Maps are the environment where Overwatch 2 is played. There are 27 maps in unranked and competitive play. There are different sites like Control, Escort, and Push. Of course, each of these maps are distinct in their own way but the maps in each game mode have similar qualities. The best heroes can be hard to pick for each map, and each part of the maps. This article will give you suggestions from OW 2 forums, pro players, youtubers, and gamers everywhere in the world of Overwatch 2.
Maps do matter for most roles, there are some maps where you could pick any hero and then others where certain picks could have zero to no impact at all. Don’t forget that there are many different reasons to pick a hero, based on your skill level, your main hero and main role, your team’s comp, your enemies comp, and all of the heroes abilities in the game. As always with Overwatch 2, if you can play only one or a couple heroes then stick with that since that is your niche, BUT you could always try out these suggestions.
These maps will be broken down into Game Modes and will reveal the two best heroes for each role in no distinct order. And yes, the tank role is one hero in Role Queue but the best heroes to pick can be impacted whether or not you’re on attack or defense, map layout and objective, comps, and your enemy tank and damage..
Escort -
Circuit Royal
Circuit Royal is one of those maps that you need to be picking medium-long range heroes. It is crucial that you aren’t picking heroes like Reaper or Junkrat because they struggle with putting out damage in long range fights. It’s also a very vertical map that has many spots for high ground poking.
Watch video of Zenyatta on Circuit Royal: Why ZENYATTA is so good on CIRCUIT ROYAL (youtube.com)
Best for Tank:
Sigma: He’s great at controlling mid-choke. His shield helps with your long range dps to not get picked by an enemy Widowmaker or Hanzo. He’s also very good with frontline presence, and eating bullets from a far.
Doomfist: If you want to go dive, and that’s okay with Circuit Royal, you need to go Doomfist. His ability to dive snipers in the backline is crucial to get the advantage early.. And he has high value with Support heroes like Zenyatta or Ana.
Best for Damage:
Widowmaker: She’s an absolute menace on this map. Utilizing the long sightlines and lots of high ground throughout the map is very important for how Widow plays and thrives.
Hanzo: With Widowmaker, Hanzo is a great second dps hero to pick. He can help Widowmaker out with mid range fights, he’s very versatile with his mobility and verticality too which makes him very useful.
Best for Support:
Zenyatta: If you don’t know already, Circuit Royal is a very long range dependent map. Zen is by far the best support hero to choose on this map. He can push enemy snipers out of long range sightlines and off of high ground to support your team. He can discord whatever tank is on the enemy team. He can also throw and keep your orb of harmony on allies that are holding long sight lines where other supports can’t heal as easily.
Baptiste: He’s the second best support hero to choose on Circuit Royal. His Amp Matrix (Window) has great value to combat and take control of sight lines. His three round burst can also shred enemies like Hanzo and Widowmaker within a couple bursts.
Dorado does change from close-to-mid-range throughout the map but doesn’t really have super long range sights until the second point where you push in the open with lots of high ground for defense.. Dorado has lots of verticality (high ground) and cover which can also be utilized for some heroes more than others.
Watch video of Kragie breaking Dorado down: Overwatch 2 DPS Positioning Guide - Dorado | Ep. 1 (youtube.com)
Best for Tank:
Winston: Attacking on Dorado is best with Winston. He can take high ground and completely wreck a team of squishies. Dorado has good cover and lots of high ground for Winston to come back, and get healed without getting drilled to bits then go back to diving.
D.Va: She has a lot of verticality, and can contest high ground fairly easily, especially with her defense matrix. D.Va needs high ground to excel and Dorado is a perfect map for D.Va. She doesn’t have a lot of poke damage but that’s not needed for Dorado as a tank. She can also contest and control the cart whenever her team needs her too.
Best for Damage:
Sojourn: She is really good on Dorado, with her mobility and verticality. She can take control of high ground either on attack or defense. She can shred tanks and enemy divers and quickly get away from dives if they also shred you.
Ashe: She is also pretty good on Dorado, Dorado is definitely a harder map but positioning means everything. You could even go Widowmaker or Hanzo, but Ashe has better mobility with her Coach Gun that can take high ground for medium range sight lines.
Best for Support:
Kiriko: Kiriko is actually insane, she’s got such good utility that she’s a good pick on almost any map and Dorado is a tough map for any support heroes. Kiriko can wall climb and flank at some points in the map giving your team the edge. She’s just very flexible and will be mentioned a lot throughout all of these maps.
Ana: Ana is a tough call for Dorado but she can definitely be better than a lot of other support heroes. She can hide behind her team and Dorado does have a lot of cover as well which can help with Ana’s vulnerability and no mobility. But she can also poke enemies on high ground, and anti tanks that are hiding on the cart.
Havana is a very long range map throughout most of the map except for the first part of the second point. It is one of the longest range sight lines if not the longest, especially on Escort game mode. Havana can be tough, especially if the enemy is holding the very first long range line of sights with a Widow but it can be contested properly with the best selected heroes.
Watch Widowmaker crush enemies on Havana: Best Widowmaker Play in Overwatch 2 | Havana (youtube.com)
Best for Tank:
Ramattra: Ramattra is definitely the best tank to pick on Havana other than Sigma. He’s got some decent long range pressure, he does lack verticality but as a tank on Havana, you don’t need to position yourself up top, especially with only having one tank now. He’s the best at holding the first point choke where the cart is pushing up the slope but not quite all the way is the tightest choke on the first point.. Also, if both teams have snipers, then they can play the angle game and on defense it’s easily the better spot than top mid.
Sigma: Like Ramattra, Sigma can use his shield to protect the team and more importantly close long range gaps. Which makes him better on attack than Rammatra. He can throw his shield on enemy snipers LOS to then, hopefully, get pushed out. Sigma also has the best self-sustainability *side eye* (besides Roadhog) plus the cover of the cart at some points can be really good.
Best for Damage:
Widowmaker: Obviously, Widowmaker is the absolute best hero to pick for Havana, especially on Defense. Widow on attack also works just as well but you have to poke out into the unknown.
Hanzo: The Widowmaker and Hanzo duo is the best once again, but they aren’t great paired up on a lot of other maps, especially other game modes. Hanzo can help Widowmaker with damage in mid-range angle fights. Ashe is good on this map but Hanzo’s wall climbing ability and spamming storm arrows is better.. Hanzo is also very good on both defense and attack, and Ashe can sometimes struggle with defensive long range angles.
Best for Support:
Zenyatta: Zen is hands down the best support hero for Havana as well as Circuit Royal because of such long range fights. He can push enemies out of high ground, although Zen is very squishy so try not to get picked. You need to spam your projectiles as much as you can on enemy snipers and other squishies to maximize pushing or holding abilities.
Baptiste: Again, this duo is really good with long range maps. Bap’s gun shreds even from mid-sometimes long range depending on the enemy's squishiness. . He can also help Zen out by healing the tank more unless they are running dive for some reason.
