Cliff is another one of those annoying Team Rocket Leaders who delights in stealing loot from Pokestops and taunts you until you either battle his Shadow Pokemon or walk away. No worries, though, I can help!
The secret is to find the best pocket monsters that can defeat his Shadow Monsters and I have those listed for you! Through game play and research, I have found five stellar Pokemon who will do the trick! Read on to find out how and why these Pokemon can do the trick to defeat Cliff and reclaim the Pokestop!
5. Donphan

Donphan, a Gen 2 ground type Pokemon from Johto region, is also known as the Armor Pokemon. The Pokemon states that "Donphan's favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts rolling, this Pokémon can't stop very easily." Read on to find out why and how Donphan is selected as one of the Pokemon I would use against Cliff’s Shadow Pokemon!
Why Donphan Is Great Against Cliff
- Best movesets for both offense and defense are Earthquake and Mudslap.
- Electivire is one of the Shadow Pokemon that Cliff may use. Electivire is vulnerable to ground type moves, so Donphan would be a great choice to use in battle.
- Highest CP for Donphan is high with a score of 3,013!
- Omantyte is always the first Shadow Pokemon that Cliff uses in battle. Omantyte is weak against electric, fighting, grass, and ground type moves. As a ground type Pokemon, Cliff is a great choice to battle the first of the three Shadow Pokemon!
Pokemon details
- Boosted by sunny weather conditions.
- Donphan is only vulnerable to grass, ice, and water type attacks!
- Listed as #232 in the Pokedex.
- There are two members in the Phanpy family: Phanpy and Donphan.
How to get Donphan
- Donphan can be evolved with 50 Phanpy candy.
- Spawn locations for Phanpy are parks and quarries!
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched but in addition to evolution, it can be found in the wild.
4. Exeggutor
Exeggutor is a Gen 1 pocket monster from the Kanto region. Also known as the Coconut Pokemon, this dual grass and psychic Pokemon is a great opponent to have against Cliff! Read on to find out how and why Exeggutor is a good choice to use against Cliff and his Shadow Pokemon!
Why Exeggutor Is Great Against Cliff
- Best movesets include Extrasensory and Solar Beam.
- Combat stats are strong with 233 on Offense and 216 for Stamina!
- Maximum CP for Exeggutor is 3,014!
Pokemon details
- Boosted by sunny and windy weather conditions!
- Listed as #103 in the Pokedex.
- Strong against electric, fighting, grass, ground, psychic, and water type attacks.
How to get Exeggutor
- Exeggutor cannot be hatched but can be evolved with 50 Exeggute candy!
- This Pokemon can be found in lots of locations, including farmland, gardens, hospitals, parks, residential areas, and woodlands.
3. Glaceon
Cold as ice!
Glaceon, also known as the Fresh Snow Pokemon, is a Gen 4 ice type from the Sinnoh region. The Pokedex states that “it causes small ice crystals to form by lowering the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.” Read on to find out how and why Glaceon is one of the coldest and most effective Pokemon to defeat Cliff’s minions!
Why Glaceon Is Great Against Cliff
- Best movesets are Avalanche and Frost Breath!
- Combat stats are high with 238 on Offense and 205 on Defense.
- Maximum CP is 3,126, which will be useful in battle.
Pokemon details
- Boosted by snowy weather!
- Glaceon is listed as #471 in the Pokedex.
- Only vulnerable to fighting, fire, rock, and steel type Pokemon.
How to get Glaceon
- Glaceon cannot be hatched; it can be captured in the wild or evolved.
- It can be evolved with 25 Eevee; to capture Glaceon, type in the word Rea before evolving!
- Spawn locations include bodies of water, glaciers, grassy areas and ski resorts.
2. Hariyama
Hariyama is a Gen 3 fighting type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. Also known as the Arm Thrust Pokemon, the Pokedex states that “Hariyama practices its straight-arm slaps in any number of locations. One hit of this Pokemon’s powerful, openhanded, straight-arm punches could snap a telephone pole in two.” As a strong fighter, Hariyama is a formidable opponent. Read on to learn how and why Hariyama is a smart choice to use against Cliff’s Shadow Pokemon!
Why Hariyama Is Great Against Cliff
- Best movesets for offense and defense are Counter and Dynamic Punch.
- Combat scores are strong with 209 on Offense and 302 for Stamina! The Stamina score will be useful against multiple attacks in the battle.
- Maximum CP for Hariyama is 2,829.
- Omantyte is vulnerable to fighting type attacks, so it would be advantage to have Hariyama lined up to use in battle.
Pokemon details
- Boosted by cloudy weather conditions!
- Hariyama is listed as #297 in the Pokedex.
- Only vulnerable to three types of attacks: fairy, flying, and psychic.
- There are two members in the Makuhita family: Makuhita and Hariyama.
How to get Hariyama
- Hariyama can be evolved with 50 Makuhita candy!
- Spawn locations include recreation areas and stadiums.
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched; it can only be caught in the wild or evolved.
1. Leafeon
It is exciting not to have one but two Eevees on this list! Leafeon, a Gen 4 grass type Pokemon from the Sinnoh region, is also known as the Verdant Pokemon. This normally peaceful and reflective pocket monster is a tough opponent. Read on to find out how and why Leafeon is a great choice to defeat Cliff and his grunts!
Why Leafeon Is Great Against Cliff
- As a grass type Pokemon, Leafeon is strong against Omantyte, the first Shadow Pokemon Cliff uses to defend the Pokestop.
- Best movesets are Leaf Blade and Razor Leaf.
- Maximum CP for Leafeon is 2,944!
- Onix is another Shadow Pokemon Cliff may use in battle; it is vulnerable to grass type attacks!
- This Pokemon is strong in Offense with a score of 216 and Defense with a score of 219.
Pokemon details
- Boosted by sunny weather conditions.
- Leafeon is listed as #470 in the Pokedex!
- The Pokedex states that “it gets its nutrition from photosynthesis. It lives a quiet life deep
- in forests where clean rivers flow.”
How to get Leafeon
- Leafeon does not hatch and it is uncommon to be captured in the wild.
- There are a lot of spawn locations for Leafeon, including farmland, golf courses, hiking trails, parks, nature preserves, and woodland.
- This Pokemon evolves with 25 Eevee candy.
- To get Leafeon, before evolving an Eevee, type in the word Linnea in the name bar.