[Top 4] Paladins Best Champions For Each Role

Paladins Best Champions
03 Sep 2024

In Paladins, there’s four groups of playable characters. Damage, Flank, Frontline and Support. Each one is important to the team, even if some players don’t really understand their roles by going off on their own and expecting them to make a hundred kills. Casual Paladins will drive you insane, let me tell ‘ya.

Let’s count down the Top 16 Champions, four for each of the groups! This list is mostly focused on a causal experience of Paladins, based around whom I have encountered, how I feel like they stack up, and if they have an easier time of winning a match. This list was formed around June 2024.

A list like this is harder due to the nature of Paladins allowing players to pick and choose a loadout of five different cards and fifteen points to distribute between those cards. This list does have some bias, but I did look around to try and find some opinions regarding different builds.

A side note to keep in mind is the formatting. Names in italics are the character’s abilities. Names in bold are character’s talents. And names in both are their ultimates.

Starting in order of the groups with the Damage Champions. These characters excel at killing enemies and pushing onto objectives…even if a lot of casual players treat them as flanking characters and get less objective time than that of the Flanks. You would think if they want to get a ton of kills they’ll go to the place where the enemy is going, but oh well. Cannot lead a horse to water.


4. Lian (damage)

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Kneel before Lian!

Sometimes, simple wins out. And nobody does simple better than Lian. All of her skills are literally variants of just firing off her gun, and what gun it is! Tiny shot, but deals good damage, and that damage can scale higher if you pick her third Talent Precision. That also reinforces Lian’s main focus on being as accurate as possible.

Thankfully, even if you aren’t that good of a shot, you do have Grace, which makes you slide forward and instantly shoot the nearest enemy near you. And helping Grace is the talent Alacrity which makes Grace hit all enemies in front of you in exchange for a measly second added to its cooldown.

Lian can hit a lot more targets than just one even without that talent. Valor acts a bit like a shotgun blast and is great for hitting those in front of you when they get too close for comfort. And then Presence pierces targets, with Eminence granting a higher damage bonus based around distance from you to the target along with reducing its cooldown.

Her ultimate Enlightenment is yet just another way for her to hit targets, but man, does it go nutty. She takes half damage while casting it, deals near lethal damage to flanks, and if you happen to kill someone with it? You get back half of your Ultimate meter!

Lian does require a steady hand and good hand-to-eye coordination to really use, even with some of her abilities helping her. In the wrong hands, she’ll be whiffing most of her shots and be spamming her abilities left and right without a care in the world. But in the right hands, you get someone who can take out attackers left and right. 

3. Viktor (damage)

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Just point and click.

You’ll be seeing this guy a lot in casual. And while Viktors can be seen as bumbling idiots that die a lot, I have seen a lot of Viktors casually stomp a server. If he can do it so easily, then he has to be good!

Armed with an assault rifle, Viktor can easily gun down anyone he wants. In fact, one of his skills allows him to use Iron Sights to hit more accurate shots. More popular Viktor builds improve that skill to gain greater effects such as Lifesteal and increased movement speed. Hell, you’ll be seeing a lot of Viktors being a sniper!

Hustle allows him to run a lot faster, and Cardio grants him HP regeneration while active! So another weird Viktor archetype you will see is the cowardly type that runs things when go south for him. Keep an eye on those with that talent, even more so on your team.

Now, he is primarily a single-target damage dealer, and can improve his damage with the talent Burst Mode to change his full-auto rifle into a three-shot burst. But Viktor does have some AOE damage in the form of Frag Grenade, which he can cook to make it explode sooner. And if he so wants to, his final talent Shrapnel gives his grenade a bigger blast.

And his ultimate, Barrage, is stupid powerful. It allows him to lock on and rain down a missile on the enemy’s position. It does 1.4k damage for each missile, meaning that he can down a good majority of Frontlines with all three, and kill everyone else with just two of them. Given that he can build ultimate insanely fast with his assault rifle and he can get the item Morale Boost to make it charge EVEN FASTER…

Viktor is one of the easiest people to master in Paladins. And that doesn’t mean he’s useless at higher skill levels. In the right hands, Viktor is a monster. But perhaps not as big as…

2. Willo (damage)

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She says: “Reach for the sky!” but shoots you anyway.

Looking up is a hard thing to do in most FPSs. I mean, you have to move the mouse to actually look up? Too difficult. And Willow really capitalizes on that. Small and deadly!

