Calling all Pokemon collectors, newcomers and completionists alike: if your mission is to 100% your Pokedex (to make shiny hunting easier) or if you are in love with the whimsical nature of Fairy-Types: then this list is for you!
Fairy Pokemon are the true behind the scenes characters, as their physical appearance may be cutesy and whimsical, but in battle they can be quite deadly. Just as with the folklore and Grimm tales, fairy types have very similar characteristics. Their habitats are either woodland or grass and they are weak to anything that would endanger their habitat: Poison and Steel type Pokemon.
Fairy-types may seem like an opponent not worthy of catching, but don’t sleep on their potential. They are a great offense against dark, dragon and fighting types. And defensively they are immune to dragon and ½ resistant to bug, dark and fighting types.
Ranking from the strongest fairy-type Pokemon to the most powerful fairy type, this is the list, based on the best fairy types in all of Scarlet and Violet (DLCs included)...
1. Comfey (DLC)
Comfey’s Speed comes in handy against slower enemies.
Comfey is a great Pokemon to have not just because of its floral cuteness but it's also a great support for your team.
Comfey’s Strengths:
- Its Ability Triage allows its healing moves to have their priority increased by 3. It is the only known Pokemon capable of learning this super useful move.
- Its second Ability, Flower Veil makes it so ally Grass-types are protected from attacks that cause status conditions or lower stats.
- Its Hidden Ability, Natural Cure is useful in healing Comfey after battle from its status condition in battle.
- It is immune to Dragon types and resistant to Fighting, Bug and Dark types.
- Moves like Draining Kiss and Floral Healing make Comfey a great supportive Pokemon.
Comfey’s Stats:
- 51 HP
- 52 Damage
- 90 Defense
- 82 Sp. Atk
- 110 Sp. Def
- 100 Speed
By leveling up:
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 9
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned starting at level 39
By TM:
- Disarming Voice, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM019
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM037
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM079
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM127
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM227
By Breeding:
- After You, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Venosaur, Exeggutor, Sunflora, Breloom, Meowscarda or Scovillian
- Worry Seed, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Pokemon holding Mirror Herb
Overall, Comfey is a good character to have on your team as she provides support for characters who are in need of a Potion or Revive during battle. When you build her Defense stats, they will turn into a great back up!
2. Alcremie (in the DLC)
Evolving Milcery into each one of her forms is a spectacle to see!
Alcremie is a decadently whimsical character to have. She evolves from Milcery while holding a Sweet. The player then spins round and round until they get dizzy,then watch as your Pokemon evolves!
The form she takes when she evolves is based on the time of day, length of spin and whether the Trainer was spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. For collectors of all her marvelous forms, these factors are very important to consider…
Her intriguing design, playful colors and decent stats make her a great catch!
Alcremie Base Stats:
- 65 HP
- 60 Damage
- 75 Defense
- 110 Sp. At,
- 121 Sp. Def
- 64 Speed
- 495 total
Having Alcremie on your team makes quite the difference in the gym trials at the Polar Biome. So you don’t have a hard time in battle, teach her moves like:
By leveling up:
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 15
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 35
By TM:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned through TM019
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM127
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM201
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM227
By Breeding:
- Baby Doll Eyes, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through breeding with Mimikyu
- Last Resort, 140 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through breeding with Granbull, Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Indeedee or Dragapult
Alcremie's Strengths:
- Her many forms are astonishing! Finding and collecting them all makes her so much more appealing.
- Her strong Special Attack and Special Defense stats make her a great candidate to level up
- Her Ability Sweet Veil, prevents the user and opponents from falling asleep. Her ability Aroma Veil, protects allies from moves that limit their move choices
Released during the eighth generation, which held Pokemon Sword and Shield, gave home to this decadently sweet character. Not only is she a dream for collectors and completionists alike, but she is also extremely good as a Special Attacker.
3. Carbink (in the DLC)
Carbink has an amazing Special Damage! Build it up to see what it can do!
Introduced in the sixth generation, Carbink is a great defensive Pokemon. Its bulk build make it a great supportive Pokemon to add to your team. Its dual Rock/Fairy typing makes it a versatile foe in battle with its many resistances and strengths.
Its stat total makes it an above average Pokemon to consider when building your team.
