[Top 15] Pokemon GO Best Dragon Type (2020 Edition)

Pokemon GO Best Dragon Type
15 Jul 2020

Dragon Type Pokemon can be fun to collect and/or use in gyms and trainer battles due to high Combat Power (CP) and high combat scores!

All the following Pokemon have been collected and or researched to compile this list. Read on to find out more about the Top 15 Dragon Type Pokemon!

15. Dialga (Steel/Dragon)

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Dialga is a formidable dual type Pokemon that claws from the Sinnoh (Gen 4) region. Considered as a deity with the power to control time (that would be nice!) Dialga has time management down to the minute. Read more to find out how you can catch this unique Pokemon!

What Dialga Excels In

  • Battle stats for Dialga are strong with 275 on Offense, 211 on Defense, and 205 on Stamina! Most Pokemon do not have over 200 in all three categories.
  • Best movesets for Dialga consist of Draco Meteor, Dragon Breath, and Metal Claw.
  • Maximum CP (Combat Power) for Dialga is 4038! That is twice the CP of many reputable pocket monsters!

Pokemon details

  • Dialga favors cold weather and is boosted by snow and wind
  • For those of you who collect Pokemon, Dialga is listed as #483 in the Pokedex.
  • The only weaknesses of Dialga are Fighting and Ground attacks. This is rare for dual
  • type Pokemon!

How to get Dialga

  • Dialga can be captured after defeating it in raid battles.
  • Dialga is a lone Pokemon and does not evolve.
  • You can attend Pokemon GO raid battles to catch Dialga!

14. Dragonair (Dragon)

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Dragonair stems from the Gen 1 Kanto region, and is known in the Pokemon universe as the Dragon Pokemon. An interesting fact about Dragonair is that it can control weather with crystals in its neck and tail. Read on to find out more about this high-energy weather changer!

What Dragonair Excels In

  • Best Movesets are Breath, Dragon Pulse, and Iron Tail.
  • Dragonair would be a good Pokemon to use in battle with other Pokemon under 1500 CP.
  • Maximum CP for Dragonair is 1780; Best Combat Stat is Offense with a score of 163.
  • This dragon pocket monster is only vulnerable to three types of attacks: Dragon, Fairy, and Ice.

Pokemon details

  • For Pokemon collectors, Dragonair is listed as #148 in the Pokedex.
  • It is the First Evolution Pokemon that evolved from Dratini (#147) and can evolve into Dragonite (#149).
  • Dragonair is boosted by Windy Weather conditions.

How to get Dragonair

  • Dragonair must be caught in the wild; it cannot be hatched.
  • I captured Dragonair in the wild in April 2017.
  • It is an uncommon Pokemon with a 10% catch rate, so I would stock up on berries and pokeballs!

13. Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)

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Much like Dragonair, Dragonite is a Gen 1 dual type Pokemon that originates from the Kanto region. It is a compassionate and friendly Pokemon, as Dragonite is known for rescuing drowning humans. Read on to find out why this kind pocket monster is also a formidable opponent in battle!

What Dragonite Excels In

  • Best movesets for Dragonite are Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, and Hurricane!
  • Maximum CP for Dragonite is 3792 and combat stats are strong with 263 on Offense and 209 in Stamina! Also, Defense is nothing to scoff at with a score of 198.
  • Resistant to many types of attacks including Bug, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ground, and Water.

Pokemon details

  • Dragonite is boosted by windy weather conditions and can be Normal or Shiny!
  • If you are a Pokemon GO collector, Dragonite is the Final Evolution and listed as #149 in the Pokedex!
  • This Pokemon has vulnerabilities to only four types of attacks: Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Rock.

How to get Dragonite

  • The best way to catch Dragonite is to use 100 Dratini Candy to evolve.
  • Dragonite is very rare to find and catch in the wild. There is a 5% capture rate.
  • Spawn locations for Dratini include water.

12. Fraxure (Dragon)

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Fraxure is a Gen 5 Dragon Pokemon that flew in from the Unova region. Also known as the Axe Jaw Pokemon, Fraxure takes care to sharpen its precious tusks on rocks after battle. Read on to find out why Fraxure is featured in this article!

