Ice-type Pokemon do not freeze up in battle and can make great opponents!
Based on research and my own experiences battling, catching, or hatching pocket monsters, here is my list of the Best Ice Types in Pokemon GO: Abomasnow, Cloyster, Glaceon, Jynx, Kyurem, Lapras, Piloswine, Sandslash, Sneasel, and Snover. Keep reading to find out more about these amazing Pokemon!
10. Abomasnow
It’s Frost Tree the Snowman!
Topping off the list is the Abominable Abomasnow! Also known as the Frost Tree Pokemon, this Gen 4 grass and ice dual type Pokemon from the Sinnoh region is not all that dreadful. However, it is beastly and great to use in battles and gyms. Read on to find out more about Abomasnow!
What Abomasnow Excels In
- Best movesets are Powder Snow, Razor Leaf, and Weather Ball Ice!
- Combat stats are decent: Offense with 178, Defense with 178, and Stamina at 207.
- Highest CP (Combat Power) for Abomasnow is 2,362, which is high!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Abomasnow is listed as #460 in the Pokedex.
- The Pokedex states that “it lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards.”
- Resistant to electric, grass, ground, and water; vulnerable to all other types of attacks. (That is usually the drawback of a dual-type Pokemon.)
- Weather boosts for Abomasnow include snow and sun!
How to get Abomasnow
- Abomasnow can be evolved with 50 Snover candy!
- Although Abomasnow cannot be hatched, it can be captured in the wild.
- There are a lot of places you can find Abomasnow: forests, glaciers, golf courses, hiking trails, meadows, and woodlands.
9. Cloyster
Cloyster the pocket monster oyster!
Cloyster, also known as the Bivalve Pokemon, is a Gen 1 dual-type Ice and water pocket monster from the Kanto region. The Pokedex states that “Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This Pokemon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.” Read on to find out how and why Cloyster is an excellent choice!
What Cloyster Excels In
- Best movesets are Avalanche and Frost Breath!
- Combat scores for Cloyster are 186 on Offense, 256 on Defense, and 137 on Stamina.
- Cloyster would be an excellent choice to defend Gyms!
- Highest CP for Cloyster is 2,547.
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Cloyster is listed as #91 in the Pokedex.
- Only vulnerable to four types of attacks: electric, fighting, grass, and rock.
- The Pokedex states that “once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength.”
- Weather boosts include rain and snow!
How to get Cloyster
- Cloyster cannot be hatched, but it can be captured in the wild.
- The easiest way to get Cloyster is by evolving Shellder with 50 candy.
- Spawn locations for Cloyster are bodies of water, canals, glaciers, harbors, ports, and ski resorts.
8. Glaceon
Ice, Ice Eevee! Ice, Ice, Eevee to go!
I have always had an affinity for Eevees, so I had to include Glaceon on this list! Glaceon, also known as the Fresh Snow Pokemon, is an ice type Gen IV pocket monster from the Sinnoh region. Read on to find out more about this amazing ice Pokemon!
What Glaceon Excels In
- Best movesets are Avalanche and Frost Breath.
- Combat moves include Offense at 238, Defense at 205, and Stamina at 163. This makes Glaceon an excellent choice for both trainer battles and gyms!
- Highest CP for Glaceon is 3,126, which is great!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Glaceon is listed as #471 in the Pokedex.
- The Pokedex states that "It can instantaneously freeze any moisture that's around it, creating ice pellets to shoot at its prey."
- Weather boosts include snow-the snowier, the better!
How to get Glaceon
- Eevees are easy to find and easy to capture-you can evolve them quickly.
- Glaceon cannot be hatched or captured in the wild.
- This Pokemon can be evolved with 25 Eevee candy and renaming the Eevee “Rea”.
7. Jynx
Jynx will mesmerize with her dance moves!
Jynx, also known as the Human Shape Pokemon, is a Gen 1 dual ice and psychic pocket monster from the Kanto region, The Pokedex states that “Jynx walks rhythmically, swaying and shaking its hips as if it were dancing. Its motions are so bouncingly alluring, people seeing it are compelled to shake their hips without giving any thought to what they are doing." Read on to find out more about Jynx!
What Jynx Excels In
- Best movesets for Jynx are Avalanche and Confusion.
- Combat scores are decent: Offense is 223, Defense is 151, and Stamina is 163.
- Highest CP for Jynx is 2,555, which is good!
Pokemon details
- Boosted by snowy and windy weather conditions!
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Jynx is listed as #124 in the Pokedex.
- Resistant to ice and psychic type attacks; vulnerable to all other types of attacks. (This is sometimes the only drawback of dual-type Pokemon.)
How to get Jynx
- Jynx cannot be hatched, but Smoochum, the unevolved baby version, can be with 7 km eggs.
- Jynx can be evolved with 25 Smoochum candy or captured in the wild!
- Spawn locations include grassy areas.
6. Kyurem
Kyurem will freeze you out!
Kyurem is a Gen V Pokemon from the Unova region. Also known as the Boundary Pokemon, Kyurem is a powerful Legendary dragon and ice Pokemon. The Pokedex states that "generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out." Read on to find out more about Kyurem!
What Kyurem Excels In
- Best movesets include Draco Meteor and Dragon Breath.
- Combat scores are high: Offense is 246, Defense is 170, and Stamina is 245.
- Maximum CP for Kyurem is 3,575!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Kyurem is listed as #646 in the Pokedex.