Carbink Stats:
- 50 HP
- 50 Attack
- 150 Defense
- 50 Sp. Atk
- 150 Sp. Def
- 50 Speed
- 500 total
In addition to Carbink’s stats, check out their moves:
By leveling up:
- Smack Down, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 10
- Ancient Power, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 20
- Rock Slide, 75 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by level 35
- Power Gem, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 45
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 55
- Stone-Edge, 100 Damage, 80% Accuracy- learned by level 60
By TM:
- Rock Tomb, 60 Damage, 95% Accuracy- learned through TM036
- Rock Blast, 25 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM076
- Rock Slide, 75 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM086
- Meteor Beam, 120 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM220
Carbink's Strengths:
- Its Ability, Clear Body prevents other Pokemon from using its stat reducing moves like Scary Face, Intimidate and Sticky Web.
- Its hidden ability, Sturdy, comes in handy against overly powerful Pokemon as it cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out.
- Give it a Mental Herb and it will cure Carbink of moves like Disable, Attract, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt and Torment. But keep in mind it is only available for a single use.
- Partially resistant to Normal, Flying, Bug, Fire and Dark types.
- Giga Impact and Hyper Beam are two outstanding moves to teach Carbink.
Iron and Zinc will help tremendously to increase its Sp. Def and Defense stats. Carbink is a strong and sturdy Pokemon that will rock your world! With its hidden ability and great base stats, making it a part of your team will stand to lengthen the battles ahead.
4. Alolan Ninetales (in the DLC)
Alolan Ninetales makes a statement all around the globe!
When evolved with an ice stone, Alolan Vulpix becomes a powerful Ice/Fairy type. They are a force to be reckoned with as it is not weakened by Dark types, but instead are resistant to them. They are also resistant to Ice, Bug and Dark types. In addition they are immune to Dragon types.
Alolan Ninetales’s Strengths:
- This is a great support Pokemon for your team. It Stands its ground in battle amongst the mightiest of foes.
- The defense of Ice-Type goes up by 50% when it’s snowing, making her a great candidate for fighting in the coldest of terrains.
- Its Ability, Snow Cloak increases Alolan Ninetales Evasion by 1 stage during a snowstorm.
- Its Hidden Ability, Snow Warning allows Alolan Ninetales to create a snowstorm that lasts for 5 turns in battle.
- Pretty good Offensive moves.
Its ferocious appearance and chilling design are valuable to any team.
Alolan Ninetales’s Base Stats:
- 73 HP
- 67 Damage
- 75 Defense
- 81 Sp. Atk
- 100 Sp. Def
- 109 Speed
- 505 Total
By leveling up:
- Icy Wind, 55 Damage, 95% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Blizzard, 110 Damage, 70% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Ice Beam, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via change moves on the summary
- Aurora Beam, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via change moves on the summary
- Powder Snow, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via change moves on the summary
- Ice Shard, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via change moves on the summary
- Freeze-Dry, 70 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via change moves on the summary
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned via evolution
Alolan Ninetales ices out its competition!
By TM:
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM037
- Avalanche, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM046
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM079
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by TM127
- Icicle Spear, 25 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM187
- Triple Axel, 20 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by TM212
By Breeding:
- Baby-Doll Eyes, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred with a Dachsbun, Primarina, Cinccino, Teddiursa, Sylveon, Glaceon, Espeon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Flareon, Jolteon or Eevee
- Flail, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred with a Ceitan, Komala, Beatric, Zangoose, Slaking, Phanpy, Mamoswine or Dundunsparce
- Hypnosis, Unknown Damage, 60% Accuracy- must be bred with a Lycanroc, Delphox, Braixen, Fennekin, Mightyena, Houndoom, Arcanine or Growlithe
- Moonblast, 95% Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred Primerina, Sylveon or Ursaluna
- Roar, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred with a Houndstone, Mabosstiff, Daschbun, Skeledirge, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Torracat, Emboar, Hippowdon, Luxray, Mightyena, Houndoom, Granbull or Arcanine.
Ninetales is a great find based nostalgia alone, but its Alolan form is pretty cool. Then when you level it up and customize it with feathers and vitamins, analyze its strengths and weaknesses in battle, and then combine it with the best moves for its nature– you will have an unbeatable Pokemon.