Junkertown is one of the coolest maps, it's got a lot of verticality and high ground contesting points. The fights really depend on your hero role. With damage and positioning, it could be very short range, or medium to long range. Tanks want short to mid range. Supports like mid-long range with cover.. You can spawn camp and it's not a horrible choice to make but usually when defending you want to contest that first and second bridge as much as you can.
Watch Wrecking Ball on Junkertown: Junkertown best Ball Map! - YouTube
Best for Tank:
Wrecking Ball: Ball is absolutely the best tank on Junkertown. Try it out if you haven’t already. It's so fun! Hammond needs flanks and a lot of angles to really make him useful for your team. From attacking to defending, Wrecking Ball can be an absolute menace with the first point right out of spawn since the building is so tall and the entrance is open to angles for your damage heroes. Then he can be a menace on all three bridges, the curving street on the second point, and the third point is perfect but tricky with the moving high ground.
Roadhog: Hog is a really good flexible tank where he doesn’t have horrible weaknesses on Junkertown. When there are dps on high ground he can poke them out. He might get shredded off the bat from long range but with poking and potentially landing a hook can easily turn the tide at any point during the game. Just get ready to be holding your heal on that first point.
Best for Damage:
Hanzo: He has a lot of verticality and so does Junkertown. He excels in medium-long range fights with any sort of high ground. Lots of places where the cart needs to go through small openings and that synergizes well with Hanzo.
Ashe: She also has some verticality to her and strives with medium range fights throughout the map. The map is mostly long range for damage on the high ground, whereas she excels at medium range on the high ground, but there are many flanking off angles she can shorten those ranges.. Ashe on Junkertown can easily hold enemies in her line of sight or push them back crying for their momma heals.
Best for Support:
Zenyatta: You can count on Zen having a high damage and high healing game because of his long range spamming and ability to heal dive tanks like Wrecking Ball. He supports his team a lot more by pushing snipers out of high ground than his gradual single healing. But that doesn’t mean to neglect your healing orb like some Zen’s do. Stay on point as your team dives on attack. Hold multiple lines of sights throughout the map on defense with spamming projectiles.
Kiriko: Kiriko is such a good support hero that can push enemies out of high ground with her rangeless Kunai. She can push with dives and deplete enemies' health bars. She can wall climb making her a high value pick in Junkertown. Also, if she’s paired with Zenyatta she can protect him fairly well with her TP and cleanse if there is a flanker/diver.
Watch video of Widowmaker bully on Rialto here: Playing Widowmaker on Rialto is pure bullying in Overwatch 2 (youtube.com)
Rialto is a very comp-dependent map. It is another long range map with a lot of angles and high ground. Throughout Rialto there are majority narrow lanes, but it has some openings in the map-especially on the first point. The second point is very narrow and angular but has a lot of verticality and flanking routes. And the third is the same as the second point, where there’s narrow lanes but instead of verticality it has more flanking routes. It’s suggested to play the face of Overwatch 2 snipers, Widowmaker.
Best for Tank:
Sigma: No matter if you’re on attack or defense, he’s one of the best at controlling chokes. He does have a slight weakness with no verticality to contest snipers. But his shield throw is almost as good for an ally Widowmaker to one tap them.
Roadhog: There’s not a lot of people that believe Roadhog is best on Rialto but from that first point, if you play it safe with a bit of spice, you can hook enemies into the river. And the second river but the second one can be tricky. His ability to poke at enemy snipers is excellent for a tank. Also, he can contest literally every hero without getting obliterated so his cart presence is really good.
Best for Damage:
Widowmaker: Widow of course, it has to be. Her one tap ability on these long range maps is so valuable to your team and to winning the game.
Genji: He’s definitely going to be your best dive hero on this map. You could contest high ground in a literal second. Deflecting is also great to close gaps and obviously bounce damage back. With the best support hero being Ana, without a doubt, her Nano Boost gives Genji even more utility.
Best for Support:
Ana: She just has the best long range healing, Rialto is a map of angles and Ana thrives on outputting damage and healing where she has good cover. Big tip incoming, try and reach high grounds to get cheeky nades on enemies contesting cart.
Illari: Illari is great on Rialto. Her style revolves around poking off angles and shooting the entire game. Rialto definitely fits the bill for her. There are quite a few supports you could pair up with Ana, like Kiriko and even Lucio to speed boost but Illari can compete on this map just as good as them if not better because of her poke damage.
Route 66
Watch a video of most of the best heroes to play on Route 66 here: Fastest Route 66 Overwatch Game EVER (World Record) (youtube.com)
Route 66 is another angular map where it does have long sight lines but it's best to use the mid-range heroes and dive flanks. Throughout all maps the long range attacks come with high ground and heroes like Ashe, Sojourn, and an honorable mention for Hanzo. With Dive, heroes like Tracer, Sombra, and Genji are all really good on attack and defense.
Best for Tank:
Sigma: Another map where King Sigma is the best but you need to be weary of shield placement without giving good angles for enemies. The 3rd point is especially good for Sigma with its narrow lane unless your dps can’t pressure high ground angles.
D.Va: Her ability to dive heroes is uncanny on this map. She likes a lot of verticality and obstacles. The high ground is usually held by mid-long range like Hanzo or Widow, so D.Va is the perfect hero to contest squishies and sustain herself during the dive.
Best for Damage:
Ashe: She thrives with medium range high ground. There is an honorable mention for Hanzo again, and then of course Widowmaker if you are confident enough to hold sort of aggressive angles. But Ashe has high value with her dynamite on off-angle cart pushes and diving tanks.
Sojourn: She is amazing at quickly taking high ground with her slide jump. She can push carts very easily with her disruptor shot. Poke enemy tanks like Sigma, gain charge, and railgun your enemy squishies. Her ultimate works really well throughout the high ground on this map and paired with a Baptiste or Mercy she can wreck lobbies.
Best for Support:
Ana: Ana, hands down, is one of the best supports for long range maps. There are a lot of angles she can take and have even more cheeky nades on high ground. She’s very useful with high ground on defense with a bunch of obstacles to hide from incoming damage to heal safely.
Baptiste: Baptiste has great mobility on this map. He can jump to about anywhere on the map to gain height advantages and angles. Immortality Field is also pretty good as long as you can put it close to cover, like a bridge or the gas station at first point.
Shambali Monastery
Watch video of Mauga being an absolute menace on Shambali Monastery here: KSAA PRO MAUGA GAMEPLAY ON SHAMBALI MAP! OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 8 TOP 500 (youtube.com)
Shambali Monastery almost has the same layout as Circuit Royal and Havana but does have more cover and buildings that are valuable for flanks. Majority will do a comp in between dive and poke to really focus on high ground dps heroes and supports that are back in cover. Hanzo, Widowmaker, Sojourn, Tracer, and Genji are all good dps heroes that play very differently.
Best for Tank:
Sigma: Great at contesting long sightlines that snipers can hold. Good to close distances between enemies and cart. After closing distance, his mid range damage is really good to push enemies out of their position.
Mauga: Mauga is actually pretty good as long as you know when and how to use your cooldowns. He is really good at holding cart at the first choke and second choke.