- Resistant to electric, grass, and water type attacks; vulnerable to all other types. (That is Kyurem’s kryptonite!)
- Weather boosts for Kyurem include snow and wind!
How to get Kyurem
- Kyurem cannot be hatched; it can only be captured.
- This is a lone Pokemon; there are no evolutions.
- Unlike many other Pokemon, Kyurem can be captured in five-star Raid Battles!
5. Lapras
Lapras is as cold as ice!
Lapras is a Gen 1 dual type ice and water Pokemon from the Kanto region. Also known as the Transport Pokemon, the Pokedex states that "people have driven Lapras almost to the point of extinction. In the evenings, this Pokémon is said to sing plaintively as it seeks what few others
of its kind still remain." Read on to find out why Lapras is an excellent pocket monster!
What Lapras Excels In
- Best movesets are Frost Breath, Surf, and Water Gun!
- Combat stats are decent: Offense is 165, Defense is 174, and Stamina is 277.
- Maximum CP for Lapras is 2,641, which is good!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Lapras is listed as #131 in the Pokedex.
- Only vulnerable to four types of attacks: electric, grass, fighting, and rock!
- Weather boosts for Lapras are rain and snow.
How to get Lapras
- Lapras is a lone Pokemon; there are no evolutions.
- Spawn locations include canals, harbors, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
- This Pokemon can be hatched with 10 KM eggs!
4. Piloswine
Pearls before Piloswine!
Piloswine is a Gen II dual type ground and ice pocket monster from the Johto region. Also known as the Swine Pokemon (obviously), the Pokedex states that “Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold.” Read on to find out more about the amazing Piloswine!
What Piloswine Excels In
- Best movesets include avalanche and ice shard!
- Combat stats are decent, with Offense at 181, Defense at 138, and Stamina at 225.
- Maximum CP for Piloswine is 2,345!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Piloswine is listed as #221 in the Pokedex!
- Piloswine is not the final evolution; it can be evolved into Mamoswine with 100 Piloswine candy and the Sinnoh Stone.
- Resistant to electric and poison type attacks; vulnerable to all other kinds of attacks. (It is a dual type Pokemon, so that is typical.)
How to get Piloswine
- Piloswine can be evolved with 25 Swinub candy or captured in the wild.
- Spawn locations include farmland, glaciers, grassy areas, ski resorts, and woodland.
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched.
3. Sandslash (Alola)
Sandslash cuts like a knife!
Sandslash is a Gen I Pokemon from the Kanto region. Although known as the Mouse Pokemon, this Alolan dual ice and steel Pokemon is anything but mousy! Read on to find out more about Sandslash and how it is among the best on this list.
What Sandslash Excels In
- Best movesets for Sandslash are Blizzard and Metal Claw!
- Combat stats are decent with 177 on Offense, 195 on Defense, and 181 on Stamina.
- Maximum CP for Sandslash is 2,432, which is good!
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Sandslash is listed as #28 in the Pokedex.
- Only vulnerable to three types of attacks: fighting, fire, and ground attacks. (This is rare for dual type Pokemon.)
- Boosted by snowy weather conditions!
How to get Sandslash
- Sandslash cannot be hatched or captured in the wild.
- This Pokemon can only be evolved from 50 Alolan Sandshrew candy.
2. Sneasel
Pop goes the Sneasel!
Sneasel is a Gen II dual type dark and ice pocket monster from the Johto region. Also known as the Sharp Claw Pokemon, the Pokedex states that “Sneasel scales trees by punching its hooked claws into the bark.” Read on to find out more about Sneasel’s shenanigans!
What Sneasel Excels In
- Best movesets are Avalanche and Feint Attack!
- Combat stats are decent with 189 on Offense, 146 on Defense, and 146 for Stamina.
- Maximum CP for Sneasel is 2,051!
Pokemon details
- According to the Pokedex, “this Pokemon seeks out unguarded nests and steals eggs for food while the parents are away.”
- For Pokemon GO collectors, this egg-stealer is listed as #215 in the Pokedex!
- Sneasel is resistant to dark, ghost, ice, and psychic attacks.
- Weather boosts include fog and snow!
How to get Sneasel
- Sneasel can be captured in the wild; it can evolve to Weavile with 100 Candy and the Sinnoh Stone.
- Spawn locations include bodies of water, grassy areas, and snowy areas.
- Unlike most other Pokemon on this list, Sneasel can be hatched with 5 KM eggs!
1. Snover

Crimson and Snover over and over!
Last but not least is Snover! This first evolution, Gen IV pocket monster is a dual grass and ice Pokemon from the Sinnoh region. Also known as the Frost Tree Pokemon, the Pokedex states that “in the spring, it grows berries with the texture of frozen treats around its belly.” Read on to
find out more about Snover!
What Snover Excels In
- Best movesets for Snover include Ice Beam, Ice Shard, and Powder Snow!
- Combat stats for this first evolution Pokemon are respectable: Offense is 115, Defense is 105, and Stamina is 155.
- Maximum CP for Snover is 1,159.
Pokemon details
- For Pokemon GO collectors, Snover is listed as #459 in the Sinnoh region!
- Resistant to electric, grass, ground and water attacks!
- Weather boosts include snow and sun.
How to get Snover
- Snover can be captured in the wild and with 50 Snover candy, it will evolve into Abomasnow!
- Spawn locations include forests, gardens, and parks.