5. Tinkaton
It’s go time…
Tinkaton’s presence on the battlefield brings glee to Pokemon lovers everywhere. Her manic design makes her a very enjoyable Pokemon to send out in battle. Using her mighty hammer to swing down foes makes her a dangerous opponent.
Tinkaton’s Strengths:
- She is not just a pure Fairy type but a Fairy/Steel Type! This allows for more variety among her learnset, along with a dual set of resistances including: Dark, Normal, Flying, Rock, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Fairy and Bug types while being immune to Poison and Dragon types.
- With her ability Mold Breaker, her moves and effects are ignored by the Abilities of other Pokemon.
- Gigaton Hammer is a move only learned by Tinkaton and packs a tremendous slam!!!
Tinkaton’s Stats:
- 85 HP
- 75 Damage
- 77 Defense
- 70 Sp. Atk
- 105 Sp. Def
- 94 Speed
- 506 Total
Her already great base stat makes Tinkaton a great Pokemon for Offensive and Defensive purposes. Combine them with powerful, strategic moves and Tinkaton will be an intimidating ally.
Tinkaton smashes with her mighty hammer!!!
By leveling up:
- Fairy Wind, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Gigaton Hammer, 160 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through evolution
- Metal Claw, 50 Damage, 95% Accuracy- learned starting at level 8
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 17
- Flash Cannon, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 31
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned starting at level 35
By TM:
- Heavy Slam- Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM121
- Steel Beam- 140 Damage, 95% Accuracy- TM170
- Hard Press- Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM225
By Breeding:
- Feint, 30 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through breeding with: Breloom or Raichu
- Ice Hammer, 30 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through breeding with: a Pokemon holding a Mirror Herb
- Quash, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred via chain breeding with Morpeko
Tinkaton is not just a pretty face, but is also a pretty great stat ranking Pokemon of the Fairy-type. She is a great offensive character that has a mighty swing for such a small size. Her appearance makes her a must-have character but her learnset and abilities make her an overall great Pokemon.
6. Hatterene
Hatterene bewitches her foes...
Hatterene is a fantastic choice as it evolves from a Hattrem starting at level 42. This witchy foe will be sure to add spice to any battle. From her fanciful design to her wicked moves, she is sure to bring the heat.
Hatterene's Strengths:
- Her Ability Healer has a 30% chance of curing an adjacent ally's status condition. And if the Pokémon has multiple allies with status conditions, it has a 30% chance of curing each one, independently.
- Her Hidden Ability, Magic Bounce reflects status changing moves in battle.
- Her bewitching design is something of fairy-tales and her Psychic/Fairy typing makes her a versatile Pokemon.
Hatterene’s Stats:
- 57 HP
- 90 Damage
- 95 Defense
- 136 Sp. Atk
- 103 Sp. Def
- 29 Speed
- 510 Total
Hatterene’s stats are a great base to start building a strong learnset!
By leveling up:
- Confusion, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Psycho Cut, 70 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by evolution
- Psybeam, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 20
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 30
- Psychic, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 46
By TM:
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM037
- Stored Power, 20 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM041
- Psyshock, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM054
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- TM127
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM201
- Future Sight, 120 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM217
- Expanding Force, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM218
- Psychic Noise, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM228
By Breeding:
- After You, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with Clefable or Indeedee
- Mystical Fire, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Pokemon holding a Mirror Herb
- Nuzzle, 20 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with Dedenne, Pachirisu, Minun, Plusle or Raichu
- Quash, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- must be bred via chain breeding with Morpeko
Overall Hatterene is a good Pokemon to have on your team. Her healing ability is extremely useful to have during double battles. And moves like Future Sight or Expanding Force make her a foe not to be reckoned with!
7. Grimmsnarl

Grimmsnarl’s shiny form is ripe for the hunting!!!
If you love folklore and mythology then you should definitely add Grimmsnarl to your list. He sparks the curiosity of these niche lovers, but also entices fans of the damage seeking variety.
Grimmsnarl's Strengths:
- His ability, Prankster which allows status moves priority raised by 1. This synergizes well with the status moves he learns.
- His Hidden Ability, Pickpocket steals an item when hit by another Pokemon, if he has no item to begin with.