Best for Damage:
Hanzo: He is really good at medium to long range and Shambali has that range covered throughout the entire map. It’s also pretty vertical especially on the first and second point but you could switch off to Sojourn if your dps buddy isn’t already on her.
Sojourn: She shreds from medium to long range as well as Hanzo. She does have way better mobility to which can be your saving grace from a Widowmaker snipe. The highground with Sojourn is really good as well and these two damage heroes are best for poke comps.
Best for Support:
Ana: Again! Another great map for Ana, it has very long range angles that she can take to heal and deal damage. There is some cover that you can use but not as much as other Escort maps.
Kiriko: Another great map for Kiriko! Who would have thought? With her tp’ing through walls and decent damage with her Kunai she can support her team just as good if not better than Ana.
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Watch a video of Winston on Watchpoint: Gibraltar here: Overwatch 2 Winston Guide | HOW TO ATTACK WATCHPOINT GIBRALTAR (youtube.com)
Watchpoint: Gibraltar is a very tricky map where it has the most amount of verticality of any map in the game. You need to be picking heroes that have good mobility and high verticality, especially on attack. Defense you could go a little more poky, but having a dps hero that can flank and distract can be very good as well.
Best for Tank:
Winston: Winston is 100% the best tank to use on Watchpoint: Gibraltar throughout a majority of consensus. It is his home base and he fits the bill for most fights.. He doesn’t like flat maps either, making Gibraltar that much better. There’s a lot of different heights on the second point too but he could have some trouble on the last point.
D.Va: She has really good verticality and mobility making her the second best tank to use on Watchpoint: Gibraltar. She can dive snipers or any medium-long range heroes very easily. Plus, when she takes high ground she usually does very well at pushing enemies back or holding them at gunpoint.
Best for Damage:
Echo: She has amazing verticality behind Pharah, but still making her the better pick for verticality than Pharah since she can’t really stay up in the sky as well as Echo. She’s a good hero to pick for poking and diving snipers up close and personal.
Genji: Does well with short and long range fights. Good to dive snipers that have height advantage. Also a good pick with a diving D.Va or Winston to maximize hero potential.
Best for Support:
Kiriko: She has amazing verticality and this map needs heroes with good verticality abilities. Her wall climb can get her up top when she needs to. Her TP can help her get out of sticky situations and quickly heal allies out of your LOS.
Brigitte: With supporting dive tanks like Winston or D.Va you need someone that has some long range healing and Brigitte holds that role very well. Her instant health pack and armor can help dive tanks by reducing the amount of damage incoming.
Antarctic Peninsula
Watch a video of Reaper on the Antarctic Peninsula here: REAPER PUT AN END TO THE BATTLE IN RANKED! (Antarctic Peninsula) (youtube.com)
Now, we get more into the close-mid range fights in the Control game mode maps. The Antarctic Peninsula has A LOT of angles, and the enclosed map has some of the craziest verticality and cover points for good flanks. You can definitely flex a lot of heroes here and pick mostly your niche, unless you’re a one trick Widowmaker.
Best for Tank:
D.Va: She has great verticality and ability to close distance on medium ranged heroes that are holding high ground. This map could go two different ways. One being dive. And the other, being brawl. According to pros, you need to be diving on this map. That’s why D.Va is the best because she also has great verticality.
Doomfist: He can quickly close the distance on enemies and has a really good front line presence. Plus with a lot of verticality and flanks, Doomfist can move around the map fairly easily.
Best for Damage:
Reaper: He’s a very close range oriented hero, which is where you get the most utility from him. There are off angles that you can TP too. Wraith to cover within seconds. And his Ult can completely shred a heavily contested point.
Echo: There is some high ground throughout the maps, and if you do have someone on your team that is close range you’ll need a hero to pair well and counter any hitscans. Her ability to shred up close also matches Reaper very well. Her stickies are good for squishies. Her ultimate helps with presence on point and can turn the tide at any time.
Best for Support:
Ana: Play around high ground on this map. You have pretty solid cover and the ability for long range spamming is really good. Also, anti-heal is amazing from high ground.
Lucio: A lot of the control points are really set on who gets high ground first. That’s why Lucio is so important to pick. Also if you have dive heroes he can speed them to punish your enemies. Good AOE heals. His ultimate is amazing on Control.
Watch a video of Ramattra on Busan here: POTG! THE #1 RAMATTRA YEATLE ! INSANE RAMATTRA OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 2 GAMEPLAY (youtube.com)
Busan is a very open map where there are some high ground spots that a lot of ranged heroes will play on. Throughout the three maps mostly, it’s okay to run a dive or brawl tank, with hitscan damage, and the support heroes can be very flexible. It's mostly dependent on your tank's pick.
Best for Tank:
D.Va: This is D.Va’s map and her hometown is mekka base. Even though it is very open on all three points, D.Va can contest hitscan enemies easily. She can also reach these high grounds with ease to gain height and angle advantages.
Ramattra: If you want to run more of a brawl comp, then Ramattra should be the tank you pick with a close second behind being Reinhardt. But Ramattra is generally a little bit better than Reinhardt especially with some of the high ground spots that Ramattra can poke out more than Rein can. He can also contest points and doesn’t need a whole lot of cover like other tanks.
Best for Damage:
Hanzo: With any tank pick you can pick Hanzo because he thrives with medium-long range sight lines on certain angles. He likes wide open areas to spam storm arrows down the enemies throat. His ultimate isn’t the best but it can split or move enemies if you don’t hit them on point. The best way to use his ultimate is on the chokes.
Soldier: 76: You could pick Sojourn because of her verticality but as long as you have another mid-range hero that can contest super long range you should be good as Soldier. . He’s your best bet to match up with Hanzo. His ultimate, unlike Hanzo's, can be used on point, preferably from high ground.
Best for Support:
Moira: With a dive or brawl comp, Moira can deal damage with your D.Va or Ramattra. She can also shoot orbs at angles to heal up your damage heroes if they need it.
Lucio: He’s one of the best if not the best with dive and brawl comps with an honorable mention to Brigitte and of course Ana. But with Lucio’s speed boost you can quickly gain control of points faster than the other team can. That may be the determining factor between a win or a loss.
Watch Lucio on Illios here: My First Lucio PotG of OW2 - Of course it's on Ilios Well (youtube.com)
Illios is definitely a fan favorite that can either be very fun or very frustrating because of the massive amounts of boops and hooks off the map. It has some verticality while also having good off angles on all three points. Brawl or dive comp with some hitscan is heavily recommended.
Best for Tank:
Roadhog: Has a lot of good abilities to close gaps on the open parts of the maps within Illios. His hook is so effective and can be utilized in every way on Illios to hook them off the map and pull them into a heavily guarded control point.
Wrecking Ball: Ball loves open maps, the point where there’s big pillars on the sides of the objective point can be tough to move around and isolate enemies quickly. But he is still one of the best heroes to contest points and dive heroes.
Best for Damage:
Pharah: Illios is pretty open but has a lot of cover in the air. Pharah can utilize this to drop down and grab health packs that are readily available on all 4 sides of the point. She can fly without much contesting unless they go Widowmaker for some reason (which does happen) but it’s not a very popular pick contrary to belief.