What Fraxure Excels In

  • Best movesets for Fraxure are Dragon Claw, Iron Tail, and Dragon Tail.
  • Maximum CP for Fraxure is 2234; best combat stats are Offense at 212.
  • Resistant to Electric, Fire, Grass, and Water Attacks.

Pokemon details

  • Fraxure is boosted by windy weather conditions!
  • Fraxure is only vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice attacks.
  • This pocket monster is listed as #611 in the Pokedex and can be Normal or Shiny.

How to get Fraxure

  • Fraxure evolves from Axew using 25 Candy and evolves into Haxorus with 100 Candy.
  • My Pokemon was hatched in May 2020.
  • This Pokemon does not spawn in the wild; Fraxure prefers to evolve from Axew.

11. Flygon (Dragon/Ground)

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Flygon, a Gen 3 pocket monster, derives from the Hoenn region. According to the Pokedex, Flygon is “nicknamed the elemental spirit of the desert” due to creating sandstorms with its fast wings. Read on to find out how Flygon draws its mark in the sand with Pokemon battles!

What Flygon Excels In

  • Best movesets for Flygon consists of Dragon Tail, Earthquake, and Mud Shot.
  • Maximum CP for Flygon is 2458; Offensive attack is 205.
  • Resistant to several types of Attacks: Electric, Fire, Poison, and Rock.

Pokemon details

  • Flygon loves and is boosted by sunny and windy weather conditions. (Perfect for
  • sandstorms!)
  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Flygon is listed as #330 in the Pokedex.
  • It is the highest evolved Pokemon in the family from Trapinch (#328) and Vibrava (#329).

How to get Flygon

  • Flygon does not hatch from eggs.
  • It must be captured in the wild or evolved with 100 Vibrava Candy.
  • Spawn locations include farmland, woodland, and quarries.

10. Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)

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Garchomp is a Gen 4 Pokemon that stems from the Sinnoh region. Garchomp is also known for sporting razor sharp edges and scales and using them in combat. Read on to find out more about this powerful dual type pocket monster!

What Garchomp Excels In

  • Best movesets for Garchomp include Dragon Tail, Mud Shot, and Outrage!
  • Garchomp is resistant to Electric, Fire, Poison and Rock Attacks.
  • Maximum CP for Garchomp is outstanding at 3327! In addition, combat stats are also stellar with Offense at 261, Stamina at 239, and Defense at 193! That is a strong opponent!

Pokemon details

  • Garchomp is boosted by sunny and windy weather conditions!
  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Garchomp is listed as #445 in the Pokedex.
  • Garchomp is the most evolved Pokemon of the family, preceded by the unevolved Gible (#443) and Gabite (#444).
  • Only vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice Attacks. (For a dual type Pokemon, only having three vulnerabilities is uncommon!)

How to get Garchomp

  • The best way to find Garchomp is to evolve it with 100 Gabite Candy.
  • Garchomp is considered very rare in the wild; there is a 5% capture rate.
  • Spawn locations include the woodlands.

9. Giratina (Dragon/Ghost)

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This bizarre Gen 4 dragon and ghost dual Pokemon drifted in from the Sinnoh region. According to the Pokedex, Giratina exist in a strange dimension that is completely different than the Pokemon GO universe. (It reminds me of the “Upside Down” world in the show Stranger Things!) Read on to learn more about this ghostly pocket monster!

What Giratina Excels In

  • Best movesets include Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, and Shadow Claw.
  • Combat stats are impressive with Stamina at 284, Offense at 225, and Defense at 187.
  • Maximum CP for Giratina is among the highest in Pokemon GO with 3683!

Pokemon Details

  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Giratina is listed as #487 in the Pokedex.
  • Giratina can be Original or Shiny; it is a lone Pokemon with no evolutions.
  • This Pokemon is boosted by foggy and windy weather conditions.
  • Vulnerabilities to attacks include Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, and Ice.