- To boost his HP, give him Leftovers to hold and it will restore 1/16 of its max health after every turn.
- He is immune to Psychic and Dragon types, while also being partially resistant to Ghost and Dark type.
- Giga Impact and Hyperbeam are the two best moves for Grimmsnarl to learn.
He works well to support teammates who do not necessarily have the best defenses.
Grimmsnarl's Base Stats:
- 95 HP
- 120 Damage
- 65 Defense
- 95 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 510 Total
His stats aren’t anything to scoff at as his terrifying demeanor is already an impressive feat. By choosing the right moves in battle, he will be sure to knock out any offense.
By leveling up:
- False Surrender, 80 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Bite, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Spirit Break, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through evolution
- Assurance, 60 Damage, 100%Accuracy- learned starting at level 16
- Sucker Punch, 70 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 24
- Dark Pulse, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 35
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned starting at level 48
- Foul Play, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 56
By TM:
- Thief, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM018
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM037
- Fling, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM043
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM079
- Crunch, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM108
- Lash Out, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM199
- Throat Chop, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM221
By Breeding:
- Parting Shot, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- breeding with a Mirror Herb
This Pokemon inspired by folklore and mythology, beckons the hearts of mythological lovers everywhere. Not only is he a great Offensive type but can also act well as a Supportive ally.
8. Gardevoir

Gardevoir circles its way into your heart!
Gardevoir is a Psychic/Fairy type, that evolves from Kirlia starting at level 30,
With Gardevoir’s pretty good stat rates and strengths, training her wisely is always a good move.
Gardevoir's Strengths:
- Moves like Future Sight and Giga Impact are top tier moves with high damage. Dazzling Gleam is also a great move to learn in a double battle as it attacks both opponents.
- Gardevoir’s Hidden Ability, Telepathy, anticipates and dodges the attacks of its allies.
- It is immune to Dragon types and resistant to Fighting and Psychic types.
This Pokemon may have the Synchronize or Trace Ability.
- Its Ability Synchronize is an amazing one to have as it causes the opponent to receive the status Attack as well as to enact it.
- Its Ability Trace copies the opponent’s Ability, making it an excellent support.
Gardevoir's Base Stats:
- 68 HP
- 65 Damage
- 65 Defense
- 125 Sp. Atk
- 115 Sp. Def
- 80 Speed
- 518 Overall
Leveling up your Gardevoir will pay off tremendously as by level 56 they learn Dream Eater and starting at level 63 they learn Future Sight.
By leveling up:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Confusion, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through evolution
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 12
- Psybeam, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 18
- Psychic, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 42
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 49
By TM:
- Stored Power, 20 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM041
- Psyshock, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM054
- Zen Headbutt, 80 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by TM059
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM201
- Future Sight, 120 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM217
- Expanding Force, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM218
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM227
- Psychic Noise, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM228
By Breeding:
- Confuse Ray, causes the target to become confused causing Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Trevenant, Chandelure, Liwick, Spiritomb, Dusknoir, Dusclops, Volbeat, Misdreavus, Magmortar or Gengar
- Destiny Bond- Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Trevenant, Dusknoir, Drifblum, Cacturne, Weezing or Gengar
- Disable- disables the last move a Pokemon can use in battle, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Dusknoir, Sableye, Hypno or Muk
- Knock off- 65 Damage, Accuracy 100%- learned by breeding with a Banette, Sableye, Hariyama or Muk
- Mean Look- Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Dusknoir, Sableye, Misdreavus or Gengar
- Memento- Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Chandelure, Spiritomb, Gastrodon, Weezing or Muk
- Mystical Fire- 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Armarouge, Mismagius or Gardevoir
- Shadow Sneak- 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with a Ceruledge, Mimikyu, Spiritomb, Dusknoir, Banette or Sableye
Gardevoir has great Sp. Def and Sp. Atk moves that make her super powerful. Their stats as is are already fantastic, but when you level it up– it is a one of a kind Pokemon.
9. Sylveon
It elegantly arrives in battle...
Sylveon will forever remain a staple in the phenomenal world of Pokemon. Introduced in the sixth fabulous generation of Pokemon, this beauty has only gotten better with time. Its appearance makes them worth catching as their cute and charming design captures the hearts of fairy type lovers everywhere. Between its adorable appearance and unique moves– you’ll want Sylveon on your team.