Her weapon is effectively a rocket launcher; does good damage, with her talent Blastflower allowing her to scale the damage higher with successive hits. It does have a small blast radius, but she’s got a better tool for dealing AOE damage. Her skill Seedling unloads a big seed bomb that explodes into smaller bombs after exploding. They actually do the same amount of damage as her primary weapon, and her talent Scorn makes the seeds not only do more damage but go off faster.

One powerful strength that Willo possess is that of Dead Zone, which does minor damage in exchange for one of the most powerful things in Paladins. It disables any and ALL healing for people in the radius. In a game like this, it can shut down any aggression on the objective. The talent Nightshade makes the direct damage way higher!

But it’s her mobility that makes Willo a threat. Her skill Flutter allows her to fly up and away, allowing her to escape or take the attack from the skies. And then her ultimate Fae Flight gives her free flight and refilled ammo for a period of time. She can literally rain death from above.

That being said, she is easily screwed over by hit-scanners that can gun her down while she’s hanging in the air. A smart team can just choose to retreat from Dead Zone and Seedlings. But then again, if they retreat from the objectives, you are actually doing somewhat of your job. Willo is either a destructive force of nature or the most annoying thing ever.

1. Bomb King (damage)

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Ever want to play a mad bomber? Well, you got two choices. Betty LaBomba, or this guy. And this guy…whoo boy, his damage is insane.

He throws out a bunch of sticky bombs, ones that can stick to any surface and even enemies. Bomb King can then Detonate all of them at once, dealing a great amount of damage. You can literally turn one enemy into one of your own bombs if they’re all stickied all up. And the talent Chain Reaction can scale the damage even higher if you can land more than one bomb on an enemy!

Bomb King does have mobility in the form of the Poppy Bomb. While it’s intended to throw enemies away from you (And preferably off the map) it can be used to make him jump far away, even more so with the right cards. The talent Royal Subjects focuses on this by giving him two charges of it while reducing the knockback that enemies get.

But his big claim to fame is the Grumpy Bomb. Throw out a big bomb that will explode after a long delay, but deals great damage and stuns enemies! What’s not to like? There’s the talent Accelerant that makes it go off a lot faster. Easy way to score some easy hits with the sticky bombs.

And then comes his ultimate, a microcosm of all of his abilities wrapped into one. King Bomb turns the characters into a fast-rolling bomb that can explode upon contact or manually detonating, dealing high damage and stunning all enemies. Again, easy pickings for anyone that was able to survive the damage.

He can be a terrifying monster. While lacking hitscan, he’s fully capable of killing most things on his own, and a powerful killer of Frontline characters. And all of this coming from a living bomb that’s basically a walking cartoon.


4. Furia (Support)

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Some angels want to protect. Some angels want to fight. Furia does both. Make no mistake, a good Furia can easily keep her team alive while making sure that the enemies don’t.

Furia’s weapon might be a sword, but it’s really an incendiary shotgun. By healing teammates with Kindle Soul, she can generate something called Wrath that increases her fire-rate for her primary weapon. Her second talent Exterminate takes that fire-rate to higher levels, so don’t run at Furia without a plan. And she can generate Wrath even faster with her first talent, Cherish, which passes half of the healing to nearby teammates save for Furia.

But for the most part, you’ll see people running the third talent to improve Furia’s skill Pyre Strike. It sends out a giant beam of light that pierces through the floor to stun enemies upon contact. The talent Solar Blessing allows Furia to stop the beam in place, not only continuing the stun but also healing teammates touching the beam.

Her other skill isn’t commonly used, but Wings of Wrath gives Furia an escape tool while sending out some small damage but homing projectiles. It’s her ultimate Inflame that turns Furia into a real damage tool; granting higher damage and movement speed to all teammates. Oh, and fully restocked ammo too!

Furia’s healing is mostly there to help her deal damage. Bad Furias will rush to the point and die pointlessly trying to snipe with her shotgun sword. A god-like Furia will build up Wrath and proceed to massacre anyone that comes in her path, using Pyre Strike to score guaranteed kills. 

3. Grover (Support)

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There’s a lot of jokes about wood that wouldn’t be appropriate.

Again, simple works out well. And Grover just heals by being around him. That’s literally his thing. Small wonder that he is usually seen as an easy but effective healer.

Now, having an constantly active HP regen around you is balanced by it being slow and giving back little HP. Thankfully, Blossom doesn’t give off an instant burst of healing, but also increases the amount of HP restored passively while around Grover. Oh, and he gets the HP regen too!

