Why Widowmaker Skins Are Awesome
Widowmaker is one of the most popular Overwatch heroes right now. She’s picked in most games because of how strong she is right now. Thanks to that, you’ll see a variety of Widowmaker skins being used. Which ones are the best?
10. Noire (Pre-Order Special)
See noire in action:
Noire is special. New players to the game are unlikely to have seen this skin before. This skin is one of the first skins in the game because it was a pre-order special skin players got for preordering the game.
There is definitely a lot of nostalgia in this skin for older players. Although it’s a rare skin not many have, experienced players recognize it and remember the good old days in Overwatch 1, where Widowmakers would brag about owning the skin.
In general, the skin has a very nice design. It’s not her most unique design, but the color palette works well for the character and helps her blend in with her environment. The spikes at the ends of her hair and along the sides of her suit make for interesting touches.
How To Get Noire
Unfortunately, this skin is so rare because it was a pre-order bonus. That means there’s no way for you to get it in 2023. There may come a time when Blizzard makes it available in the new Overwatch 2 shop, but for the foreseeable future, it will remain a pre-order exclusive.
9. Odette (1000 credits)
See odette in action:
Odette is one of the original Widowmaker skins, but it’s a classic. Just like the noire skin, this skin makes old players nostalgic. It was a popular skin back in the early days of Overwatch. You didn’t see many Widowmakers running around without this skin or one of the huntress skins.
The design of this skin is very unique. Although her bright white color can make her stand out a bit on a dark map, Widowmaker owns this skin. The mask looks amazing, with intricate details placed throughout it, such as the feathers pointing upwards and making her look like an elegant bird.
There are more feathers throughout the design. There are feathers stuffed into her chest, her boots, and her sleeves. She looks as sophisticated as ever, and it adds to Widowmaker’s backstory with her being a ballerina.
How To Get Odette
To get odette, you have to save your credits. Skins are notoriously more expensive in Overwatch 2 than they ever were in Overwatch 1. If you want to get this skin, even for 1000 credits, it’ll take a while. Make sure you save or buy credits.
8. Huntress (1000 credits)
See huntress in action:
Huntress is a classic for me. One of my personal favorite skins, huntress, is an old cosmetic that depicts Widowmaker as a hunter. Seeing as she’s a sniper, this is very fitting. This was one of the most used skins for Widowmaker back in the early days of Overwatch. I must admit, I was one of the many who used this skin.
The skin itself is gorgeous. The dark color scheme adds to Widowmaker’s character. Beyond that, the design of the weapon tops most of her other skins, even the skins higher than this one on the list. The elegant design is pleasing to look at while in first person. If you’re a Widowmaker player, consider getting the golden gun for her and using it with this skin. The golden design of the gun is absolutely breathtaking, as you can see in the picture.
The rest of the skin is also very detailed. You get to see Widowmaker away from her blue skin tone, donning a paler shade that makes her look eerily human. It’s a creepy skin thanks to her appearance being so drastically altered, and her yellow eyes make it seem like she came out of a horror movie.
How To Get Huntress
Just like with odette, you need to save your credits to get this skin. You can also buy credits in the Overwatch store if you want to get the skin faster. For older players, it’ll be easier to get the skin. Newer players may have a harder time.
7. Black Lily (1000 credits)
See black lily in action:
This legendary Lunar New Year skin was popular when it first came out. At the time, it was one of her most detailed skins. The gun was very well designed, but the highlight was her outfit and headpiece. Her wrist gauntlet was also a standout, but that headpiece is what had people buying it as quickly as possible.
To start, her gun is simple but sophisticated. It’s not quite as detailed as the huntress gun, but it’s very close to it in terms of quality. The curve of the weapon is visually pleasing, and the color scheme blends together to make Widowmaker look like a goddess.
The rest of the skin is just as pleasing as the weapon. The beautiful headpiece features a narrower look than the normal Widowmaker mask. Her hair is tied back, different from her usual ponytail. The dress features many designs that make her look like she just waltzed out of a ballroom dance.
How To Get Black Lily
This is an event skin, meaning you can only get it during the Lunar New Year event. You’ll find it in the Overwatch 2 store, where you can purchase it using credits.
6. Kerrigan (StarCraft 20th Anniversary)
See kerrigan in action:
This skin is often slept on. Many people forget this skin exists because it came out to celebrate StarCraft’s 20th anniversary. It went unnoticed by many, but the design is something to be commended. Although it’s definitely not her best skin, it’s underrated and deserves the spotlight.
Kerrigan shows Widowmaker as a redhead with glowing armor. It looks like she got thrown from a sci-fi universe and landed back in the Overwatch universe. The plating covering her legs and chest is very smooth and visually pleasing. Along with that, the color scheme is white and gray, which is very easy on the eyes.