Genji: Is going to be your dive hero to pick with Pharah. Him and Pharah pair really well, kind of almost like her protector from hitscan heroes like Hanzo, Ashe, Sojourn or Soldier: 76. He brings really good abilities like closing gaps and being able to contest high ground quickly.
Best for Support:
Lucio: Of course, Lucio is the best support to play here. Do I need to say anymore? He pairs well with the majority of heroes and can be a menace if you can get some boops off the map, especially on Illios: Well.
Lifeweaver: With Lucio being a boop god, Roadhog with his hooks, and Pharah with her boops, Lifeweaver can pull them back from falling and save an entire round just by keeping your allies from falling to their pitiful deaths. Lifeweaver isn’t the greatest healer or dps but his auto-aim can be very helpful with hitting your shots on a Genji or a Pharah.
Lijiang Tower
Watch a video of Reinhardt on Lijiang Tower here: Overwatch 2 Reinhardt Guide | HOW TO LIJIANG TOWER (youtube.com)
Lijiang Tower is a very close range map. It has some flanks that are a little bit longer range. But there is no need for snipers like Widowmaker, or Hanzo unless you are very confident in your off-angle and are valuable to your team. Normally, it is a fun map that you can flex your picks with any role but brawl is your best bet.
Best for Tank:
Reinhardt!: He’s the best tank for this map, being one of the better brawlers because of his short range kit. He’s better than Ramattra because of his close range combos. Go in with no fear swinging his hammer, his never ending range strikes, and then charging and his huge shield to close distance.
Wrecking Ball: If you want to go dive, which is the second best comp on Lijiang Tower, Hammond needs to be your pick. Ball does have some limitations with the narrow lanes but that is his strength if you use him correctly to dive. Usually teams do not go high ground but if they do, Ball can contest almost instantly.
Best for Damage:
Symmetra: TP is very useful to get out of initial chokes. Her turrets work really well with the high ceilings and narrow chokes. And her close range beam is also disastrous on these points. Her ultimate is amazing to split the room and push or hold chokes.
Cassidy: His hindering nade usually hits anyone that’s pushing through the choke, especially if you have a shield like Reinhadt. High Noons are really good here especially if you take off angles and have a good Sym ultimate.
Best for Support:
Lucio: Speed boost your brawl tank or dive with your dive tank. It's as simple as that. Boops are great on this map and usually forces teams to go down one way. The Rollout is very useful for Lucio to gain advantage of narrow bridges and off the map boops. Also, he can speed and heal up top on most of the points' high ceilings.
Moira: You probably hate seeing Moira so much but if you brawl with Lucio, Moira can just absolutely smash enemies. She is nearly invincible if you use your Fades wisely. Her ultimate can also be really good on tight chokes to push them back or push in.
Watch videos of Ramattra tearing it up on Nepal: [GUIDE] Nepal Tank Positioning Guide (youtube.com)
Nepal is a close quarters to mid-range map. Fights can happen at different angles and chokes. High ground is praised, making it important to take advantage of to win early fights. Team Comps usually revolve around a brawl tank, with a brawl-poke hybrid for damage and same brawl-poke hybrid for support.
Best for Tank:
Ramattra: He’s one of the best brawlers, especially in Nepal because of better mobility than Reinhardt. Plus armor buffs with your abilities and ultimate can help push and hold chokes on Nepal.
Sigma: He’s probably going to be your best poke tank. Good at closing gaps with shield, damage eat, and some cover on Nepal. His ultimate is also really good for C9.
Best for Damage:
Junkrat: He’s a close quarter punisher and has insane spam damage especially when he has high ground. Like most damage heroes, he can shield bust and armor bust any brawl or poke tank to instantly make the tank rethink everything. . Try to take the height advantage every time, but don’t forget about frontline presence and tight choke presence.
Ashe: She is more of medium range but it can work well. Take height advantage to hold angles on tight chokes. Use your Dynamite to push enemies back or hold enemies at tight chokes. Don’t get picky with trying to burn multiple enemies. It’s okay to just burn one, because this map depends on not dying away from the point.
Best for Support:
Lucio: It doesn’t matter which point it is, Lucio is a god on this map. Speed your team to the choke up top on Village, to the highground bridge on Sanctum, and the high terrain on Shrine. Also use him to brawl with Ramattra or Rein and speed Sigma around to poke.
Baptiste: Bap can be used really well with brawl in Nepal. There are a lot of tight chokes that do have some range. Window has really high value, and your three round burst has decent mid range damage.
Watch video of Torbjorn on Oasis: Overwatch 2 | Oasis GM Torbjorn 1 trick Gameplay (youtube.com)
Oasis is another close quarters point with some angular verticality and short to mid range high ground and flanks. Usually best to go with brawl and poke more than anything else. Dive can be good depending on if the other team goes brawl or poke. Plus, the jump pad gives any tank great value if your mobility is nonexistent.
Best for Tank:
Reinhardt: Great to brawl with a bit better than Ramattra because of the height advantage enemies have right over point on a couple of the maps. And the ability to swing on chokes is brutal to face against. Also his ultimate is so good whenever enemies are pushing chokes or holding them.
Roadhog: He’s so flexible in between brawl and poke that he’s hands down one of the best tanks to pick on this map.. Hog also has the ability to hook people off the map on a couple of the points. But the big circular tower in the middle can be a good place for Hog to readjust and heal himself back up. Also, to hook people in without their enemy support heroes ability to heal them through walls.
Best for Damage:
Torbjorn: He has relatively shorter range but can be flexible, making him really good for Oasis. It’s a map of short angles and with some good height advantage you can sometimes take control. His ultimate is really good to push enemies to one part of the different points.
Venture: As more of a dive-ish hero than a brawl-ish hero, Venture can be great on Oasis. Their verticality and taking flanks underground to dive chokes is unstoppable. Their ultimate is also really good to push enemies into one area, giving Torb and Venture really good synergy. .
Best for Support:
Lucio: Again! It’s a control map. You want to be picking Lucio for his speed boost. If you don’t want to pick Lucio for speed, then pick him for his brawly tankiness.Pick him to contest high ground. His damage is underrated and his ability to control where enemies go can be crucial for allies like Reinhardt or Ramattra, Venture and Torb.
Lifeweaver: Contrary to belief Lifeweaver is actually decent on this map. There are really good pro players that will play Lifeweaver just on Oasis. His abilities synchronize well like his life grip from around corners is very valuable for your team. His flower that raises him up can be useful to get to height on certain points like the big tower in the middle.
Watch a video of Bastion on Samoa here: BEST Way to use BASTION On Samoa Beach #Overwatch2Bastion (youtube.com)
Samoa is a newer map that mimics Oasis in many ways. Especially with the circular control points on each of the maps. Oasis has taller buildings that can help out flyers like Pharah and Echo. Samoa has some height advantage and a few mid-long range sightlines to point. But all of the entrances onto the point are a little bit more narrow so brawl and poke are pretty good here with some dive comps as well, depending again on your skill level.
Best for Tank:
Reinhardt: Good for brawl and push comps, good against poke comps for small narrow angles.