Grover isn’t all about healing, he’s also a surprisingly high-damage support. He can throw an unlimited amount of axes in two ways: the primary fire has a scaling effect the longer it travels and has the talent Ferocity scaling that damage even higher, and Crippling Throw, the alt-fire that sends out an axe that disables movement-based abilities for the hit target. The talent Deep Roots not only allows the effects to chain to a second target, but also triggers a healing aura for nearby teammates if you do land a second target.

Vine can make Grover a next to impossible target to kill. It allows him to shoot off after attaching the vine to a teammates or solid surface, serving as a great escape tool. The Talent Rampant Blooming even grants a smaller version of Blossom upon landing, and with the various cards tied to Vine that makes Grover even hard to kill, it allows him to play as a sniper with a get-out–of-jail card.

It’s his ultimate that really makes him shine. Whirlwind disables his ability to attack in exchange for some rapid-fast healing to him and all of his nearby teammates. If you use Blossom beforehand and then use Whirlwind, you can reach some ridiculously fast healing that allows Grover and his teammates to heal through a lot of ultimates.

Playing Grover is simple, mastering him is hard. You need careful positioning to make sure that he can heal his teammates while having some distance to take advantage of his axe-throwing, but also not putting him into a bad position so that he’s easily picked off. And make sure that your teammates get the Rejuvenate Item to help improve his passive healing! 

2. Seris (Support)

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Matches Since Last Seris Encounter: 1.

No, that’s not a joke. I think I have seen Seris more than any other champion in the game. She can be in every game or at least every other game. And really, with her kit, it’s easy to see why.

Her primary fire sends out some orbs that pierces through targets and inflicts them with a stack of ‘Soul Orb’. Rend Soul detonates each stack of Soul Orb, dealing a small amount of damage but it does stun anyone with Four stacks and heals Seris for 12% of her max HP for each stack.

Rend Soul is already great, and she’s got two talents dedicated to improve Seris whenever she uses it! The first one, Soul Collector, increases her max HP and weapon damage for the rest of her current life, capping off at a high 24% increase. Or if you prefer, you can use the talent Agony to improve her healing ability to ignore Anti-Healing every time you Rend, which can be more useful in longer matches.

And that healing ability, Restore Soul comes with a short cooldown and the ability to heal one teammate for a large amount of health and one other for a less but still great amount. The last of her talents, Mortal Reach, allows her to use Restore Soul while using the defensive skill Shadow Travel; which makes her immune to damage, cleanses her of debuffs and reloads her weapon after a short charge time. Oh, and Mortal Reach also extends Shadow Travel.

But it’s her ultimate that you have to watch out for. Convergence throws out an orb that not only draws all enemies nearby to it, but it also stuns them for a short time. The ultimate combo tool with other ultimates. And yes, you can re-stun them after using Rend Soul on someone who has 4 stacks.

Seris is commonly run because of this ability to dish out huge damage and survive a lot more than even some of the more agile characters can do. Heck, Furia is her sister, and Seris is capable of greater damage than the person armed with a shotgun sword! There is someone that is greater than Seris…

1. Ying (Support)

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This character has an average of 1 death per game.

Not only one of the faces of the game, but also the best Support? Yeah, Ying is busted. And that all comes down to the fact that she can spend the match away from her team and still help them win the game.

Ying’s main thing is her Illusion skill. This parks a transparent version of her where she’s aiming. Up to three of them can be out at once, and they heal nearby teammates, but also serve her other two skills: Shatter and Dimensional Link.

Shatter turns the illusions into bombs that seek out targets before exploding, while Dimensional Link swaps Ying with one of her illusions. While a lot of people won’t use Shatter, everyone uses Dimensional Link to make Ying effectively immortal. You think you have her cornered? Nope, she just escaped to safety!

Her talents do a lot of things. Focusing Lenses is a bit weird, it allows her laser mirror to deal more damage if you can land five hits of it. But it’s the next two that change her gameplan. Life Exchange changes the damage of Shatter into healing, and Resonance makes the Illusions explode if they die, while they make shattered illusions move faster and have a bigger blast radius.

And it’s her ultimate that pushes her into becoming the best Support. Illusionary Rift grants all teammates HP regeneration, some of it also ignoring Anti-Heal, and Ying can now teleport to any teammate? It’s like Grover’s ultimate, but map-wide!

