Pinsir is a formidable force in trainer battles! (I personally own two Pinsir Pokemon in my collection and use them often to battle.) So, what happens if you are battling a Pinsir? What are the best pocket monsters needed to squish this bug Pokemon?
From what I have researched online and witnessed in battles, Pinsir is weak against fighting, flying, ghost, and rock attacks. Read more to find out which Pokemon is effective against Pinsir!
5. Charizard (Flying/Fire)
This lizard is on fire!
Charizard is a popular and nostalgic pocket monster in the Pokemon GO universe! It can defeat Pinsir because it is a fire and flying Pokemon; bugs despise both types! Charizard is known as the Flame Pokemon and it can snuff out Pinsir! Read on to find out more about Charizard.
Why Charizard Is Great Against Pinsir
- Best movesets for Charizard are Blast Burn and Fire Spin.
- Maximum CP is 2,889 and Offense is 223.
- Since Charizard is a dual type flying and fire Pokemon, and since Pinsir is vulnerable to flying and fire attacks, it makes sense that Charizard would be a great choice against Pinsir!
Pokemon details
- Charizard is boosted by sunny weather!
- For Pokemon collectors, Charizard is listed as #6 in the Pokedex.
- This fiery pocket monster is a Gen 1 Pokemon that derives from the Kanto region.
How to Get Charizard
- Charizard is best captured when evolved with 100 Charmeleon Candy!
- It can be technically captured in the wild, but this is a rare occurrence.
- Spawn locations include beaches, cities, and residential areas.
4. Flareon (Fire)

It's getting hot in here...
An evolved Eevee is always in my arsenal in combat. When you are looking for the ultimate bug repellant, Flareon is your Pokemon! Bug Pokemon do not fare well against fire attacks, so use Flareon to fight fiery opponents with fire. Read on to find out how Flareon can zap Pinsir and other bug Pokemon!
Why Flareon Is Great Against Pinsir
- Best moves against Pinsir and other Pokemon are Fire Spin and Overheat.
- Flareon is known as the Flame Pokemon. According to the Pokedex, “This Pokemon’s body can rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit.” Bugs do not like heat, so Flareon’s body temperature can—and will—put the heat on Pinsir!
- Maximum CP (Combat Power) for Flareon is 3,029, so this Pokemon has an advantage against Pinsir’s CP score of 2,959.
- Offense for Flareon is 246; this Pokemon is great to use in training battles and gyms!
Pokemon details
- Flareon is a Gen 1 Pokemon that resides from the Kanto region.
- For Pokemon collectors, Flareon is listed as #136 in the Pokedex.
- This Pokemon is boosted by sunny weather conditions!
How to get Flareon
- Flareon can be evolved with 25 Eevee.
- Spawn areas include beaches, cities, and residential areas.
- You can specify Flareon as a Pokemon by renaming Eevee “Pyro” before evolving.
3. Honchkrow (Dark/Flying)

A Pokemon offer you can't refuse...
Honchkrow is a gangster in the Pokemon GO universe and thrives on taking on (and out) foes! As a flying and dark Pokemon, Honchcrow is confident and can take on Pinsir. I have two Honchkrow in my collection and use them in trainer and league battles. Read on to discover how a mafia bird-like pocket monster can take on insects!
Why Honchkrow Is Great Against Pinsir
- Best movesets against Pinsir and other Pokemon include Sky Attack and Snarl.
- Bug Pokemon do not fare well against flying Pokemon, and flying is one of Honchkrow’s type.
- Maximum CP is 2,711; Offense is 243 and Stamina is 225! These two strong combat scores make Honchkrow a worthy opponent in battle!
Pokemon details
- According to the Pokedex, Honchkrow is a night Pokemon. “Becoming active at night, it is known to swarm with numerous Murkrow in tow.”
- Even though Honchkrow likes to fly at night, this Pokemon is boosted by fog and windy weather conditions!
- For Pokemon collectors, Honchkrow is a Gen 4 Pokemon (Sinnoh region) listed as #430 in the Pokedex.
- Honchkrow can be normal or shiny.
How to get Honchcrow
- Honchcrow can be evolved with 50 Murkrow Candy.
- Murkrow is quite common to find and easy to capture.
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched; it can only be caught in the wild.
2. Machamp (Fighting)

Quadruple punch power!
Sometimes, it takes a true fighting pocket monster to defeat a bug Pokemon like Pinsir, and Machamp is the one to do the job! This force of power is a Gen 1 Pokemon that derives from the Kanto region. Read on to find out more about Machamp and why it is a great choice to use against Pinsir!
Why Machamp Is Great Against Pinsir
- As a fighting Pokemon, Machamp is resistant to and strong against bug Pokemon like Pinsir!
- Best moves against Pinsir and other Pokemon are Counter and Dynamic Punch.
- Maximum combat power for Machamp is 3,056!
- Offense is 234 and Stamina is 207, probably due to Machamp’s four powerful arms!
Pokemon details
- According to the Pokedex, Machamp is known as the Superpower Pokemon!
- For Pokemon collectors, Machamp is listed as #68 in the Pokedex.
- This Pokemon is boosted by cloudy weather conditions.
How to get Machamp
- Machamp can be evolved with 100 Machoke Candy!
- Spawn areas include recreation areas and stadiums.
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched and is rare to discover in the wild.
1.Mismagius (Ghost)
A magical ghost Pokemon!
Perhaps being hexed by Mismagius would be worse than a punch from Machamp! Known as the Magical Pokemon, this Gen 4 specter drifted in from the Sinnoh region and would be a great opponent against Pinsir and other bug Pokemon! Read out to find out more about this apparition!
Why Mismagius Is Great Against Pinsir
- As a ghost type Pokemon, Pinsir is resistant to and strong against bug Pokemon like Pinsir!
- Best moves against Pinsir and other Pokemon are Hex, Shadowball, and Suckerpunch
- Maximum combat power for Mismagius is 2,615.
- Offense for Mismagius is 211!
Pokemon details
- According to the Pokedex, “Its muttered curses can cause awful headaches or terrifying visions that torment others.”
- For Pokemon collectors, Mismagius is listed as #429 in the Pokedex.
- This Pokemon is boosted by foggy weather conditions.
How to get Mismagius
- Mismagius can be evolved with 100 Misdreavus Candy and the Sinnoh Stone.
- Spawn areas include residential areas. It also likes to come out at nighttime.
- This Pokemon cannot be hatched and is rare to discover in the wild.