Unlike older generations, Sylveon is evolved from an Eevee automatically once leveled up, knowing a fairy-type move and having a high friendship. With its immunity to Dragon types and resistance to Fighting, Bug and Dark types, this Pokemon is ranked 9th on the list of strongest Pokemon.
Sylveon's Strengths:
- Its Ability, Cute Charm may cause its opponent to become infatuated.
- Evolving Eevee into Sylveon is worth the battle as it helps you on your way to achieving 100% completion
- Its Hidden Ability Pixilate causes all Normal type moves used by it to become fairy-type and those attacks receive a little boost.
- Works great as a support Pokemon with Moves like Yawn and Baton Pass to put your opponent to sleep and swap in a fresh Pokemon ready for battle.
- Give it Choice Specs to raise its already amazing Sp. Atk, however it can only use the first move it executes.
Sylveon's Base Stats:
- 95 HP
- 65 Damage
- 65 Defense
- 110 Sp. Atk
- 130 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 525 Total
Moves like Draining Kiss and Hyper Voice make Sylveon one to admire and one extremely difficult to defeat.
By leveling up:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned through evolution
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 30
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 50
Through TM:
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM079
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- TM127
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM201
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM227
By Breeding:
- Curse, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with Camerupt, Torkoal, Zangoose or Zoroark
- Detect, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with Mienshao, Lucario, Zangoose or Blaziken
- Double Kick, 30 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with Cinderace, Mudsdale, Incineroar, Sawsbuck, Zangoose, Blaziken, Jolteon or Tauros
- Flail, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with Dundunsparce, Mamoswine, Phanpy, Slaking, Zangoose, Beartric, Komala or Ceitan
- Mud-Slap, 20 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with Orthworm, Mudsdale, Gumshoos, Excadrill, Mamoswine, Dundunsparce or Dugtrio
- Tickle, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by breeding with Cinccino or Ambipom
- Wish, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with Leafeon
- Yawn, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding with Quagsire, Dundunsparce, Mightyena, Slaking, Camerupt, Hippowdon, Gumshoos, Komala, Skeledirge or Oinkologne
Rightfully so, it gets the title of being 9th on the list of strongest Pokemon. This is one that you do not want to miss out on evolving and leveling up throughout your adventures!
10. Primerina (in the DLC)

Primerina is a spectacle to behold…
Primerina is a serene Water/Fairy type Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet DLC. It can be found in the chilling caverns of the Polar Biome, and evolves from Brionne starting at level 34.
It is a strong choice in Pokemon as it can be a strong bulky support or a fantastic Special Attacker!
Primerina’s Strengths:
- When at ⅓ its max HP (or less), its Ability, Torrent makes Water type moves boosted in battle.
- While holding an Assault Vest, its Sp. Def increases by 1.5 but can only select damaging moves.
- Resists Fire, Water, Ice, Fighting, Bug and Dark types
- It is a naturally bulky Pokemon with a good range of resistances.
- Moonblast is its strongest Fairy-type STAB move
Primerina’s Base Stats:
- 80 HP
- 74 Damage
- 74 Defense
- 126 Sp. Atk
- 116 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 530 Total
By Leveling Up:
- Water Gun, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Sparkling Aria, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through evolution
- Aqua Jet, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 9
- Bubble Beam, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 25
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 51
- Hydro Pump, 110 Damage, 80% Accuracy- learned starting at level 58
By TM:
- Water Pulse, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM011
- Chilling Water, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM022
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM037
- Waterfall, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM077
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM079
- Liquidation, 85 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM110
- Surf, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM123
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by TM127
- Water Pledge, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM145
- Hydro Cannon, 150 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned by TM154
- Flip Turn, 60 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM196
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM201
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM227
By Breeding:
- Aqua Ring, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding a Dewgong, Vaporeon, Azumarill, Milotic, Swanna, Alomomola or Araquanid
- Life Dew, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding a Lapras, Milotic or Lucario
- Perish Song, Unknown Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned by breeding a Lapras or Politoed
Using moves like Blizzard or Giga Impact can make Primerina a ferocious opponent in battle. Moonblast offers Primerina a more spammable STAB move, having few drawbacks and fewer sturdy Pokemon to resist. Primerina is an overall powerful Pokemon worth having by your side.