Ying can literally go an entire match without ever dying. No joke, I have seen Yings have zero deaths, or at least the least amount of deaths on both teams. Capable of being everyone and nowhere, while also capable of doing some high damage, Ying is truly the best healer. 


4. Evie (Flank)

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Let it DIE!

In first-person shooters, movement speed is king. The faster and more you can move, the less chance of you getting shot. And Evie has so many options for getting in and out of trouble.

Soar literally gives her the power to fly incredibly fast anywhere she wants to. Most Evies will spend half the match up in the sky, darting all over the place. Woe to any team that lacks a hitscanner or a homing projectile to deal with her, even more so if the Evie picks up Over the Moon to boost her damage after she uses Soar.

All of Evie’s abilities are in fact defensive; only her weapon and ultimate deal damage. Blink allows her to do an instantaneous dash, and the talent Wormhole allows her to teleport back. And if she’s dealing with someone who is capable of keeping up with her, she can always use Ice Block to make her invincible whenever she’s pressured.

She’s the first character on this list to have a talent revolving around her ultimate. Ice Storm already is powerful: it slows down enemies and prevents them from escaping with their movement abilities, ideal for finishing them off with her ice wand/rocket launcher. And Snowglobe doubles the damage and allows her to use it at half of an ultimate at the cost of having the ultimate not lasting as long.

Evie is fragile, in fact, she has the lowest HP of any character in the game. Her abilities are meant to make her fast and hard to hit, but much like Willo, she suffers around hitscanners. But if her main threats aren’t around or they aren’t looking after her, she can go on long tears of just murdering everyone. 

3.  Androxious (Flank)

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Punch, shoot, it’s all in the mind!

One of the faces of Paladins, and a character with a pretty slick design. He’s basically a flying cowboy; punches, shoots a revolver, and can dash in any direction? Where’s his side-scroller spin-off game?

Androxious’ revolver does great damage, and can improve the damage of his punch AKA Deliverance when you use the talent Defiant Fist. This makes Androxious deadly at any range. And if you think you can pressure him by getting up close and personal with a character that can take some punishment, he’s got two really good options to fix that problem: kill you or run.

The ‘kill you’ option is Reversal. Androxious will absorb any damage in front of him to send back in a blast, dealing an insanely high 75% of the damage dealt to Androxious back at any attacker dumb enough to wait around. And the Godslayer talent makes Reversal always fire back even if you encounter someone smart enough to hold their fire.

The ‘run’ option is that of Nether Step. It allows Androxious to dash in any given direction, not only allowing him to easily escape or flank around the enemy, but also allows him to stay up in the air with a hover to gun down anyone he sees. You get to use it three times before the ability goes into cooldown, or you can separate each dash into three charges with the Dark Stalker talent.

Accursed Arm turns Androxious’ revolver into a rocket launcher, dealing greater damage with AOE and granting Androxious the ability to fly. It transforms him into an attack helicopter capable of massacring entire teams who lack the ability to look up. Landing the four shots you get can bring down most Frontlines.

Playing Androxious requires a steady aim and good reflexes. He’s got power and some flexibility, but like any flank, he’s bad when he’s got more than one person on top of him. Death awaits for us all and that can be in favor of Andro or against him.

2. Skye (Flank)

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This lady generates a lot of really terrifying noises.

Wanna play a character that used to do some stupidly high damage that she had to be nerfed several times? Meet Skye, the true stealth unit of the game. Even with various reworks adjusting her stealth capabilities, she’s still a force of nature that completely destroys any team not paying attention.

Two of her abilities allow her to become cloaked; invisible to the enemy team. Her primary method is Hidden, an immediate access to invisibility that doesn’t break when you reload her crossbow. In fact, the talent Preparation not only gives you an instant reload on her weapon, but also significantly reduces the damage she takes while cloaked in exchange for a shortened duration.

The other measure is that of Smoke Screen. Toss out a pellet that creates some smoke that cloaks Skye if she stands in it long enough. With two charges, she can remain cloaked as many times as she wants! She can, however, be more of a teamplayer with Smoke and Dagger, removing the stealth capabilities of it to pass off the effects from any Smoke Screen cards to any allies that stand in it.

Whenever you leave or get exposed out of cloak, it will make one of those terrifying noises that Skye is known for. And Skye high DPS is even scarier. And helping that DPS is Poison Bolts, draining a potential max of 30% of the target’s max HP if you can get all 3 of them. And with the talent Debilitate, they can do even more.