How to get Giratina

  • Giratina is extremely rare and can be captured in Pokemon GO special events!
  • If you find this strange pocket monster, feed it a lot of berries!
  • This Pokemon cannot be hatched; it can only be captured in the wild.

8. Haxorus (Dragon)

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Haxorus is a highly evolved Gen 5 pocket monster that derives from the Unova region. Known as the Axe Jaw Pokemon, the Pokedex states that “their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor.” Read on to find out more about Haxorus!

What Haxorus Excels In

  • Best movesets for Haxorus are Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail.
  • Maximum CP for Haxorus is 3593!
  • Offensive combat stats for Haxorus is reputable at 284.

Pokemon details

  • Haxorus can be Normal or Shiny.
  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Haxorus is listed as #612 in the Pokedex.
  • Only vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice attacks.

How to get Haxorus

  • The best way to evolve Haxorus is to catch and evolve 100 Fraxure Candies.
  • Haxorus cannot be hatched, but Axew (the unevolved version) can be hatched with 10Km eggs.

7. Kingdra (Dragon/Water)

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Kingdra, a Gen 2 dual type Pokemon, swam over from the Johto region. According to the Pokedex, Kingdra loves to lurk in the depths of the ocean, and its yawn will cause major currents in the water! Keep reading to find out more about this elusive pocket monster!

What Kingdra Excels In

  • Best movesets are Hydro Pump and Water Gun.
  • Maximum CP for Kingdra is 2641; Offense and Defense scores are both 194.
  • Kingdra is strong against Fire, Steel, and Water attacks and only vulnerable to Dragon and Fairy type Attacks! (That is great for a dual type Pokemon!)

Pokemon details

  • Kingdra is listed as #230 in the Pokedex. It is also the most evolved member of the Horsea family.
  • Kingdra is preceded by the Unevolved Horsea (#116) and First Evolution Seadra (#117).
  • Weather boosts include rain and wind!

How to get Kingdra

  • The best way to capture Kingdra is to evolve Seadra with 100 Candy and a Dragon Scale.
  • Kingdra cannot be hatched and has a 10% capture rate.

6. Latias (Dragon/Psychic)

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Latias, a dual type Pokemon, is a Gen 3 pocket monster that flew in from the Hoenn region. Considered as the Eon Pokemon, Latias could be identified as empathic. The Pokedex states that “Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this  Pokemon ruffles the feathers all over its body and cries shrilly to intimidate the foe.” Read on to find out more about Latias!

What Latias Excels In

  • Best movesets are Dragon Breath, Outrage, and Psychic.
  • Combat stats are impressive: Defense is 246, Offense is 228, and Stamina is 190.
  • Maximum CP for Latias is 3510!

Pokemon details

  • Boosted by windy weather conditions!
  • Latias is a lone Pokemon; there are no evolutions.
  • Listed as #380 in the Pokedex; it is one of the last ones from the Hoenn region!

How to get Latias

  • Bring your berries and the best Poke Balls to catch Latias! (There is a 2% capture rate.)
  • I caught my Latias in March of 2020. (There may have been a special event.)
  • Latias cannot be hatched; it can only be caught in the wild.

5. Latios (Dragon/Psychic)

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Latios is an intriguing Pokemon. This Gen 3 dual type pocket monster also derives from the Hoenn region. According to the Pokedex, “This Pokemon can fly faster than a jet plane by folding its legs to minimize air resistance.” Read below to find out about this excellent Pokemon!

What Latios Excels In

  • Best movesets include Dragon Breath and Psychic.
  • Combat stats for Latios are strong with 268 for Offense, 212 for Defense, and 190 for Stamina.
  • Maximum CP for Latios is 3812, which is great!

Pokemon details

  • For Pokemon collectors, Latios is listed as #381 in the Pokedex. It can be Normal or Shiny!
  • Latios loves and is boosted by windy weather!
  • Like Latias, Latios is a lone Pokemon with no evolutions.

How to get Latios

  • As a lone Pokemon, Latios does not evolve.
  • Latios is an event specific ultra-rare Pokemon that has a 1% catch rate.
  • This Pokemon cannot be hatched; it can only be caught.