Ramattra: Another great tank that can brawl out and contest choke points with little to no angles all around until the beach.
Best for Damage:
Bastion: He’s really good at gradual damage that breaks tanks' shields within seconds. Use Bastion to push through chokes behind a shielded tank or take a flanking high ground with a tank if there’s a Wrecking Ball.
Tracer: She is very good on the first and third point. She can have trouble on the second point if you don’t use her in the backline. She can contest points fairly easily from all of the different flanks and entrances. Also speed around corners to make your opponents lose interest and utilize the many health packs around the map.
Best for Support:
Baptisite: Use Baptiste as an extra damage boost for your team whether it's on offense or defense. His window works well with the many high ground sightlines of the points throughout all the maps.
Lucio: Speed boost to control point, use boops to push enemies back and off of high ground. Use the close quarter huts on the beach to make for a crazy Rollout. His ultimate is also really good and wall ride can be extremely annoying if you’re playing against him.
Blizzard World
Watch a video of Tracer on Blizzard World here: KABAJI TRACER GAMEPLAY ON BLIZZARD WORLD! [ OVERWATCH 2 TOP 500 SEASON 3 ] (youtube.com)
Blizzard World starts off through a very tight choke and one potential flank and then the second flank after the choke. It is a hybrid map which means you have to win the control point then escort the cart to the next two points. So, that makes it more flexible for hero picks and utility for each hero and their abilities. Usually, with hybrids you need to go with poke and dive comps but brawl can also work really well to capture the first point.
Best for Tank:
Winston: If you’re on attack Winston is probably your best bet for diving. With his shield and ability to contest high ground early is really important to capture that first point.
Orisa: If you’re on defense, Orisa could be a good pick for you. She has really good poke damage and can take massive amounts of bullets. As long as you and your team can hold them at choke and watch for the flank, then you could be holding them off the entire game.
Best for Damage:
Tracer: If you’re on attack, Tracer is really fun to play on Blizzard World. With the first point having one flank and then another after the choke-she can be a menace to your opponent and get picks early or to just distract your enemies to help your team push through.
Torbjorn: If you’re on defense, Torb can be a really good way to hold that first choke. Try to gain charge by spamming your primary fire. Place your turret in a spot where enemies can’t shoot it from long range. Preferably, place your turret where it will shoot them right after they push through the choke.
Best for Support:
Ana: Her anti-heal is so useful to get picks on tanks holding the choke. Plus, she can sit back at certain spots on defense and heal-bot your defense or look for flankers to punish. She can also take care of flyers for your team if they go dive with little to no long range hitscans.
Kiriko: She’s really good at poke, and her ability to climb on high ground can be good for your team on both attack and defense. Again, Kiriko is just very flexible and she has so much utility within her kit. She’s good on almost every map. Her ultimate comes in handy on all points and almost every part of the map.
Watch a video of Torbjorn on Eichenwalde: Eichenwalde In-Depth Turret Guide - GM Torbjorn - Overwatch 2 (youtube.com)
Eichenwalde plays similarly to Blizzard World and the rest of the hybrid maps. It has a lot of verticality, flanks after choke, and some high ground. Eichenwalde can be completely different from attack and defense and then they can be the same. They both need a brawly/poke comp but they also need to take into account high ground and angles. With damage you need hitscan, but you also need to be able to brawl up close and be able to move to high ground if needed.
Best for Tank:
Reinhardt: He’s got the best shield to push through main. Your job on Eichenwalde is to get your team through the main choke everytime in every hybrid map.
Roadhog: On defense Roadhog can be a good hero to pick depending on your team's comp and ability to deal damage from a far. Also, Hog’s sustainability with the angles on the first point is really good. There’s a lot of cover and quick corners to push back and forward again. His ultimate can also come in clutch on the first and second part of the map.
Best for Damage:
Torbjorn: On defense, his turret placements can be dangerous on Eichenwalde and you can give your team multiple angles. He can also take care of any fliers like Pharah or Echo that want to push through above main. Even if you’re on offense, the youtube link can help you out with turret placements.
Pharah: She’s the best projectile damage hero on the list and you need to be able to push through up top, angle and spam. You can also go a different way with her to have a crazy flank to scout, target one enemy, and finish them for an instant advantage. Yes. there could be a pesky Torb that you have to deal with but with three spamming shots, you can easily take the turret out. Which leaves you with the advantage over Torb.
Best for Support:
Lucio: With Reinhardt, Lucio can speed boost him and your team through the first choke. After that it does widen up and sometimes that tends to be Lucio’s downfall. But he still can wall ride almost anywhere to get out of sticky situations. He can boop enemies off high ground or the map on the second point.
Baptiste: His ability to close range heal his tank and ability to be brawly and poky at the same time can be very useful for your team. His ultimate can come in handy especially if you don’t have a Rein, Ramattra, or Sigma to push through the first choke or hold enemies back. Again, you can pop ultimate and just window yourself. Don’t go for flashy plays, go for fundamental plays.
Watch a video of Reinhardt on Hollywood here: POTG! 23K DMG! SUPER VS GALE! SUPER REINHARDT OVERWATCH 2 GAMEPLAY SEASON 10 (youtube.com)
Hollywood is another fun map where you get a choke like Blizzard World but fundamentals are everything. Rein is king on attack but it always gets tricky with defense in Hollywood. You want to pick a tank that can take a lot of damage and be able to counter brawl first and foremost. Also, a poky tank for defense can be really useful for your team.
Best for Tank:
Reinhardt: He is king. On attack that is. Keep with your fundamentals and push your team through the first point. If there are people on high ground you can always throw a strike at them but those heroes are not your problem. It is whole heartedly the other tank or any heroes you can isolate without dying.
Sigma: Keeping your distance and shield in front of you and your team can absolutely be good on both attack and defense. He has a good ability to poke enemies on high ground and move your shield to where you need it. His sustainability comes in handy on defense. He has amazing choke presence, to hold enemies back and stun them if they are trying to make a play.
Best for Damage:
Cassidy: He has good damage at medium range and most of the map is pretty flexible in between all short, medium, and long ranges. Take advantage of the elevators (at least on second point) as well because he’s not great at taking height on this map without it. His ultimate can be deadly on this map given the flanking high ground.
Mei: She’s a pretty flexible hero that does really well with poking and brawling. On defense she can wall out the main choke especially to isolate enemies that pushed too much without their team. Her ultimate is really good on point and cart. She can hold and contest cart fairly easily, especially with her ability to heal herself. She can also wall herself on top of height at some parts of the map, giving her and her abilities more utility.
Best for Support:
Lucio: Speed boost Rein or Sigma through the main choke and throughout the entire map. His ultimate is amazing on this map and much needed for certain pushes. His ability to push high ground damage heroes out of position is great.
Baptiste: Go with Baptiste or Kiri to have good poke damage. Help your team out by doing damage and using your IF around all kinds of cover. His ability to heal Rein behind his shield and to help heal your team is crucial with Lucio.