And yet, it’s her big loud Time Bomb that gets people scared. This used to one-shot anything in the game, but now it one-shots most things and destroys any and all shields in its path. It also didn’t have damage fall-off, so it would be impossible to escape for a lot of characters.Plant it down and watch the enemy team crumble.

Now, like any stealth unit in a multiplayer game, Skye isn’t just countered by certain characters and skills, but also by common sense. Any ability of hers that makes her go invisible is countered if Skye gets a bit too close for comfort to the enemies. But a careful Skye is always watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

1. Koga (Flank)

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No, he needs to do EVEN MORE damage.

Koga has been a bit of a bane on Paladins. With some pretty overpowering loadouts, can you blame him for being considered to be the best flank? Even with his more complex skillset, he’s still a dynamo of destruction.

A big part of Koga is that he doesn’t have cooldowns on his abilities, and instead uses a special resource called Energy to use them. He has three bars at max and his abilities consume one bar each to use them, with the meter constantly refilling. He can refill it faster with his first talent, Adrenaline Junkie, allowing his SMGs to fill it up much quicker.

Yes, he’s a ninja with SMGs. Koga actually has two weapons to use, and the skill Dragon Stance allows him to swap to using a pair of claws that send out shockwaves. Now, switching to claws costs and then drains energy rapidly, but what if they didn’t? You can swap to consuming HP with the talent Dragon Fangs, and yes, there is a loadout in which this talent really shines as being his best.

Koga has two other skills to call upon that still rely on energy. The first is Agility, which simply increases his jump height and movement speed. And the second one changes depending on if he’s using his SMGs or his claws: Shadow Step makes him invincible and pass through enemies, while Skewer drains all of his energy to punch right through enemies.

His ultimate is like Skye’s, but potentially more damaging. Cyclone Strike turns Koga into a reaping whirlwind that chews up enemies while ignoring any shields. Blood Reaper turns the damage into an attack that can kill anyone in the game as it deals percent damage and allows him to travel faster when using it too.

Koga players can find themselves in a rut of getting one kill and dying. But a smart Koga player can get all the kills they need before they go down. Capable of murdering just about anyone and clearing off objectives, he is truly the best flank.


4. Azaan (Frontline)

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Big, mean, hammer-throwing machine.

All tier lists have some degree of controversy to them. And this is probably one of them. In my experience, Azaan can be a stupidly-difficult frontline to take down, and he’s got better offensive capabilities than the sturdier Inara.

Familiar to Pyre familiar Futia, Azaan comes with a mechanic called Ire, which builds whenever he takes and deals damage. Having more Ire will add in some damage reduction as well as higher damage at a certain level, plus it augments his skills although they consume Ire upon use. While it does decay, the Eternal talent removes that decay in exchange for not granting the damage bonus.

His main weapon is a hammer, and it comes with a combo system where the third throw will deal more damage than the first two. His first talent of Persistence grants him a 30% Lifesteal on all of his hammer throws, which does stack with the Liferip item. You don’t even need to hit an enemy to start the combo!

Reckoning sends out a blast that pushes enemies up in the air, with the Ire benefit of a reduced cooldown. Sanctuary, by far his most annoying ability, creates a series of walls that gain higher HP if at a certain Ire threshold. And Conviction allows him to dash through the air, with the benefit of being able to pin enemies you come into contact with to smash into walls for extra damage, with higher Ire making Azaan go faster. His final talent of Tempering improves his three other skills in exchange for a higher cooldown.

His ultimate allows him to clear the point pretty quickly. Deliverance makes him rise up in the air, allowing him to throw his hammer down to the ground and then follow that up by smashing down to retrieve his hammer. While not the strongest ultimate around, it can keep him safe from harm temporarily and then come back to push enemies away from the point.

Azaan’s got a lot going for him. Good damage, good survivability, and even good mobility in the form of Conviction. He does lack in a few areas compared to the other tanks on the list, but that doesn’t slow down a good Azaan from staying on the point 24/7 and picking off anyone that crosses his path.


3. Fernando (Frontline)

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Burn baby, burn ~

I love me some fire damage. And Fernado has lots of ways to set enemies on fire! But not with his looks, despite what he says. There’s a good chance you’ll run into a Fernando that will spam his laugh taunt over, and over, and over, and over…

He has a flamethrower for his main weapon, with it inflicting afterburn to anyone who came too close with the ammo regenerates when not firing. If someone actually has the brains to stay away from him, he can always cast out a Fireball that will shoot through all enemies it goes through. The talent Scorch improves Fireball to deal more damage, decreases the cooldown AND have the damage scale up for each target it passes through? That’s hot!

