 3rd highest base damage of all dual swords. Use its damage alongside its attack speed to stack status effects and quickly build up a huge combo count before letting it all go with a heavy attack.
Nami Skyla Prime Stats:
- Attack Speed: 1.33
- Critical Chance: 22%
- Critical Multiplier: 2x
- Status Chance: 34%
- Total Base Damage: 180 (70% slash)
How to get the Nami Skyla Prime:
Like most Primed weapons, the Nami Skyla Prime’s blueprints and parts are obtainable by cracking Void Relics or trading them with other players. A list of the Void Relics containing this weapon’s blueprints and parts can be found on the “Nami Skyla Prime Wiki” link above.
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