4. Palkia (Dragon/Water)

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Palkia is a Gen 4 dual type Pokemon that stems from the Sinnoh region. According to the Pokedex, “It has the ability to distort space. It is described as a deity in Sinnoh-region mythology.” Read on to find out more about this godlike pocket monster!

What Palkia Excels In

  • Combat stats are awesome with 280 for Offense and 215 for Defense!
  • Maximum CP for Palkia is almost 4000 with a score of 3991!
  • Resistant to Fire, Steel, and Water attacks.

Pokemon details

  • Only vulnerable to two types of attacks: dragon and fairy.
  • Palkia is boosted by Rainy and Windy weather conditions.
  • Palkia is a lone Pokemon; there are no evolutions.

How to get Palkia

  • Palkia cannot be hatched; it can only be caught.
  • Since Palkia is a lone Pokemon, it cannot evolve with Candy.
  • This Pokemon can only be captured after defeat in a Raid Battle.

3. Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying)

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This legendary dual type Gen 3 Pokemon hails from the Hoenn region. It is known to have a long history. In fact, the Pokedex states that “it has lived for hundreds of millions of years!” Read on to find out more about Rayquaza!

What Rayquaza Excels In

  • Best movesets for Rayquaza include Air Slash, Dragon Tail, and Outrage.
  • Combat stats are great with 312 on Offense, 218 on Stamina, and 187 in Defense.
  • Maximum CP for Rayquaza is twice as high as other Pokemon at 4354!

Pokemon details

  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Rayquaza is listed as #384 in the Pokedex.
  • Only vulnerable against Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Rock attacks.
  • This Pokemon is strong against several types of attacks: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ground, and Water.

How to get Rayquaza

  • Rayquaza cannot be hatched; it can only be captured after defeat in a Raid Battle.
  • This unique pocket monster is one of a kind (no family) and is not usually captured in the wild!

2. Salamence (Dragon/Flying)

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Salamence is a Gen 3 dual type Pokemon that flew in from the Hoenn region! According to the Pokedex, “it came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings.” Read on to discover more about Salamence!

What Salamence Excels In

  • Best movesets include Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, and Fire Fang.
  • Combat stats are good; Offense is 277, Stamina is 216, and Defense is 168.
  • Maximum CP for Salamence is 3532!

Pokemon details

  • For Pokemon GO collectors, Salamence is listed as #373 in the Pokedex.
  • Salamence is the Final Evolution Pokemon in its family, preceded by Bagon (#371) and
  • Shelgon (#372).
  • Salamence is only vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Rock attacks.
  • This Pokemon is boosted by windy weather conditions!

How to get Salamence

  • The best way to capture Salamence is to evolve Shelgon with 100 Candy.
  • Salamence cannot be hatched by eggs, but Bagon can.
  • Spawn locations include places of interest.

1. Shelgon (Dragon)

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Shelgon, known as the Endurance Pokemon, is a Gen 3 pocket monster that derives from the Hoenn region. The main characteristic of Shelgon is its shell; I think of a pupa before emerging as a butterfly! Please read on to discover more about this metamorphic Pokemon!

What Shelgon Excels In

  • Best movesets include Dragon Breath, Dragon Pulse, and Flamethrower.
  • Combat stats are decent; the strongest is Offense with 172.
  • Maximum CP is 2031.
  • Shelgon is resistant to Electric, Fire, Grass, and Water Attacks.

Pokemon details

  • For Pokemon Go collectors, Shelgon is listed as #372 in the Pokedex.
  • Only vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice Attacks!
  • Shelgon is the First Evolution Pokemon in its family; it is preceded by Bagon (#371) and evolves into Salamence (#373) with 100 Candy.

How to get Shelgon

  • The best way to catch Shelgon is to evolve it with 25 Bagon Candy.
  • Shelgon can be hatched with a 2 km egg. (Mine was hatched in 2018.)
  • Spawn locations for Shelgon are golf courses and landmarks.

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