Fernando comes equipped with a giant Shield that blocks a great amount of damage in front of him, but once you use it, it’s gone until the cooldown expires. If you want it to be more available, the talent Aegis will change out the cooldown for a resource that will recharge when the shield is not in use. Charge can be used while the Shield is up to push forward and knock anyone unfortunate to be standing in front of him, with the talent Formidable granting a second use of Charge, higher damage, and immunity to being pushed around in exchange for a longer cooldown.

And when all else fails, Immortal comes out to play. Making Fernando and all allies nearby unable to go beneath 1500 HP for the duration while being unable to be pushed around and spraying out a ton of fire. He can just stand on the point and tank far more abuse than anyone should be. And god forbid if a healer gets to him…

Fernando can be a giant nuisance if he gets on the point. Getting close to him is suicide. Getting away from him might make it easier to kill him, but he can just stay on the point and shield anything that comes his way. He’s effectively an one-way door; either you go through him, or you get stopped at the door. 

2. Ash (Frontline)

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She was a wimp, and now she’s a jerk and everyone loves her.

I remember when Ash was just a tank that existed and wasn’t used. Then something happened and now she started popping up a lot more often, racking up a lot of kills. Then again, it’s rather appropriate that she’s higher up than Fernando; she’s an actual knight while in-lore he’s a poser.

Ash fires off an exploding cannonball with her primary fire, which can hit more than one enemy. And to make fighting off crowds even easier, she can activate Kinetic Burst to increase the damage and send enemies flying off. With the talent Slug Shot, she can make the projectile travel faster, travel more, and deal out more damage in exchange for losing the ability to explode.

So she can knock enemies off the point, what about her pushing onto it? She’s got Siege Shield, a shield that moves forward, and Shoulder Bash, sending Ash forward to toss enemies all over the place. Fortress Breaker makes the shield sturdier and bigger, while making it move slower, and Battering Ram that significantly reduces the damage she takes while using Shoulder Bash.

Ash’s ultimate is familiar to Fernando’s, but it’s far more selfish. Assert Dominance jumps up and then slams a banner down, and as long as Ashe is around her banner, she’s immune to all damage. You can literally plant a flag down on the point to make it your own!

Having greater range and the ability to repel enemies grants Ash a greater presence on the point. I recall that her damage back in the day used to be ignorable and it was only her ultimate that gave her any degree of use. But recently, every time I come across an Ash, she has been a problem to kill, let alone dislodge from the point. 

1. Khan (Frontline)

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Come here and give me a hug!

Now if you want someone that’s even harder to kill, you got Khan. There’s a subset of tank characters in games called off-tanks; the idea is that they don’t fight on the point and instead become a mobile tool for applying pressure where you need it the most. Khan is considered an off-tank…but he can easily hold his own on the point.

Armed with a giant pistol, he can unload a good amount of damage into any enemy at any good range. The talent Storm of Bullets ups the fire-rate while lowering the damage, making it more ideal at close-range. When he’s not firing his gun, Khan does have Bulwark to soak up damage, with the talent Lian’s Shield giving it a faster regeneration and the ability to regenerate while active and not taking damage.

Most people don’t recommend this as the item Wrecker destroys it. What works better is Commander’s Grab, throwing him forward to grab an enemy to stun and then toss them over his shoulder, completely shutting down a lot of offense. The talent Vortex’s Grip stuns them even longer!

His best ability is that of Battle Shout. It doesn’t just make him invincible, it also heals him and nearby teammates for a good amount of HP! Despite his role as an off-tank, Khan can still work on an objective with his shield and on-demand invincibility.

But the reason he works so well off the point is his ultimate Overpower. You can grab one enemy, completely immobilizing them until you decide what to do with them. Either throw them off the map, hold onto them until your teammates finish them off for you, or just smack into a wall for a good amount of damage. Your choice. Oh, you can move to reposition the enemy wherever you want them to be.

Khan is a powerhouse. While he might not have the sticking power of his fellows in the Frontline, he can make a powerful stand wherever he choses. And with Overpower being an instant-win tool, Khan is the frontline to rule them all. Expect to see a lot of people being thrown into the death holes whenever he’s around.

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