King’s Row
Watch a video of Zarya on King’s Row here: HARBLEU TOP 500 ZARYA GAMEPLAY ON KING'S ROW! [ OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 6 ] (youtube.com)
King’s Row is another fun map to play but it can be tough to figure out what you should play but it doesn’t have to be hard. It’s a short-medium range on ground level, on higher ground it can stretch out enough to be long range at some points in the map, especially the very beginning. But with King’s Row, since it’s flexible throughout the entire map, you usually want to go with your main. There is the main choke that Rein could push through, especially in lower ranks like Bronze-Platinum but higher rank players play differently.
Best for Tank:
Zarya: She has a lot of ways to poke at first and bubble brawl can be great on King’s Row. She doesn’t have any mobility or vertically but on King’s Row, tanks don’t need to be on high ground. That job is for your damage heroes.
Reinhardt: He is King on King’s Row. Do I need to say more? Especially if the enemy is holding the main choke, he can easily take an off angle and bunny hop shield to contest different angles. His ultimate is really good given the openness of the first point, and narrow lanes throughout the rest of the map. He can have trouble on the last point given the long sight lines but if you use his charge wisely, and use cart to regain shield he can be a menace.
Best for Damage:
Bastion: Relatively short range hero that has some long range damage with his grenade. He can flex on and off sight lines with good burst damage. Use your turret mode to push angles and through choke if you need to, especially behind a beefy Rein shield. His ultimate can be good to push high ground out, and can take the majority of flyers out pretty easily.
Junkrat: I would say Pharah but Junkrat’s trap can be strong here especially with how short the sighlines can be. Also, Junkrat is a flexible hero that can gain height advantage throughout the entire map. His ultimate is sneaky good given the narrow lanes where most fighting goes down. His spam is also very good through the main choke. Try bouncing your nades off the high walls to give them almost like a Pharah projectile from above.
Best for Support:
Lucio: Speed boost through the main choke and onto point on attack. On defense you can also speed boost your tank and anyone else to pull back to a different angle. His boops are also really good on the last point where he can boop enemies off the map. His ultimate is great on attack or defense to gain advantage at any point during the game.
Ana: This synergy could be awkward making Ana have to heal her dps more than she usually does, but if you keep your sight lines at medium-long range and have good angles on your entire team then Ana can be very useful. Her ultimate is really good to give to your brawl tank or dps teammates. (A nano-boosted Reinhardt usually pushes through and takes control very easily) Her anti-heals can also come in handy to give your team even more of an advantage.
Watch Sigma on Midtown here: JAKE TOP 500 SIGMA GAMEPLAY ON MIDTOWN! [ OVERWATCH 2 TOP 500 SEASON 4 ] (youtube.com)
Midtown is relatively close range. There are some medium range sightlines but not much at all. Your heroes need to stay around close-mid range. Brawly/pokey is the best comp for Midtown. But with Midtown, unlike other hybrid maps, a pokey tank can be better than a brawly tank. Damage can be tricky but someone like Sym, or Mei can come in handy with their unique abilities. Support can also be tricky but are really flexible given their team’s comp.
Best for Tank:
Sigma: Either on attack or defense, you can carry the team with Sigma on this map. Use his big body to hold the choke. Use his shield to place where your team needs it the most. Use your ‘defense matrix’ to mitigate the most amount of damage while enemies push or have the advantage. His ultimate is also really good on first choke and throughout the entire map. His primary fire works well with this map given the tightness and short to medium range sightlines.
Zarya: She is usually better on attack given there’s not a Roadhog that can hook her into their team. She can be good on defense but you have to play more conservative gameplay and keep short sight lines on enemies. She can push quite easily, and with help from dps she can be unstoppable. Her ultimate is also really good on chokes if she’s paired up with any hero that can focus on a certain spot. She has great synergy with Sym, Mei, Torb, Reaper, Hanzo, and many other damage heroes. She just needs to be kept alive, especially if she has high energy and getting focused.
Best for Damage:
Symmetra: Her TP can be very useful to push past chokes and onto/close to the first point. Its also a pretty tight area with some cover on walls for her turrets. She can also TP to the top where the train is if the enemy team is pushing or to get height advantage on defense.
Torbjorn: His turret is really good on this map, with the certain angles. Place it up top on stairs on defense where it has an angle on the control point. Sneak upstairs or in the back left flank to throw a turret down for a different angle on the enemy. Even if you don’t get picks, you at least distracted someone on their team and that is useful at any point during any game on Overwatch 2.
Best for Support:
Kiriko: Use your Suzu in times of need, use her wall climb to gain height advantage. Try off angles to keep your opponents distracted at the least but try to get picks on dps and enemy support heroes. Then when you feel like you might die or start to get damaged, flick to your teammates and TP to them for safety. Her ultimate comes in handy here at any point (especially the second bridge) given the narrow lanes and some height advantages on defense.
Baptiste: Even though people use Baptiste to heal still, you need to be using him as a ranged dps hero. His burst is so good, and if you can help your team out (hopefully they aren’t low on health the entire time) any way that is how you help with Baptiste. Constantly engage, constantly be using your abilities as Baptiste. If paired up with Kiri these two can pretty much be unstoppable with their survivability.
Watch a video of D.Va tearing this team up on Numbani: The Classic Numbani Dva Experience | Overwatch 2 (youtube.com)
Numbani has one of the hardest points to capture in Overwatch 2 on its first point. There are a lot of differences between attack and defense, especially with a solo tank on Numbani. Usually best on attack is any dive hero that can capitalize on verticality like D.Va, Winston, Ball, or Doom. On the other side, you can still pick a dive tank but you need to be very aggressive with high ground and not letting them take it for free.
Best for Tank:
D.Va: She has the best verticality in the game but her damage mitigation makes her king or shall I say Queen. She’s really good up close and personal too which can be good for focusing and soloing out dps that can’t break her out of mech. Her ultimate is really good, even though on the first point there are some entry/exit points close by for the enemy to hide from. It still gives your team time to gain sight line advantages to hold enemies out while D.Va is on point.
Winston: He’s also very good at verticality and has a shield bubble that can be good at certain times. It does get shredded pretty quickly but if you play him right then you should be fine. Single out dps heroes that are squishy like an Ashe or a Widow unless they are being pocketed by Mercy. Defense can be very tricky and you might want to switch to someone else because of the disadvantage of long sight lines. But a good Winston knows how to play for their life and come back for heals.
Best for Damage:
Tracer: If you’re on attack and your tank goes dive, you need to have abilities that are similar to them. Tracer is a really good dps flex hero that works well with dive tanks. She can also flank all the way around to where long range supports usually play. Get picks and distract support heroes so your dive tank has even more advantages over squishes. Be weary of Ana’s sleep or a Brig that just punishes Tracer immediately. Her ultimate is always good for a pick or two. AND, there are health packs around that synergize well with Tracer’s kit.
Ashe: She’s really good on attack and defense because of the different angles and height advantages throughout the entire map. There are some places where it can be long range but with her Coach Gun she can reposition and push dive tanks back. She’s a solid main damage hero that will be able to keep angles and shred fliers. If you have a pocket Mercy, take advantage of the damage boost from the beginning. Dynamite comes in handy when pushing chokes or holding them. BOB is also amazing at taking/holding the first point. Finally, BOB has great ability to take fliers out, push long range dps from high ground, and support heroes that have good angles on their team.