11. Florges

Her shades of beauty are astounding!
She has 5 beautiful forms so collectors will have plenty of time trying to catch ‘em all. Evolving from a Shiny stone, Florges is one to get. With high Sp. Def and Sp. Atk stats, she is sure to be the catch of the day!
Florges’s Strengths:
- She is resistant to Fighting, Bug and Dark type. She is immune to Dragon types.
- Flower Veil comes in handy for the Grass types on your team as this ability does not allow stats lowered or inflicted by your enemy.
- A Calm Nature is best for this Pokemon as it raises Sp. Def and lowers Attack.
- Solar beam with STAB is a strong move that will dominate any battlefield, especially if you can manage to set up Sunny Day
- Her unique design is so adorable and visually attractive
Florges’s Base Stats:
- 78 HP
- 65 Damage
- 68 Defense
- 112 Sp. Atk
- 154 Sp. Def
- 75 Speed
- 552 Total
By leveling up:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- Learned starting at level 1
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- Learned starting at level 5
By TM:
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM037
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM201
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM227
By Breeding:
- Copycat- learned through breeding with a Clefable, Wigglytuff, Plusle or Minun
- Endeavor- learned through breeding with a Whimsicott
- Tearful Look- learned through breeding with a Dedenne
Florges steal the hearts of flower lovers everywhere. Her dreamy appearance and various forms make her a collector's dream. Combined with her learnset and she is a great supporting character. With her support and strong attacks– she is a great Fairy Type to have.
12. Fezandipiti (in the DLC)

His majestic moves in battle crush the field!
This handsome Pokemon is not only dashing in appearance but also one of the most mighty fairy Pokemon in the game!
Fezandipiti’s Strengths:
- He is a Poison-Fairy type, adding a variety of moves to his learnset and an effectiveness against another type of Pokemon.
- His Sp. Def and Speed are definitely worth bragging about. He is also partially resistant to Grass Type.
- The power of his ability, Toxic Chain may badly poison any target it hits with a move.
- His hidden ability, Technician, powers up weak moves so it can deal more damage with them.
- Resistant to Fighting, Bug, Grass, Dark and Fairy types. Immune to Dragon types.
Fezandipiti’s Base Stats:
- 88 HP
- 91 Damage
- 82 Defense
- 70 Sp. Atk
- 125 Sp. Def
- 99 Speed
- 555 Total
By leveling up:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- learned starting at level 1
- Cross Poison, 70 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 32
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 72
By TM:
- Acid Spray, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM013
- Venoshock, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM045
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM079
- Poison Jab, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM083
- Gunk Shot, 120 Damage, 80% Accuracy- TM102
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- TM127
- Sludge Bomb, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM148
- Alluring Voice, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM227
Along with Okidogi and Munkidorii, Fezandipiti is a member of the Loyal Three (Heroes of Kitakami). He is a tremendously powerful Pokemon that can only get stronger through the use of vitamins and feathers. His great stat base and learnset make him a strong adversary.
13. Scream Tail

Scream Tail looks like a barbarian ready for battle!!!
This wildly gorgeous Pokemon is exclusive to Scarlet but can be traded from one Player to another. From its brilliant design scheme to its incredible shiny form– Scream tail is such a cool Pokemon to collect.
This Fairy/Psychic type is sure to dazzle you with its inviting charm and lethal battle skills.
Scream Tail’s Strengths:
- Interesting fact: It is said to be a relative of Jigglypuff from the ancient past
- Only has 3 weaknesses: Poison, Ghost and Steel type Pokemon.
- Its ability Protosynthesis- if harsh sunlight is active or it’s holding Booster Energy, the highest stat that’s not speed will be boosted by 30% and Speed is boosted by 50%
- Immune to dragon and resists Psychic and Fighting types.
- Dazzling Gleam is one of its best moves.
Scream Tail’s Base Stats:
- 115 HP
- 65 Damage
- 99 Defense
- 65 Sp. Atk
- 115 Sp. Def
- 111 Speed
- 570 Total
By leveling up:
- Play Rough, 90 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned starting at level 42.