The weapon isn’t too unique, but it makes her look like a sci-fi action hero. While wearing this skin, it really feels like you’re a spy about to break into a top-secret base. To make you feel even more like a spy, take a look at her headset. Her goggles are unique and different from her normally large headpiece.
How To Get Kerrigan
This skin is special and rare because only old players who logged on during the anniversary event got it. That means, in 2023, there will be no way to get the skin. During the next anniversary event, there may be a way, but there have been no official announcements yet.
5. Nova (1000 credits)
See nova in action:
Nova is similar to the kerrigan skin, except it has more going for it visually. This skin shows Widowmaker as a blonde with glowing armor. Unlike the kerrigan skin, this skin has glowing blue armor, which is more visually pleasing than the orange.
Along with that, the dark gun looks like a fancy sci-fi weapon. It’s a nice twist on the default Widowmaker skin. If you want to play as a sci-fi action hero, then try using the nova skin. Unlike kerrigan, you can still get this skin in 2023.
How To Get Nova
The nova skin is available in the Overwatch shop. To purchase it, make sure you have enough credits, then buy it from the store.
4. Biathlon (1000 credits)
See biathlon in action:
Biathlon is a winter wonderland event skin. Honestly, it makes Widowmaker look cute. Despite being a scary sniper, she looks amazing in this skin. The pink and black color scheme blends together nicely and fits the winter theme. The little patches of white throughout her suit also add to its aesthetic.
The boots are my personal favorite part of this skin. They’re cute little winter boots, which are much different from the usual heels we’re used to seeing Widowmaker in. The gun isn’t anything too special, but the scope is interesting since it glows a soft yellow. Otherwise, the gun matches the rest of the skin.
The skin is much different than anything we’ve seen on Widowmaker before, making it such a good choice. It’s also a very fitting skin to use to start off 2023.
How To Get Biathlon
This skin is available during the winter. In order to get this skin, look for it in the shop during the winter event and make sure you have enough credits to buy it.
3. Côte d’Azur (1000 credits)
See Cote d’Azur in action:
The infamous beach skin—I don’t think I need to explain why this skin is one of her best skins. The Overwatch community lost their minds over this skin. It was a cultural reset, honestly. The detail on this skin is amazing, and the sunglasses and hair are unique from what we’re used to seeing.
This skin is very unique for more than just showing her tattoos. The scarf around her neck, the red tie on her top, and the hoop earrings make this skin a masterpiece. Despite not having extremely unique clothing, what she does have is well designed and fits her character.
Widowmaker is just as sassy as ever in this fit. Her highlight intros are made even better when wearing this skin. The gun isn’t particularly special when compared to the rest of the skin, but the brown shade it has almost reminds you of a coconut, which fits the summer theme.
How To Get Cote d'Azur
This skin is available during the summer games event. When the summer games event rolls around, look out for it in the store and make sure you have enough currency to buy it.
2. Talon (1000 credits)
See talon in action:
Talon Widowmaker is my personal favorite skin. It’s not as detailed as the number one pick, but it’s a very nice skin that also adds to the lore of the character. Talon Widowmaker shows her how she looked back in the old days. The color palette is beautiful and visually pleasing, but somehow still simple enough that it makes Widowmaker seem like a CIA agent.
The simple skin effectively conveys Widowmaker's story. Her shorter hair is also a unique design that adds to the details on her skin. The gun isn’t too unique, but it matches the rest of the outfit well.
Talon Widowmaker has always been my personal favorite since it came out during one of the Uprising events. It’s not her most detailed skin, but it’s effective and does something most of her other skins don’t: it tells a story.
How To Get Talon
To get this skin, you have to wait until the Uprising event later this year. When the event comes around, you can buy it in the store for 1000 credits.
1. Medusa (2000 credits)
See medusa in action:
The medusa Widowmaker skin is easily her most detailed skin. It’s one of the most detailed skins in the game. If not for the unique snake headpiece, then for the tattoo on her back and the outfit detailed with snakes and snake skin. The attention to detail is phenomenal on this skin.
The scales on the snakes look amazing, and beyond that, the scales on her body make her look like a walking snake herself. The tattoo on her back is a nice detail that makes the skin come together.
The gun is unique and looks amazing when golden. The scales around her outfit are my personal favorites. It adds to the illusion that this is a Greek mythology-themed Overwatch season. This is easily Widowmaker’s best skin thanks to the detail and also thanks to the little hissing noises she makes in-game when you equip this skin.
How To Get Medusa
This skin is valued at about 2000 credits because it comes in the medusa bundle, which is worth that much. The bundle also comes with a souvenir and a special medusa Widowmaker highlight intro. The store refreshes often, so if you see it in the store, secure it as fast as possible.
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