Best for Support:
Ana: Make sure you keep to high ground but also try to be next or close to at least a dps hero if you get dive bombed. You can always use your sleep too. But on Numbani the first point does have some long range sight lines that Ana can utilize for damage. Her ultimate is very useful on dive tanks like Winston, D.Va, Doom, or Ball to take advantage of the game.
Brigitte: Is a great support hero that can either stick with their tank in the frontlines to help with the multiple chokes (depending on your dps heroes). Or she can stay with Ana and protect her from enemy divers like she should. Her armor packs are very useful for dive tanks to decrease incoming damage.
Watch videos of Doomfist on Paraiso here: Overwatch 2 Doomfist God ZBRA Playing Tank Doomfist On Paraiso = 100% Win Rate (youtube.com)
Paraiso plays a little bit like Hollywood and Eichenwalde combined. There’s verticality all over the main choke. A dive tank is probably your best bet. There’s a couple flanks to take if you’re a damage hero to put pressure on different angles or get picks. Support is flexible like always on hybrid maps because of the short-long range for the first point and different ranges throughout the rest of the map.
Best for Tank:
Doomfist: Paraiso is one of the best maps for Doomfist. It has a lot of verticality and flanks to push in or out. It has a lot of tall buildings as well which synergizes with Doom’s play style. His ultimate can be really good to either get out of sticky situations or push high ground.
D.Va: Again, a lot of verticality that goes well with D.Va. You don’t need to really brawl on Paraiso unless they are holding the first choke underneath the bridge. Her ultimate can be really useful, especially when the map opens up. But the verticality is most important for D.Va’s play style.
Best for Damage:
Pharah: With the tall buildings and high cover. Pharah can easily peek and take out enemy snipers or turrets. Pharah can push in and get behind either on attack or defense. Her ultimate is useful when the enemies group up or take flanks. She can also take a lot of flanks, giving your team multiple angles on the enemy.
Sombra: Use the flanks and high ground to take advantage of the enemy. Hack tank more than you think because of her rework. Too many Sombra players want to hide and hack support heroes but Sombra can’t maximize her potential like that anymore. Also her virus ability is really good and very underrated so use it as much as you can. She also pairs well with Doomfist and D.Va to instantly pick enemies off together.
Best for Support:
Mercy: Whatever main dps there is, Mercy needs to be boosting their damage. Mercy can hide behind corners of fly with Pharah, which is mostly recommended if there is a Pharah. It’s essential to maximize damage and when you have a diving tank it can be good to have some boosted damage from a far or above like Pharah.
Ana: Find good angles to take advantage of healing your tank from long sight lines but with cover. Nano Boost whatever tank you have on your team. Constantly be healing your tank so Ana can gain ultimate charge quickly, while Mercy can focus on healing and boosting your dps teammates.
Watch video of Ramattra on Colosseo: Thought process of a Rank 1 Player in Overwatch 2 (Ramattra) (youtube.com)
Now, we get to some tricky game modes with very different maps. Colosseo is a mirrored map that gives both teams advantages and disadvantages at the same parts of the map. It has a very narrow long sight line in the middle (where the robot starts). Then options begin to open up with certain comps.. There’s no verticality in the Colosseum but there is high ground on both ends where the bridges are, which is the hardest part to attack and the easiest part to defend.
Best for Tank:
Ramattra: He lacks verticality which on Colosseo is fine in the beginning but can be difficult to push up to the bridge. Even then he does very well with chokes. He likes tight areas and can poke on mid-long range where dps heroes can attack or defend from. His ultimate is great to push contesting enemies away from the robot. He also has decent self-sustainability with a temporary boost of armor.
Wrecking Ball: Colosseo does have flanks that certain dive tanks can excel at but at first it's better to stay with your team. Ball on the other hand can dive enemies without them noticing and then swing back to the team within seconds. Use Ball to contest the robot for a couple seconds to buy time and distract until your team arrives. His ultimate is really useful on the robot and openings after several chokes. You can boop enemies off the map after the bridges on both sides. Lastly, he can contest high ground at any point during the game.
Best for Damage:
Soldier: 76: Very flexible hero, helix rockets can be deadly in the Colosseum and on bridges.. He can take flanks as well, maybe not as quickly as someone like Sojourn but he can run to stairs just as easily. His ultimate is useful obviously, but with high ground it’s even better. He can also heal himself where support heroes don’t have an open angle to him.
Genji: There are short and medium sight lines, so Genji maximizes his deadliness. Deflect can be really good as well on the narrow part of the map. Plus, if they have a hitscan up top, easily push high ground to either distract or pick them off. His ultimate can easily wipe out one or two squishies, giving your team the advantage.
Best for Support:
Ana: There are decent sight lines, and Ana can thrive on almost every map. She doesn’t have a lot of mobility but on Colosseo you don’t really need it. As Ana you usually sit back but you stick out like a sore thumb which can be Ana’s downfall. But good shots can go a long way to stop enemy dps heroes from focusing you. Anti-heal is also very useful when enemies bunch up together and contest the robot. Finally, her ultimate is good on any tank or a Genji.
Baptiste: He thrives with narrow sight lines. He does have a decent amount of mobility for high ground but usually you don’t want to take it if you're pushing the robot. Instead of pushing high ground, use cover and poke at enemy heads on bridges. Bap also doesn't need to be jumping constantly, especially in the Colosseum and giving easy pickings for dps enemies. His window, though, gives a great advantage in the Colosseum and outside of it. His IF under bridge can also be very useful for cover since it’s very shredable.
Watch videos of Ashe on Esperanca here: DAFRAN ASHE GAMEPLAY ON ESPERANCA! [ OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 6 TOP 500 ] (youtube.com)
Esperanca is decently open, like Colosseo and the rest of the push maps, there’s a lot more high ground and long sight line angles that can be tough to push through. Use some flexibility within your comp to play both low and high ground or take flanks and distract your enemy support or dps. The map, like all push maps, is mirrored and damage heroes can easily be mirrored as well.
Best for Tank:
Ramattra: He’s always good on push and with a little bit more high ground he can get focused from certain angles but it all depends on comp.
Sigma: He has the best sustainability (except for an annoying pest called Roadhog).. We won’t talk more about that though. Sigma can throw his shield wherever he wants which does synergize well with pushing the robot or closing gaps to fight on the robot. His poke damage can be good at first but does struggle with short range. Use your rock to stun and push back then deplete them with his bouncing projectiles.
Best for Damage:
Ashe: Use Ashe on high ground. She can get up top anywhere on this map and she can absolutely shred with her medium range dps kit. Also, dynamite is useful if you throw it at a contested robot. Her ultimate is also very good at pushing your team out of chokes.
Tracer: Tracer can take flanks and angles all around the map. She can utilize the multiple health packs around the map too to help out your support heroes for one less hero to worry about. Distract or punish enemies that are too far back or singled out like a squishy dps/support. Her ultimate is also useful, again to single out enemies out of line. She can also contest and get to point quickly, giving her even more utilization.