- Psychic Fangs, 85 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 56.
By TM:
- Psybeam, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM016
- Stored Power, 20 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM041
- Psyshock, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM054
- Zen Headbutt, 80 Damage, 90% Accuracy- learned through TM059
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM079
- Psychic, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM120
- Misty Explosion, 100 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned through TM201
- Psychic Noise, 75 Damage 100% Accuray- learned through TM228
Having her on your team will help tremendously on your wary road ahead! Her stocky physique, charming appearance and killer moves make this a Pokemon worth having!
14. Flutter Mane
Flutter Mane has an amazing Special Attack and Defense Stats!
If you want an all around fantastic Pokemon; this is it. Flutter Mane is a deadly ally to have or fearsome opponent to battle.
Flutter Mane’s Strengths:
- Incredibly powerful Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) combination
- Immune to Normal, Fighting and Dragon types
- Resistant to Bug types
- Is a solid wallbreaker Pokemon!!!
- Offers great coverage and defensive typing
Flutter Mane’s Base Stats:
- 55 HP
- 55 Damage
- 55 Defense
- 135 Sp. Atk
- 135 Sp. Def.
- 135 Speed
- 570 Total
By leveling up:
- Astonish, 30 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by level 1
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by 35
- Shadow Ball, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by 42
- Phantom Force, 90 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by 70
- Moonblast, 95 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by 84
Through TM:
- Disarming Voice, 40 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- TM019
- Hex, 65 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM029
- Draining Kiss, 50 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM037
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM079
- Shadow Ball, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM114
- Poltergeist, 110 Damage, 90% Accuracy- TM198
This Pokemon is not rated the second strongest fairy-type for no reason. Flutter Mane is by far one of the best Pokemon overall, statistically and ability wise. With all of its combined strengths, Flutter Mane is an all-star Pokemon.
15. Iron Valiant

Ranking in at strongest Pokemon..(drumbeat)... is Iron Valiant. This powerful Pokemon is a great addition to any team. His base stats are insane and his learnset is very versatile.
From his regal appearance to his hard-core stats and wickedly cool battle moves: this Fairy/Fighting type is worth checking out!
Iron Valiant’s Strengths:
- He has a variety of resistances: Fire, Rock, Bug and Dark.
- It is immune to Dragon types.
- Electric, Ghost and Stellar are some of the best Tera choices for him based on his moveset.
- Close Combat and Focus Blast are two of his powerful moves.
Iron Valiant’s Base Stats:
- 74 HP
- 130 Damage
- 90 Defense
- 120 Sp. Atk
- 60 Sp. Def
- 116 Speed
- 590 Total
Its stats are not the only thing that makes it a sorcerer in battle, but Iron Valiant’s Speed, Sp. Atk and damage combined with powerful moves like Focus Blast, Moonblast, and Spirit Break, it is a deadly ally.
By leveling up:
- Dazzling Gleam, 80 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 28
- Close Combat, 120 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned starting at level 63
By TM:
- Low Kick, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM012
- Brick Break, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- learned by TM058
- Drain Punch, 75 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM073
- Aura Sphere, 80 Damage, Unknown Accuracy- TM112
- Reversal, Unknown Damage, 100% Accuracy-TM134
- Vacuum Wave, 40 Damage, 100% Accuracy- TM184
With their mix of Attack, Sp. Atk and Speed, Iron Valiant could be a very versatile addition to the team. Their ability Quark Drive can give a boost to its strongest stat and can be easily activated by equipping a Booster Energy.
Pokemon spans from the early 90s onward. Over the course of time, they have made unique changes to the Pokemon and game, but always stayed true to the core fundamentals, (they’ve never been able to walk with you and you’ve never been able to see their physical form outside of a battle.)
Since the early 90s, Pokemon has made tremendous changes to the game: some good and some not so great. With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they remained true to the nostalgia of older Pokemon Generations and combined it with delightful additions to the game for an EPIC journey. If you enjoy an open world where you can roam the different terrains and use your analytical skills to strategize in battle, then this game is for you!
By using choice items, feathers and vitamins, you can level up your Pokemon quickly!
What is your favorite fairy type? Are the fairy types worth the battle?
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