Best for Support:
Illari: She’s great at poking squishies. Her survivability is also pretty good and pairs well with Baptiste that way. Her mobility is pretty good and can push back around corners. Her pylon is useful because of the narrow lanes and tall buildings.
Baptiste: He does great with narrow lanes and angles. Also has good verticality on this map. Plus, the window can come in handy while pushing past the first point. His IF does get shredded on this map because there’s a lot of open angles the enemies can take. Even putting IF down for a second or two can be the determining factor whether or not you or anyone else dies during a fight.
New Queen Street
Watch videos of Sombra on New Queen Street here: 42 Elims! Sombra One Trick! SombraWizard Sombra Overwatch 2 Season 9 Gameplay (youtube.com)
New Queen Street is a really fun map, where it actually feels like both sides are even and very hard to push all the way. Use a synergizing comp, whatever it is, then capitalize on the amount of space and flanks there are throughout the map. Pushing up the road at the final area can be tough but certain heroes that will be named later can help with that.
Best for Tank:
Ramattra: New Queen Street lacks a lot of high ground except for one spot where it is very hard to push all the way because it opens up so much. Try to force a fight before the enemy team reaches their advantageous spawn point. Use ultimate in the tight corners of the map, and use his shield
Wrecking Ball: Ball is insane, you can pretty much use him on every map. New Queen Street is another map that’s very good for Hammond. The tall buildings and his ability to retract, then slam makes him very useful. His ultimate is really good because of the openings around the corners. He can also contest high ground and off angle dps heroes.
Best for Damage:
Soldier: 76: Very flexible hero, the high ground isn’t crazy high so he can get up top fairly quickly. His constant dps can also push tanks out of the area of the robot. Use flanks to also try and get picks or to pop your ultimate.
Sombra: If you have a good main damage hero that puts a lot of damage out quickly then Sombra is a great flex pick. Use her to distract and hack, then pop right back over to support teammates or the crazy amount of health packs all over the map. Also hack those and make them more efficient for yourself and other teammates. Her ultimate also synergizes well with Ram, Ball, and Soldier.
Best for Support:
Mercy: Utilize Mercy with your main dps hero like Soldier or Sojourn, even Cassidy can be helpful for your team to maximize damage output especially if your team doesn’t pick a brawl tank. Her ultimate is really good on this map at holding or pushing corners. She can hide behind a lot of walls or boost off-angle dps heroes.
Kiriko: Use your TP to immediately get anywhere on the map to help your team out especially with the amount of flanks allies can take. Help out with damage because support doesn’t mean ‘just heal’ or it would be called healer. Her ultimate Kitsune Rush is easily the best on this map because your team can push through any angle or spot on the map.
New Junk City
Watch a video of Sojourn on New Junk City here: 20K DMG! SUREFOUR CARRY SOJOURN - OVERWATCH 2 GAMEPLAY SEASON 10 - YouTube
New Junk City and both Flashpoint maps are very wide, flat, and open and utilize heroes that have better mobility than no mobility at all. You don’t really need verticality but it can come in handy at certain control points. This map has a ton of different spots that are all relatively close range with some tough angles that can be good but dangerous. It has quite a bit of flanks and entries into the control points so take that into consideration. But there is a need for hero flexibility because all of the points are different.
Best for Tank:
Doomfist: Doom can be absolutely insane on this map. There are wide open areas that do get sticky but there’s also a lot of entry and exit points so Doom can get in and out very easily. Use ultimate to punish grouped up enemies before they even push to win the battle before it starts. Use his punch to also push enemies away from point. Use his slam to pop enemies up a little bit for your dps heroes to get a couple shots in.
Wrecking Ball: He’s very flexible with open wide maps. He can also take advantage of most points on New Junk City that have high ceilings. It’s also very important that you pick a tank that has really good mobility on both Flashpoint maps. Given the less amount of verticality, Ball doesn’t need to worry so much about pushing high ground. Instead, he can control and boop enemies at the chokes, giving your dps more time and good angles to poke.
Best for Damage:
Sojourn: She’s fast and has the verticality to have good placement on underrated high ground. Her ability to jump slide can also be good to get away from sight lines. No matter what, Sojourn is one of the most flexible main damage heroes with great mobility. And a map like New Junk City needs dps heroes with good mobility and flexibility with ranges.
Tracer: Very good with flanks, and wide-open sight lines from behind to see who to focus. She can get around to high ground and loop around enemies. Her ultimate is very useful and survivability is needed for dps heroes on this map. She also has a lot of synergy with a main dps hero, and a diving tank.
Best for Support:
Moira: She can be deadly and dangerous when she’s on point or when pushing flanks with whatever dive heroes that can’t finish. Her ultimate is really good, even though it’s pretty open, she can use her fade to get behind cover. Her fade is also useful to move throughout the map. Her orbs are also deadly on point, and the heals are crazy good.
Lucio: Speed through map to point, push with tank, given their dive or brawl tank. He can roll out like crazy which is also very fun on New Junk City. The wide-open sight lines can be very good to hold out angles. His ultimate is really good given the wide-open points. His wall ride is also very useful, making him even harder to shoot.
Watch a video of Roadhog on Suravasa here: POTG! 17K DMG! SUPER ROADHOG OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 10 TOP 500 GAMEPLAY (youtube.com)
Suravasa is a wide-open map with close-mid range sight lines. It has a lot of different flanks and angles just like New Junk City. Barely any high ground difference making except for a couple of points. Lots of fights are up close and personal and revolve around brawl comps with very minimal poke.
Best for Tank:
Roadhog: Suravasa is a very flexible tank where you don’t need a whole lot of high ground. Road can fit in anywhere and Suravasa is a tough one to figure out which is best.
Ramattra: Ram can also be pretty good to poke a little bit first and push in with shield and nemesis form. He has the best ability to brawl and isn’t super mobile but doesn’t need to be since there’s not much high ground for him to deal with.
Best for Damage:
Sojourn: Sojourn is just too good and too flexible as a hero to not pick her. You could definitely go Soldier here instead but Sojourn does have faster mobility and faster cooldown on railgun than helix rockets. Her disruptor shot is also way more useful than a healing pad, especially when enemies push/hold chokes.
Tracer: Again, this comp? I know. But they are so dangerous together. . While one plays front side or one flank, the other one can distract or go to the other flank to maximize a kill zone (which means multiple angles onto an enemy). Her ultimate and mobility are great on this map for picks.
Best for Support:
Lucio: Speed boost your brawl tank or even help out with a dive tank. Your main advantage is speed and Suravasa needs supports that can get around the map quickly. His ultimate is again, amazing on this map, with its open control points. Just wait till you see at least three heroes that are in Lucio’s AOE then slam. He can also boop enemies off on some points.
Moira: She can be a menace from the amount of flanks she can take. Use her more as a damage god than a heal god. But never forget that you are a support hero and need to support your team as a healer when needed. Moira maximizes her utility by sucking the life out of close range enemies and then throwing out healing orbs.